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Smallies on Ole' Miss.

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  • BigMike


  • EBass


  • HawgTide


  • Mark Christianson


Listen to biglake...he even has a guide. Life must be rough.

Unless he is referring to me as the guide. In that case, you are guaranteed to catch fish grin.gif.

If you try senkos, be sure to downsize to the 3 or 4 inchers. I had the most action myself on tubes. they have a little better action and more hookups in the fast current. Good Luck Biglake, I'm jealous!

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No guide. Just a play on words.
If I don't catch anything, its the guys fault that owns the boat then.

Hows that?
Headin out with another FM'er.

Hmmmm. Who could it be???

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It could be a whole bunch of people. Maybe Dazeoff because we all know he likes to skip out of work for smallies wink.gif and he just mentioned he has a smaller boat that he took out on the 'sippi around elk river. Or it could be Hawgtide because even though he keeps saying he is going to winterize the boat, we all know that he just can't put it away just yet because he is always hoping for days like today. Or maybe ebass...he's been quiet lately and maybe he got the motor fixed and is playing hooky from work...

Whoever it is, you guys are going to have a great afternoon on the water!

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It's not me. My engine leaks gas and still squeals. It's also on blocks on the side of my garage.

I know who it is and if I'm right your lucky.

Can I say on line or keep it hush hush? If I'm right which I know I am his so called "guide" has a real advantage over regular weekend warriors like me.

Looking forward to the report. It's so nice out right now. Calm and 50 something.

Everyone see the forecast for this weekend. Old Man Witer is ticked off and heading this way - Woo Hoo bring on the ice!

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Believe it or not, I took the boat in yesterday. She's winterized. No more fishing until May '04. frown.gif

Nothing but catalogs and magazines for 6 months. Bummer.

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It was chilly out there. Cripes!!
The wind was out of the NW so it was coming right down the river channel. No hiding anywhere we went.
Fishing was great. Catchin was fair.
We got 7 smallies and 2 pike from 1 to 4pm.
Biggest smallie was 15 inches. The others were 12+ inches and under.
I had lots of strikes but couldn't hook those buzzards for anything.
Sorry for the mediocre report, but hey, I made it out this time. Nothing in particular worked best, but the surprise was buzz baits. Can you believe that???

PS - Ebass is correct. I was out with the unfamous Smallie_Hawgin. Ebass wins the free shore fishing trip with Big Mike!!! smile.gif
Man, there were a bunch of guys in waders in the river at the launch by the hospital at noon. Doesn't anybody work up here?

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Woo Hoo I won I won, hey wait a second. Shore fishing trip? What the... J\K. grin.gif

Buzz Baits, that's odd! Well at least you caught some bass. Nutten wrong wit dat.

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BigLake, sounds like you had a chilly day. But at least you were able to get on a few fish. Plus having them hit on buzzers is awesome. I knew it! I knew that topwater would be working! Actually, I can't take credit, Hawgtide told me about the buzz action up on that stretch.

A shore trip with Ebass... Sounds like a good time to me! I'll take fishing (from anywhere) over working or doing the "honey-do's". I work so that I can support the fishing habit. I'm also taking a new approach this winter, I think I'm going to have to work on converting my wife into a fisher-woman. Probably won't work but it's worth a try wink.gif

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BigLake, I have heard about those rumors that the monti stretch stays warmer throughout the year...I wonder why wink.gif j/k. I actually caught more fish myself on Saturday the closer I got to that "place". As I mentioned earlier, hawgtide was telling me about the effectiveness of buzz baits up on that stretch. When I went up I was throwing tiny torpedos and had A LOT of swirls, but not takes frown.gif Oh well...I don't want any more pocket bass anyway. Only Hawgs from here on out grin.gif - especially come time for the magnet tourney.

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Sorry about the repeat posts everyone -- it used to be they would show up after posting but this time they did not so I just kept sending them....duh

Thursday on the river was NOT the day it was forecast to be - VERY windy and cool. The anchor would not even hold the boat so after a couple of hours and no bites we returned to the landing.

Like someone said above - BRING ON THE CATALOGS!!!!!

