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Would someone like to show me hwo to fish walleye on MTKA? I have my own boat, just show me how to find them and actually fish them.


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We were fishing right along the edge of the milfoil where the weedline is so defined it looks like a wall. We were about 10' off of the wall casting jigs right up to the edge and letting them fall down along the front. Let it hit the bottom and then slowly jig it back. The boat was in 7-8' of water, not 15. Anywhere that there was a pocket in the weeds or a point sticking out, there were walleyes. If you fish Locke Point, you should slide over to Old Channel Bay and try. We haven't even begun to fish all of the milfoil patches there. The powerbait twister tails seem to hold up better against the sunnies than the gulp twister tails. The ends of the gulp get chewed off too easily. We will be out there on Saturday AM. If you see a blue and grey Alumacraft Trophy 190 with a 6'7" guy and a skinny, blond 13 year old boy in it, give us a shout. I will be showing my son that he still can't out fish his old man.


Is Old Channel Bay the bay before the Narrows????

KAB - Are you telling me you were catching the walleye in 7-8 of water as well? What time of day? Ours were found in 12-15...With one that went 25".

I know they are there and may have to try the Power Bait Twister Tails..


Kab, I've trolled the bay a lot for musky mostly the east shore and I know the wall you're talking about. I've never tried it for walleyes because the deep drop on the east of Locke point always looked like it should put out fish but never has so I thought the rest of the bay wasn't worth the effort. Glad to hear I am wrong. I'm trout fishing on the Root Saturday and Mississippi smallies are on the agenda Sunday but I'll keep a look out for your boat when I am on the water. I've got a blue and tan Alumacraft tiller with a Yamaha 4 stroke. Have to compare notes. If you have the time try in front of Crescent Beach. A little point there holds walleyes - I pick them up trolling in 18ft or so and jigging/casting should work. Also will get the occasional musky and big pike.



Yep. 7-8' of water. I couldn't believe it either but they have been there 3 weeks in a row now. If you aren't right up on the weedline in that shallow of water, you aren't catching eyes. We have caught fish there from 8AM right up to noon. Old Channel is the bay just south of the narrows and just east of Locke Point. There is a black and white striped shoal marker out in the middle. We have tried on the deeper side in 15-18' but haven't found a fish.



Just got back from the obligatory trip to Mt. Rushmore. My wife decided that the kids should see something more of the country than Lake Kabetogama, my usual summer vacation spot for the last 35 years. I did sneak in some trout fishing in some of the local creeks and lakes out there. Never fished for them before but did manage to stumble onto a couple. Those rainbows really put up a fight. I may have to try the southern MN trout fishing in the near future.

Thanks for the tip on Crescent.

I've fished Locke Point for years thinking that it should kick out walleyes but all I manage to catch are sunnies, crappies and an occasional northern. I've seen some huge muskies cruise by out there from time to time but they never seem to be interested in what I have tied onto the end of my rod.

[This message has been edited by Kab Dreamin (edited 08-05-2004).]


There have been a few common things that I have noticed when finding walleyes in the last month. I used my aqua vu for almost a whole day checking out different areas.
I found walleyes whenever I found a school of sunfish.
Also I always found them on rocks next to milfoil. They were almost always hugging the edge.
Walleyes were also almost always close to deep water.
The best spots seemed to be points that had close deep water. Most of the point would be milfoil, than would drop right into rocks.
Every spot that was like this held walleyes. I also saw atleast one muskie on spots like this too. Although it was hard to tell how big they were.
My guess is that they were schooling up those sunfish and than going to town on them.
Aqua vu's are priceless to me after this summer especially.

I never had any idea how many rocks were around tonka.
It is packed with rock piles close to deep water.
If only I could convice the eyes to bite in the day time.


Was out last night from 6:30-9:30 and caught a few in the Gale Island area.

Two walleye 14" and 21", few nice sized large mouth, and a "snake" all on hammered brass spinners tipped with large leeches in 15-18 FOW (Weedline/Breaks).

It was nice to get back out after two weeks of getting caught up with the remodeling of my house and healing up after surgery. frown.gif

Good luck to all and have a great weekend,



Well, could not get em to go shallow, but rather 20-30 deep. Tried slip bobbers with leeches, fat heads and crawlers...Nothing..

Went to a black jig with a crawler and nailed 4 fish - 21, 23, 25 and 27" Eyes. All fish were caught in 25-30 ft of water around 10:30pm

No Muskies sited anywhere.....


