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Smallies on Ole' Miss.

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Talking about lure selection and going bigger I agree, especially since I've been getting only small fish. But I need some help with the tubes. I have heard/read a lot about tubes for smallies being really productive and I've tried to fish with tubes but I think I'm rigging them all wrong or fishing them improperly. I haven't really heard a definitive answer on how to fish & rig tubes. I have some 3/8th tube rattle/jig heads and I've tried those but I think I'm fishing it wrong...plus they are just too heavy I think for the cover I'm fishing. What am I doing wrong or is there a better way to rig/fish tubes. HELP, I feel I'm missing an important part of my arsenal.

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Well, here's a tip from uncle EBass. Try to go as light as possible. So you may want to pick up some lighter jig heads and some weedless ones too. Gander mt has some I jsut picked up. I mean Gander makes them. Mushroom head with a longer shaft, nice jig - my .02.

Also, I like to rig them texas style even for rivers. Too many snags in rivers. So here's what I do.

I take my 3.5/4" Gander Mt tube and use a Gamakatsu (spelling??) 2/0 extra wide gap. Then take a tiny split shot and crimp it on the line or even the hook sometimes to make it fall SSLLOOWW. Sometimes you won't need a weight. Experiment!

Let it drift with the current especailly when the bottom meets the rock ledge or what have you. Give her a small twitch every so often.

Also, don't forget about suspending cranks. Reel it down to where you think they are hanging and let it drift, then give it a small twitch a couple times during the drift.

They want it big and slow just like.. well I won't even go there grin.gif (lots of doors opened on with that one) D'OH!!

Or F all of that and go with big live bait. smile.gif

I hoped that put a smile on Biglakebass's face! LOL

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Just how "big" are we talking... Musky lures? LOL J/K! Won't go there either. Ok, maybe a little :-).

I've actually really been pondering using live bait...especially crawlers, but I really don't want to have to end up pulling in carp after crap, I mean carp LOL :-). If you can't tell, I really dislike carp!

About the tubes, thanks for the info. I've tried rigging them a few different ways with the texas rigging and I've been using a 1/0 gama hook, maybe I should move up a size or two on the hook, but they hardly seem to fall when I go weightless (they even float a little). Just how tiny of a splitshot should I be using to weigh it down in order to make it sink "slloooww"?

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Big Mike and Ebass,
I figured it out.
You guys are just using this topic to increase you number of posts on FM.


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mean? LOL!!!

Chalk another 3 posts up for me :-). Just teasing. Of course it's adding to the # of posts, but it's all about the things we love the most... Fishing the river has got to turn hot sometime soon!

Can't wait!

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Sorry about the flu, that stinks. My wife was home sick this weekend...part of the reason my guys trip was cancelled. Not the only reason but part of. I was down there on Saturday for a little bit and then down on Sunday right at the end of the vikes game and it was definitely starting to rain. The drizzle at first wasn't that bad but then it began to really come down. Luckily I was under some taller trees, but it was still wet plus I had a hard time getting to certain spots because the river was so far up. I was thinking of walking over to the boom island side (via the walking trail/bridge) but didn't make it over because of the rain. Plus the rain made for a tough climb out because all the rocks were really slippery!

Sorry to hear about the motor, but when it comes to "my spot", come on down! Would love to share. Hasn't produced much lately, but it's bound to get hot for the fall bite really soon! Hope your feeling better!

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So the water went up about a foot huh? I thought the bite was better before the rain.

Look to the shore line for the "new" cover and eddies. Well that's where I'm going to start when and if...

If I don't get out tonight I'm going to try to get out tomorrow on my per usual place. Or go to the 694 launch, but I think more people fish that area.

I figure that I always go upstream and if something bad happens (crappy merc) I'll float back down.

I did get some ring worms from B-Fish-N tackle (I think that's how it's spelled) Can't wait to see if eyes and smallies up here like them. grin.gif

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I knew biglakebass was going to read this smile.gif HAHAHA

Go tiny, smaller than the average bear. (Copyright Yogi Bear)

gosh, I think they are 3/32 or something like that. Small. You get a pack of 50 for .89 cents or something. Gander should have them.

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Thanks for the info on the splitshots...I have a ton of them just unsure how big or small to go. I think I might try and get out tonight down at "my spot" for a couple hours after work, may even pick up some crawlers on the way. I haven’t used live bait in a couple years but I think I may have to give it a try again sometime soon. Speaking of live bait, I forgot to say I caught a crawfish down on the river a couple weeks back and hooked’em on and caught a nice 14’’ smallie. That was a couple weeks ago when the water was a lot lower, but the live stuff seemed to work well.

Biglake, good to see you are still tuning into the bigmike/ebass show! :-) I think ebass and I are working on getting this thread to 100 posts... forget 100, how about a few hundred. We won't stop until we are the reigning thread in all of the Metro Forum! j/k :-)

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I don't know if we can top the Medicine thread. But it never hurts to try.

