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I am starting this thread in hopes that I can encourage everyone to give an hour or two helping clean up our area lakes. Now is the time being the snow is gone and it is fairly easy to spot trash. I am in the process of cleaning up German which is half done, and so far I would guess I have about 100.lbs of trash! Keep in mind I am half done. Here is a list of the things I have picked up. Carpet someone had a big big fire on, lots of bags with feces, bottles, cans, bags, dead fish, cups, paper, cardboard, ELECTRONICS! wow, insulation, and much more. I have to say I am disgusted with what I have seen out there.

Here is a list of lakes I think would be good candidates for a clean up





-There are many more this is a short list of lakes I know where busy this winter.

It would be great to get a big group together and get some of these lakes cleaned up. I also will be organizing something for next ice season so we all can help prevent what is happening I would like to have Clean up GTG during the ice season maybe once a month, and a big one late ice.




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We have normally had ones going, I was going to try to get back out to Washington to do some more picking up this weekend if the ice was still safe to drive atv on.

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The ice should be still good for atv travel. I had around 18" around German but there are thin spots you can see.

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For those of you picking up someone else's garbage around these area lakes thank you I guess I am one of them but what the heck is up with all the feces on the ice this year what is wrong with some people. I'm not going to go on because I enjoy my time on this site and have become a better fisherman because of it. I just can't understand why some people lack the respect for other sportsman who fish these lakes, yeah I know I'm sure it happens other places, but it sure seems like it happens down here more often.

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I would guess that I picked up maybe 100 bags of feces. Yeah it was fun. I can not put into words the frustration I felt today out on the ice...

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Way to go KTapper guys like you are greatly appreciated. I just don't know about people now a days. whats so hard about picking up your own trash!!!! People that leave [PoorWordUsage] like that on the lakes are not true sportsman. But way to go like I said you are greatly appreciated by all the true sportsman.

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Thanks a lot!! i myself know how much of a pain it is when trash is thrown around on the ice, in the lake, or at the access. I live close to a few lakes and try to pick up other peoples garbage when it shows up or when the snow melts... countless bags of beer cans get picked up around the lake and the road to the lake! some people have no respect for the environment or habitat it effects!!!

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Your a good man Ksnap!! The signature is awesome!!

Thank you! You're the one who gave me the idea! lol

But yeah I don't understand some people's reasoning behind leaving trash. If they love to fish why leave the trash their only hurting the lake and the fish in it.

Oh I forgot I saw at least a hundred Gills and Crappies on the ice just left there! Killed for no reason! that really made my blood boil the most.

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Oh I forgot I saw at least a hundred Gills and Crappies on the ice just left there! Killed for no reason! that really made my blood boil the most.

I wont say much......... but man, that really is sad.

What are people thinking....grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. (enter explicit language here)

Thank you KT for doing your part, and many others in helping keeping our lakes clean.

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Thank you KTapper. We'll be having a "spring cleaning" in May '09 similar to what we have done the past 3+ years. Stay tuned for details.

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I'm sorry - but every year we pat ourselves on the back for cleaning up, and while that's laudable - even awesome - we cover up the bigger issue - that the BIGGEST, CRAPPIEST PIGS in Minnesota who fish are from this area. It's a SIN how we have to make such a big deal about this every year - almost like it's our civic duty - because we have the most slovenly, dirty, filthy piglets who call themselves sportsman around our area.

I'll tell you this - it ain't just 2 guys aren't crapping 100 bags full of "dump-dump" on 1/2 of German lake. You'd have to eat about 20K calories a day - just to start to get up to that volume. Lots - dozens - even hundreds of people are crapping - throwing - burning - tossing - defiling our wonderful yet fragile lakes.

Good gravy - I am by nature a conservative thru and thru - but living here, seeing all this junk on the lakes and the heart ache that pollution causes, is turning me into a tree hugging liberal. I could almost be convinced to kiss algore on the mouth I am so angry about it. (but not quite)

Again - thank you - THANK YOU for being so generous in your time to clean up our lakes. But it's about time we catch these pigs - take photos and show the world - (or at least the Mankato Free Press) just how big of PIGS are unfortunately - many of the people who utilize our natural resources.

THank you for letting me vent my spleen. Back to your regular programming....

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Mongo. I totally agree with you.

Another good reason for the FM/HSO get togethers to clean up, and for this forum to make those not aware that we all need to do our part to conserve our natural resources, not only for US, but for everyone else, our children, our grand kids...

Hopefully what we do as a group and individually will start rubbing off on others... I know I have passed it on to my children.

I guess a lame quote is fit here "monkey see, monkey do". They see cpr, and selective harvest, clean up after yourself, and of course others, ... they may follow?...we can only hope.

