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A buddy and myself spent the nicest morning of the year out on Fish Lake and I must say it took us awhile to get on some fish, but we finally did after trying 6 different spots. It couldn't have been more than 30 minutes in the new spot and we see a truck coming. This guy drives within 7-8 feet of the hole I was fishing and saw the fish on the ice. He parks his truck about 12 feet away they start fishing. Not only that but he drills holes within spitting distance of a few of the holes that we were working. mad

What is it with people having to be immediately next to someone? There was only four or five other people fishing on the lake today so there was plenty of room to fish. I guess what I am trying to say is give everyone some space when you are out there, especially since it is late in the season and there is hardly anyone on the lake.

After 5-10 minutes we got frustrated with this rude behavior and moved to find more fish elsewhere... grin

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I feel your pain it puts the fraze pocket fisherman, This has happen to me too many times on fish. People just can not find there own space or fish or do not take the time to find them it is about the hunt to find them and then to catch a few. This is what fishing is all about and not some one fishing in your back pocket. Well next time keep your fish out of site but I know it can be frustrating.

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This should absolutely never happen, but.....if you don't leave the fish sitting out in the open, you may not have this happen. With the sun as warm as it was today, they probably should have been in a bucket full of ice shavings anyway.

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It is too bad this stuff happens. I would like to think the Duluth News Tribune has a part in this. At the beginning of each year the DNT does a piece on Fish Lake. The DNT states how easy it is to fish, there are numerous landings. The DNT also says how many different species of fish there are in the lake. The DNT goes on to say how there are resorts on the lake, there are many bait shops with great info close to the lake, which aids in easy fishing.

With that being said, the DNT makes it sound like anybody can drive on the lake drill a hole and catch fish. So that is what you get, anybody driving on a lake, they happen to see some guys fishing with some fish on the ice and decide to pull a %%%% move on them and fish within spitting distance. Just my two cents.

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Fish lake gets really sad in the winter...people drill right by you with no one else even within eye view. This is why I only fished this lake once this year because last year just made me mad out there somedays...plus walleyes and lakers are more fun!

My advice, avoid fish lake on the weekend and get out during the week if you can.

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it happens to me every year as well i bring up conversion with them right away to see if there decent. 95% of the time %%%%so its 100 quesions from there on they usally leave. i was fishin in front of my truck had one guy come out drill holes at the back of it and then after 15-20 mins come ask me to move it cause he was fallowing the fish and wanted to drill holes under it so i did and when he was done drillin and fishin agian i put to right behind him ice flyin all over him then he was mad.i dont leave any fish out on the ice anymore cause of that reason,but some of them just doesnt matter.

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I hate being around people, and I always cringe when a truck pulls up to me and asks a few questions. I'm always nice to them, but in my head I keep saying "please keep on driving...don't stay here...leave me alone!" I will sacrifice a hot bite to stay away from people. And if there is someone already at a spot I intended to fish, I either hit my backup spot or stay at least 50 yards away. Even then I'll feel bad about starting up my auger and drilling a bunch of holes. Oh well, some people just don't care. Luckily I've been able to avoid these types of things about 99% of the time. It's too bad, I'd love to give fish a try, but I'm only up there on weekends, and there's already enough people down here on metro lakes, I don't want to deal with it up there too.

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I don't agree with crowding, but if you go to the most popular lake in the area and expect to be left alone you are living in a dreamland. I like my space as much as anyone else, but where you plopped down to fish may have been this guys hot spot the day before.

I just don't understand the no one can fish anywhere near me thinking. It is a public lake, and again you may be sitting on someone Else's hot spot from the day before.

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A buddy and myself spent the nicest morning of the year out on Fish Lake and I must say it took us awhile to get on some fish, but we finally did after trying 6 different spots. It couldn't have been more than 30 minutes in the new spot and we see a truck coming. This guy drives within 7-8 feet of the hole I was fishing and saw the fish on the ice. He parks his truck about 12 feet away they start fishing. Not only that but he drills holes within spitting distance of a few of the holes that we were working. mad

What is it with people having to be immediately next to someone? There was only four or five other people fishing on the lake today so there was plenty of room to fish. I guess what I am trying to say is give everyone some space when you are out there, especially since it is late in the season and there is hardly anyone on the lake.

After 5-10 minutes we got frustrated with this rude behavior and moved to find more fish elsewhere... grin

Bill this was probably the same [badWordUsage] that followed me around for hours last year on fish. Then he finally pulls up and says "Hey hows fishin?" This is after he marked about 10 dumby spots I stopped at and pretended to fish on his gps Im sure.

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My question about this thread on Fish lake frustrations.

What good if any did it serve? Does anyone really think that any amount of negitive comments on the matter is really going to change the way some go about their fishing tactics.

I'm simply not sure what the answer is but I don't believe this will take us in the right direction.

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Tom yes it could. Some people just dont know what they are doing and if they see this maybe they will figure it out.

Plus its good for people to be able to vent as long as they arent hurting anyone.

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My question about this thread on Fish lake frustrations.

What good if any did it serve? Does anyone really think that any amount of negitive comments on the matter is really going to change the way some go about their fishing tactics.

I'm simply not sure what the answer is but I don't believe this will take us in the right direction.

I have to agree to some extent, but some people just do not want to spent the time learning a lake. They would perfer to just bother other people. most of us here have a few diffetrent spots on different lakes we like to fish, but we took time to learn the lake. I usally like to be off by myself, just because of the rudness (sp) of some people.

