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Catfish Contest this week

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They had like 6 people in there group and they had 3 boats.

I wonder if this would also fall under the party fishing regulation in which you may not exceed the combined limits of the numbers of the party, which would allow 6 fish over 24" for the group?

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I wonder if this would also fall under the party fishing regulation in which you may not exceed the combined limits of the numbers of the party, which would allow 6 fish over 24" for the group?

Obviously party limits of fish are legal which you've indicated PierBridge.

However, the fact that this one particular angler registered them both under his name in the contest alludes to the fact that HE was possessing both those fish.

Wouldn't be having this discussion if his partner entered the other fish.

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Sorry I didn't read the last couple pages of the thread very close.

So if he use's one of the other 6 Fishermens names he was with he's technically legal.

Suppose it will be tough for the DNR to prove without being able to measure the Fish in question.

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Well hopefully the Dnr will open their eyes and not give out the permit next year for this contest! Or at minimum set some guidelines and enforce them.

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So if he use's one of the other 6 Fishermens names he was with he's technically legal.

Technicalities, technicalities... grin

Thank God this was just a lowly Catfish Contest, could you imagine the uproar if it was a prized gamefish species. wink

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Originally Posted By: PierBridge
So if he use's one of the other 6 Fishermens names he was with he's technically legal.

Technicalities, technicalities... grin

Thank God this was just a lowly Catfish Contest, could you imagine the uproar if it was a prized gamefish species. wink

Exactly, could you just imagine if some bar decided to have a musky contest on Mille lacs, and the fish had to be hauled a couple miles away for a weigh in, thrown in the back of trucks, not even in a livewell, or tank of water. Then at the contest after weigh in, the largest of the muskies just thrown in a 200 gallon tank for hours floating half dead so others can admire the prize! Or worse yet just thrown on the ground for a half hour in 90 degree heat in the sun, so the people that caught them can have a few beers, and B.S. about their catch! Limits, nah bring em all in, 10 inch to 70 inch because they will have a prize for all sizes, and one for most registerd! (Ok, they dropped that prize a few years ago)

Do you think this bar would get a permit for a contest year after year if this was a regular practice, for Muskies? Probably not! But since its just a catfish, no biggie! crazy

Sorry, I am obviously not a big fan of this contest!

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Originally Posted By: PierBridge
So if he use's one of the other 6 Fishermens names he was with he's technically legal.

Technicalities, technicalities... grin

Thank God this was just a lowly Catfish Contest, could you imagine the uproar if it was a prized gamefish species. wink

Legal or Moral.....

I wonder how others in the contest who paid entry fees feel with this guy rounding up a possee and entering fish that he did not catch???

Show me someone who will screw you for a dime....... And

I'll show you someone who will Royally F you for a Dollar.

Then....To go on line and brag about it as well.....

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There are some who will never understand and you could jump off the bridge yelling but it will never make a bit of difference.

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I know I shouldn't even start typing this post because I am going to be ganged up on for sure, and truthfully I am not trying to start a fight here..... but............

My 2 cent opinion on this is that a lot of people get whipped up these days about catch and release which is great, so don't get me wrong......but.......

It is still legal to keep fish in this state as long as you abide by the posession limits of each species. Each one of those anglers in that contest are allowed to keep one of those fish over 24". Hopefully they don't wanton waste them but if they killed them filleted them and took them home it would make no difference. It is still within thier rights to do so, but I would guess that not many choose to do this.

As far as 1 guy registering 2 fish, I think this is getting a little bit nit-picky. If he was fishing with other anglers they can certainly catch and keep enough fish to fulfill all of thier limits. If he caught both fish I see nothing wrong with him registering them both as long as there are multiple party fishing members present at all times with him. Its no different than shooting 2 12 point bucks when out party hunting. My party member may have to register one with the DNR, but I am still going to get MY picture taken with them both for the Outdoor News. I'm sure not gonna let any of my buddies get that glory!

I could be wrong since I have not fished this contest since I was 16 years old(22 years ago), but I believe that the vast majority of these fish are released right after being weighed in and only a few of the largest ones are kept in the stock tank. I really don't think losing a couple of fish once a year is going to cause the demise of flathead fishing. How many people ever take one out of there all year long? I don't think I know of anyone who eats flatheads, especially the big ones.

Sorry if this post causes a bit to-do. I promise I'm really not that bad of a guy, i just have an opinion.

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If this guy did not break the law, then he was party fishing in the contest with someone who was not registered. IMO is cheating. If they where registered, then why did that person not claim his/hers prize/position? Why did they claim 6th and 10th?

I am sure the contestant did not know about the 24" rule. But I think the point everyone is trying to make is the people who run the contest should have known. If they do not even know the state regulations, it tells me they do not know how to run a contest.

