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  • moby1


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I too fished the N. Arm Saturday morning from 6 to 9:30 a.m. I caught a dozen fish the biggest was 11". You have to get away from the group in my experience out there. Anyway, looking forward to the warm up this weekend. Hopefully they will be real hungry.

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well gonna try it again this evening try and get some of those bigger crappies. anyone else been doing anything or has this cold spell kept everyone holed up in the house? okay I found some crappies. now looking for some sunfish for the pan I would rather catch 10 decent fish versus 30 little one. anyone help me out here. Thanks Tim

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I will hopefully get out Friday or Saturday afternoon. I've fished tonka 3 times, caught 0; medecine 4 times, caught 2 tiny crappies:Eagle 5 or 6 times and only found perch: Red Lake for first time last weekend and only caught perch and 2 eyes. Like Ebass stated, seems like more time drilling than fishing. I just downsized from speedshak xl to ranger xl twin for better mobility. Would anyone going out Fri. or Sat. be interested in meeting up on tonka? I am fully equipped (auger, heat, vex...etc)so not looking to use anyone. More enjoyable and may be able to cover more area with 2 people.

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I would like to go, but I gotta get the house off of Mille Lacs this weekend. Tonka Boy and I are hooking up next week to go for dem crappies on Tonka. But that's next week.

Good Luck, I wish I knew where to get some crappies from Tonka. I'm not going to keep any, just want to catch something.

Any ways, post your results. I'm on this web site a couple times a day.


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moby1 gonna hit tonta in a couple hours been doing ok doing the evening hours thing if this spot still puttin out fish maybe fri-sat be back out there and you'd be more than welcome to tag along Ill post how we do tonite or in the mornin Later Tim

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Moby & Tim L,

We are thinking of trying tonka on Saturday... We haven't decided for sure where we are fishing yet this weekend. If so, I'll let you know... If you have a 2 way radio we can spread out and locate active fish - that is usually what we do.

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Tim and Addict: Thanks for the invites.
Keep me posted. I am dying to get out. I'm trying to assemble my new ranger xl twin (if you know anyone looking, cabin fever in victoria had 5 last thurs. for $275!. Anyways I opened it and there were no instructions, got some faxed right away from frabill but I can't see the close up I need. Oh well, hopefully i get it together by Sat.
Good Luck, need 2 fish
i don't have a 2 way

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well fished from 530-9pm started biting pretty much as soon as we got there and were still biting when I left. still lots of small fish. but little fish make big fish. lots of 8-9in fish then only had about 6 that were 11in. be back out for evening bite on Friday. so moby1 hope you got your house together sure was nice out there last nite no wind and the fish were biting what more could you ask for. fishnaddict I have a pair of 2-way radios should be out there saturday as well let yea know. Tim

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Sounds like it was a good time. Good to hear you found fish.
Well, i ran out to victoria and picked up a copy of the instructions so she'll be up tonight. MOST UNFORTUNATELY It doesn't look like the wife is going to let me get out Friday. Let me know if you go sat. She's got girls night out on Sat so it looks like saturday afternoon- night is going to be when I can get it out.
Keep me posted.

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I'm gonna try to hit Tonka either Friday night and/or Saturday. Saturday would be with my 4 yr old so not as much run and gun, hope I can find them Friday to put him on fish Saturday -- I'll let you know we how do.


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Tim, addict
Well, the house is up, the Vex is on the charger, the line is tied and the truck is gassed. Let's go fishin.
Finally ready but am helping a friend move tonight. At least Saturday is only a day away.

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I don't know how Peavy would be since you would need to take the channel to get in there. And it's shady ice underneath the bridge. It's about 4-5 feet deep there.


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Looks like were heading up to Annandale fishing for the weekend, so I won't be hitting Tonka this weekend... Moby it sounds like you have a good idea where to try from this forum if you don't meet up with anyone. Good luck!

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good luck addict. Well, tim, Freak...etc. I don't know what time I will get out tomorrow. Mabey around noon but can go earlier or whatever. If you are going out, either post or email [email protected] a time and place we could meet up. Hopefully I will get it b/fore heading out. Coming from Maple Grove. Look forward to meeting up.

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well moby just got back from tonka there still biting got there around 430ish didn't start biting until after five after that the vex was lite up like a christmas tree most of the time still alot of small ones got a few really nice ones. so we should do pretty good tomorrow? tryed the day bite couldn't buy a bite so just been doing the evening bite. you can give me a call in the morning around 9am-11am that way we can figure out what were gonna do. later Tim

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Read your post and sounds good. Only problem is I can't call you because I don't have your #. You can get ahold of me at home at 763-424-9136 or I will have cel phone @ 763- 370-8424. If the home # is busy call the cel. I use modem and if busy I'm probably checking fishingmn.com Look forward to some fishing.
Thanks Brent

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Was out from 1pm - 10pm. Thanks for meeting up with me Tim. Didn't get the slabs but had better luck than in the past (which is anything over 3 fish). Fished a while where I was when u left then moved where u were. That 10ft. made all the difference. I was still marking fish at 10 but had to go. Caught about 8 more after u left. We'll have to go again. Mabey Tonka boy, Adict and ebass will go. Did you guys do any fishing or just pulling the house off Mille Lacs?

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hey moby1 yea well have to hook up again maybe next time we won't have artic blasts. still ended up wrenching not one car but two. I'm gonna take a couple of days off from fishin and let my neck recoup from looking down them holes. thinking about tues-wednesday. let me know if thinking about going out. anyone getting any sunny out there? Later Tim

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Yeah, those blasts about flipped the house a couple of times after you left. I went out on Eagle Lake this afternoon frp, 1-6:30. Never found any crappies but few perch. Also caught my FIRST EVER metro walleye (18") now that the season is over. We'll have to get together. You'll have to check out the Speed Shak XL. Not sure when I'll get out next. I'm going to try and sneak out to Sarah tomorrow riight after work for a few winutes or fish. Will let you know what happens!

