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Sure, I still have some leeches do you want to pick up some fatheads? I'll have the dog with me again. Will be at grays about 5:45- 6:00. Also if the parking's full you might want to park in the overflow (the dirt area on 101 south before the boat launch) Let me know if you'll be out there

To be the man you have to beat the man....Wooooooooo

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Actually a couple things have popped up here at work and will probabaly not be able to go this evening. Will make sure I let you know if that changes at all


A nice day like this, there is always work tomarrow. Let me know


I going out tonight (Thursday) to try and break my non-walleye catching curse on Tonka. I'll be in a white Lund Fisherman with a Suzuki 140 at the spots posted on these pages. Looks like a nice night to be on the water.


wmn luv me walleye fearme, took me out again tonight Thank you. I got 6 walleye and one parking ticket $33. We were like the only people on the lake after 8. Nice night to be out, till the bugs came out.


Finally, my curse has been lifted on Tonka. Went out solo last night. Caught five wallyes along with the usual bass and northerns. Largest eye was 22" and a 30" northern. Fished around Bracketts, Diamond and Wayzata Bay using a lindy with a leech 15-20 FOW. Only saw one other boat after 8pm. I guess I know what WLWFM's boat looks like. The bugs were horrible but the fishing was pretty good. Hope to get back out next Tuesday or Wednesday night.


Congrats or your success with the elusive tonka "eye". Now that you broke the curse they should be jumping in the boat for you now. grin.gif

I also had a really hard time finding them at first. Now that I have learned the lake and know what they want it has been easier to get them in the boat. I still will have my slow nights, but usually will catch 1-2 per night. I caught two of them on Wednesday night on the rock pile near tanglers bridge along with a few norts and bass.

There are allot of walleye in Tonka, much more than I though. I happened to win a Aqua Vu last week during the Minnewaska Lake Assosiation banquet and now have a complete picture of what's going on down there. Wow, There are some huge walleye to be had, exspecially around those mountainous rock piles and unforchanatly alot of junk! There are lawn chairs, beer cans, boat motors and alot more. frown.gif

I will be back out on Tonka on Monday night after the weekend trip to Lake Minnewaska and try for a few. I hear the bite is hot...

Good luck to all and have a great weekend,



I've been out here 5 years now and I still struggle with the walleyes. Heading out back home to New York in august to do some surfcasting out on long island. Looking forward to that as so far this summer outside of one trip to Alexandria the walleyes have been a struggle. It will be nice to get back to the ocean (or in this case actually long island sound) to do some fishing. But I'll probabaly be out on Tonka again mid next week and hopefully breaking my crappy streak this year

To be the man you have to beat the man....Wooooooooo


Wow, the bite is starting get tough. I fish Sunday and Monday and caught a couple dinks, but the bass sure have taken off.

The two walleye that were caught were a little deeper than the norm, 25 ft or so. Anyone ever try even deeper than 25-30 in the hot summer months on Tonka with success?

I was concidering 30-50 ft and see how that goes. Is everybody experiencing the same slow walleye action out there?

Any suggestions ?





Personally I don't fish eyes deep. I'm not into eating fish so I want to be able to put them back if at all possible.

However, I do know others that do well in the 40' range. Excelsior and areas near Big Island tend to kick out some fish this time of year. Not sure which presentation, but would think Lindy rigs or spinners would do.


Do I sence a little anamosity toward Tonka? I'll take you out this fall and you'll catch a few <>< <>< <>< I promise.... well.. Maybe.

This last weekend and this week so far has been difficult.

TonkaBoy, Thanks for the info! I seldom go that deep for walters either, but I'm getting a little frusterated and tryng to figure out where there staging now. I'm not seeing many on the Aqua Vu anymore either...gone deep???



I try to say things in a joking matter, but truth be told.... I honestly am on a cold streak when it comes to the walleyes on 'Tonka. We will definitely have to get together... Thanks!


autumn: yes... always and forever!
Lake of No Walleyes! Ok maybe a few.


I have fished TOnka the last two nights and have done well. (for me that is)
A couple of days ago i put in about 8 hours with the aqua vu and it spoke volumes.
tonight i caught 5 walleyes by myself and the night before my buddy and i went through 3 dozen crawlers and 2 dozen leeches
tons of bass northersns and we had 6 walleyes the biggest was 21.5 inches.
It doesnt seem like anyone is fishing now?
I was getting all my fish in 16-18ft.


I broke my no walleye curse on sunday morning. I had the kids with me and we were fishing the edges of the milfoil beds in Old Channel Bay for sunnies. We were pitching 1/6th oz jigs with 2" yellow power bait twister tails along the edges and into the pockets. We ended up catching a bunch of big sunnies with the largest being 10" and many in the 8-9" range. Also caught a dozen or so bass but the big suprise was the 8 walleyes we caught in 8' of water. Three 15"ers and the rest 12" or less. I thought I was doomed to never catch a walleye on Tonka but now I have hope.