You are right about keeping these fish. It is your right to do so as long as it is with in the bounds of the law. In this contest (From what I have heard. I have never seen it), these fish are not treated all that good and then released. Some make it, but I assume some die. I am not sure about this year, but I am sure other years their has been many fish caught. IMO from the first hand accounts, these fish are treated very rough. Why even throw them back half dead.

The length of time it takes to get a flat to 40 or 50lbs is much greater than you think and I think should be treated with respect. With the DNR’s interest in these fish as of late, I think we are going to see more regulations and I hope to see a change in contest’s like these. And why not, the other fish get the attention. The only other fish that comes close to the weight of these fish is sturgeon. Do you think (now-a-days) a contest for sturgeon up on the Rainy River like this would fly? No way in gods green earth.


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I hate to beat a dead horse but, this contest is for a few to profit at the expense of the fish. It wouldn't be so bad if all involved would give the fish just a little respect.

You are correct Josh, it would not be allowed for just about any other specie so why the catfish?

Hopefully we can all contact the right people within the DNR and get these types contest running in a way that will help protect the fish or shut them down if they cannot run a contest a better way.

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BigDave2, I see your points, and legally they were probably ok, as long as 2 people came into the weigh in and was with the fish until released. But I disagree with you about taking a couple big ones out, wont hurt the fish population.

Now these are just my guestimates, but are probably fairly accurate.

This contest like many others targets the largest fish, so lets say 3-4 big (35+ lb) fish die each year do to this contest on average every year plus several medium fish (10-20 lb's). I would (again) guess that on an average stretch of the MN river there may be 3 fish per mile of river over 30 lbs, with maybe 1 per 15 miles over 50 lbs. Now have this "ONE" contest take out a couple of them. Now these big fish dont get big overnight. A 50 lb'er has probably been around 30 years.

Now this is just one contest, now there would be a few more contests around, killing a few more. Add to that regular mortalities from just fishing. Its amazing that there are even big ones out there. Imagine what the odds that a fish will grow to be that big, very slim. This contest has been going on for many years, and has been the cause of several dead monsters. I realize in recent years it has gotten better, but there is room for a lot more improvements, or even abandon it altogether. Imagine how many more big fish would be out there if this contest never happened!

Now these are just my opinions!

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when I used to fish this contest I was under the impression the you could only register or weigh in one fish. and yes alot of guys and gals will fish together and they will all pool there money together and buy one entery. This happens every year. could you do this at lets say the wave wacker tournement or the bass masters no the mentallity of some people is that oh its a catfish its just a bottom feeder so whats the big deal. thats the farthest thing from the truth and these fish rank right up there with every other big game fish in my book.

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Very well said BigDave.

I will jump on the devils advocate boat also for just a moment. Not that I agree with how the tournament is run because I have tried for many years to help them change it but to no avail. But it is still "legal" maybe not moral but legal the way they run it. Which is why it probably hasnt gotten shut down or the attention that you guys wish it would. Legally they could kill every one of those fish and eat them if they wanted. Some of the responsibility for the care of the fish should certainly be put on the anglers also. They are not forced to leave the fish there. I fish the contest and if i were to ever get a big cat one that would place near the top I would make sure it was taken care of. But I wouldnt ever bring in a smaller cat for a try at 21st place or whatever. That is one of my biggest gripes with this contest. They need to make it a top 5 deal with 24 hour weigh-in and a number to call for current standings. As far as hurting the overall population I dont think it affects it noticeably. This contest has been held for 30 years or so and the number of big cats and size continues to grow. The contest is good for the local economy as it draws a lot of people that spend money locally. It just needs some tweaking. Try not to attack me to bad as this is only my opinion. Like Dave said i really am a nice guy. grin

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If he caught both fish I see nothing wrong with him registering them both

Hanson is right a single person absolutely can not enter both fish in the contest that's for certain.

I called the DNR twice yesterday due to my confusion on the Law!

Both the lady and gentelmen I talked to confirmed this for me.

I'm not sure if someone in his boat or party can enter the fish either, Probably can but I didn't ask that question.

Here is the number I called.... have at it....(651) 296-6157

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This contest may not be licensed one day even if it is all legal. There are too many sportsman that cannot stand to see our resource raped like this, even if one can try and say its legal.

Maybe if I had a business and was making money off the contest I would back it but I doubt that also. I could not sell out to how I feel about the fish I love to chase.

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I think we can all agree that we have a great time catching Cats, and that some of these contests could have their rules tweaked to make them a better event, both for the fish and the contestant.

and.....I for one do not hold anything against people who fish them.

I would just hope that a little thought is put into it next time you enter one of them.

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This contest has been held for 30 years or so and the number of big cats and size continues to grow. The contest is good for the local economy as it draws a lot of people that spend money locally. It just needs some tweaking. Try not to attack me to bad as this is only my opinion. Like Dave said i really am a nice guy. grin

I've said many, many times before... I'm not anti-tournament or contest. I am however against this one under the framework and rules that it currently operates under.