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upnorth its not the anywere near me stuff its the 10 feet away and closer [PoorWordUsage] that gets me if that wouldnt bother you then id say your proably one that does this to people. i agree with northlander

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Well it seems every one has a opinion and this happens to every one sooner than latter. But if we ask the people that think they can set up wright on top of us that they should move and cover other fish and they will probably say do you own the lake. This has happened to me every year on fish but some people are just followers not your every day fisher person. This is why Ice fishing should be called follow and set up on others or pocket fisherman. But I know we all have opinions but it would be great for a out doors show to run a how close and a friendly distance to fish next to others. Or a great wright up in the paper be for the season so most can read it or see it. But the people this topic is based on will never see it or read it and they will always be followers.

Just my 2 cents.

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So in essence, I show up to Lake X with plans to fish a certain spot that I found in the summer while in the boat. I don't ice fish much becaue my job, family life, lack of equipment, etc. do not allow me to. I head to said spot on Lake X and find someone in MY spot, what am I to do? I could:

A. ask them how the fishing is and move on

B. keep going and use one of the few oppourtunities I have on the ice to find a new spot

C. set up at a spot that I feel leaves enough distance between the guy in MY spot and where I think I still might get fish

What's a guy to do? In this case, I set up where I think I am not intruding and start fishing.

How do you know that the guy that pulls up on you didn't just leave work, had to stop to get gas and bait, etc. and you beat him there? Not everyone of these people are looking for "guy Y"'s truck to set up on top of.

Now, IMO, the people that get frustrated and post on line are using this as an venue to vent, nothing wrong with that. I also understand that my hypothetical situation above is not the case in most instances, but you never know. Most of you posting in this thread have 100's of days on the water and ice each year, some people don't have the luxury for that. If you don't like the crowds and being crowded, fish during the week when all the "[PoorWordUsage]'s", "follow and set up on others", and "pocket fisherman" aren't there.

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upnorth its not the anywere near me stuff its the 10 feet away and closer [PoorWordUsage] that gets me if that wouldnt bother you then id say your proably one that does this to people. i agree with northlander

If you do a search of as many of my posts as you feel like this is one of the few times I have used the quote feature. This is just one of the many comments I could have quoted on this thread. So I'm not trying to just single out one person. I'm just trying to make others understand my point of view. I'm going to guess that walleye365 has never met upnorth let alone fished with him yet he feels totaly fine with his statement "id say your proably one that does this to people" A statement such as this is uncalled for but this is what happens if people are allowed to just vent.

I'm not sure I would like to say more about this topic but we'll see where the posts will take things. I'm very lucky to have time off during the week so maybe I'm looking at things from the wrong direction. I do know that I enjoy reading posts that have more content to them then just simply being allowed to vent.

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I agree with you Tom ,,, If only Bill had done some milder venting of his frustration on the ice to the intruder it would have been more productive ,,,I feel venting here to the sportsman who wouldnt normaly do this to another is a mute point ,,,I have all but givin up on angling on the ice as I usualy spear on hard water but the rudeness and litter on the ice ,,,,,,well its repulsive enough to want me to sell my ice gear and only fish during open water.



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If Im on a "Community hole" I expect to be crowded. Its when Im on a out of the way spot that nobody has fished in months that I dont like others so close. If they drive around me, not 10' from me, and drill a ways away Im cool. Its when they want to set up on top of you that I dont like.

I do a ton of search and hopefully catch missions and fish many spots nobody else does. Yes I have the luxury to fish many weekdays and thats when I like to hit more populated lakes.

Today I fished Island Lake HARD and was lucky enough to find fish with nobody in site. If someone wouuld have set up by me I wouldnt have had a problem with it as long as they kept a considerate distance.

Ill help others as much as the next guy as long as they show they appreciate my efforts.

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upnorth its not the anywere near me stuff its the 10 feet away and closer [PoorWordUsage] that gets me if that wouldnt bother you then id say your proably one that does this to people. i agree with northlander

I have had it happen to me, I just don't get all bent out of shape about it. I actually enjoy the company of other people, ain't that how you make friends?

I just spent yesterday afternoon on a little no name lake up here and no one within a half mile of me. But if someone came over looking to fish, what the heck a little company never hurt anyone. And yes the Crappies were biting grin

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

Fish lake had a few large villages this winter in some of the more popular spots. Those spots had seen more pressure this winter then any other winter that I can remember from fishing the lake for the past 30 some years. If you fished in one of those spots you were part of the problem. Yep, thats right. If you returned to the area knowing there was going to be a crowd there is nothing to complain about. Knowing that, next winter there shouldn't be any excuse to complain about crowding because you know what your getting into.

Having said that, I spent many days and evenings of quality time on Grand lake.

The bite wasn't as hot but it was a ghost town after dark.

I Bill's case with very few folks on the ice last weekend and getting a close neighbor. Maybe the thought that it was OK to crowd in a village carried over to late ice when there are very few folks out. I've learned from experience its not worth getting worked up over. I'll put up with it or move.

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I've got an idea that might work. Take your dog fishing, and tether him on a really long leash. Long enough so that he tangles everything within his reach. Then stake him out far enough so he can't tangle you. This ought to frustrate the intruders. If not, simply re-stake him within range of the interloper. If he complains, explain that you are doing to him exactly what he did to you.

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when ever i head out on fish i am usually beatin the heck out of my truck to get to somewhere where no body is, its hard to find that spot and it aint easy to get there, unless by sled. this last winter me and my buddy found a new spot for us the only way we got to it was by sled or puttin chains on the truck so most people wouldnt dare follow our trale. what ya gotta do is just get out of sight from others and make it hard to get to, worked for us!!!remember that the people that park next to you dont want to work to find the fish!!!

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