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Two, even three hook harness really helps alot. I very seldom use one hook Lindy's or spinners rigs, even with leeches. I got tired of getting robbed. I primarily use 2 hook harnesses, but there are time where that doesn't do it either..go fiqure confused.gif

I am going to give Tonka a try tonight. I'll post my report in the morning.

From the sounds of it I may want to try walleye fishing, I mean...Ya ya muskie fishing!

Did I read Bulldawg three feet down??? HMMM grin.gif

30"er floating? What a bummer!

Good Luck to all,


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Walleye fever has a pretty good grip on me too. I know I can catch plenty of pike and bass and have a great day, but I always feel like I am missing out on something if I ignore the walleyes for the day. Maybe I'll just have to spend a few years in Canada and get it out of my system..


Was on Tonka last night from 8-10:30....two large mouth and that was it--no eyes. Had a few nice bites..... Primarily stayed in Wayzata Bay. I'll try again Wednesday night,I think I might go back over to Browns Bay and try the Horseshoe or mid bay flat.

What happened to that good bite, High pressure? confused.gif I may have to try muskie fishing---Bulldawgs and bucktails!

Anyone else with little more success last night on Tonka?

Good Luck,



Was out last night musky fishing. Water is really murky and high. Too much floating debris to troll so threw bucktails. Nada. Couldn't have seen any follows anyway. Marked a big school of fish and tried to vertical jig them for 45 minutes. Couple of good hits but mostly just light taps. Think fish are just off the bite but they have to eat sometime.


Was at Tonka last night Walleye fishing. We caught about a dozen walleyes between two guys. We got a 24", 20", 16", and the rest were about 12-13 inchers. All fish were released. Caught on small jigs and leaches. We ran out of leeches when the bite started to get going good. Fished from 7:30 to 9:15.


Hey Now Mille Lac's guy,

Not a bad night, We were in the wrong area last night apparently! Good to hear somebody had some action....

Try it again tomorrow night. grin.gif



What time have you guys been getting them untill? There will be 2 or 3 of us headin out tomorrow night and plan on fishing pretty late. I'll probabaly end up focusing on the reefs in Browns most of the time. Also has anyone tried diamond lately? I might anchor off there and try some slip bobbers tommorow night as well, i;'m thinkin about 20 feet or is that to deep?

To be the man you have to beat the man....Wooooooooo


Was out on Tonka last night, tried Wayzata Bay first...nothing, then went to Browns, searched for a while and finally-- !

Had to find the school first. Tried several areas and wasn't graphing fish near the bottom. Finally came apon the mother load of near bottom feeders (20-25ft) and drifted with floating Lindy's tipped w/ leeches (green float).

Crawlers were not working like they did last week. confused.gif

Caught one 24" walleye and the other six were 12-18". Two guy's, 7 fish in one hour!

Took some time to find them and when we did, they were hungry. The best bite was from 9:00-10:00. I found that a SLOW drift was the ticket. It was a great time and dying to get back out A.S.A.P. grin.gif

Anyone else with a similar report or any report at all?

All I have to say is if you like walleye fishing, get out there this evening as it was the best action I've seen on Tonka so far this year.

Good Luck to all and see you on the lake,

AH :-)


I will be out on tonka tonight on Wayazata Bay. May head over to Browns provided it is not to windy. Autumn Hunt, what side of Browns have you been doing well on? I have had success in the past near Brackets point. I have also tried the south side of Horseshoe with no luck. I know Browns holds a ton of fish. It is just so rough out there for my 14 ft. Smith's bay should be good for Bluegills and Bass right now. I might try it before the walleyes start biting. Let you know how I do.


I was on Brackets and Horseshoe last night and didn't find much action out there, but as all of us know that can change quickly. Try going to the far NW corner of Browns Bay. If coming from Wayzata Bay go NW as you pass Spirit Island.

If it's a north wind you should be ok back there, just getting out there may be a issue if the wind is strong. It was a light north wind last night.

Go back and forth about 100-150 yards out from shore in 20-25 ft of water, I wouldn't shy away from 18 ft as I had a few nice bites in that dept as well.

I never fished this area before until last night, It was a pleasant suprise!

Good Luck,
rip some lips!



Why don't you guys just give out GPS spots of exactly where you are fishing, flag down all boats that could look as if they could be fishing as they drive by tell them exactly where to go, hand out free bait and appropriate tackle while you are at it.

I know this board is all about sharing info and I share info as much as I should but definately not about my exact fishing spots.

Got any good deer stands we should all check out come early November?

This is a popular website with many people who just look at this for info and don't always post.

