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2020 Lake of the Woods Fishing Reports & Info

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Z 85 Chevy -- yep, I was with Daryl -- will say hi.

vrman 11 -- the shallowest we tried was 19. we were several hundred yards from the actual gap--best to give that a wide berth. we drilled as we were coming from the west and the ice was ok, but we didn't want to explore too far. the water was pretty murky everywhere we tried in that vicinity, and never started marking any fish. The water was much clearer straight out and deeper ( 30 - 32 ) from Morris Pt. We just fished 1 1/2 days so we decided to plug away out deeper and then call it a year for ice fishing.

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UP North Fishing-

You sure have alot of negative comments for everyone planning on ice fishing this weekend, especially for people questioning ice/access conditions.

I don't want to offend your judgement, but it sure seems to be off compared to every resort owner I have called up at LOTW.

Like I said, no offense, but you make it sound like there is 5 inches of ice and people are falling through everywhere. If I were a resort owner/adminstrator on this site I would delete most of your comments based on how nasty you make the ice sound. I think the comments result in people cancelling great late ice trips when it is not necessary.

Obviously every person that risks heading out on the ice this weekend needs to use caution and to take their time and weather is a factor, but if a resort owner is using years of judgement and giving their educated guess about using an ATV or walking, I will stick to their advice.

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every resort owner huh i talked to them to and a few said it was borderline....ask the owners of the pick-ups and the fourwheelers and the snowcats owners that already went down if its worth it......maybe one dead already and how many have to drown before you learn...just my opinion

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Save your posts UP North.

I would rather have someone from out of the area get their feathers ruffled rather than know that you could have saved someones family member or friend from a watery grave with your words of caution.

Yes it can happen. Yes it has happend. Yes it already happened this Spring. Who is next?

Be careful either way.


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Like I said- I dont mean to offend anyones opinions/posts. I also did not say I spoke to every resort- I said every resort I called, which was 4 very credible locations who we have been calling for years.

I don't pretend to be an expert on ice conditions or fishing, but I would think anyone on this forum is only looking/providing helpful information/advice.

I appreciate your advice.

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Last weekend I assisted in the recovery of a truck on Lake Vermilion. On the morning after it went in, I walked right up to the hole, checking with a chisel as I went. The ice was good and solid. Within 2 hours of that first walk, I couldn't even step on the ice without pushing the needle ice down making a foot print like I was walking in snow. The diver had on hack of a time getting back out of the hole with all the needle ice even with 2 others helping.

If ones goes out and the warm weather degrades the ice while you are fishing, you might never make it back to shore. Even if you have a buddy to help. As a fire fighter/first responder, I tend to be on the cautious side because I DO NOT LIKE dealing with families that have lost someone.

IF you are going out, at least wear a PFD so if something happens, a recovery can be made quickly for the family.

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I agree with shamrock , it you go on the ice now , ware a flotation device . Good Luck .

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No fish is worth your life or someone elses...Wait a couple of weeks and you will be able to go out in the boat. I understand that everyone likes to fish, but really! Take some time off and get the summer gear ready. Just my opinion

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I don't recall this being the "How are the ice conditions thread"

Can we please limit it to fishing reports

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hardwater season is over by my guess...and i live to ice fish... but i had a close friend go through this season and didnt make it. its hard to accept that the season is over, i know it, but you just cant be too carefull with thawing conditions and late ice. i agree no fish is worth your life.

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Water and ice conditions are part of a good fishing report. and if it saves somebodys bacon what do you care?

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Went out of long point thursday-sunday the access is wet, but navagatable. I walked out to check ice conditions on Thursday for travel and fished a small hump out to a deep under water contour/point close to shore and did well. Friday we took the Rhino out four miles to Lemer reef and did well for a coupla hours and moved in around the twin island areas and did well after trying different things. We caught 48 walleyes...all 13-19 inches, nothing big. What was working for us was using a small northland buckshot spoon in red on one side, pink on the other, with a small minnow head. We pounded the bottom 3-4 times and lifted our rigs 2 foot off the bottom and walleyes would chase up and look, but no go. After doing this a few times they would come up and smack the lure. Saturday and Sunday the same thing worked for us. A very successful trip for last trip of the year. I felt the ice was safe during the weekend in the areas we fished, believe me I have been in the drink a few times, but always come prepared with pfd's, rope, and picks this time of year.

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great pic!!! you should start making sportsman calanders!!! id put that pic in march or april...lol..very cool!

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Great picture! But be honest. Is there a fish on the other end of that line or a beer can!? Haha

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the ice was fine by sprinsteel and you guys (upnorth) that are crying wolf, needs to get a grip and chill out. it was fine.

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I really like these kinds of pics. light and contrast the photographer best friend.

I agree this is calender stuff. In fact am thinking of publishing a calender for 2011. I am part owner of a printing co. and am semi retiring this year and this would be a good side project for me. I am in no rush as I have plenty of other projects on the table but this is one I really do want to pursue.

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those are pretty bold words lakesbison. 'crying wolf'...hmmm...? interesting choice of words considering the confirmed reports of multiple trucks, ATVs, and sleds breaking through the ice (and some goinging under) in the last 3 weeks. Glad to hear you had a good time making it out and back for your trip, but have a little respect or choose your words more carefully...Alot of posters in this forum make their money (guides, resort owners, etc..)off of guys like you and me but would not risk our life, or theirs for a fillet. I'm guessing it wouldn't be in their best interest to scare away customers by 'crying wolf'. That's actually kinda funny but insulting as well.

that's just my opinion, take it for what it's worth.

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We took wheelers up using Graceton Thursday-Monday and fished near the Morris gap.

We drove over the crack that everyone was talking about. It was closed, so things must have changed drastically from earlier in the week. We were expecting 4 ft of crack with open water. But that sure was not the case.

We had good luck in 14 ft of water early and late. We headed out to 30' in the afternoon and picked up a few nice Eyes and Sauger.

The ice was good compared to the reports we read before the trip.

Only 1 area we drilled had some slush come through the hole.

I wasn't expecting the amount of people we saw on the ice. Well over 100 ice-fishing comming from Morris pt and Graceton.

We saw a Tracker and a Ford Range use enter Graceton and head towards Garden Island.

We almost cancelled our trip after reading reports up until Wednesday evening. I am sure glad we chose to go.

I would think things will change with the South wind that hit yesterday.

Good Luck to everyone.

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Fished Friday and Saturday. Ice was in better shape than expected, probably due to the colder weather mid- to late-last week.

A wheeler dropped through the ice out in front of Morris Point Resort. One of our fishing party pulled him out. The portable ice house in tow kept the wheeler from dropping to the bottom. Very fortunate.

Fishing was better than average on Friday morning. Friday afternoon was slower as was Saturday. Seemed like the wind shifted mid-day on Friday.

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Just came over the scanner 2 snowmobiles thru the ice at or by springsteel they were calling for fire rescue and ambulances...

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nope havent heard anything yet...i work with a first responder and his scanner went off calling for the fire department then 10-15 mins later they were calling for the ambulance.....so i hope it isnt to bad...it hit 70 today with sun and warm south wind...

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UPnorth, I heard the same as you. I haven't heard any confirmed details yet. I have heard a couple of rumors both ways but I am not posting anything until I know it is a fact. It is sad, this should not have happened, it was totally preventable. No fish is worth this.

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I heard on the local radio station said that it was a false alarm and nothing actually happened. I hope this is true.

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Hard to believe a fish is worth all that! I dont have much room to talk...ive been out in these conditions too. But im just saying. After what Ive seen this year..I will definately be rethinking my late ice excursions next year!!

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