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Sounds like you had a great day despite the rain. I was out yesterday also and would of got soaked if I didn't a canope on my boat! Caught a few walleyes on Lake Reno (Alexandria), but a very slow weekend out west.

It will always remain a mystery to what the fish might of been. Muskie, northern ect... (That poor crappie!) I will be on Tonka tonight and will post my report tomorrow.

Good luck!

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The same thing happened to my dad last summer, we were crappie fishing and he had a bite, then he thought he snaged on some weeds or something. Then he is like get the net this thing is big... after fighting it for 15 min in 4lb and lite rod it came up the the boat and this log of a fish 48 in Muskie, had chomped on a nice crappie he on. We got it in the net and he let go. The crappie had holes in you could put your finger into, big teeth. He was telling me after that, he say a Muskie take a duck on the water a few years back.


Heading out to Tonka tonight, didn't make it out last night due to the weather and the "Honey Do" list..... Any last minute reports or suggestions anyone want to share?

Is The Walleyes Bite On?????


I hesitated then hit it last evening--my little raft isn't that comfy in whitecaps--but it paid off mostly. Found lots of walleyes along the windward weedlines in 17 FOW, but only hooked two and boated one...very cagy, with subtle takes and very long holds but no hookups. The wind was banging me around and pushing me fast so I couldn't really feed line and I know I missed a couple because they felt the tension and dropped it. All on leeches and lindys. Must have missed a dozen takes, lost leeches and got back four or six with serious perforations but only halfway up. Rain held off with only spatters then wind fell off at dusk (but so did bite). Total one walleye 18", one at 20" plus lost at boatside, nothing else--weird--no bass, no craps, no northerns at all despite catching other species at 3 or 4 to one in that area last several trips. The fluky front, low light, and wind really made it interesting. Of all my trips lately on the big T we've caught exactly one keeper walleye per trip, but NONE in prime time--all either much later or much earlier than expected. Hunt, maybe you should get out a tad sooner tonight...



Same as before from what I've heard. Some buds went out last night and did okay in the same area's as I suggested. Picked most up in the channel mouths.

Good Luck


Thanks Ice,
Windward side weedlines and Lindy's, I'll give that a try!

Sounds like you a good time in the wind anyway.

I'll post my report in the morning.

Rip some lips!


Caught 1 walleye (14") in 15 ft of water, two 3-4 lbs northerns, three largemouth bass and two crappies all in the 13-22 ft range on Browns and Wayzata Bay.

It seems the action is starting to pick up a bit as the water slowly warms! (Lindy Rigs and Leeches)

Good Luck to all!


Sounds like you had a good time. A 14" wally is perfect for the pan. Too bad my spots hasn't worked out for ya. But doesn't sound like you'll be need any help anymore. I should start asking you. If I'd didn't work I'ld fish more.

Good luck


Acually the spot you suggested(The North side... ;-) is were I caught one northern, one bass and the 2 crappies . The walleye was on Browns.

Thanks for you suggestions Mr. Special!


Have you tried the channel mouths yet? They usually hold a few, especially towards dusk. But on Wayzata the rock/sand and weeds near the beach at WaterWorks area can be good too. Again stick to the weedline.

Good luck


Worked the channels some. Mainly fished the big flat in the middle of Browns Bay and the Water Works/Beach area.

I'll try the channels again next week after the big 4 day trip to Cass Lake/Winnie.


Andrusia is a great early and late spring walleye lake! I fish near the Pike hole/pug hole fairly often. I used to live as a child in Cass Lake with my father during the summer and winter breaks from school. While he was alive he showed me the ropes in that area pretty well.

Cass Lake is a great all year 'round lake for eyes, but this weekend could be very busy due to the PWT tourney going on next week.

I think I may just take a troll down there, Thanks for the reminder!

Ice9, did you get my email about fishing Tonka next week? My first try was (undeliverable)

Let's rip some lips!


Hey Autumn--give me an e-mail at home dcmdcm80@aol--after the weekend. School's out and I'll have some time, weekday time...maybe we can get out on Tonka and I'll show you what little I know




Autumn - when on Cass you may want to slip into Andrusia which is connected to the west side of Cass via the Miss. River.

It's about a 8 minute boat ride, shallow, but navigable.

I was on Andrusia last summer and it was slow, but all I heard was how the walleye fishing on Andruisa can be great in the spring.



What are the best colors to use in Minnetonka for walleye?


