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looper /north shore report

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i might head up the shore today, but it i've been gone for 5 days and it looks like the water is even way lower then when I left on friday.

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Up north the rivers are fine was at the gooseburry saturday cought a 30 incher that broke my 8wt frown.gif but my buddy had his 4wt as a back up, boy was that fun!!! grin.gif Also hit a couple other rivers only saw 1 other guy.

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Yep, We did very well, there was still alot of fish in the rivers up there

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Leave it to the guys on this site to rip on a guy for trying to look sexy when he's fishin grin.gif

That must be a lower class fish if a picture of it only gets responses dealing with my extremely manly chest hair tongue.gif

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Manly? You've gotta be kidding me, Porter. I mean, it was your GIRLFRIEND who had enough cajones to get kicked out of the Wabbit on Burntside Bash weekend, not you. Seriously, I think she had more hair on her chest than you did. Oh, God, did I actually type that smack talk? grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

Seriously, I hope you hook up with her when you come up for next year's Bash. I had a full day's fun the next week reading all the police reports with your name in them. smirk.gifsmirk.gifsmirk.gif

And now, back to the fishing reports! grin.gif

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Wow, a real Porter FM sighting, I had a feeling he would show up to defend himself and attack walleyes. grin.giftongue.gif

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Hey Porter, sorry that I teased you about the disco fishing look. What comes around, goes around - On Friday I went up the shore and was fishing the Stewart (the rock hole, just below the high line hole). I ended up slipping on a rock and the next thing I knew I was going for the first swim of the year. I had no extra clothes in my car, so I had to try drying out my clothes before I could leave. Trust me, flyfishing when you are wearing just a flannel shirt, boxers and wading boots is not a fashion statement. Thank god my brother left the camera at home! smile.gif

Fished most of the usual spots from the Sucker on up to the Baptism. Spotted a few fish still on the gravel, but not many fish around overall.

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Well, Nate, I figured I could sneak some smack talk past Porter, since he's here so rarely. We'll see. grin.gif

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There you go thinkin again, haven't you figured out that you can get yourself in trouble that way. I didn't know you were rooting for us to get the boot from the wabbit that night, otherwise I wouldn't have carried myself in such a respectable manner that weekend tongue.gif

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Porter, if I'm not in trouble with SOMEONE I just don't know how to act. grin.gif

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Lots of fish outside of the French and Knife. Loopers mostly of course. Tried looper bugs, spawn sacs, and yarn flies but to no avail. Tough to see all those fish in the French in the closed to fishing section and heck even a few at the mouth in the lake and not be able to get a nibble. I think the fish are around since we got that rain early to mid week. Anybody doing well anywhere else?

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