I don't mean to be an ogre here but I am curious why you all wouldn't get each others e-mails or phone numbers and do this communication on a closed channel?

Please respond.


I applaud your willingness to share the location of your recent catch. Clearly, you had some luck on this spot and don't mind helping others out by leading them there, and I am sure you still have your list of honey holes that will remain secret, I know I do. Your willingness to share is a nice change from the majority of people, who when asked where they fished reply, "The lake!" So many fishermen behave like a lake is theirs, and all of the fish belong to them. Thanks again for displaying a great attitude.

On the other hand, I can see where a problem could arise if your marginal spot that you share info about is someone else's honey hole. Considering this situation makes it difficult to talk about any location on a lake.


92 python, cry me a river. I mean, I know minnetonka is a small lake and all so good spots are hard to come by, but really (note sarcasm).

This website is here for fisherman to help other fisherman. All I know is that if I find a hot spot I am going to tell others about it in hopes they will enjoy some good fishing too.

I feel like I am talking to a crabby 1st grader who won't share blocks or something!


Hey Autumn Hunt,
Do whatever you want. If you feel like sharing a spot go ahead, if you get back out there tonight and see 3 boats where you suggested above and decide next time not to share then speak in general terms. I.E. fished browns, 18 feet using lindy's etc.
Up to you. It seems some people use the board to just brag without giving any information at all. (obviously not me as usually I do crappy but when I do catch some I do post what i was using, about where etc it just doesn't happen very often) Also it seems 92 python is reading these posts on tonka but I haven't seen one post on tonka from him on anything in this section.
Good luck to ya

To be the man you have to beat the man....Wooooooooo

[This message has been edited by wmn luv me walleye fearme (edited 06-18-2004).]


Autumn Hunt,
Thanks for the recomendation. I gave Browns a shot and had a few nibbles, no fish. My friend and I trolled lindy style with leaches and jigged with minnows. There were a half dozen other boats out in the bay last night, few were catching fish. Must have been the weather. It was to nice out for the fish to bite.

We went over to the North side of Wayzata Bay in front of WYC (Wayzata Yacht Club)19-25 ft. had few nice thumps on the leeches and the leeches were gone.

Someday we will figure out this enigma (Tonka).

I have been reading this site for years, yet I rarely post. When I post I hope to help people that go through the trouble to read these threads to learn more about the similar experiences I have had on a lake. For how little (and I do mean little) time we have to spend fishing, sharing information on lakes like Tonka is a huge bonus. I could go hassle the guys at the bait store about were the fish are biting, but, they are not the guys fishing. I'd rather trade info on this site so when I am in that boat and the sun is about to set I will Smiling and I know others will be too. Get The Net! I want to thank you guys/gals for posts on this lake.



Autumn, I too must commend you for your willingness to share quality information. After all, it is fishing and I would bet that a majority of people could go exactly where you tell them, use exactly the same presentation and not catch any fish. Sharing information is no guarantee someone will catch fish.



92 Python,
I am glad you brought this up. There is a reason why I chose to do this....

I fish/hunt, 200+ day's out of the year and since I am able to do this, I don't mind sharing my experiences and success with others that may not have the oppertunity to get out like I do. Hey, why not? There are many people out there like you and I that really enjoy the time out on the water/woods/swap, but for many they are not able to get out as much as they would like.

Working long hours,kids,income and other limitations can be a issue for many and limit there time in the outdoors. So I don't mind helping out a sportsman/woman that is not so forchanate and may not have the time to invest in looking and searching for a successful spot, but would rather have something to go by, bait selection, location ect....

Say you were able to get out once a year, let's see, maybe you were handicapped and had the oppertunity one day a year with a helping hand, wouldn't it be nice to have some good reliable info to start your day doing something you truly enjoyed, but your time is limited? For another situation, if you had a young child, your child or a grandchild that you wanted to introduce them to this wonderful sport and wanted them to experiece a good day on the water so they to would be more than happy to go out the next outing. Many kids such as my own didn't have the patients to sit for hours searching for the elusive "Eye". I would much rather have crediable info to put my child on a spot they wouldn't forget and want to come back for more!

I say, try to put everybody on success and lets keep the fishing interest strong as it is a proven fact that there are less and less anglers each year and the money that is created by licence ect... is very important to our enviroment. Keep people on the fish and keep them interested is my theory.

For many of us, such as myself, it's in my blood.. the seed was planted at a very young age and could never loose interest, but some are just starting out and why not lead them to a good area so fishing becomes a passion for that "someone" as well.