I'll be in North MPLS or up in Anoka. Traffic will dictate where I'll go. Probably the North MPLS launch as it's closer. Hopefully the water started to receed. I don't think they bite well when the water is on the rise.

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I really hope the water is down too! I need a little more room to roam the shores. It was getting a little cramped this weekend with the limited shoreline. I agree that all the change in water level and flow really puts a damper on fishing the river, another reason to go with live bait. I might just go out tonight and see how I do and if it’s slow pick up some live bait on the next outing. I’ve been neglecting my other holes for the hope of a better payout down at the river. I went to Lake Harriet the beginning of last week and nothing. That lake has been a really slow producer all year long :-(!!! There used to never be a day I would not walk away from Harriet without catching a handful of 12-15'' bass (and lots of smaller ones) as well as a bunch of 12'' walleyes if I stayed down after dark. Now I'm lucky to get anything. That’s just one more reason why I’ve been down along the river more.

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I went to North Sippi park and I was the only boat there!! Went upstrem just past 694 bridge. For me I was catching little bass all over and different lures. MY buddy Bill in the back of the boat got the big ol skunk.

I found them on mid river rock humps (which are all over the place so be careful) Also found some on the shoreline. (lures = senko, wiggle warts, baby 1 minus)

Biggest was about 13" - I don't think I'm going back there. I'll be heading north for the brutes up there. 6" smallies just don't cut it. But better than the skunk - LOL

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Sounds like you and I had the same kind of outing last night. I got down to "the spot" about 5:45 and just nailed a ton of 6-12 inchers until sundown (7pm) and then nothing for the next 30 minutes. I was down there about as long as I could be before it got really dark and when it was all said and done I had caught 8 smallies, but the largest was a FAT 12 incher. I think they are starting to stock up. They were really active in that one hour I had before sundown. The lure of choice was a black senko and a pumpkinseed TUBE :-). I rigged it texas & weightless and brought in two small 7 inchers but lost a handful more bites! I still may be rigging it wrong but those tubes are hard to puncture through on the set. I finally starting just pushing just the point of the hook through and that is when I got those two.

I was wondering if you were down around my spot last night because there was a gentleman in a small jon/canoe basically trolling on both sides of the river (real shallow!) He kept looking at me like he knew me or something. I watched him catch a 20+ inch northern right in front of me and almost capsize his boat at the same time. I know it’s not funny to laugh at other people’s misfortune but it was hilarious. A big barge came by and this little jon/canoe was trying to land this northern and the swell from the barge nearly tipped him right over! Then I knew it wasn’t you because you were alone and the great ebass would never get tipped…

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Sorry to double post, but I just wanted to add that I agree about all the little guys! They are fun to catch, but where are the 12+ inchers? I'm thinking that my spot in downtown mpls may only produce a couple of larger fish a year :-(.

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Nope that wasn't me. You won't see me troll unless it's waldos. I'd like to see how you're rigging the tubes. You rigged that senko weedless right? It's the same way, just got to have that extra wide gap hook, so when they bite the hook point is exposed enough to get good penetration.

I just think that stretch is filled with little ones. So I'm opting to go more north Anoka, Monti, Elk Riv or even further.

Merc still squeals. I'll just baby it until I can get it fixed.

A 12" smallie is still small for me. Give me 16" and up! So I'm greedy, who isn't?

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Yeah, I’m still disappointed with 12 inchers myself but being that I don’t have a boat, it’s often times hard to find structure that will produce those larger fish, and the places that I have been able to get access too are very pressured! Oh, the life of a shore fisherman... I can’t wait for those 16+’’ to start rollin’ my way, must be rough ebass! You greedy BASS-tard! LOL Can I even put that on here. Well if I can't I'm sure I'll get an email or something saying my post has been edited.

To all of our faithful viewers, Tuesday we will be having special guest with us, Biglakeba$$. Tuesday is going to be a great show, be sure to tune in.

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Hey man, you still gotta work for them.

#1 be on water that holds a lot of big smallies.
#2 got to find them
#3 find da hot bite
#4 fish hard and ye shall be rewarded with a pig of a smallie.

I'm looking for that 21-22" smallie this fall, and she's out there. (got to have goals right?)

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Ebass, 1-3 are easier said than done and 4 only happens if 1-3 are working for ya.

Here is the way I'm looking at it:

Fishing license: $18
Fishing poles/reels & tackle: $400+ (**** those expensive senkos, again conservative but we're talking the basics)
Boat, Trailer, fish finder: $2000+ (ok, I’m being conservative on my post-college budget)
Catchin’ a “21-22 incher” before ebass this fall: PRICELESS

Just teasin’. I don’t have that kinda cash so I’m going to have to put faith in the ‘sippi to help me out...

