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Favre Trade Done: To Vikings for Pat Williams and 2nd rounder.

united jigsticker

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Only the Vikes would do something like this...

But I am just kidding...

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I would love to have Brett play for the Vikes as I would bet he has some very good years left.

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WOW, finally an unbiased opinion......thanks Harvey!


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I think Farve could help the vikings also. Just two problems. One I'm still not a fan of favre even though he is a good quarterback (to bad he has a healthy ego to go along with his talent.) And two, the Vikings didn't give up enough in the mock trade (ala Hershel Walker) grin.gif

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If Favre ever came to the Vikes ( NEVER WILL HAPPEN ) we would have to get the Packers 1st & 2nd round draft picks for the next 3 years just for taking him . Even at that I would be a Lions fan until he left .

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WOW, finally an unbiased opinion......thanks Harvey!


I think you're the only one here with a biased opinion of Farve. Thinking he is God gift to football. I and many others have stated he is a good QB just not the best ever like you seem to think. Me being biased would be saying something like Fran Tarkenton is the best QB ever. Which many Vikings fans may think but I don't. Just because I'm a Viking fan I know their are better players on other teams.

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So, Favre plus a 2nd rounder for Phat Pat? I think I'll pass

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I think Favre would have a few years left if he had more talent around him, Offensive line to protect him better and a good runing back and better WR's and he doesn't have that with the Packers. This will be his last year with the pack, I think he will finally retire.

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If Trent Green is only worth a 4th, Farve is worth a 2nd or 3rd at best.

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All Brad Johnson needed was 3 great wide receivers, a great offensive line, a really good tight end, a great running back, a good blocking fullback, a smart offensive coordinator, a brilliant head coach, and a stronger arm, and he could have lit up the score board last year.

Is that too much to ask for as a veteran QB?

I think not.

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I'm just having fun with you guys Slot.....My comment was based on the fact that a Vikings fan thought Favre could help and he would welcome him, not that he is the best quarterback ever (that is the other thread were I said that grin.gif )...........I think Favre warrants a better trade than that though

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We could keep the same guys on our team right now and put Favre on the team and we still wouldn't make the playoffs IMO. I don't even think Peyton could bring us to the playoffs this year. So to give up whatever it would take to get Favre for one year would be stupid. I don't care how good a QB you are if you don't have time to throw you will stink. We can run the ball because the left side of the line can block but it takes a whole line to block to get a pass off.

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Good point Slot, but you also have to think about what a player can do with out doing anything.....ie. Moss, T.O., Vick, McNabb(a few years ago). You have to play them honest and you have to respect what they might do. Moss and T.O. get double teamed and open up somebody else. Vick and McNabb can run all over you at any time. Favre is still good enough that you have to respect his arm and his ability to create a play. I do agree with you and your point about the line. It will be evident this year in Oakland.

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I agree with that except for the QB position. Unless it's a Vick type running QB. Then you always have to respect that. Favre has a big arm but it takes time to get off a long pass. So no blocking no long passes thus it would take Favre/Manning/Brady out of the equation. QB's that are statues need time. By the way...what players did Moss open up last year? The Raiders QB's had no time so it didn't matter.

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I'll give you that, Moss didn't open anyone up because they didn't have anyone one to open up. Plus no QB on top of it......you are absolutly correct about the line, thats why the Browns made Joe the second pick, it is one of the most important portions of the team. The Packers showed some improvment last year and will look better this year. The Vikings will be able to run again this year, especially if Peterson stays healthy. Will either team be able to pass? Only time will tell.

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The Packers will be able to pass in at least in 2 games this year. mad.gif They do play the Viks? Right

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I think you're the only one here with a biased opinion of Farve. Thinking he is God gift to football.

He's not???

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What do you think the "G" on the helmet stands for? Of course it stands for God's Team and of course God is going to give us the best quarterback.........GEEEEEZZZZZZ!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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I'm going to have to agree with you. I would hate for you to learn the truth....have a mental breakdown....and be in and out of therapy for the rest of your life. Don the Magic man was better then Favre grin.gif.

