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Went out last night, two of us caught only 1 walleye about 12 inches and a couple pike using, floating lindy's near brakcetts point. I lost about a 25 incher by the boat.
Just bite right through the 6 lb test after I had fought it for about 5 minutes.
good luck

To be the man you have to beat the man....Wooooooooo

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  • Autumnhunt


  • wmn luv me walleye fearme


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  • Mr Special



I was on the water this morning at 3:30, but only got the walleyes to bite from 4:30 to 5:15. Ended up with a 22.5, 23.5, and 24 incher, as well as two smaller fish. Also had plenty of bass and northerns to keep me interested until around 10:00.

Just like last fall, the average size of the walleyes I have been getting out of Tonka seem to be a couple pounds heavier than what I was used to catching a few years back. Once again, a fathead on a 1/4 ounce Fuzz-E-Grub was what they wanted, in 18-20 fow on a steep break right next to the weedline. Only bass would touch leeches.

Since I caught these fish in my top honey hole, the exact location will have to remain nameless. I will mention that I tried spots on Diamond Reef, Breezy Point, and Sunrise Point without too much luck.

Interesting thing about this morning, I only saw one other boat on the water until around 5:30. I guess the talk of the cold weather kept everyone in bed.


When I go out.. I really don't care if I catch any fish or not... as I'm sure is true for many of you... it's just fun to get out...

For me.. it's a mixture of percentages...

%25 catching fish
+ %25 just casting and reeling
+ %25 being outdoors/nature
+ %25 boating on water
%100 good times

I never keep any fish I catch.. if I have a really good catch that day.. I just swing by a store and buy a few pounds of walleye or catfish and cook them up oil/shorelunch style! (no fuss or bones)


People just need to stop whining. If you want a lake to yourself go to Canada. As I said earlier, everyone, at one time or another, has had someone crowd their spot. It happens, I don't condone it, but it does happen.

My guess is that if you've been fishing tonka for 20 years you know of more than one spot to catch fish.

The name of this website is FISHINGminnesota.com, not WHININGminnesota.com. If you got a problem take it up with Bob and 92python down a the baitshop over a cup of coffee and leave this site to those of us who want to learn how to be better fishermen and women.


Someday in the last few months I caught a fish on tonka, on one of the bays, in one of the regions of the lake, somewhere between 3 and 50 feet of water, on something with a hook on it, and some form of bait or plastic, in a new color.

Am I being too specific or is this ok? I wouldnt want anyone taking my hotspot damit.

Just kidding of course ;-)

Anyways if you think the "best walleye" spots on the lake are over-crowded" maybe you should realize there not the best spots, they are the most well known spots, the best walleye spots in the lake change weekly if not daily, and its our job as fisherman to seek them out. If your "spot" is crowded, there is always a better spot somewhere where there is nobody fishing. If you dont like people fishing around you and taking your spot when they see you catch fish, that is something you have to deal with on this lake, there is nothing illegal about it. That is one of the reasons I stay off the lake. I dont need the competition and I like to be by myself peacefully. But I wouldnt complain about it if I chose to fish tonka, its expected.

I love this site, it helps alot of us who cant afford the 35k boats, Aqua Views, Depth Finders, and the time it takes to learn about different species of fish's habbits. An amature fisherman can learn alot from this site and even be put specifically on some fish and have some success with the help of all of us. I dont think there is anything wrong with that.

[This message has been edited by FishinChad (edited 06-20-2004).]



Along the lines with what you were saying about the all the wining.

I have the right to express my opinions. If you can't handle opinions contrary to your own turn off your PC.


92 python,

I am all in favor of people expressing their opinions. However, there is a vast difference between expressing an opinion and WHINING. Complaining about too many people around your favorite honey-hole on a massive METRO lake is not an opinion, its a bitch session - so save it for someone who cares.

