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I Hate Winter

Bobby Bass


I HATE WINTER of the four season actually five if you count the white sale season after Christmas I rate Winter on the bottom of my list. Last two morning have been downright cold, middle teens below zero when I got up in the morning. Of course I have seen colder temperatures but with the mild winter we have had so far suddenly going from thirty above too almost twenty below seems a little cruel to me. I won’t even talk about the wind as that had to show up with the colder temperatures. The snow has a hard crust on it and you can hear it under your boots as you walk to the wood pile. I was getting along just fine bring wood to the cabin when I wanted to instead of now when I have to.


This morning I let Duncan out the door he made a quick figure eight in the yard and came back on the deck making a carrier landing. That is where he jumps on the deck and slides till his nails catch some wood to stop his forward motion. He came to a halt just short of the door and by the look on his face I could see he was telling me he was good. The bass thermometer on the wall said minus 17 so I totally agreed with him. After breakfast I was going to run into the Lodge for awhile. Got out the winter coat and went out to the Tahoe to warm it up. Put the key in the ignition and got a click but no start. Kind of quiet in the dead of winter when it is cold out and your truck don’t start. I of course tried the key again and nothing. Pop the hood and checked the battery. Connection could be tighter but I was getting cold. Back in the cabin I went.


Boots went on and I got out a hat, warmer gloves and I zipped up my coat and went back outside. Duncan stood at the door, he was not going to follow me. Tried to start the Tahoe again, no go. Fiddled with the battery connections and they were lose so I went in search of a small wrench to tighten the bolt. Got sidetracked in the wood shop and came back in the cabin to warm up. Sat down at the computer and checked the log to see that the battery in the Tahoe is over six years old. Might just be time to replace it and not mess around with it. Taking the battery out of the Tahoe would exceed my lifting restriction so we are on to plan B. Spent some time looking around for a battery tester, found it and checked the battery, could defiantly use some time on the changer so I hooked up a cord and put the charger on and also plugged it the tank heater. Goal is to get it started then drive down to Dug’s and get a new battery installed. Well at least that is the plan.


Got side tracked in the cabin as I was sitting at the desk when my neighbor Chucked called. We talked of cold batteries and trucks that will not start. He went out this morning and his truck did not start either. He has the tank heater now plugged in and I told him of my problem and he told me of his. If I need a ride into town he will give me a lift, just as soon as he gets his truck started. With our call done I ate some breakfast and got dressed to go outside. Warmer out as it is above zero so I am confident I will get the Tahoe started, I just need to find that right size little wrench to tighten up that little positive battery screw. I stepped out onto the deck just in time to hear a not so positive shout come from Chuck’s place, funny how when it is cold out sound travels so well here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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