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Team 'Longbeard' - #5


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Might as well make this our 'roosting site'. Should be fun for the next couple weeks!

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Our roost site is a small patch of oaks with lots of horizontal limbs sitting on the top of a large ridge. Or...is it several tall white pines on a creek bend?

I didn't fell much like gobbling this morning smirk.gif

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Every once and a while someone puts super glue on my barstool grin.gif Boys, unless the weather is terrible I'm forecasting a nice tom for team Longbeard.

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That's what we like to hear! Anyone else hunting A or do I get the lone pleasure of starting us off?

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April 18th....I'll be bringing up the rear during the archery season.

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Happy to be a "Longbeard". This is my first year going after the longbeards. I am hunting the last week of the season. will be in the zone 461. will be checkin back to see how everyone is doing. Good Luck!

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461 huh, I'll be in 462 myself. I'll listen for the sound of you shotgun....

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Hey guys, good luck to us all. I'll be hunting season G in area 342. I'm from the Elgin area (NE of Roch).

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Yeah it's gettin closer. We must all do our part to out-shoot these other chump teams....

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to out-shoot these other chump teams....

CHUMP? Hey I resemble that! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

We're comin' We're comin'!!!

Good Luck!


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Who's this jake invading our roost site? Time for a spur slappin! grin.gif

He's worried boys, checkin in on us!

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Stay out of our thread, we don't want our's smellin like turkey feces too.

Trust me I've been called chump more often than champ....especailly in the realm of turkey hunt'n....I'm counting on my teamates big time...

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Who's this jake invading our roost site?

Just trying to bust up the flock! Do I hear a lil' bit of nervous putts?

Watch out for us Jakes... we haven't learned "we can't do it yet"!

Good Luck!


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That's it...now the feathers are gonna fly! wink.gif

Its not a nervous putt you hear, its a fightin purr! mad.gif

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I hope so, that nub spurred, stub beard jake is scaring our hens away.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Well boys... what started as an incredible morning turned sour upon my release. Had my new new video cam running and would've had some amazing audio had I turned the mic on. Novice mistake. Lesson well learned. Well at 625 a Tom came in to 10 yards but behind the blind in brush and wouldn't commit to the decoy. 5 min later I called in a hen and she was mad! We exchanged slurs back and forth and finally Vtttt Dooommmmm Vttt Dooommmm I see his softball head bobbin through the brush and he struts right up to my decoy 10 yds away. Video rolling. He's standing full strut by my decoy. I release an arrow through the mesh. And now I sit with two wing feathers to show for it... I practiced shooting last night and the last arrow I shot was with my guillotine which requires me to adjust my slider to 30. Well I forgot to change it back... Another lesson learned. I replayed the video slomo and watched my arrow hit... no damage done. Actually he walked off 10 yds and fanned out again at a real hen. I wasn't able to get another shot. I was sick after realizing where my arrow went and finding out I had no audio for the morning. I'll probably head out again this afternoon and see what happens... Don't count me out just yet.

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Hey that's the way it goes man, get out there and drill then next one. The rest of team longbeard is on your side!

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Glad to hear you had some action! If a guy doesn't have stories like that then he hasn't hunted much. Stick with it - put us on the board dude!

You should try entering the feathers for the contest! grin.gif

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it's been tough since opening morning... i've called in hens but can't get any beards to come in. it's been real windy all week making if difficult to hear/call. this morning i sat through a terrential rain and lightning storm... supprisingly enough the birds still gobbled during the thunderclaps but had hens and went the other way. i tried a hot tip on a brute yesterday morning right after flydown but he didn't show. last night i tried a hot roosting spot... but that didn't pan out either. lots of oaks around and they alternate spots weather dependant. i'm going to head to a new property this afternoon if this rain lets up and give it a whirl. gettin down to the wire now... i'll keep ya updated.

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Well guys... after 5 days of hitting it hard and lots of blown opportunities I came up short in the end. I released a few arrows but the mn hex continues for me. Even though I didn't harvest a bird it was still very successful. Best of luck to the rest of you on your upcoming hunts and may the turkey gods be on your side. Would someone please kill a turkey!

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Glad you had a good time! I'll try to pick you up on Wed!

We'd trade you but don't think we'd get much in return ooo.gifwink.gif

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Best of luck to ya... the weather has been ideal. Get us on the board!

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Well boys, we're on the board! cool.gif Found a willing bird early this morning and worked him off the roost into range. 22lbs, 10" beard and .75" spurs. Got all the 'official' pics on my buds camera so might be Monday before I enter it - time to get my bud his bird now. Anyway, Team Longbeard is in the hunt! Good luck to you guys.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • MarkB
      Are minnows available at the Y store?  
    • BWpineisland
      The only thing they would bite on last night was minnows for us. Reef fishing in 30’. Plenty of action, nothing real big. 
    • Wanderer
      The Miss gets tough when the water is high and dirty.  Your entire range you’re considering can be good but I think right now you’re gonna need to fish tight to the bank in the eddys.  Or maybe the downstream ends of islands.  They probably won’t be in the main flow much.   I’ve been tempted to get out there myself but she looks like she needs to settle down a bit first.
    • Fishguy24
      Yes I know, I am wondering about spots from St. Cloud and north, along the Mississippi, I am from Duluth and just thought I’d mention it
    • Dash 1
      Sorry I do not river fish much. I know the Mississippi near Baxter\Brainerd is good as the Linders fish it.  Good luck.
    • fishingstar
      This is a St Cloud forum check out something up near Duluth 
    • Fishguy24
      Anyone here willing to recommend a good launch or town to find some smalie’s next week on the big river? Looking for somewhere preferably closer to Duluth, I’ve fished rivers around here this week and only have a couple 14” fish to show for it and a few skunks  . Only place I’ve found fish up here is right up on creek mouths, nothing else seems to work, really muddy water. Will be fishing out of a shallow hull 14’ boat with a 15 hp tiller, looking at anywhere from Grand Rapids to St. Cloud and trying to narrow it down, pretty inexperienced smallie and river angler but I have some time off next week and wouldn’t mind spending another day on the water, and hopefully end up with some decent fish to show for it (will be released). Thanks for any input 
    • Shulsebus
      Well we will be arriving for the week tomorrow. Fishing mostly east end.  We will be hitting all of our favorite bobber spots.  Going to bring some jumbo leeches. Figure we will be getting smallmouth and walleye.  Staying in Daisy bay.  Is the water temp about 65?  Is there really any point of getting minnows?  
    • Dash 1
      No unfortunately it was the other one in Richmond. I really like them, but this time I guess wasn’t their best.  I ordered the wire on Amazon today. Went to 5 places in St Cloud after work and no one had it. 
    • smurfy
      That wasn't In-tune marine by chance??🤔
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