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New to kabetogama

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My wife told me last night that we are going up to kabetogama to camp on an Island for our fith wedding anniversery. It looks intimidating. We are planning on heding up 5/14-5/16 any info would be great. Never have boated to a camp site.

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The lake isn't really all that intimidating, unless the weather kicks up and you are in a small craft. You are definately going up early. Shouldn't be a huge problem locating a camp site. Get a Hotmaps of Kab and learn the lake. Study Google Earth. Bring the "right" supplies.

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Well I have a 17 foot Blue fin with a 50 horse and a GPS with the lake master chip. The boat will be loaded with camping supplies and such. I just don't want it to be a bad experience is all.

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Just pack clothes for the season. Remember it will be cold at night and also on the water.

Last year it was the first week of May before the ice went completely out I think.

The up side is you shouldn't need mosquito spray!! grin

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Sled seems to have a fascination with Bears. Maybe when he was a kid Yogi or Boo Boo scared him. grin

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I've only been on Kabby a handful of times over the years, but on two of those occasions I seen bears swimming from one island to another during the afternoon (lunch time I guess)

I don't know if its legal yet, but I wouldn't camp there unless I was packing some serious HEAT! I'll post a picture later.

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Hugh if you use the bear lockers & keep your campsite clean, you should have no problems. Don't keep food in your tent. We have a party of six that go up every year for opener & we camp. Never had a problem. Just use common sense.

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I still haven't seen any bears the past few years I have been going up. Last year I did get within a few feet of petting a deer on the Locator trail, that was pretty cool.

The closest I have come to bears when camping happened last year. On my first night camping solo, I had something big rustling in the woods near my campsite on Namakan Island at about 2am last fall. I must not have smelled tasty enough, I heard whatever it was splash and swim off.

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Well I am not going to bring a firearm in to the park. I will not even bring one with. I rally am not scared of bears at all. When I posted I was looking more for fishing info and what to expect and not to expect. I really don't even care about the bears. My wife has 2 coworkers that have been up there a couple of times and have never seen any bears.

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The picture that sledneck poasted could be from anywhere. I am not saying it is but it could be.

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Come on up and enjoy VNP. It is truly awesome how pretty the area is Camping will be cool at night but you will have a blast.

Bring a air horn to blast the night critters. smile

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why would I post a picture from somewhere else? Ive never been up to Kab and not seen bears. Im not saying they'll eat you. But they are there.

have fun camping

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May 14 to 16 I'd be more concerned about staying warm than the bears. You must be some tenacious campers. You won't have to worrry about bugs. Bears are around, but I've never had one in camp. That said, Kab/Nam is a great place to go. That time of the year being located on the far western part of Kab is a plus if you are looking for walleyes. Tom Cod bay and the islands east of there are good places to fish. There are lots of campsites in that area and you have good access to the resorts in case you need gas or something you forgot.

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Thanks guys for the info. Sledneck thaks for letting us know about the bears. I just want this to be a good experince for my wife. She likes to camp but only at places where the are showers, toilets and swimming pools so she is going out on a limb here. I don't want her to be scared of any bears. We will be cautious as we would if nobody would have said anything about bears. Her co worker gave us a map from that we got up there from last fall with the campsites on and such so over this weekend I am going to take a look at it and try and come up with somewhat of a plan considering it is first come first serve.

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Geeze, I live here 365 days a year, fish around islands all over the lake and see about 1 bear a year.

Be smart - keep a clean site and take care w/ your food and you'll have a great time. And bring warm clothese for mid-May!


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Not trying to Hijack the thread, but which end of the lake would you recommend for the end of May?

I have camped Sand Point and Namakan in May and June and have yet to see a bear...just keep the site clean and use the bear lockers.

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I fish the whole lake pretty much from Chase Island going west.

The area where I see most of the bears is the east side of the grassys, cutover and sheep.

Someone might know what this island is


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I see Cutover and Grassy Island on the map. I don't see sheep.

I can see where you can see bear on Cutover Island that is on the North side of the lake with a lot of wilderness behind it and not far from the main shore. Grassy if this map is labeled right I would imagein that it would be more rare for a bear to end up there then on Cutover Island. Grassy is a ways from shore and it is pretty small. I know that bears are really good swimmers and climbers. I would imagne that if they are hungery they will travel. Any information from you guys is appreciated

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I will say that you have some great Pics. Do you ever get to see any Moose. We will bring our zoom lense.

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One year we hired a guide to take us into Basswood and he asked if he could bring his dog. We said we didnt care 1 way or the other but asked why he wanted to and he explained that bears are like pickpockets and only look for easy marks. The smell of the dog in camp he explained means that raiding this camp is goung to be a pain in the butt not that it cant be done but most bears will move on to easier pickins. I personally dont know if this is true but we didnt have any bears in camp that week.

Good Luck


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What are the rules about leaving your dog at the campsites? Must be be on a leash? If I camp on an island can I leave the dog there to guard my stuff?

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Wade I don't know what the dog rule would be. I personally think if it was on a chain or tether so it couldn't get away from your site it should be alright.

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