Daze Off

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Hey Big Mike

Buzz action will work on any stretch of the river. Just typically not when its this cold. But then again, the water is a bit warmer due to a small place just west of Monticello that tends to heat things up a bit throughout the fall and winter.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Any open water anywhere??? I think the ice may be here to stay for the next few months frown.gif.

I'm back from 85 degree Florida. I had the itch while I was down there real bad! I saw a couple of big ponds in the condo community my wife and I were at with big bass cruisin' the shallows! I tried to get the wife to let me go buy some gear and a license. No luck.

So I'm back and pretty much packed up the gear and going into hibernation until May. If I can find some open water from shore I may try for some 'eyes or smallies. Maybe pool 2. But being on shore limits the options right now. Anyone know where I can get some big chubs? Several bait shops have been out for a while.

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I was just thinking about the smalle magnet tourney. I think we should have one on the Croix to.

Big Chubs, you got me. I haven't been out for almost two months now.

Pool 2 might be you're only hope. I heard that the waldogs were going off on the wing dams from some "other" fishing site. (sorry Rick) But I saw the pics of some brutes. I know not a smallie. Or go back to your monti spots.

Good luck BigMike

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I've been wondering if there is any shore access to some of the wingdams in pool 2. The only access areas I've ever fished in pool 2 were on both sides of the 'sippi from the Ford Dam down to the first bend. But I've never really had very good action down there except for drum & carp and an occasional smallie. I always hear of awesome fishing in pool 2, but I'm starting to think it's only for those endowed with a boat.

I don't mind the hike, just don't know where to start. It may be a little late in the season to start venturing out too...

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The boat fund has now turned into the wader fund! LOL With the lady's car takin' a dive a few weeks back, we've had to make some decisions and the boat was one of the first to get cut frown.gif Oh well, the ole' car curveball shows it's head every once in a while and nothing to serious to loose hope. Plus I'll have a new car...well she'll have a new car, but at least I'll get to drive it wink.gif.

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Some clarification. We are looking at both cars and suv's... I think (in fact I know) she wouldn't go for a truck! I'm not to worried about the boat fund thing, being just out of college and my wife finishing up college this month, we're doing well and I have no doubt a boat (and if needed, something to tow it) is in the near future.

Now if only it wasn't icing over, I'd be able to trek the shores a little more. I don't think I could handle sitting in one spot on a lake, fishing a couple 8'' holes in the ice, all day.

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Big Mike,
You keep referring to "Car fund".
I suggest a "Truck fund" if you are losing your "Boat fund".

Who wears the pants over there? Huh Big Mike????

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  • 6 months later...

Calling all "smallie magnet" wannabes... BRUAHHAAHHHAAA grin.gif.

I figured it was about time to resurrect the good ole "smallies on ole miss'" thread.

I was just reading some of the old posts on this thread and remembering how awesome fishing was last year and how much better it's going to be this year. Now if the river levels would just drop a little! (I can't believe just one month ago I was saying "if the river levels would just come UP a little") You get what you ask for...sometimes too much of what you ask for!

Oh yeah, for everyone wondering about the "smallie magnet tourney". Let's start up that conversation and get some plans going.

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Oh geez, here we go again. rolleyes.gif Hey! you need to start a new thread. Starting off where you left off last year is cheating! You're just using this thread so you can say you have xxx amount of posts. Because you know that the Medicine Lake thread is going to whoop you! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

[This message has been edited by MedicineMan (edited 06-09-2004).]

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grin.gif LOL... bring it on MedicineMan. We'll start up a new one soon enough. Just wanted to get all of the smallie fans out there riled up before we do.

As Biglakebass (BLB) just reminded me via email:

**In your best radio announcer voice** "After contracts fell through to put the show into syndication, Ebass & BM have decided to produce another season of the "EBASS & BIGMIKE SHOW" being brought to you in part by FishingMinnesota.com. Smallmouth bass fishing's finest showcase some of the Twin Cities hottest smallmouth action. This year they have added the talents and B.S. of BLB to periodically join in the fun and fact filled discussions. Thank you for tuning into the "EBASS & BIGMIKE SHOW" now playing on the metro forum"...

LOL - here we go!

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B.S. from me???

I assume that is Big Smallies. Whew. I almost had a complex coming on.