Speaking of opinions... MY opinion is that you would complain about anything.


hey all, not to give away any HOT spots, but i was catching a couple or more walleyes in the rocks! now would info like this be obvious to people who fish or giving away a HOT spot! 2million plus people in the metro and someone fished next to ya! if this bothers you then STOP fishing! later,Dogg


People should keep in mind that there are things that can be done to increase the odds that you will be fishing alone on a lake. This weekend when I was on Tonka, I was on my way back to the landing and noticed 4 boats in the general area of one of my best spots. I, like many of you, don't like crowds and wouldn't fish around these other boats. Fortunately I didn't have to even consider this because I had caught 3 four pounders and a few smaller fish from that very spot two hours earlier. Yes, I had to wake up at 2:30 AM to be on the lake fishing by 3:30. But as I stated in my last post, I was completely alone. No one fishing near me, no one watching me land the walleyes, not even another boat in sight. Another way to ensure this situation is to head out when it is raining, or after dark. My experience has shown me that 95% (+- 5%) of people only fish in ideal conditions. Which is ironic since most fish bite the best when the conditions are not ideal.


With the Lakemaster maps anyone can see the structure on Tonka. With a GPS and a good depth finder you can go right to these spots. You still have to figure out when fish use the structure. It would be interesting to see how many views this thread has had. Autumn hunt is one of the few posters that are willing to share detailed information. Besides Browns and Wayzata the rest of the lake hardly receives a post. All I think Python was saying is that if you post your spots expect company. I've been trying the city lakes this summer and have seen one boat my last three outings.


Wow!! Love is in the air! I was out on Tonka this past Saturday from 6:00 - 2:00 and I wanted to fish on Diamond reef (which is a huge area) and the area I had marked on my GPS waypoint hotspot had three boats around it... I started to go to "my" spot and changed my mind becuase I didn't want to look like a dink who was buzzing in on anothers spot.... I instead went over to Bracketts point and got nothing.. two points gents... 1. the guy moving in on the spot your fishing may have good past experience were your at 2. theres anough fish to go around. If anybody was on Diamond reef around 9:30 in the grouping ofthree boats... I was the guy in the tan/black crestliner sportfish who started to join in and turned and went away "slowly" so as to not make a big wake when leaving.... I wish more people would do that... because thats about the only thing that annoys me... a guy that just tears out of an area in close proximity of were your fishing... argggh.


Buzz - I think I left Diamond around 9 and when I left there were three boats left - probably the ones you saw.

I found what I think was a decent school tight to the weeds, but only caught 2. Did not graph anything in the 21-26' range.

Went up to Browns and caught nada. Did see a bass boat fly right between two of the other boats on Diamond. Too bad taking a "loop" approach around boats is rarely an option for people these days.



Heading out to Tonka tonight. Any other FMer's going to be out there? Should be there around 6:00.

Blue/Gold Crestliner Sportfish w /115 Yamaha. Lets get together and rip some lips. (Wayzata/Browns Bay)

Looks like a good walleye chop out there!

Good luck to all,



hey autumn hunt I will probabaly by out there in browns by buoys, and by brackets
lund explorer 50 horse merc and about an 80 lb german shepherd on board, swing on by if you see me or vice versaa
good luck

[This message has been edited by wmn luv me walleye fearme (edited 06-21-2004).]


Jerkin'm, I feel your pain, man. Sounds like most of these guys complaining about your complaint are the kind I've run into on the water the last few years. Seems like too many fisherman don't exercise common courtesy by giving his fellow angler a little elbow room. I wouldn't have a clear conscience if I pulled right up to someone whether they were catching fish or not. If a guy is the first one to a hot spot then it's his and he should be left alone. A couple cast lengths seems reasonable but if this guy was really only one boat lenght away---yees, gimme a break. Buzz---good for you. That's the way fishing should be. There's plenty of good fishing to be had out there and to all the guys on this site who think that moving in on someone because they have just as much right to fish there as the other guy----nuts to you. Try thinking of the other guy and make it fun for everyone. Just think how you would feel if someone comes honing in close to you--especially if the fishing is good.


