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Fishing in God's Creation

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The Longest Day

Today commemorates the 73rd anniversary of the D-Day invasion of Normandy France.  The invasion was named Operation Overload.  Because of it's success in establishing a beach head, it spelled the beginning of the end for the Nazi forces.  Approximately 24000 Allied forces were involved in the operation.   There were 4414 Allied deaths on that day, part of the more than 10000 casualties.  There were an estimated 4000 to 9000 German casualties.   There aren't too many veterans



The Longest Week

Is it just me, or is time moving extremely slow this week?    It started Monday morning as I arrived at work.  It got worse when Captain called to tell me the battery is charged and the fishing vessel is ready to go.  Cruising the fishing forums is slowing time down even more.  Last night I picked the lures that I am bringing in my portable boxes.  Spooling up some new line on the reels.  I am ready to go.   I think the lead up week is worse for me this year because I haven't



Thank You to All Veterans

I want to thank all of the Veterans who have sacrificed to protect our freedoms in the US.  Veterans who have sacrificed part of their lives, time away from loved ones, and sometimes even more.  The news headlines are filled with people who, in my opinion, have absolutely no idea what a wonderful country that this is.  And they are protected by the individuals who make up our military. So, in case no one else reaches out to you today, thank you for your service and God bless you.



Fish Don't Read Books

At a time of year when the fishing is supposed to be easy(ier), I find myself struggling to find something that works.  It could be the wind direction or lack of wind.  It could the timing of pressure systems.  It could simply be that I don't have any idea what I am doing! But then I look around and realize that it doesn't matter all that much whether I am catching anything.  The sights this time of year are incredible.  Some recent local pictures.  



Memorial Day

Memorial Day weekend is coming up and I have things like a long weekend, grilling and fishing on my mind.  But as I was heading home last night, I took an extra look at the memorial in Shieldsville.  I remembered to keep gratefulness to the men and women of our armed services in mind.    OUR DEBT TO THE HEROIC MEN AND VALIANT WOMEN IN THE SERVICE OF OUR COUNTRY CAN NEVER BE REPAID. THEY HAVE EARNED OUR UNDYING GRATITUDE. AMERICA WILL NEVER FORGET THEIR SACRIFICES. President Harry



2016 Walleye Opener

As has become tradition for a good friend Captain Dave, he invited me to the opener on Mille Lacs.  I think that this makes the 10th or so opener spent on the big pond. Mille Lacs has certainly had controversy lately, but that is not what this entry is about.  It is about tradition.  It is about spending time with good friends.  It is about getting out on a lake on the opener and chasing my favorite fish, the walleye.  We had to be prepared for this opener.  We almost had to alter our



A Change of Season

I was fishing with my bride on Labor Day.  She was watching docks come in as many people were wrapping up cabin season on French Lake.  She was lamenting the fact that the summer was coming to a close. I reminded her that this is our season.  September promises the start of fall colors, better fishing and football.  Ok, that last one didn't impress her one bit.  I have already found that fish are more aggressive.  The area lakes are filled with hungry fish.  They are smacking jigs tipped with f



Deer Crossing Signs

The other day on my way home from work, I noticed that a new deer crossing sign had been put up along a road.  This was at a location that I had passed for 15+ on my way to and from work, and I can't recall ever seeing a deer there.  I started wondering how the county, MN DOT, or MN DNR decides to put up a new deer crossing warning.  As it turns out, I decided that this particular sign had been put up by a private party because on my way to work the next morning, I noticed that the crossing was



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