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LOL you crack me up BigMike.

I've used minnows bigger than the bass I caught yesterday. Cute little things, but c'mon.

Tonka boy was talking up below the Coon Rapids Dam for big smallies.

Hey Big Mike. Check out the shoreline underneath the 694 bridge. Seems like about a mile of shore line to the public. Also, on the other west side there's a public pier, and that whole shoreline is available to and in some places there's 10 feet of water 20 feet from shore. Plenty of shore line to cover if you willing to walk. Even the walleye shows up now ang again. Tube me boy, tubes. Or the senko of course!!

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The Big Mike/Ebass show is sponsored by Energizer.
They just keep going, and going, and going........

I may be hitting the Miss on Tuesday morning next week in St Cloud. If you are looking for a guest speaker, I may be available on Tuesday afternoon.

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I look forward to it biglakebass. smile.gif I'll be out there this weekend depending on the weather. May even hit the MN river w/Tonka Boy for cats.

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At least I'm good for something, if not fishing...a good laugh :-)

I've heard a lot about the "coon rapids dam" and good smallie fishing up there. Is there any shore fishing up there? I guess a better question would be, is there any shore spots even worth my time? (be honest) There could be all the shore in the world but no "spots" and all I would be doing is throwing my line into fast moving current, lucky to get my lure deeper than a couple of feet. I'm looking for any breaks or structure accessable within a legitimate casting range from shore.

Where is the coon rapids dam located?

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I'm sure there are plenty of spots, especially since the water is low. Spring time forget about it. But you know never know unless you try.

There are two ways to get to Coon Rapids dam. You know west side and east side. Try mapquest for better results.

This should get you to the east side (better fishing I think, but I think you can walk across the dam and fish both. That's if it's not being worked on.)

Do you know where East River Rd is? I believe that will take you up to Egret Blvd then take a left and it's down there. I think it's $4 to get in.

Probably 15-20 mins from your shore spot. Otherwise don't forget about below the 694 bridge. Serious there's a mile of shore line if not more.

Otherwise Pool-2 there's miles of shore to the public. And bigger fish there, but don't be mad if it's a sheepie pulling on your line.

Oh I almost forgot. Sure there's structure to fish. Current breaks etc. You can kill a couple hours there easy!

[This message has been edited by EBass (edited 09-25-2003).]

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I know what you mean about using minnows larger than the smallie I'm catching from my spot, but at least it's something.

I am really anxious to try that coon rapids dam/park area. I got a map and maybe this weekend I'll be able to give it a try. I may also drive by the 694 bridge shoreline to check it out in the next couple of days. I just need to find some new spots.

I've been to pool 2 a number of times around the hidden falls/minnehaha area and just too many people and again, not somewhere I would want to be after sundown.

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Both places are pretty close as for driving distances.

Heck even try the North Mississippi Regional park (which is where I've been launching.)

94 West to Dowling. Take a right on Dowling then a quick left which I can't remember the name but it runs next to the sippi going north now. Follow that and you'll run into the launch about two blocks. I wouldn't hang out there at night, but I'm not Big Mike. I'm little EBass. Any who...

The 694 bridge I think is more safer as it's kinda a park area. Park at the launch and you can travel upstream or down. There maybe some people fishing but not many.

The dam can get packed when fishing close to it. More fish, but there are plenty of rocky shore lines to fish. I haven't been there on shore for years, but I'm sure it hasn't changed much.

I'll be more north on Sat looking for that knuckle buster brusier - good luck.

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I am going to try and get out to the coon rapids dam this weekend! If it's crowded I'll try something else...or just show everyone up by catching all the fish :-). You're right about the small ones and I need to get into at least a 3 or 4 pounder by the end of this year. The one that I missed a week or so ago is still haunting me! Catching those larger smallies gets the heart racing.

I doubt I'll be back down to pool 2 this year. Still a shady area to fish from shore, plus I would probably end up on the hotline reporting some sort of fishing violation since no one down there seems to obey the C&R regulations. I don't have time for that stuff... I'd rather be on the fish!

Ebass, you going out on the 'sippi or does "north" mean some other secret spot :-)?

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Pool 2 in the spring time is pretty darn good for metro.

Anyways, I'll be on the sippi forsure. Best smallie factory in the world. I hope it's crappy out, that means less people except us die hard fisherpeople.

Bring a rain jacket, warm clothes and fish hard! Gotta run

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Hmm, I thought I just replied but it's not here. (oh whoops it is. Didn't go back far enough I guess.)

I'll be on the sippi so we can keep this thread open for biglakebass. Looking forward to the Tuesday afternoon special.

[This message has been edited by EBass (edited 09-26-2003).]