I'll try to get out tonight...16' Lowe with 35 horse Johnson. Was out at Brown's on Saturday nite, caught two hammer handles, but the thing that got my attention are the fishes that mercilesly trim my line...I was jigging a huge shiner on a jig, and something just ripped through the fireline!

Rip lips.



Doonbuggy, funny you mentioned the boat whizzing by... I didn't see that one but when I was over in Wayzata bay casting for 'Ski's a boat with 4 guys came way too close to us at about 30 mph and I took exception to the rude maneuver and tossed a line drive directly at his boat and didn't miss by much... I actually got too close and it made me jerk the line back... the guy driving saw me and yelled some obsenity but didn't have the cajones to come back and talk about it. I shouldn't have done it but in a moment of weekness I was mad and reacted.... I don't recommend anybody else do this as somebody could get hurt for no good reason... I'm sure it's happened before but I still feel like an ***** for stooping down to that level... I could have maimed an innocent person and for what??? never again! We all need to just remember to respect others space out there PERIOD.


At least there are a few fishermen who "Get It" juggs, and buzzsaw, congrats on getting the jist of my post, I certainly don't expect to have the best spots on Tonka to myself, ever, even the off hours and cruddy days. I do expect a little courtesy and common sense distance allowed. I know that is too much to ask from many of you who have posted otherwise. The point of this site is to learn, not just spots, but a little etiquette obviously is necessary also. To the rest of you, maybe someday you will get it too.


What are you talking about? Not one person in this forum said its ok to fish right next to another boat, not one person said its alright to go buzzing passed people, all some of us where saying is that the sites here to help people, but for the most part people find there own spots, etc. When someone says caught some fish on bracketts, or diamond reef, thats an awful big area thats heavily fished anyway, its not as if someone is saying go to 52:392 west and 38:322 north and giving an exact spot. Still doesnt make it right for a boat to fish right next to you but if you go there you can always expect a couple boats in the area. If you've been at any of the spots mentioned in this post so far and expect to be by yourself your out of your **** mind. I'd be pissed too though if I was in a middle of a bay on a small rock pile and someone pulled up right next to me. But thats not what anyone was saying was ok to do, its just that if you fish in the metro you'd better fish at 3 am or get used to it


Slow night on Tonka,
As always a good time, but the fishing action was slow to put in mildly. We fished from 6:00-10:30 pm. Caught one 12" walleye and one little crappie. We tried fatheads, shiners, leeches and crawlers and it seemed they just weren't hungry, marked alot of fish on the Lawrence. confused.gif Had a few nice bites and my buddy had a couple snells bit off.

We primarly fished on Browns Bay and about 1 hour on Wayzata. Maybe tonight I will look at some other bay or a piece of structure I haven't tried yet! grin.gif

It was good meeting you Calvinist,
I hope you had a good time and hopefully fishing picked up for you after we spoke.

I sure hope your little one had fun as well. I remember bringing my son out at that age and it was always a thrill to see that expression on his face as he or I hauled in the big one! Seems now that he drives a car and has many girlfriends, time with dad just isn't the first thing on his daily schedule anymore. Maybe someday that will change as we know a teenagers life changes quickly. Have fun and enjoy that age with your little one!

Good luck to all and see you on the lake,



I dont think any of us that posted here are the rude, inconsiderate people you talk about. It was all about people posting spots where they were catching walleye, and there is nothing wrong with that on this lake, its not easy. None of us agree with the stupid **** that some people do out there, and thats not what this debate was about, only about spot posting, lets keep it on that page. If somone politely fishes near you, you just have to deal with it, if they are a boat length away, its illegal, call the DNR or Sheriff, simple as that.

Calvanist....sounds like a giant pike or muskie stole your jig, too bad you couldnt get a good hook in his lip, its always a rush when you loose fish like that and it leaves you to just wonder. Hook him next time!