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Thank you KTapper. We'll be having a "spring cleaning" in May '09 similar to what we have done the past 3+ years. Stay tuned for details.

I feel that doing a "spring cleaning" in May is to late I bet 60% or more of the stuff I picked up would be at the bottom of the lake by May. But thats just my opinion.

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Mongo, it is not just this area. It is obvious that you must have just moved here and are trying to rip on the locals, like we are all a bunch of slobs.

I will bet you it is just as bad about any lake in the state that gets the pressure Washington or German get in the winter. Have you seen all the fishhouses that infest these lakes once the ice is driveable? Also, read around the forums, there are posts like this about garbage on lakes in every single area of the state.

Don't bash us that have lived and fished around here our whole lives, we are not all bad. I pick up my junk, [PoorWordUsage] in bucket and bag and bring it home and I know everyone I fish with do to. Guess what, they also live in SC MN and have their entire lives.

Also, there are alot of city boys that come down to fish these lakes also so it is not always the "local pigs" that mess up our lakes.

KTapper, thanks for doing that. It is appreciated. Some of us around here do care.

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MN Mongo,

In terms of location and amount of filth, etc., I have to respectfully disagree. Having lived in northern MN and NE and Central SD, I can tell you the problem is not isolated to just this part of the state. I appreciate your passion and there's something to be said for that but the problem is wide-spread. However, people with respect far out-number the people without, it's just that it only takes a few of the latter to ruin it for everyone which is unfortunate.

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First off - stop being defensive - just because I'm upset doesn't mean I hate this are. IN fact - it's quite the opposite. I've lived here 10 yrs now - and have lived all over the state plus traveled and fished all over the state - so I think I can have an opinion on this. This area is plagued with polluters far worse than any other area - in my opinion.

Secondly - I agree that the good people far outweigh the bad. But we have to call out a problem when we see it. And Houston - we have a problem - and by saying that, I'm not somehow less loyal than all you guys. So cool out.

Don't get so defensive - I love this area - I'll probably live her a good long time - but lets face facts, we have a problem. Willy - take a chill - unless you are one of the guys [PoorWordUsage] in a bag. heheh

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Hey, you are entitled to your opinion and I am entitled to mine. I know for sure the metro lake have more junk if nowhere else.

Don't call me a turd though. Thanks have a nice day.:)

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Willy! No prob - nice debate - heheh. You're ok in my book, especially since I know you aren't the mystery-dumper! Maybe it will rile all of us up so when we see it happen, we tell them to clean up.

Again - I appreciate everyone who does this - I just am so sick of seeing so much.

OK - enough of my self-righteousness. Thanks for the tolerance.

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Never said I didn't dump in bags, just that I take them with me and throw em away! LOL

I agree with you, it sucks seeing the lakes trashed. We are pretty lucky to have so many in our area.

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Good discussion guys! I feel that by next year I can devise a plan to help cure the mess on the local lakes. I have a plan in my head and will be putting it on paper and making some phone calls/emails.

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First off - stop being defensive - just because I'm upset doesn't mean I hate this are. IN fact - it's quite the opposite. I've lived here 10 yrs now - and have lived all over the state plus traveled and fished all over the state - so I think I can have an opinion on this. This area is plagued with polluters far worse than any other area - in my opinion.

Secondly - I agree that the good people far outweigh the bad. But we have to call out a problem when we see it. And Houston - we have a problem - and by saying that, I'm not somehow less loyal than all you guys. So cool out.

Don't get so defensive - I love this area - I'll probably live her a good long time - but lets face facts, we have a problem. Willy - take a chill - unless you are one of the guys [PoorWordUsage] in a bag. heheh

Are you head banging again?

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I'll let KTapper take the lead on this one.

It needs to be said publicly - and loudly.

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wow i dont know why people dont respect the lakes for they want to go out there and fish them ......(or maby they just party and eat ) and then they do this to them .....really makes me mad sometiems when i see stuff left on the lakes like that

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I'll let KTapper take the lead on this one.

It needs to be said publicly - and loudly.

Mongo its in the making! Next year will not be like this. I am not going to let it happen things will change.

Mongo shoot me and email [email protected]

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I dive under the ice on some of our local lakes- thank you for your effort and everyone that takes responsiblity for cleaning up other people messes. You would not believe the bottles and cans and other [PoorWordUsage] on the bottom of madison and washington from the days in the 70's,80,s and up to recently when people like you started doing all sportman a favor. I always carry a dive bag with and try and make a small dent when I'm down there- I kid you not some area look like a dump under the water- thanks again.

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