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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Bobby Bass


WINTER MAY BE here at Lake Iwanttobethere. This morning when I went to the bathroom I noticed it was darker then usual, that is because the skylight was covered in snow. I got dressed and made my way to the deck door to let Duncan out. I had to hold the door open for a few extra seconds as he was tentatively checking out the snow with his front paw. He decided it was OK and then put it in four wheel paw and took off across the deck and out into the yard. It was soon apparent that his goal was to leave a paw print on every square foot of the property. I put on a hat and jacket and took out the gloves from inside the pocket and stepped out onto the deck. I could feel the snow go "Squish" under my shoes and before I even lifted the shovel that was leaning up against the cabin I knew it was that heavy, wet, heart attack snow.


I tried to push a shovel wide path of snow across the deck but only made it half way. I had to lift the shovel and start on the other side of the pile I had built up. One nice thing about first snow I was able to push the snow on the shovel right under the railing and out into the yard. A few snowfalls from now and the snow will be up even with the deck and I will have to lift or take the snow blower out and toss the snow out over the railings. I took several breaks just resting on my shovel and watched the brown dog crisscross the fresh clean snow like a destroyer hunting a sub. I jokingly shouted out that he missed a spot and he glanced at me and changed course a few points to run directly over the spot I had pointed at. I shook my head and went back to shoveling.


Good snow for making a snowman I thought as I lifted the heavy sticky snow off to the side of the sidewalk, too bad the grand kids are all in school. With the shoveling all done or at least as much as I was going to shovel I open a bag of deicer and filled a couple of coffee cans. I took one can and tossed some deicer on the steps and in front of the doors. It was misting out and I stopped and turned my face up and watched small rain drops falling. Not good I was thinking and I tossed a few more handfuls of the deicer. Shoveling done I put the shovel back up against the side of the cabin and kicked my shoes up against the side of the cabin to knock the snow off. I was about to call for Duncan but he was standing right behind me. I let him in and he stopped and waited for me to take off my coat and grab a towel to give him his rub down.


Made my way to the den sat in my chair and made a note on the daily to do list that I shoveled snow. Then I checked it off. No sooner did I lean back in my chair and swivel it to look out the big window then the drizzle turned into snowflakes. Big Snowflakes the size of quarters that take awhile to fall and so many of them that I can no longer see across the lake. The first shoveling of the season is not going to last very long the way the snow is coming down I thought. Duncan is whining at the back door, I can see him looking out as the snow covers up all his hard work. I get up and walk over and pat him on the back and tell him I know exactly how he feels, here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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