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Just wondering how much of a toll this weather is taking on the ice? Is there any snow left on the ice. Is there alot of water/slush? Plan to come up on Friday to fish either Blackduck or Round. Can someone let me know what kind of condition the acesses are in? Also, how many accesses (public) does Blackduck have? Any info wold be appreciated..

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I'm curious as well for Rabideau and Pimushe. Wondering if this warm weather will allow us to still get on the last weekend in March? If any one has any info on the access/ice conditions it would be greatly appreciated.


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I too am looking for an ice conditions and fishing report for Blackduck Lake. Thanks.


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I'am also looking for ice conditions an blackduck because a couple of us were thinking of comming up with in the next couple days.

Thanks Walleye cooter

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Sorry for the delayed response guys...been busy and in and out of here the last couple of days. The ice conditions on the lakes are good. Last Friday and into Saturday travel was a little tougher because of the snowfall, but one of the resort owners had plowed a road from his access so people were able to hit the lake. By Saturday evening travel had improved immensely, and now hitting Blackduck off the access and able to drive around without problem (and the same with the other lakes in the area). Blackduck Lake has one public access on the east side of the lake. Some water on the lakes because of the snow melt, but not bad. Fishing over the weekend seemed to vary from group to group, I had some that limited out on the Duck on Saturday while others only had partial limits, but now that the temps have been stable for a good three days we have seen an improvement in the fishing, I had three guys out on the Duck this morning and they were back by 11am, not full limits but close and they said that they had what they wanted and had to head back to the cities. Still fishing in the deeper waters on the duck, very small jig tipped with a waxie (although some have used minnows), dropping it down to the bottom and real slow lift up about 6". Not much on sunnies and crappies, just a few here and there, but those have been dandy sizers!

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Good luck to you shozbot! Sorry we couldn't set you up..strange that we are full on Friday but still have two rooms left on Saturday.

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Good morning,

A group of us are heading up to Blackduck to do some panfishing this coming weekend (26th-29th). Wondering how the ice conditions are and if it will allow us to get on the lakes with all the rain yesterday and today? I'm assuming vehicle travel will be out of the question, would it still be safe for 4-wheelers or would it be best to walk?

Thanks in advance!

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Be careful on Blackduck! I was out there Saturday and observed a vehicle pulling a trailer break through on the old pressure ridge. They just dropped their back end in, but it took them 15-20 minutes to get out. As long as you can get on the ice, the wheelers should be safe. Just be careful around the old ridges.

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Thanks for the info. It's always better to be safe than sorry.

We might hit Pimushe, Rabideau and Big Lake. Do you think by this Friday with all the rain we are going to be able to get on with 4 wheelers or is it better to leave them at home and walk on?

Thanks again.

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We got some rain last night and because of that, the run off from the golf course is going pretty strong into Blackduck Lake just to the north of the access, which is a mess. Have anglers out on a couple other lakes in the area today, so see what they have to say when they get back in, but Blackduck is usually messy first because of where the golf course run off goes.

It rained last night, but so far today no rain, but it's still in the forecast for tonight. Tomorrow forecast is showing some snow~tomorrow rain/snow with high in the low to mid 40's, low mid 20's. Wednesday through Saturday chance of light snow and highs in the low 30's, lows in the mid teens, so we'll ljust have to see what happens the next couple of days especially with the cold nighttime temps..touch base around Thursday to see what has happened.

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Thanks for the info Drake. Sounds like it might be tough getting on. Will touch base on Thursday.

Thanks much, stay dry!!

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