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because of this form im proud to be a member. what i dont understand is why everybody else take there [PoorWordUsage] home instead of us spending countless hours being "mom". i fish almost every day and the last 2 weeks i throw the [PoorWordUsage] i find on the lake in the bottom of my fish house and stop at a dumpster on the way home.

why should we as FMers have to clean house? why cant the hole fishing community do there part?

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I believe many people do pick-up that you do not hear about.

This whole 'used meal in a bag' thing really baffles me.

A resort owner I know built four out houses using the 'bucket and bag it' approach and places them out on the lake. They take care of the bags keep it clean etc. Their hope was that those too lazy to drive to shore where they have a free heated bathroom 20 yards from the access would at least use the bags they provided and leave them in the outhouse.

They still find bags on the lake and have to chip them off the frozen ice.

Some people refuse to leave the comfort of their house and would rather fill a bag and fling it on the lake.

There is simply no reaching some people you simply can't do enough for some people. Look at AIG same story they always leave someone else holding the bag !

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I do remember one resort on a popular walleye lake on 169 that had a port-a-potty out by his rental houses. We had rented one for the weekend and thought - "cool - I don't have to run into the resort to do my duty" - so I walked into the port-a-potty and what I saw was beyond belief - It was like a frozen brown mountain, peaking at about 10 inches above the seat.

Several people had to actually hoover over it - and increase the mountain, from what I could gather at my momentary horrified glance. Some people are just pigs - LOL.

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What about a state, dnr, or lake association-funded garbage can system on some of the heavier populated lakes? Drill a post into the ice, chain up a garbage can and have someone empty them after a weekend. I'm sure plenty of us would volunteer to take a weekend. I know I would. pLace a half dozen or so in some of the "hot spots" along roads, and at the access.

I dont know how many of them would get vandalized, but i would bet 1/2 of the pigs would use them. Place signs at the access for littering fines, use garbage recepticles, and no "feces" on the ice, or something to that effect...

just an idea

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Here is a positive article that pertains to this thread:


On March 7, local members of the Minnesota Darkhouse and Angling Association went onto Clear Lake to do its annual end of season clean up.

He said the amount picked up was a little less than previous years because members had been picking up trash out on the ice during the ice fishing season.

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I pick up stuff whenever I'm out. In the summer Madson lake is about the worst lake around. There is almost always a can or jug floating within sight. I guess they throw them out of the boat on the way to the landing.

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I pick up stuff whenever I'm out. In the summer Madson lake is about the worst lake around. There is almost always a can or jug floating within sight. I guess they throw them out of the boat on the way to the landing.

I would have to agree with you on this MD the only place I've caught more garbage then on Madison is the Mississippi. Which by the way I seen a guy catch a 1" black iron pipe tee the other day!! Crazy!

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One problem with placing dumpsters or garbage cans at the landings and such will people will use them for their personal garbage or junk and over fill them.

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Yeah that is true but sometimes you have to deal with those things. Even if that was the case it would still help keep the lakes clean.

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