Nicely done Trailblazin. I was out last night as well but came up empty handed. I was working the weedline with spinners and leeches. What made you move out deeper? Did you spot fish on the electronics? What type of structure were you working? It was quite a show last night with the lightning in the big clouds!


those are some dandy eyes trailblazin
i bet that weather stirred things up nicely.
are the fish heading to their fall patternss now??
have you checked out any of the deep rock piles at all??
My fishing is over til end of the Novemeber
we are in fall camp now for football
i am jealous of all of you


We marked fish all day and all night. It was driving us crazy! Started on the outside weed edges, caught a few small bluegill's. I know the walleye are there because we managed a few good ones a week ago and that was in 15-20 ft of water.

Tried shallow - nothing.

Tried in and around Spirit Island and after 8 hrs - yes - 8 hrs of nothing, we finally caught our fish! I was marking fish around the rocks and deep drop offs into the weeds. We simply drifted (no trolling or main outboard was on) and used black jigs with a nightcrawler. All fish we caught hit in 30 ft of water. I hear of folks catching 11-14 inchers alot and this year, I have not caught one less than 21" inches with the largest going 27". I guess the big boys are deep.....


Walleye SNob - Rocks and sand were the ticket from 10:30- midnight.
Sinceit is such a slow bite, I'll go for the muskies and come back for the eyes!


Heading out to Tonka after work, 5:00 or so. Looks like it's going to be a great evening to be outdoors! Any other Fmer's going to be out there this eve?

Post my report in the morning!

Good Luck,



I'll probabaly be out around diamond reef this evening about 6 or so. Found a nice saddle marked a ton of fish but neither myself or a friend could get them to bite there. I figure maybe they will be in a better mood this evening.
good luck to ya

To be the man you have to beat the man....Wooooooooo


Autumnhunt, wmnluv, I was thinking about going out, wmnluv are you going out by yourself? Or I might have to take out my new boat.


Going out by myself with the dog about 6. Let me know if interested before I shoot out of work in an hour and I'll meet you at grays (if not I usually use carsons bay launch so i'll be going out of there)

Guys, I'll be out there Sunday morning around 6:30 with two other FM'ers.... Shorelunch and Beef46. We will be dropping in at Grays Bay - If any of you are planning on being on the water that day let me know and we can hook up. I'll be in a 18.5 ft black/tan crestliner sportfish w/125 merc.


wmnluv, Sounds Great, Grays Bay I will pick up the same bait as always. Call my Cell 612-518-5579


I'll be trying for some 'eyes and maybe a 'ski Saturday morning starting in Wayzata Bay. White Lund Fisherman with a Suzuki 140. I'll post a report (hopefully with a fish or two). Sounds like a nice weekend. Good luck everyone.


Knowing shorelunch he will catch a limit in no time! But to cast for Muskies... WOW thats a shocker! ( :


Was out yesterday evening with 18 inch crappie. Caught one nice 18 incher using a bottom bouncer and about a 6 foot lindy rig but thats all. Good night to be out though
Good luck this weekend

To be the man you have to beat the man....Wooooooooo


Has anyone been out? Anyone had any luck?


I'm heading out tonight for only the third time and have alot to learn about this lake. It appears that leeches are the way to go.


Very slow, caught one walleye Sunday afternoon and that was it using a leech on a spinner rig. I was on the lake for 6 hours! I should be back on the lake Thursday eve to try it again.

Good Luck!



Went out last night and nothing. A nice smallie and large mouth, and a ton of sunnies stealing my bait. Deep, shallow, weedlines, dropoffs and nothing.


Was out Saturday night in the 15 mph winds, got a couple nice eater walleyes. Going out tonight with the girlfriend to try for some more, looks like the rain will hold off. Any eles been out ?


Haven't wet a line for a walleye on Tonka for quite sometime; been fishing muskies. I'm going to try a spot or two off the beaten path tomorrow.



Just got done cleaning 4 more nice eaters. Not to many people out tonight,Going to the BWCA so will not get a chance to fish Tonka till next week.....


Congratulations brian, sounds like you've been doing a lot better then what we've done.
I'll be out there next week as well. (heading to ny for some stripper fishing until tuesday)Were you fishing the same spots as we were or did you find a couple of new spots?

To be the man you have to beat the man....Wooooooooo

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