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Lake Iwanttobethere

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Sill Quiet

Bobby Bass


THE LAND IS still at least that is how the past few days have felt. I have been busy but if you ask me what I have been doing I could not tell you. During the day the red needle on the bass thermometer has been bouncing around the forty degree mark and that is above zero! I am not complaining at all, I think I have had only to go out and start the Tahoe early twice to melt the frost off the windows. I know I could have used a scrapper but with gas down at the Gas N Go at buck ninety-eight I feel I can splurge and run the truck. I did the other day hear the front brake squealers making noise and my son had the brake tools laying out in the garage, exactly where he left them so I ordered up parts and had his ma invite him over for lunch. He fell for it and I sat in a chair and watched as he changed my brakes. I then checked that off my To Do List.


Have been going into the Lodge early and leaving before noon. I am out the door before the lunch crowd gets there. The snow less winter is letting some people actual finish up their yard work as I saw one of my neighbors down the road using his snow blower to move leaves, I would not have thought about doing it that way. I had to stop by Nells Kitting and Knots Shop, the wife had order a couple of bundles of yarn and since I was in town I picked them up. Nell herself is a little bundle and around these parts she may just be the best steelhead fisher person. Owning a knitting shop she has first crack at all the different yard colors and patters and when things are slow she is always tying something up. Not a very tall gal as she uses knee boots as hip boots and has to have custom waders made for her.


On my way to Nells I went pass the school bus barn, for being bus drivers them guys sure don’t know how to park. The kids parking their cars at the High School parking lot do a better job, at least they try and get part of the car between the yellow lines. Only one short trip out bird hunting with Duncan, Have been waiting for some sunshine but it has been cloudy just about all day every day, One day we were locked in with fog which can make driving slippery but the county is stocked with sand and they were just looking for a reason to spread some of it. Thing is a couple of hours later the street sweeper was cleaning it all back up


We are not making any ice on Lake Iwanttobethere, about the only ice I see is in the ditches and the holding pond down by Dug’s garage that he uses to test outboard motors in. My neighbor Chuck like me has been using his furnace instead of burning wood to keep the chill out of the cabin. My wood rack on the porch is full and there is a pile in front of it where Duncan wanting to play has been bring wood down from the big pile. Chuck did come over and pick up the row boat and it is now up by the wood shop. I have been waiting on sticking it inside because I know as soon as I do I will need the wood shop for something. So I guess I don’t really have anything exciting to chit chat about, The days are still getting shorter, no snow on the ground and no ice on the lake. I have gotten a couple of seed catalogs already so maybe just maybe it might not be all that bad of a winter here at Lake Iwanttobethere


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