For most of us here, these fish are our passion, its all most of us fish for all summer. We treat and handle these fish with the utmost respect. Its my belief that the catfish world is changing and becoming more legitimized as a sport. This contest is still conducted in a manner that was alright years ago, but the fishing industry as a whole has changed, Minnesota's attitude towards catfish has changed, the ethic of Catch & Release along with Selective Harvest is now a part of the picture, and I think its time that the tournament changes as well.

I'm going to spin this thing a different way for a change... I was thinking the other day about the lack of top level catfish tournaments in the state of Minnesota. You have the Cat's Incredible in East Grand Forks, which is a phenomenally run tournament BTW, and the next closest "big" tournament is a US Cats tourny in Sioux City, IA. There are a few other small contests but thats it.

If there can be a change of leadership, if there can be a change of direction, if there can be a modernization of the contest, could the BP Tourny be the next top level catfish tournament in the midwest?? Thats a good question that might make all parties happy.

I think its obviously clear that there are a few issues with the contest now that ruffle our feathers. If those issues could be fixed, the skies the limit for where this thing could go.

Would be great for tourism and great for the local economy. The Cat's Incredible pulls 150 (2) man teams from at least 13 different states filling motels and generating business for restaurants, gas stations, etc. Could the same thing happen in Belle Plaine?

Just a little food for thought...

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Personally, I'm not a fan of any fishing contest. But if you are fishing for a contest or fishing for fun(and to put a little fish in my belly)like I like to do, it makes no difference. You are still personally responsible for either taking care of that fish and puting it back where it came from in a timely matter or harvesting it and utilizing it. If anything other than that happens, to me anyway, it reflects poorly on the fisherman not the contest. Individuals in the contest can take as many precautions as they feel neccessary to insure the lives of the fish they catch. I've also witnessed many people over the years take big fish home to take a few pictures with it and then take it back down to the river and release it. There is no difference in doing that than there is in this contest, you just aren't seeing it.

BTW, thanks for not jumping down my throat so far. Thats why I like this board so much I guess. And Tom and I really are nice guys.

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BTW, thanks for not jumping down my throat so far.

This topic won't go anywhere if that is the protocal.

I think its an important topic, it needs to remain constructive, and opinions from all sides are welcome. There are definitely more viewpoints engaged in this discussion this year than previous years. I think thats healthy.

Its not like this is the first time we've had this big debate, its on year 3 or 4 now. grin

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I still go back to, would anyone let this stuff happen if it were Muskies? There would be an uproar! So no, it wouldnt happen! So why let it go on with catfish?

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The Musky Mafia would've taken care of things a LONG time ago wink

Constructive debate is always healthy. It's never bad to hear both sides of an arguement.

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This contest may not be licensed one day even if it is all legal. There are too many sportsman that cannot stand to see our resource raped like this, even if one can try and say its legal.

Maybe if I had a business and was making money off the contest I would back it but I doubt that also. I could not sell out to how I feel about the fish I love to chase.

It may not be licensed some day but I dont see from a legal stand point what grounds they would have for not giving them a permit. It is NOT a catch & release tournament. It is encouraged but not mandatory. And if you really think I am a sell out and that is the only reason I have this opinion you dont know me very well. The bait and tackle I sell all year long including during the contest is a convenience to local anglers and something that I enjoy to do. If I make or lose money in the process so be it. A lot of the people that get bait from me are guys that supported me when I had the sport shop and I still am thankful for that and will do what I can for them.

Hanson -

As far as this being the next big contest I do not see that happening. Most of the anglers that fish this contest are not interested in serious angling tournaments. They want to kick back relax have a couple cold ones and maybe just maybe catch a thousand dollar cat. We tried starting a 2 person team tournament about 4-5 years ago and it didnt go at all. We only had a handful of people sign up. Maybe try again some day.

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I still go back to, would anyone let this stuff happen if it were Muskies? There would be an uproar! So no, it wouldnt happen! So why let it go on with catfish?

Muskie "anglers" would not allow it to happen. Remember the majority of catfishermen are not nearly as passionate about the fish as muskie anglers. Most cat men want to relax have a few and catch a few. I do NOT in any way mean this offensively but the guys on here including me are most certainly a minority group in the catfishing community as a whole.

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Fishing is a catch-22. We need more people in the sport to help pay for it but the more people you have the more problems there are with enforcement, access and such. You need these contests and things like it to generate interest in the sport so that the DNR can continue to fund it. Thats the same reason why the DNR spends a ton of money every year trying to recruit youth into hunting and fishing. We would all like to have a huge body of water full of fish all to ourselves but we all know that it doesn't work that way.