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I think I just wet myself grin.gif


Brad Childress's House was Egged

Minneapolis police reported that some individual attempted to "egg"

Brad Childress's house last night.

An empty egg carton was recovered at the scene. Two eggs hit Mr. Childress's house, 3 eggs went over his house and hit his neighbor's back door,

2 eggs hit the houses of each of his next door neighbors, and the remaining 3 eggs were found broken on the ground near the carton from where the

individual threw them.

Looking at what was hit, police officials say they are considering Tavarius Jackson as the primary suspect.

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ummmmmmm...no the main suspect with the 3 dropped by the carton would be Daunte Culpepper!! grin.gif

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I was going to say the last time I heard that joke it was Dante. I'm sure the next old joke Shiner will throw out is the vikings have terrorist on their team with pictures of Moss aka Osama Bin Complainin, Dante aka Osama Bin Fumblin, and Denny Green, Osama Bin Losin.

Even with all the Vikings jokes at least we can say we don't have a brown streak on our goal post. Something we can actually thank Moss for.

Here you go Shiner a couple of jokes for you:

Q:Why do the trees in Milwaukee lean to the south?

A:Because Green Bay blows and Chicago sucks.

Q:What is the diffrence between a Packer fan and a baby?

A:The baby will stop whinning after awhile.

Q:Did you here about the Packer fan that died at a pie eating contest?

A:The cow kicked him in the head!

Q:What do you call a 350 pound Packer fan?

A:An anorexic!

Q:What do you call a beautiful girl in Green Bay?

A:A tourist.

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Here are some Brett Favre ones for yah.

Q:Why cant Brett Favre get into his own driveway?

A:Someone painted and endzone on it.

Q:Why is the Bears quarterback unable to answer a telephone?

A:He can't find the receiver

Q:Why does Brett Favre smell so bad?

A:So blind people can hate them as well.

Q:Why did Brett Favre get so excited after he finished his jigsaw puzzle in only 6 months?

A:Because on the box it said From 2-4 years.

Q:Why do the Packers bring Favre along to play the Vikings?

A:So they can park in the handicap zone.

Q:What do you say to a drunken alcoholic who is passed out onyour car after a Packer game?

A:"May I have your autograph Mr. Favre?"

Q:Why was the government thinking of sending Bret Favre to Iraq?

A:They were hoping he would overthrow Sadam Hussein.

I also had to put this one in for you:

John Madden was in Denver to announce a football game one weekend when he noticed a special phone near the Bronco's bench. He asked Coach Shanahan what it was for and was told it was a hot line to GOD. John asked the coach if he could use it and the coach said: "Sure, but it will cost you $100."

Madden scratched his head and then said: "What the heck, I need some help picking the games." He pulled out his wallet and paid the $100. Madden was perfect that week.

The next weekend Madden was in Green Bay when he noticed the same kind of phone near the Packer bench. He asked The Packer Coach, what the phone was for and was told: "It's a hot line to GOD and if you want to use it, it will cost you $100."

Recalling the previous week, Madden pulled out his wallet and paid the $100. Once again Madden was perfect.

The next weekend Madden was at the Metrodome when he noticed the same phone near the Vikings bench. He asked Coach Childress if it was a hot line to GOD. Childress, "Yes it is; do you want to use it? It will cost you 35 cents."

Madden looked at Coach Childress and said, "Wait a minute! I just paid $100 in Denver and $100 in Green Bay to use the same phone! Why in Minnesota do they only charge 35 cents?"

Childress looked at Madden and replied very matter-of-factly, "In Minnesota it's a local call."

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Yes I know it's old, but it is good.

Maybe we should start another thread just for jokes

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SON OF A........ grin.gif

Are there no Packer fans on this site? It's going to be a long season if that is the case!

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Q: What do you call 47 people sitting around a TV watching the Super Bowl?

A. The Green bay Packers

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