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  1. Yesterday
  2. Nice fish, you put in the time for it, it sounds like! Oh Wanderer wanted me to ask. How was the slush?
  3. Congrats on your lake trout, JerkinLips!! Your persistence paid off!! Don't know the regs up there, are you able to keep a few?
  4. How about April 27th
  5. Last week
  6. Took my last ice fishing trip of the season to Burntside on Thursday. Went out on the snowmobile to fish better spots. I waited until daylight to go out so I wouldn't get lost or run into open water. When I got to my destination I discovered that the battery fell off of my Ion auger on the trip out (I won't make that mistake again). I backtracked all the way back to the landing before finding it on the ice. I got my lines in the water just before sunrise and caught a 24 inch lake trout 45 minutes later. Always exciting watching the lake trout peel line off of the tip-up with their strong runs. He quit running with the pike sucker soon after I took the video and I thought it may have dropped the minnow. Pulling the line in by hand I could feel it still on so I set the hook and caught it on the lip. Think I caught it before it was going to swallow the minnow and take its 3rd and final run. Was nice to finally catch a laker on Burntside again after 5 straight trips getting skunked. It was a beautiful day on the ice with good ice conditions, warm weather, and fairly calm winds. The creel survey guy stopped and checked on me. He said I was the only one he saw fishing on Burntside that day. He said that most anglers he checked on Burntside that winter were skunked for lake trout, so I guess it was just not my problem alone. 20250327_072410.mp4
  7. But, the deep fried Okra went in the trash can. I've tried it a few times and it's just not for me. Neither is Grits, chittlins, or crackling!
  8. hope you finished it!! WOW!! that looks huge!!! but good eats!! Yep, my buddy ordered one too so it was Game on!
  9. I think it's alway fun to try local fish or foods when I go somewhere! A few weeks ago I was down on Dauphin Island Alabama and tried a little flounder. They had small, mid and large. My wife had crab cakes, I got the mid!
  10. No, they were all catch and release. We did eat some piranha and catfish. Had plenty of walleye to eat at Lake Winnipeg too.
  11. Can you eat any of those pretty or toothy fish from down there?
  12. Well see there yea go. I'm just a humble fisherman, I'm not up on all those big words. I thought etymology was some kind of rectal test you needed?
  13. Fishing I did in the last three weeks since I can't fish walleyes on Vermilion.
  14. Medicine is a fun lake for me. Lots of different opportunities out there.
  15. I scheduled Medicine Lake early in our Fishing Club season for 2025, hoping to avoid some of the terrible milfoil that grows in there. An early ice out doesn't help my cause, but I'm sure that I'll still snag a few nice pike trolling around that western point.
  16. Definition and etymology are different things ; ) I'm sure that I've met a few in person and online...
  17. thanks bud for the update..been watching the webcams for Geigers and williams narrows and havent seen much yet. been getting antzy to get back to the cabin but not going till the ice is out. good luck fishing them bottom feeding roughfish!!!!!!
  18. Ice is starting to pull away from shores on the north side of lakes. Fairly cool this weekend. Hopefully have some pictures to post next week, heading to fish rainy river Monday and Tuesday
  19. Looks like Twin Cities lakes are about 2 1/2 weeks ahead of schedule. Our local lake (Medicine) went out 3/23 and it's average is 4/10. Hopefully the northern lakes will be similar
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