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NOT a Wolf at my house !!!!


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I have a large dog coming at my house, white color and looks like a large coyote, slightly taller than a lab. I believe he already killed a couple of my cats, and he comes right at the doors, I took some pics last night at 15ft distance.

I assume in a situation like mine it's ok to take it down, correct ?

I am going to hunt tonight, I have a load of coyote shells to get rid of...

Stand by for pics....


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I d say that falls in the "threat to family, pets or self"

Looks like a wolf to me.

Tough to say with out a size comparison.

That view of the front leg looks pretty big -

My vote is wolf.

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I have another picture where you can see the head, it has very large ears, but it's so dark it has to be magnified a lot.

I don't know what it is, it's a good question, I tend more to vote for a very large coyote maybe wolf mix (?) but the color is weird, I will have to notify DNR of this, and if it's a wolf I cannot keep it to mount it, it has to be surrended.

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Hey Valv, if that thing is getting your cats, can you send him over this way, there's alot of cats waiting to go to a good "wolf"!

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Give the DNR a call, tell them about the cats and that it comes right up to the house and let him have it grin.gif Wolf, Coydog, coyote, whatever it is feed it some lead!

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One of my hunting crew seen something simular to this during deer hunting this year near Lesueur, he said it was a wolf, we told him he was smoking something, there isnt any wolves down here! He showed us the foot tracks of it, they were huge, we told him a big yote, but he insisted way to big for a yote! Is there wolves this far south? If I would have seen it I would have taken it out!

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call the dnr this morning Val, get clearance from them before you pull the trigger.......and then take pictures

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I don't know what to do, the thing hangs around my area this morning, I was here sitting next to window and I had some leftover catfood on ground, guess who showed up ? I think it's a mix between a dog and coyote, here's pics taken through screen (sorry):




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No tags in a rural or city environment? Act tame? Your pics seem pretty close. In town, call animal control. Rural, ask any neighbors if they own it. If it's killing cats around you it's probably doing the same for them. If no one claims it, we all know the answer. And in no way is that a purebred wolf, but it does look like a brut. Maybe a german shephard/lab cross?

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feral dogs and feral cats, I believe it is your discression Val, if you think this is what is taking you cats, it's feral, put it down. Hate to think what they are doing to the pheasants and turkeys down there......

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Not a wolf; I would think feral dog/abandoned dog. Can you call it to you? Seems pretty easy going to let you take a picture that close.

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Doesn't seem to have any problems with humans, which is scary if it is killing cats. Looks like it is fairly thin (ribs). When it comes down to it, feral is feral and the safety of your family is most important.

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Looks like a white german shepard...my brother has one that looks very similar to this one.

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Agreed. That looks like a dog to me. It doesn't look like any wolf or coyote that I have seen. I think it is up to you on what you want or need to do.

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Whatever it is is VERY hungry, he will not come to a call and will come close to home but if I just step outside he can smell me immediately. I think it's a dog too, I am going to get anim control involved.




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I just showed my co-worker these pic's and he's an old farm boy who'd seen many and says that this looks like a ferrel-dog. Be careful and call CO first and then take action soon!!!! Good luck.


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Valv, around these parts we call those critters stray dogs.

If it were me, I'd call the CO to tell him I'm shooting a stray, then I'd shoot the stray.

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I highly doubt that has any yote or wolf in it. Looks like a shepard or shepard cross. Kind of pretty actually. I agree with others, i'd contact animal control. You would hate to shoot someones pet. Unless you caught it in the act of killing your cats or threatening your family-SSS.

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blast it!! who knows what its doing when its not at your house, Ex. chasing deer.

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Valv....Probably has something to do with the lighting, or lack of it, but why does the animal in the first photos seem to have darker tinting around the hind end and the second photos of the big dog only have a dark patch above and right of the tail? Ya got two of em commin in?

That big husky dog doesn't look to me like he got that deep chest and them good shoulders from stealing catfood? Maybe he belongs to someone in the area? Maybe check with whoever you would check with about a missing dog, someone may be looking for him?