The one fact you brought up and it made me think/hope I wasn't giving up some elses honey hole. That would be a bummer and truly apologies if that was the case. Personally I have gone out to the same locations just hours/next day after posting and really haven't had any problems with over crowding. I believe many people take pride in finding there own spot as this is rewarding as well.
I have many of them (honey holes) to choose from so it doesn't bother me personally to help out people that share the same interest as I.

To each his/her own I guess, I don't have a problem with people keeping there tastics, tips, or tricks to themself. Most of us put long hours into this and don't want to be crowded or have your honey hole fished out. I can understand that, I have lakes I fish that I won't even mention. It's just I believe if someone needs help... help 'em out

If you look further up this thread, you will see I to was having a hard time locating these fish on Tonka to start the season. I kindly asked for help.. There were some very helpful FM'er that had a hand in my success on Tonka as well.

I fish all over the state every weekend and the city lakes are just a tye over for me during the work week. I spend alot of time learning these lakes and have worked hard to find the fish that have come to me. Python, I guess I just find enjoyment in helping fellow anglers and it's rewarding to me as well when I hear stories of success, maybe, just many with info I posted.

I hope this thread has helped others as it help me and wanted to thank each of you for your support and understanding in this matter!

92 Python,
I truley don't give all info to my success on Tonka or Minnesota Lakes in general, just enough to get people started out.
I generally don't give GPS coords, but if you really want them, all you got to do is ask and I may email them to you. grin.gif

I hope you all have a great weekend and the best of luck to all, including Python...


PS. Fished for 3 hours last night--SKUNKED-
Fishing Minnewaska and South Dakota's Waubay this weekend and back on Tonka on Monday night.. I will post my report on Tuesday. smile.gif


Autumn, good job! Now it's my turn, Fergusons point near Diamond reef... deeper has been better in the daylight... work between big island and Fergusons and you may be rewarded.... jig and minnow or long lining is or has been fairly effective. If you find the weedlines in this rocky/sandy area you once again could be a happy fisherman.... I'm being semi vague as to not offend the guy who owns this GPS hotspot on the lake. ( :

Da Saw


Thanks for the report and thanks for the compliment. I might have to work that area when I get back in town.

Do you have GPS cords on that....hehe grin.gif



I am out here in my boat in the location you described-writing from my wireless lap top. They are 17 boats next to me, word really travels fast...just kidding. I am actually at the office.. I'll be on the Whitefish chain for a week and hope to see some good "eye" activity reports when I return.

good luck


Anchor man, you scared me! Actually I would be happy if more people caught more fish. Heck, thats what were all out there trying to do! We all act nice to each other, ask how the bite is when we see each other at the ramps and on the lake but when we write our successes down on a fishing chat room it somehow becomes a bad thing???? HELLO????
Moving on..... I more subtle hint... there are some small islands on the lakes south side were boats drop anchor and hang out... try around the bouys were the water drops down from 3 feet to 20+ feet in no time and you may be happy. I can't give GPS coordinates bud but that was funny. Good luck guys!

Da Saw


Just wanted to chime in and give a thank you to those who do share fishing information.

I'm more of a bass fisherman, but since moving to MN 4 years ago I've wanted to land a Minnetonka 'eye. I've yet to be sucessful, but that has much more to do with the time I've put in (or lack of it) than my techniques. I get easily discouraged when I'm 'eye fishing out there and I not getting anything knowing full well that I could hit some bass spots and catch some fish.

However, now with the extra information, I think I'm ready to give it a try again this year and catch that elusive 'eye... it sounds like if I do it right, I might just catch a few wink.gif

Patrick (pjfweb)
Bloomington, MN


I guess I have a different attitude when it comes to fishing spots that most of you that have responded to my reply. Thats fine. I was just curious as to why the detail.

I fish the lake a couple times a week. Actually do pretty well out there but don't feel it is neccesary to post spot details on the web.

Thanks for the replies.


Aahhhh, finally..., a civilized conversation where there are opposing points of view. It's almost surreal! I applaud you both.


I see no problem in giving locations because as Anchorman has proved the fish are there one day gone then next. The key is to find similiar structure elsewhere on Tonka and go try those spots. There are not enough walleye guys to be on every spot. And one of them will be holding fish. Heck everyone knows the channels are huge producers in the fall but I've never run into more than 3 boats in whatever channel I decided to fish. The advantage to giving out somewhat detailed reports is that most fisherman will try to use the info on other spots. Now if someone would just be as forthcoming about smallmouth on Tonka I'd be one happy camper.


Everone out there can do whatever they wish within the rules of this board and I don't intend to offend or attack anyone but as I see it detailed posts are a negative on high pressure waters with stocked fish like Tonka. I would think posting detailed info will group people together more than general but useful info like Lower lake weedlines in 18', deep rocks, steep dropoffs near Big island..........