"Better get the net!"
-Fishin Chad

[This message has been edited by FishinChad (edited 06-22-2004).]


We used to keep a activities box in the boat for a board youngin. a water tight box with crayons and colouring book ect...
It can realy help.

Crappie it's not just a fish it's a attitude!

IBOT #23



Great call on the "activities box" for the youngsters in the boat. I remember my parents doing the same for me when they took me out at that age. It really helped me to make posative associations with fishing. Anyway, great tip!



I just caught that one hammer handle and that was it (which was more by accident than anything else). I had my hands full figuring out how to fish with my 4 year old son Lucas in the boat. He loves to fish, but has little patience at his age; needs to catch one after the other, otherwise he gets frown.gif. I was slowly trolling around with a slip bobber and was hoping he would catch his first walleye, but to no avail. It was the first time I brought him out walleye fishing, so I am working on a good system for fishing with him in the boat. He likes to dock fish for panfish, so maybe I will bring him to Parker's lake for that tonight. I didn't get out early like I wanted to this morning; perhaps soon though, maybe tomorrow...I'll keep you posted.

Once the water heats up, I'll be going after ski's quite a bit.

Good luck,



I seen that hammer handle you caught from afar, but wasn't sure what it was from that distance. Hey, at least it was a fish as they were hard to come by last night. grin.gif

I'm sure Lucas will get more patient as he gets older. Sounds like you have done it the right way with him. Starting him on the docks for panfish and then see how it goes for walleye later.

I started my son, then 3 years old off with walleyes from the get go and he got bored with that quickly. I then started taking him to the docks for sunnies and then he started gaining more interest.

Hope to see you/Lucas out there again soon,



Good idea, Slugo...

A bag of Cheetos only lasts so long.



I would also like to mention....

I want to thank Suddenly Summer. I left a tackle box on the dock at the Gray's bay launch Monday nite when I was out with Lucas. I discovered just last night that I must have left it there. I immediately posted here on Forums, and what do you know, Suddenly Summer responded. He has my tackle box smile.gif.

That just goes to show you that forums can be used for more than just fishing.


[This message has been edited by CALVINIST (edited 06-23-2004).]


Are Friday evenings very busy on Tonka?

I'd be launching @ Gray's Bay just curious to know if I should look to wait an hour to get on the lake smile.gif

Patrick (pjfweb)
Bloomington, MN

[This message has been edited by pjfweb (edited 06-23-2004).]


First of all, hats off to Suddenly Summer! It's good to see we still has good honest people out there, it seems to be a rarity these days.

Well, now with the report for 6/22.

Fished from 6:00-9:30
Tried Diamond reef first--nothing, then onto Brackets point- nothing, found a nice (new to me) piece of structure on Smiths Bay-again nothing and finally over to Tangers bridge area and came up with one nice northern about 5#'s. Like always, it was alot of fun, but the fishing has really slowed the last couple day's. I tried leeches, fatheads, shiners and crawlers.

The pike hit on a 3" spinner rig/harness tipped with a crawler. I think it's back to the drawing board for me as the fish have either took to there summer mode or just not eating.

Any suggestions???? grin.gif

I seen only one nice Walter netted last night in another boat, and last night was a busy night on the big lake! Lot's of boats, cabin cruisers, ski boats and fishing boats. (Maybe that had something to do with the low activity) We'll I'm going to give it a try Thursday night and will post, hopefully a better report on Friday.

Until then, good luck to all a rip some lips!



Now with more trafic the low light and night bite will be better. But you can still find some during the day. I know the channels like Lord Flecthers and the Narrows are still kicking out some fish. The Norts and some big ones too are really going good there. But again tons of trafic from shore fisherman and pleasure cruiser. Leech on lindy worked for wallys and sucker minnows for the norts a couple of feet of bottom on a slip bobber.

Good luck

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