Personally, I like Blue on Tonka, and many other lakes for that matter. Doesn't catch many fishermen in the store, but catches a lot of fish. The more I use it, the more I have confidence in it.


I was out with the 4yr old on Friday at midday. Nothing but pike and 1 small musky. Are the walleyes right in the weeds, and if so what is the best way to present your bait?(slip bobber?)


I fished Halsteads on Sunday and caught one 13 incher. I met a couple at the launch that had a 4lb and 8lb in the livewell. I am starting to think that that end of the lake may be the better walleye side.


I was out on Monday evening. The bait store was closed by then, so I just drifted a jig/twister tail for a couple hours. Only got one snake and a crappie. Weather conditions had been so unstable up to that point. I tried weedline on north side of Wayzata, 20-25 ft range also, tried 22 ft rock pile in Browns and called it a night. I think I may try the west half of Tonka next, never fished eyes on that end. Is sticking to the weedlines a good place to start over there, or is the dirtier water keep them shallower?


Caught two good eaters last evening. One was 15" and the other was 16 1/2". Caught both Eyes trolling the weedlines with Lindy's/leeches in 12-14 ft of water. The lake was like glass toward the end of the day and made for a pleasant time fishing for a change! Going back out to Wayzata Bay tonight.

Wow, what a nice change in the weather, what is that orange colored orb in the sky??? I think I recall seeing it before but forgot what they call it.... :-)

Good luck, rip some lips!



Are having to search much to find weedlines in 12-14ft? Anytime I hit those depths, I am in pretty thick weeds and a lindy would never make it through.


I and using a smaller sized slip sinker (1/4 oz?) and I tend to pull through the weeds allot. A weedless hook does help if you have one. The fish I caught last night I thought were weeds at first until the fish started tugging back.

Yes, it is hard to find, but the north shore of Wayzata has a defined weedline that is a little easier to fish. Give it a try, it is allot of work because you are pulling weeds off you rig quite often, but it paid off last night.

Good luck. :-)


I'll be heading out tonight to battle the cruisers for a while and then finally have some peace and quiet around dark. I let you know how I do. My other problem is that I currently don't have a trolling motor and am using an old flasher. I'm holding off on getting any new equipment until I get the new boat in the fall. So if you see a 16.5 ft Sylvan with a 90 horse and a guy up front pulling up the anhor every 5 minutes...that be me. That's the reason behind the "anchor man" handle.


Anchor Man,
How did you do last night? I went to Eagle lake instead. Had one really nice one on and got off near the boat. Caught a few perch, snake and a sunny also.

I had to do the same thing with my old boat (12 ft with a 2.2 hp motor). I bought a new 2003 Crestliner sport/fish last spring and now I feel spoiled. I hope you enjoy your new boat you get this fall. I know I did after years of dealing with the 12 footer!

Have a great weekend!


O.K. maybe I just want to lift myself up since the last two nights I went out I haven't produced much action, but about a week and a half ago, I caught a 28" walleye in shallow water on a blue/glow lipstick jig and fathead. Took a pic and let her go. What a beautiful fish!



I know they are there, I've just yet to get one. actually about 5 yrs ago I got a 5 lber on the far west side of the lake. It seems the harder I try the less luck I have. Perhaps I am trying too hard. Maybe I'll try a cane pole and a worm tonight.....


Very nice fish. Do you have a pic you can post? I love fighting those pigs! Was that caught that on Tonka?

Have a great weekend,

Autumnhunt---Gone fishing!



Yeah, I caught her on the west side of Tonka. I have a picture of her, but undeveloped. Hopefully I get it posted soon. I am headed up to the big V next week, so I am hoping for more pictures to post, too.


Don't give up! Your hard work will eventually pay off.




I'm going out tonight, my last post was from this morning. No internet at home, so I'll give a report on Monday.



I went out Friday from 6-10 and caught 1 pike and a crappie and missed a few. There was a ton of traffic which didn't help. I tried the browns flat. I stayed around 18-22ft range with no luck there. I did miss a couple on the west side of the flat where it drops from 18 or so ft down to 30+. On three seperate drifts, just as my depth finder hit 24 ft I would get bit. Somehow I couldn't keep them on. Tried a few Wayzata weedlines and I missed a couple little hits on the 22ft rock pile in Browns. Next time out I am going to work Diamonds, brackets and a few other areas I don't fish much. I'm getting tired of the same old scenery (with no walleyes in it).

Goog luck tonight. Let us know how you did

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