I have seen a considerable amount of crowding on this lake. More this year than any other. A couple weeks ago I found a decent school and had 3 boats in my lap as soon as they saw me catch a couple and I was being discreet. Very observant fisherman. Forced me right out of the spot on the spot.

There ARE many spots on the lake but there ARE many goofballs out there that only find spots by looking for nets and boats. I fear that posts like this will only contribute to that behavior.

Another example. I was trying a new spot where I hardly ever see people fishing last week. Myself and a buddies boat were the only 2 boats on the spot. 10 minutes later there were 5 boats withing 100 yards. I asked the guy that flew in and came to within 20 feet of me if he was catching anything. He said "No but there sure is quite a few boats here." No we didn't catch much on that spot or stick around but the fact that people are out there following groups of boats around ticks me off.

I learned where to go and what to use by trial and error. If I start talking with someone and I like them I am happy to give a little detail. Out on the WWW for all to pillage, I think not. There is enough pressure on the lake as it is.

For those who have caught a few eyes out there what is the average size eye you have been getting? At first I was getting 16"-18"s now mostly 12"-13"s. I put most of them back. Why do you think the size is dropping?

To inform of the reason I don't post spots especially on the Metro Forum is many times when I see someone post info someone else starts bugging them for specifics.

Look at a map and try a new spot this weekend. Good luck to all.


I dont believe Tonka has too much fishing pressure, its is a very big lake and most of the summer boaters dont even fish. I might hear where your coming from if we were talking about a smaller lake where it might effect something. There just isnt enough people out there to dent the population of fish in tonka, at least in my opinion, and if you think you are noticing a decline in walleye size, I doubt its because of people, there alot of water on this lake, and most of it is not fished at all. The pleasure boaters do us a favor by not fishing and making some fisherman decide to hit other lakes. Lakes go through natural swings where average size of fish will change, but weather thats the case or not I would not go as far as to blame the fisherman.

Nothing wrong with sharing information on here, on a lake this size, it really doesnt matter the exact spot because all success on this lake can be duplicated many times over. Go check out these spots that were shared and count the boats...most likely 0. People dont jump on shared spots and milk them dry, there is just no point, its just nice to hear of a specific spot where fish were caught so that we know success is happening and what kind of areas. Not many share spots on here and for alot of lakes I completely understand, but its fine on this lake, especially for this species, which can be elusive, even where there are tons in the lake. Walleye take advantage of all areas of the lake, deep, shallow, breaks...they protect themselves well from fishing pressure.

Just adding my .02

Keep the posts coming I like this thread even though wont use any of the information on spots for I do not fish this lake for eye's.

"Better get the net!"
-Fishin Chad


Any other FMers out on Diamond Reef this morning? I was there at 7:30 for an hour. Picked up two small walleyes, 12" and 14" on a 1/4 oz jig and a fathead. Had a bunch of other small hits on minnows and leeches, but most likely bluegills or perch.

They were tight to the weedline, 16' of water. Looked like a nice pile of fish on the graph and I was about to move on when the first bit. 4-5 other boats were out there at the same time; didn't see any fast action and judging by all the bass boats flying around I'm wondering if it was slow for the bass as well...bright sunshine and little wind probably didn't help.



I am wondering who thinks Minnetonka's best main lake walleye spots aren't crowded? It is getting so that I have come to expect someone to fish on top of me as soon as I come off plane. And then have the nerve to ask me how I am doing. I love fishing and B.Sing as much as the next guy but I fish to release stress not cause it. While alone on an isolated main lake point last fall a guy and his wife came in on me (like usual). I said nothing but just shook my head. He asked me what the problem was. I asked w/all the spots on MTKA and no one in site why he had to come to within a boat length of me. He stated he had been gettin'em recently in the same spot. I said I thought it was unbelievable. He left after a couple of passes. I wanted to say much more to him as I have been accustomed to this kind of action before and it starts to get very annoying and frustrating. Luckily I didn't say anything more because he was a friend's dad whom I had never met. Kind of long winded story but I thing the spot talking on this site about MTKA is getting a little carried away and should be discussed on a little more private forum (like e-mail)Sorry I am not the glad handing, howdy great to see you fisherman many on this site portray themselves to be, but after fishing MTKA for 20 years I found the spots myself and I think others should do the same. I guess I am in the same boat as the python, use a little common sense in the postings and learn to catch fish by fishing the fish not fishing the fishermen.


If you cant stand the pressure dont fish the Metro.... funny you xpect to have spots to yourself.

[This message has been edited by Walleye_GFA (edited 06-19-2004).]

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