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Ok, enough of the joking and back to the real info - I got out last night for almost two hours down around lilydale and picked up a few smallies off the riprap. The wingdams haven't produced anything for me yet this year so I kept moving up river to the riprap. The river is REALLY high right now and if you didn't know where some of the structure was before the water rose, you might be in some trouble finding the spots holding fish.

No real size to the smallies (12-14inch) but they really hammered suspending rogues. Fishing them was tough because of the current, but I found it best casting up river close to the rocks, twitch it down a foot or more and let it drift by the rocks giving it a slight twitch every few seconds. I started using this approach after watching schools of baitfish swimming just under the surface and started catching smallies after the first cast.

FYI, when fishing in strong current like we've had, be sure to keep reeling in your slack. I learned this lesson over again last night and missed two strikes. I had just a little bend in the line and I saw my line start to move sideways to deeper water, I went to set the hook and missed it. I can't believe fish can spit a lure with 3 trebles out of it's mouth without getting hooked!

Well that's all for me this week until Saturday. I'm headed to Rush Lake with Dan Wood to help prefish for his LETS Metro event - should have a good report when I get back.


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It was only a matter of time until this tread was brought back to life. - LOL

Yes the rain can chill out for a couple of weeks, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen.

I'm going to gear towards Largies until the water levels drop some. Plus the clarity of the water is dirty so that's tough fishing not to mention the fast current. Sorry BM I hit up Medicine last night and I have to put a post on there.

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Ebass = medicine traitor! LOL wink.gif

It's all good, I'm headed to Rush this Saturday with Dan. It's gonna be a good time, plus I'll get to meet a handful of other FM'ers & prostaff in the evening.

I may or may not try the river again in the next few evenings - depends on the weather. It's almost mid-summer and it still feels like I'm living in April (but then again if it were april like this year, it would be 70 & sunny everyday) Go figure!

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Hey BigMike, I think you should hit up the Medicine Lake get together. wink.gif

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Med.man, I totally would but I am out of town from July 2-11. frown.gif I'm going back to Michigan & Ohio to see some family and do some fishing grin.gif. My wife's family has a lake home in MI with great largemouth fishing and her parents live close to Lake Erie & the bass islands. Erie is like the mecca of all smallmouth fishing. 4-6 pounders are common place - I'm crossing my fingers at a chance to get out one day up there!!!

Too bad the medicine get together wasn't a little later. Maybe we could have an unofficial get together later in August.

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I'm still waiting to hear from other special guests to the Ebass & BigMike show...

Hawgtide, DazeOff, etc...

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • leech~~
      Yep, ordered a fancy sectional fence with gate coming in a few days. It's my wife's flower garden so she wanted some nice, instead of looking at her Tulips through chicken wire!  It's not my garden I don't care. Anything to stop the bunnies and crying! 😵‍💫
    • smurfy
      Leech.........i have rabbit issues to.........i put up a chicken wire fence around it!!!!!!!! works good. about mid July i take it down, after all the plants are up and not near as tender they seem to leave most of it alone!!!!!! 
    • Rivergroup
      We used Chubbs and rainbows during the beginning of the week and the bite seemed to transition to leeches later in the week. 
    • Dougo
      22 has killed more game than anything, including deer!
    • knoppers
      not too bad at my place, but they are starting to come out. about the only time they get abundant is when I pull my skeeter out of the garage.😁
    • smurfy
      i reckon the skeeters are starting to get a bit over abundant about now????????🥴
    • VermilionGold
      Shamrock Landing and Grubens marina have both sold minnows/bait in past years, not sure about current season 
    • SkunkedAgain
      I am not aware of anywhere in the west basin to get minnows. Hopefully I am wrong.
    • chucker1101
      The only place on the East end (unless i'm mistaken and don't know of some semi-secret place) that sells minnows on the lake is the Casino bait shop on Everett Bay. Whether they have rainbows is hit and miss. I'm not including Timbuktu as East side   Getting off-lake, the best value for rainbow for me over the last 10 years has been Lucky 7 in Virginia.
    • knoppers
      was up at the lake all week, water temps 65-66 today, and the crappies are now spawning. did not try for walleyes this week, but got my eye on a couple of lakes.
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