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Line, Lines, Lines,...

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The endeavor to use different kinds of lines and actually find the one that meets one's criteria.  First is foremost is line strength or rather line break strength.  Now in reality one ties a knot onto their line, so figuring out what the line's break strength in application to one's fishing practice.

Entries in this blog

FG Knot - Diawa J-Braid x8

It was just about two years ago when I decided to venture into a different braid line.  Sufix Advance 832 braid was a preference of mine.  So after receiving the Diawa braids, I gave it the good old line break test rundown on the knot to swivel.  There were good results.    Diawa J-Braid x8 .06 mm 6# knot break 8# 4 oz Diawa J-Braid x8 .13 mm 8# knot break 11# 9 oz Diawa J-Braid x8 .15 mm 10# knot break 13# Diawa J-Braid Grand x8 .06mm 6# knot break 6# 4 oz Diawa J-Braid Gra


slipperybob in Fishing lines

YGK G-Soul Upgrade X-8

So onto a little experiment with the FG knot testing of the YGK G-Soul Upgrade X-8 and I crudely  tied it onto some Fluorocarbon leader of either 30 or 40 lb test.  I only did that one section and went to tie off the other end to a swivel like I normally would do so.  For the results the FG knot would not break and held throughout my test. I tried a variation of knots this time and use a different choice of line to act as a buffer for the knot. Line upon itself yield a result of 5# 9 o


slipperybob in Fishing lines

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