To be honest I never heard anyone complain about this contest until a few years ago and its only on here that I have ever heard complaints. I can guarantee that a lot less fish are killed at this contest in this day and age then there were 30 years ago when conservation was not on too many poeoples minds.

And Hanson, I see where you are coming from but I hope you are wrong. Right now this contest is really just a party for "good ole' boys"

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I was just throwing out an idea that is the flipside of how the contest is run now for discussions sake. You can never come up with any new ideas if you don't look at a situation differently.

Is there a way that this thing can be run without getting a bunch of guys hot under the collar? Guess that is the underlying question.

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Originally Posted By: 4wanderingeyes
I still go back to, would anyone let this stuff happen if it were Muskies? There would be an uproar! So no, it wouldnt happen! So why let it go on with catfish?

Muskie "anglers" would not allow it to happen. Remember the majority of catfishermen are not nearly as passionate about the fish as muskie anglers. Most cat men want to relax have a few and catch a few. I do NOT in any way mean this offensively but the guys on here including me are most certainly a minority group in the catfishing community as a whole.

So we are just suppopse to continue to allow people to mistreat catfish, because people dont take catfish serious, and want to just use it as something to do as they are drinking beer? I think catfish should be treated equally as muskies, and other game fish! As catfishermen, we shouldnt allow this to continue, just like muskie fishermen wouldnt allow it to continue with muskies! We are responsible for these fish, there is a whole new group of fishermen getting interested in catfishing, and if we dont show respect to the fish, they wont either!

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I am not saying let the mistreatment take place. But shutting down this contest is not gonna accomplish your goal. People that mistreat the fish are still gonna do so. Educating fishermen on the other hand would help a lot more. Its funny how people feel differently about things based on where they are from how they grow up etc. I cant help but think of the pictures of the guys down south with 5 40 pounders layin on shore and it is accepted down there. Dont get me wrong I dont agree with that. And the "good ole boys" around here that have been fishin the river for years and years probably sit around and whine about all these hopped up boats etc. ruining the river. Sometimes you have to step back and look at both sides of the coin and listen to other peoples thoughts.

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Have you been to other contests? If you compare others to this one, you would see why this one is the one that gets attention! I personally dont care if some hillbillies from down south Noodles them, or has a bounty out for them, but I do care what happens to them in the waters that I fish! We have a good fishery for cats right here in our back yards, if we respect it, it will only get better, rather then worse!

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By the way, this is a great topic, and if we can keep it civil, hopefully we can keep it right here in the MN river forum, rather then having it get booted to Silly Town!

I do understand what you are saying, I know that contest has improved greatly over the years, but it is still conducted the wrong way, and with that it will never be a contest that wont get critisism from cat guys!

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • MarkB
      Are minnows available at the Y store?  
    • BWpineisland
      The only thing they would bite on last night was minnows for us. Reef fishing in 30’. Plenty of action, nothing real big. 
    • Wanderer
      The Miss gets tough when the water is high and dirty.  Your entire range you’re considering can be good but I think right now you’re gonna need to fish tight to the bank in the eddys.  Or maybe the downstream ends of islands.  They probably won’t be in the main flow much.   I’ve been tempted to get out there myself but she looks like she needs to settle down a bit first.
    • Fishguy24
      Yes I know, I am wondering about spots from St. Cloud and north, along the Mississippi, I am from Duluth and just thought I’d mention it
    • Dash 1
      Sorry I do not river fish much. I know the Mississippi near Baxter\Brainerd is good as the Linders fish it.  Good luck.
    • fishingstar
      This is a St Cloud forum check out something up near Duluth 
    • Fishguy24
      Anyone here willing to recommend a good launch or town to find some smalie’s next week on the big river? Looking for somewhere preferably closer to Duluth, I’ve fished rivers around here this week and only have a couple 14” fish to show for it and a few skunks  . Only place I’ve found fish up here is right up on creek mouths, nothing else seems to work, really muddy water. Will be fishing out of a shallow hull 14’ boat with a 15 hp tiller, looking at anywhere from Grand Rapids to St. Cloud and trying to narrow it down, pretty inexperienced smallie and river angler but I have some time off next week and wouldn’t mind spending another day on the water, and hopefully end up with some decent fish to show for it (will be released). Thanks for any input 
    • Shulsebus
      Well we will be arriving for the week tomorrow. Fishing mostly east end.  We will be hitting all of our favorite bobber spots.  Going to bring some jumbo leeches. Figure we will be getting smallmouth and walleye.  Staying in Daisy bay.  Is the water temp about 65?  Is there really any point of getting minnows?  
    • Dash 1
      No unfortunately it was the other one in Richmond. I really like them, but this time I guess wasn’t their best.  I ordered the wire on Amazon today. Went to 5 places in St Cloud after work and no one had it. 
    • smurfy
      That wasn't In-tune marine by chance??🤔
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