That is a nice looking animal...seems a pity to touch one off on him...maybe there is another solution to the problem? Maybe not? frown.gif

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yeah that thing isnt a wolf i thought german at first and maybe a touch out lab if its posing a threat i would do something

(if in a residential area ask neighbors and if no ones call the DNR)

(if out in the sticks id shot it or scare it so it wont come back)

I had an ugly lookin mut at my house about a month ago it was making my dog bark it irritated me when i went out it turned growled and showed its teeth i walked back to the grage got my stick for trappin went over it came at me hit it good once it ran away for about two weeks then i seen it buggin the neighbor kid (mentally Challenged) he wasnt sure what to do got the stick brought the kid inside his house it was nippin and bitting at me i hit him one on the snout it ran a ways went in got the SG and got rid of him for good so thes another opption but im in an area where it away enough for nothng to really go wrong

sorry if that upset anyone but when that starts happening and threatening anyone its time for further action!

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The head and face look identical to my husky. Like Grebe said it is pretty buff. I'm willing to bet it's an escaped sled dog. Knowing huskies general nature, it will be chasing down anything it can to eat. Animal control would be the best option.

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Well, there has been a nice turn into this deal.

The animal, which I consider a german sheperd/wolf mix, is a female, and she found home in my pole building, I slowly started to feed her some old venison and got to scratch her a bit.

I will take good pictures tomorrow, it's the oddest looking dog I've ever seen, definitely not used to people but not aggressive or ferocious. I seriously doubt now she took any of my cats, when she met one of my toms, the both scattered opposite directions scared of each other.

I feel embarassed for having mistaken a dog for a wolf, but if you see it you would understand, I even had a customer today that agreed with me, we were both watching her hiding under some boxes and was very odd.

Anyway I don't like to shoot animals unless there's a reason, I had her in my crosshair 3 times today and didn't take the shot since I wasn't sure of what it was.

Thank you for your help....

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Good follow ups Val, I am not sure if that was the animal in the original pictures, but it was at night too. Yeah, I would have a hard time pulling a trigger on a dog, I would still keep a good eye on her though....Now what do you suppose took your cats?

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it is the same, at night this white thing really sticks out...

My cats....well take a guess wink.gif BTW I have a friend which live near Webster and had coyotes attacking and killing a doe, and he's got many shots on a trail camera..

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Careful with that story about the coyote and doe, I have seen that discussed a few times here and other places and people always want pictures of those kinds of things.

The more I look at that dog, the more I like it, no I don't need a dog, but it kind of is a nice looking dog. Just be careful Val, you're a grandpa now.... cool.gif

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Val, I'd be REAL careful with trying to get touchy feely with this stray. You need to remember its most likely wild and hasn't had distemper and rabies vaccinations like it should have. A canine is not nearly as nice an animal when its wild as the domesticated and socialized pets we are used to...

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Hip, Hip Hooray to you Valv for not taking a pre-emptive strike against the big dog. Maybe she's pregnant and looking for a good place to have a litter? If she starts getting bigger, it probably isn't from the cat food...unless it's some old Ukanuba?

I hope this all turns out well for you and that fine looking dog. Three times in the crosshairs? You certainly showed alot of decipline! Brings a smile to my mug! smile.gif

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Hookmaster
      Talk about pucker factor!! Glad you made it back safely!!!
    • Mike89
      hope it's an easy fix!!!!
    • smurfy
      well that suxs!!!!!!!!!!🥴
    • Rivergroup
      We easily had 20 fish (kept a couple here and there) in the boat by 7am most days this past week. Evening bite was just as good.
    • Jetsky
      We ran out of minnows and couldn't find any at the bait shops.  So we fished with leeches last night and had great success.   Just about all of them we caught were 14 - 17 inches.  Shallower bays have warmed up and they are in their feeding at dusk.
    • redlabguy
      Shamrock did have rainbows and chubs but their tank broke down. They’re out of the minnow business. River group is right, though. A leech caught a 22” er this morning. RLG
    • smurfy
      It's getting there!
    • Kettle
      Well the motor left me stranded last night in 3 ft waves. Took me about 3 hrs to trolling motor back to the launch. I believe it's a high pressure fuel pump issue. If I can get it fixed by then, I'll let you know and get you out on the water
    • leech~~
      Yep, ordered a fancy sectional fence with gate coming in a few days. It's my wife's flower garden so she wanted some nice, instead of looking at her Tulips through chicken wire!  It's not my garden I don't care. Anything to stop the bunnies and crying! 😵‍💫
    • smurfy
      Leech.........i have rabbit issues to.........i put up a chicken wire fence around it!!!!!!!! works good. about mid July i take it down, after all the plants are up and not near as tender they seem to leave most of it alone!!!!!! 
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