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Thunder Dome

Bobby Bass


WOKE UP TO some snow on the deck this morning, kind of a surprise because it was not in Sunshine Rays forecast. Then again a lot of things are not in Sunshine Rays forecasts. On this Thanksgiving the family is scattered, one son is trying to make it to the mother in laws house for dinner tonight but last I heard he was two states away. Daughter found a good deal on a cabin rental and took my granddaughters and her husband for a much needed break. Her husband is a steel worker and has been working ten hour six days a week for most of the summer and almost all of the fall. In the trades you have to work when you can work as you don’t get to choose too much. Of course having said that the steel workers up this way are having no problem finding work. The son in law told me he is going to spend three days in front of a roaring fire and spend quality time with his girls.


The other daughter and son will be at the mother in laws but I will be at the Lodge where I am now. Something new for my neighbor Chuck as his family this holiday as they have rented out the community center in town and have invited every relative they can find to a huge pot luck Thanksgiving. As noted in a previous story Vic will be having a big turkey dinner at the Resort and Elmer and Gus and Tess and Marv and Hammering Hank along with Skinny will be there. I am sure some of the FELLOWS will also drop by since Marv will be baking pies. Vic is roasting not one but two turkeys as he likes turkey leftovers.


I have the daughters two dogs with me along with Duncan here at the Lodge. The daughter’s dogs are super friendly and of course Duncan is known by all the members. The dogs have found places to lay down and be out of the way but do get up to greet lodge members coming in and of course will accept any and all pats on the sides. We are not the only ones open in town, Gas N Go is open as people still need gas and Ma and Pa’s grocery is also open. I know this because all day we have had lodge members stop off at Ma and Pa’s and then come to the Lodge to made a donations for dinner. We have some members here that just don’t have any relatives close enough to get to so they come here for dinner and we also have some older couples who find it hard to make the big meal so we do it for them. As the day goes on lodge members will come and go either to drop some goodies off or to see if Gus needs any help in the kitchen.


A few will sit at the cherry bar for a short one and exchange HIYA’s with members. Some members will come in to kill time on their way to other places. A couple of guys came in having spent the morning grouse hunting and they were successful. Duncan took special interest in sniffing their boots. Here we have the drapes pulled wide open, a good fire going in the fireplace and the TV has the football game on. Honey Sauce has some soft music on and every so often she comes out from the kitchen with a platter of hot cookies which don’t last long once they are set down on the bar. Smell of turkey and pumpkin pie and laughter is in the air. A donated jug of hard cider sits on the bar next to the coffee urn. Those who sample the cider squeeze their eyes tight for a moment before claiming that the cider "Hits the spot"


I will be here for awhile then will make the rounds before going home. Me and the dogs will stop off at the community center then swing by the mother in laws. The dogs will of course chase her cats when we arrive ( I am counting on that ) and after a piece of apple pie I will be on my way. Me and the dogs will next head to the Resort for a turkey sandwich and maybe the last half of the football game. Tomorrow is Black Friday and it is best if we just hide out at the Resort while the wife heads out shopping. I have never gone shopping on Black Friday as I refer to the crazy day as "Thunderdome" two must enter but only one leaves shopping here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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