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Hey guys, it is almost time to start thinking about catt’in in this area. I am possibly heading down this Sunday to start my season off. I know there where some dudes in this forum last year at this time that got some monster channels.

If anyone has questions on what to do, you can post them here. I know from some e-mails I have gotten people are starting out for cats for the first time in this area.

I figure we have a couple weeks yet until our boat launches are clear again from the walleye dudes and about a month after this until the pleasure boaters are buzzing all around. This is a great period of time for seasoned and newbie cat guys and gals to get out from Mpls to south of St. Paul for cats.

Anyone been out yet for cats?

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Josh, I sent you an email. If you wanna head out on Sunday let me know. I might have the boat ready for Sunday if you are interested.

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See if you can send it again. I had some user issues this morning crazy.gif and I think I deleted it. I did get the wiper e-mail grin.gif LOL.

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Riverhog and myself will most likely be running around P2 saturday. Might go up the MN for a while too. I've got a couple spots on each river in mind that should produce just not sure which river to launch from now. crazy.gif

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Good luck guys!

You never go wrong with Lilly. But then again, 35 and go south is something I have done many times in the past.

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Josh, I sent you another email. See if you get it.

Wish I could find a set of those wipers.

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Well I've always wanted to go on Pool 2 but I only have a canoe... anybody want to give a poor guy a lift in a boat? \:\)

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My buddies and I have been kicking around the idea of starting to add cats to the list of target fish but none of us have ever done it before. What does a guy look for on P2 for cats? Is it fallen logs, slack water on wingdams or??

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 Originally Posted By: mnfishinguy
My buddies and I have been kicking around the idea of starting to add cats to the list of target fish but none of us have ever done it before. What does a guy look for on P2 for cats? Is it fallen logs, slack water on wingdams or??

Those would all be very good places to start. You just have to explore alittle until you find some fish and what they want.

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Like Ace said, you have to find them. They "could" hang out at any of the spots you mentioned.

Find fish on the locator is key also. Now to know if they are carp or cats, is another story.

I personally like eddies adjacent to slack water, with a little structure mixed in (I.E. logs, pilings or bars). I have seemed to learn that cats in general will transition from these type areas at or around dusk to feed. That is when you want to be in areas like I stated above. Kind of like Rushing said in the cat forum “Do you want to fish for them in their living room or do want to fish for them in their kitchen”. Try to find out where the cats feed and where they just do what ever, minus biting. Getting to an area that they are feeding in is a major key factor in getting them on your line.

I will add, during the day hours down on Pool 2, I have had luck casting right into a snag or structure with some depth (8-15’). It is just getting the fish out of this area is the task.

Good luck!

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 Originally Posted By: goblueM
Well I've always wanted to go on Pool 2 but I only have a canoe... anybody want to give a poor guy a lift in a boat? \:\)

I see canoes down on Pool 2 all the time. I think it would be pretty neat to launch up at Hidden Fall on the Miss, or 35W on the MN and float to the Lillydale ramp. Stop and fish. Bring two people, anchor and rope to tie off the canoe to trees when barges come by.

I think it would be a cool time.

This day and age, every thing is fast this and fast that. Back in the seventies and eighties, people never hesitated to break out the canoe and go down to the river.

One of our own F.M. members (Blue kayak) fish’s for big flats in a kayak down on the river. He seems to handle him self well. Also I see the row team all the time practicing down on Pool 2.

Be safe and give it a try. Let us know how it goes \:\)

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im heading out to p2 tomorrow for the boats first voyage of the year. im just gonna launch out of st paul park and stay around there, hoping for eyes or channels or whatever. ill be in a small alumacraft if anyone is out there.

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Maybe I will, Shackbash. Problem is finding another person to go in the canoe with me... usually I just solo it around the metro lakes - don't have any friends that want to go in a canoe, and definitely none that I'd trust out on the Miss, particularly when the water is below 70 degrees...

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There was a yellow Kayak down yesterday. He/she was going all over the place. I know it is a little differnt than a canoe though.

Got out yesterday from shore around Lillydale area. It was slow on the cat side. 1 4-5lb channel and many thumps and some slight runs, but nothing big. It was sure nice to be out though with no jacket. Spent a fair amount of time casting for white bass, with no hook ups. Ran into an F.M.er catt'in, which was a nice surprise. RiverrunnerZ. He was pretty cool, even gave us some shad. Definitely a bonus for the day. The HSO King of the Cats hat made him stand out grin.gif

The water is up and running at a good pace. Seen some logs floating, but no whole tree's.

Be carefull though, spring time river fishing during high water can put you on the connecting end of a log just under the surface.

Good luck guys.

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i was down around the 494 bridge yesterday with the wife. saw a solo canoer downstream of there near spp. between the 2 of us we only managed a single sheepie on a crawler. nice to run the boat though.

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Brian...where were you under the 494 bridge...if you park by the compost site, and walk down the path to where is is an overlook, go down to the shore and cast out towards Hastings, there should be plenty of action...Even I have caught cats down there.

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First Flat of the year on Pool 2!

39x25 Pool 2 Flat



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