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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Bobby Bass


BEEN QUIET HERE nothing to really write about so I have kept the laptop closed. The snow that I wrote of a few days ago only fell for an hour and it was all melted by yesterday. The son came over to change the brakes on the front of his car because changing brakes is something you never do in the middle of summer when it is warm out. Nope brakes wear out in the dead of winter but all he had to do was shovel some snow and he had a place to work. Of course he did break the shovel, again. Today sometime I will have to take a long lunch break and head over to the General Store and buy a new shovel and maybe do some gift browsing. I have not done any real gift shopping as of yet mostly because I have not found anything to buy for anyone.


I have two big black tom cats and one of them is actually the daughters, when she is home the cat, Buff is never too far away. The cat has a thing for these little cat treats that you buy in a bag. He has to get his "Fix" of treats several times a day and if he does not he meows and meows till he does. The daughter brought home a cat toy that kind of looks like a plastic mouse with slots cut into the sides. You put treats inside the plastic mouse then the cat has to roll the mouse in order to get the treats out. Cat is not too happy about having to now work for his treats but he is at least quiet. The rolling of the plastic mouse across the wood floors and having it bang off the baseboards can get a little old though. Last night I watched as the cat was following Duncan through the cabin. Made me get up from my chair and follow because usually it is Duncan chasing after the cat. I followed the two of them into the kitchen where I saw Duncan open his mouth and let the plastic mouse fall from his mouth into his water bowl, I think someone else was done hearing the mouse roll on the hardwood floor.


Sunshine Ray is out of town so this morning Stormy Clearweather has weather duties. She is calling for a high today of forty and an even warmer forty-two for tomorrow. Yesterday some of the Ice House Fling committee members were in for lunch and they are starting to waver on the date for when this years fling will be held or if it will be held at all. What ice we have on the lake is thin and not safe and we are not in for any real cold ice making weather. Matter of fact I saw a couple of guy's shore casting the open water off Mystery River when I went home yesterday. The lack of ice and snow has not stopped people from putting up their Christmas lights. It might be just me but there sure seems to be a lot of lights out this year.


Honey Sauce and Gus have been acting a little weird around me this morning ever since I told them about going out for a long lunch. Gus has been hinting maybe I should just take the afternoon off and go grouse hunting. With the sun shinning through the deck windows here at the Lodge that is actually a pretty good idea. I also know that Honey has been in the basement digging in the Christmas decorations. I am sure the minute I drive out of the lot the two of them will be hauling stuff up. I think they want to get a head start on the Women’s Auxiliary who will be in on Saturday morning and have taken over decorating duties. Come Saturday night me and the guys will go ahead and decorate our own tree, complete with coasters, straws and burnt popcorn, here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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