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Moby 1,

Ended up taking off the house on Mille Lacs with my friends and only had 29 mins to spear till deadline. I never got out this weekend. Plus my truck is still in the shop. Hope to get her back soon though.

Otherwise we should all hook up sometime late this week or maybe on the weekend.

Keep in touch,(replies)

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Sounds good. During the week may work out. I got a tip on sarah from a couple of kids that drove out on eagle yesterday. I would like to give it a shot sometime this week. Probably looks like it's going to be Tues or Wed. I'll post results unless ya want to meet up for that I have attained a very rare weekend kitchen pass. I may be going to red and lake o the woods this weekend. Just figuring out who, or if enough people I work with can go. Thinking about getting up there early Saturday morning.

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Hey Guys,
Sure could have used some company out there. I went out Saturday AM -- 5:30 and fished until noon. Caught 5 nice crappies by 6:30am then they stopped and disappeared from the VEX. I was fishing the Crappies in 30 feet in Maxwell Bay, then moved to 7 feet for a great day of sight fishing gills. I got a nice limit of sunnies, and also managed to land a 19 inch PIG of a Bass -- teardrop and waxie on 2lb test -- also saw a few HUGE Pike and Muskie swim by. I love fishing the shallows, when you can see the fish.

Hope to meet up with some of you in the future. It was kind of lonely out there, only saw one other guy on Maxwell and one on Browns when I was leaving.

I will be out of town this week, but maybe later this month.


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Hey Moby, Addict, Ebass, ect.,

Sounds like you guys are forming a fishing army, and your not taking prisoners. Thats cool, that is what this forum is here for. I was wondering if I could join. I got a few spots I've been fishin out on the tonka that I could share with the group, 1 spot has put out numbers of 9-11in. crappies and one 12.5in a week ago. I also managed to pull a 35in. northern up the hole on ultra-lite gear last week. Don't worry after a quick measurement and a photo she was back in the water, strong as ever. She was FATT, feeding on crappies and gettin ready for spawn.

Anyways I work construction and I will be in that area for the next few weeks, so if any of you guys want to swap statigies, post me back. I'm thinking about heading out Wed.

God Bless America

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We hit some really nice crappies on clearwater over the weekend, nothing much at Maple lake (small).

I'd love to get out to Tonka soon, but heading to LOW and Red on Thursday through the weekend. I doubt I'll get out before then... Next week I'm looking to start hitting Tonka again for the late ice... Keep me posted on how you guys do!

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Tonka Boy, Grey Goose, Moby 1, Fish n Freak, and whom ever.

I'm down. I just need my truck back which better be this week!! So I'm thinking Sat, but maybe sooner.

We just need to agree on where, when and what type of beer. Everyone's 21 and up right?

I'll sit back and see what everyone thinks. I saw Moby 1 is going to the UR or LOW. Tonka Boy, U down wit dis? LDWSmith what's your story? Post a reply for once cause I know you'll read this.

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Well, come on in Grey Goose. If I can get out from the wife, I'm always up for it. Addict, do you have a cel? Mabey we could meet up at red. Not sure of plans yet. Don't have confirmation from anyone else. If no one can go, I'll meet up with the rest of ya on Tonka or something. Sounds like you did ok addict. Did you take the kid? I met a guy in New Hope buying bait looking to take the kids out. He followed me to TOnka. One kid caught about a 10 pound northern. The other one put her leg 3/4 into the hole. The kids were pretty young but had a good time. Where do you go out of on Red? We went out of Rogers. I caught 000. I'll keep watch and difinitley fish locally if I can't get anyone to go up north. I'm 30 but don't drink much. I like to watch other people get hammered. Actually I have one now and then but just don't like the taste. Mabey a Colorado Bulldog or two once in a while.
Out of curiosity do any of you ever fish big sandy out of McGregor? Parents have a cabin there and i'm looking for some pointers.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Jetsky
      We ran out of minnows and couldn't find any at the bait shops.  So we fished with leeches last night and had great success.   Just about all of them we caught were 14 - 17 inches.  Shallower bays have warmed up and they are in their feeding at dusk.
    • redlabguy
      Shamrock did have rainbows and chubs but their tank broke down. They’re out of the minnow business. River group is right, though. A leech caught a 22” er this morning. RLG
    • smurfy
      It's getting there!
    • Kettle
      Well the motor left me stranded last night in 3 ft waves. Took me about 3 hrs to trolling motor back to the launch. I believe it's a high pressure fuel pump issue. If I can get it fixed by then, I'll let you know and get you out on the water
    • leech~~
      Yep, ordered a fancy sectional fence with gate coming in a few days. It's my wife's flower garden so she wanted some nice, instead of looking at her Tulips through chicken wire!  It's not my garden I don't care. Anything to stop the bunnies and crying! 😵‍💫
    • smurfy
      Leech.........i have rabbit issues to.........i put up a chicken wire fence around it!!!!!!!! works good. about mid July i take it down, after all the plants are up and not near as tender they seem to leave most of it alone!!!!!! 
    • Rivergroup
      We used Chubbs and rainbows during the beginning of the week and the bite seemed to transition to leeches later in the week. 
    • Dougo
      22 has killed more game than anything, including deer!
    • knoppers
      not too bad at my place, but they are starting to come out. about the only time they get abundant is when I pull my skeeter out of the garage.😁
    • smurfy
      i reckon the skeeters are starting to get a bit over abundant about now????????🥴
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