Congrats Kab on your success, sounds like you had a good time! Now that the curse has been broken it will be much easier to land a few eye's now!

I know the feeling, there are lakes I just can't figure out either. Tonka took some time.....ok, quite a long time and there are still times I get frusterated (like recently), but it's alway a good time on the water. grin.gif

It will get better as the day's get shorter and the water slowly starts to cool. That's when we should hook up and we'll sure get a few <>< <>< <>< on the end of your line!

In most cases the walleye bite get's tought this time of year.

My thoughts are starting to lean a little more toward waterfowling lately. The early goose season is nearing (Sept 4) and ducks hunting is soon after that! grin.gif

Autumnhunt is the name and waterfowling is my game!

Thank you all for you input and the best of luck to all, I will post my Tonka report Monday.



Was out on tonka tonight.
My dad and I caught 6 walleyes. The biggest was 21 inches. I also hooked into a nice largemouth bass that weighed 4.5 lbs. A lot of the walleyes tonight would hit and than drop the bait. It got a little frusturating. One thing forsure it is definately a leech bite. Crawlers were doing nothing for us.



"Cold Streak"??? I would call it ice......you've never caught a walleye out there!!!! grin.gif


Tonight was a fantastic night of fishing on tonka!
My buddy and I went out around 7:30pm and finished at 10:30pm
we had 6 walleyes that were 14,14,19,20.5,22, and 24.5 inches.

all on leeches and spinners.
i am just so shocked how active these fish are and how willing to bite they are at certain times.


Beefy, take your medicine and lay off the hard stuff. ( : I've caught Walleyes on that water, just not the few time's I've tried this year. See you at about 5:30 Saturday morning... bring your "A" game brotha!


No need for me to bring my A game.......I can bring my C game and still catch fish!!!! grin.gif

[This message has been edited by Beef46 (edited 07-30-2004).]


I was out on tonka last night and had a great time. My buddy and I caught 6 walleyes.
14, 14, 18.5, 20.5, 22, 24.5 inches
All the fish were caught on leeches and spinners. I can't believe how good of a bite it has been this late in the summer.


WalleyeSnob, were you the one leaving Gray's bay with the lund with the white Lexus? My girlfriend landed a nice eye And I missed some hits. The lake was nice after the boats went home and the moon was out.


No I put out at Spring Park Bay and went west.
That Grays bay area is way to busy for me.
I prefer being away from all that traffic.
The western part of the lake doesn't seem quite as bad and there is less fishing pressure. Glad to hear you got a nice eye though.


Caught 6 or 7 more walleyes along the edge of the milfoil beds in Old Channel Bay on Sunday AM before the thunderstorm pitching 2" yellow powerbait twister tails and 2" yellow and watermelon Gulp grub minnows on a 16th oz jig. All were caught in less than 8' of water. The largest was 18" with the rest being 11-14". Also got some decent sunnies, a couple of crappies, a few bass and a 29" northern. The secret was any pocket or indentation in the weedline.

[This message has been edited by Kab Dreamin (edited 08-02-2004).]


I was out tonight for two hours and it was definately slower. We caught two eyes. One was 16.5 inches and the other was 25 inches
She was awful fat and is still swimming as we speak. I feel good about throwing those nice ones back. They seem to be really important to our lakes.


Kab, were you on the inside of the milfoil? or casting from deeper water to the top of the milfoil and dropping it down over the edge? I've been trying to get a little more consistent in walleye hunting and I've stuck to fishing the outside edge which is usually around 15ft. I usually fish around the Locke point and Carmen's bay area.


I think trailblazin is right on
although i have had no luck in the middle of the day for walleyes. i can see them on my aqua vu but can never get them to bite. any hints for me?
it seems like the sunnies grab that leech so quick there is no chance for a walleye to nail it.

One thing that has been true for me in finding walleyes lately is that whenever I see a huge school on sunnies i find walleyes.
i wonder how long it will be til they start moving to the deep rock piles? Does anyone have any ideas or are they there already?


I found a few walleyes this weekend in 15 fow, on the weedline...14" & 17" & 22". Lindy weight, with green spinner/leech. 7pm - 10pm.

Like a previous post, I first encountered sunnies that wouldn't leave the leech alone...then about dusk, the walleyes took over...missed a couple, including a line snapper.


My guess is Kab was in the 15 ft depth range as well. The walleyes will be on the outside of the weed edges. JUmbo leechs were the ticket for me. They would not hit anything else.

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