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • SkunkedAgain
      I've done my part to lower the lake level by pressure washing my dock all the way up to my upper deck. I figure that lowered Vermilion by at least 1/4" lake-wide....
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   This week was a great week of walleye fishing on Lake of the Woods.  In addition, saugers, jumbo perch, some monster pike and an occasional crappie in the mix!     There are three fishing techniques being used to score Lake of the Woods gold (walleyes).  First, drifting or slow trolling crawler harnesses.  In a nutshell, using about a 2 ounce weight and a 3-4 foot harness with a spinner, two hooks and a crawler.     A tip for crawler harnesses, hook the dark part or head of the crawler on the front hook.  Try to keep the crawler straight between the two hooks.  Try to leave a few inches of crawler off of your last hook and pinch off the rest.  The walleyes and saugers will still hit it, but you will create more hookups.   The second presentation is a jig and minnow or frozen emerald shiner.  Basically locate fish out on the mud or on structure, anchor up and jig.  If you are amongst fish, they will find you.     The third way walleyes are being caught, and some may be surprised about, is trolling crankbaits.  Some have put on the trolling gear when the walleyes weren't as cooperative or when the fish are spread out.  Lots of success catching good numbers of walleyes and good sized fish.     Lots of fish out over deep mud or deep structure.  The deep mud is holding a lot of walleyes in 21' - 27'.  Electronics will help you mark fish.     There is another shallow water bite still taking place anywhere from 5 - 17'.  Much of the shallow bite has to do with feeding opportunities on various minnow spawns, crawfish and hatches.  Not every walleye is targeting the same prey.  Lots of opportunities.  .   Gold, orange, chartreuse, glow and pink, or a combo of these colors, are a great place to start.   Anglers can keep a combined limit of 6 walleyes and saugers.  Up to 4 can be walleyes.  All walleyes 19.5 - 28.0 inches must be released.  One fish over 28 inches may be kept.  The possession limit in MN is one day's possession.  If you catch a limit, eat some fish and freeze a couple, make sure to count your remaining fish left over for your possession.   On the Rainy River...  With some rain in the area, the river was flowing with a strong current and some debris this past week.  Debris has slowed considerably and water clarity is starting to improve.     Water clarity is important for walleyes, saugers, pike and smallmouth bass.  Sturgeon are much more dialed into scent to find their next meal, consequently, when the sturgeon season opens again on July 1st for the keep season, things should be good.   The fishing happening on the river is focused in areas just out of the current.  Most fish will hang just off, able to grab a passing meal but not having to expend too much energy.  Current can be good as it focuses fish in areas.   Jigging with a minnow is effective when you are on fish.  Otherwise, pulling spinners and trolling crankbaits along shoreline breaks against the current in 6 - 12' of water is producing a mixed bag of walleyes, saugers, pike, smallmouth bass and an occasional crappie.  Up at the NW Angle...  Fishing for a variety of species has been excellent and is in full summer swing up at the Angle.   For those fishing out of the NW Angle, both the Minnesota and Ontario waters of Lake of the Woods are producing a number of nice walleyes.  Many fish have slid off onto deeper structure.  With that said, there are so many areas of forage on LOW, walleyes will be in numerous spots, some shallow and some deeper, taking advantage of opportunities.  Lots of fish to be had, just go fishing.   Jigging structure has been effective.  When fish are a bit spread out, pulling spinners with crawlers or trolling crankbaits is catching a lot of fish.     In this part of the lake, expect to catch walleyes, saugers, pike, jumbo perch, crappies, pike and smallmouth bass.   Muskie anglers are after it and reporting good numbers, and in true LOW style, some big fish over the 50 inch mark.  Summer patterns are starting to take hold, but fish are holding in a variety of areas still.  
    • leech~~
    • redlabguy
      We got .5” last night. Hasn’t affected the lake level yet. It’s been steady the past three days here (Frazer Bay). RLG
    • MikeG3Boat
      Water Levels I believe are now at a record high with all the rain last week, and more fell last night.  I hope it stops raining soon for all the people who have businesses and live in the area.  Water can do so much damage.
    • MikeG3Boat
      MarkB, Where did you find the perch?  I would love to get into some of those.  MarkB are you fishing more on the east or west end?
    • MikeG3Boat
      Where are the water temps now with all the rain?  Coming up for a week on Friday and want to see what I can find out.  I have had a very poor fishing so far this year.  New to the area and just can't figure it out.  Home is on the west end of big bay.
    • smurfy
      👍 dang that walleye is dark?????they all that dark out of that system?????
    • leech~~
      I think you got it! Nice Eye and hog Perch! 👍
    • MarkB
      I'm gonna try this picture thing again. Please bear with me.      Our buddy Greg with his best of the trip.     Above: Pike River bridge the morning we left.        Below: My cousin Tim caught these the morning after the storm.  
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