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Attention Perch Fisherman and Fisherwoman a Report from Saturday

The Cranker

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I am plowing roads today around Sunset Bay and Doe Island! Its been two weeks since we have ahd any traffic on our area of Lake Mille Lacs. The perch should be starting to move into the bay area along with Doe Island.

I also know that George Nitti at Hunters Point has roads going out to the flats, and two mile.

I am excited about this March going into early April with the perch fishing. We have been getting some real Jumbo Perch this year and when they start putting on the feed bags for spawning its going to be a awesome time!

Get on up here and catch some Jumbo Perch and relax at your favorite resort cabin.

Things to remeber, Water proof boots, light tackle, minnows, larva, and grubs. And of course, I never go fishing with out my buddy (Marcum LX-5)! Good electronics will always increase your chances of catching fish!

Drill plenty of holes and stay mobile. Another key is, I do not remove all the slush from my hole that I am fishing in. I try not to allow any light to enter into my fishing hole. This has proven to work for me very well.

Please, take care of our lake and pick up any trash that you see out on the lake. Lets keep our lakes healthy and clean for our future!

Fish On!!!

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thanks for the info. youre a stud man!!! nothing like catching big perch in march on mille lacs.

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I just plowed the roads today. No reports to give you as of yet. I have the Fishing Minnesota President's group of fisherman coming in tonight and will be fishing hard tommorrow. I will have a report for you afternoon.

Fish On!!!

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Thanks Cranker! As soon I get rid of this terrible cold, I will be heading to Appledorns. Good advise on the slush. I assume your fishing in and around reef point, in about 10-15 of water. Maybe see ya up thier.


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Thanks for the info. As a Rookie to the lake I'm looking on how to get to some of these places Saturday early. I'd like to come up and check it out.

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I did not see your post. It's late and I just got back from Monticello. Would you recommend someplace I could go drop a line in on Saturday? I have a portable and everything I need just don't know where to go. Thanks!

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Cranker, now that you are a celebrity AND a stud man, I have to have your autograph on a jigg'n rap or something like that.

How about some Perch pounding on 3/12 or 3/13.


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Just came from Mitchell. Do not go thier, its a death march!

One bull head all night long. Saw them on the graff, but they would not bite. Feeling better now, possibley Independance lake in Medina. Depending on snow amounts, that could be a death march too!

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CiscoKidd, grin.gif

I would go up to Appledorns Sunset bay resort and go out on the furthest tip south on doe island reef. Stay around 10' to 15'. If that does not work, head in bay with public access a little bit. I have caught some of my biggest perch in that bay. Smaller jig,fat head or crappie minnow. Jig spoon always works too,just keep it moving. I like to create dust cloud on bottom with it, it brings in fish. You will have little perch all day long, but hold tight the big one travel in packs. They seem to hit all at once. It sure is fun. Good Luck

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Cranker, will you have areas for trucks to park just off the road so we can fish the general area on foot? Just don't want to park and block the way for anyone and I really don't want to get stuck just off the road in the snowbanks either. Thanks for your help on the roads and I'll see you in the morning up at Appeldoorns...

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I will have areas to park vehicles along the roads. I am taking the big V-plow out this afternoon to plow around the south end of Doe Island and in front of Cedar Creek. The snow is deep and very heavy.

Rick, (President of FM is fishing here all weekend). Rick and his brothers are doing well out there now. The weather is unbelievable and its going to be like this all weekend.

Grab a fishing buddy and get up here and fish. Dickie has his Perch Pounder Tourney Going on Saturday out of White Cap Resort.

Fish On!!!

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Thanks Cranker for helping out us less then plow fortunate fisherfolks! From what I have seen up there the bite should only get better in your area as the end of ice draws near. Thanks for all of the updates and ice condition reports you have fielded as well as the work your staff has put in! Great place to rent from and the hospitality was really good too! Me and Ole Matty might make another trip up yet this year late ice. I have a trip to Blackduck and Winnie and possibly an evening run to Red planned for next weekend so I won't be on Mille Lacs till the weekend after unless I run to Red wing and start fishing the Suager and eye bite down that way. If the temps hold it is going to be an awsome spring bite! Thanks again for the advice and the accommodations this winter! Can I have your autograph....wait, I'd rather fish with you and then you can have mine! grin.gif Thanks again!

Tunrevir~ cool.gif

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What time will someone be around next Tuesday in the morning? Me and a buddy are heading up...look forward to meeting you Cranker.

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Might be coming over on tuesday as well. Not sure where we are heading yet though. Hopefully some good reports come in before than.

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The Office will be open at 7am!

We have over 4 miles of roads out there in the bay and south of doe island and in front of cedar creek.

Fish On!!!

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Creators

The perch should be moving in around Doe island, off to the right as you go out of Sunset Bay and the roads look good and the weather is supposed to be nice as well.

We're here now and hope to get in on plenty of jumbo's tomorrow.

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Rick and Cranker,

Possibly, going up to fish Sunday. Prospects are good but will be a business trip though. Agenda of the day is going to be fishing. I wondering if you guys been having any luck in bay south of sunset. I usually do not go into bay,but stay just east of doe island reef. Today, it was brought up about bringing a business partner up to Mille Lacs to talk about something's and catch some perch. If we do I will be going to doe island reef and getting on ice through Appledorns. I have stated in past, the only place to fish on Mille lacs during march is Doe Island. I have been fishing it for many years. I got into a large mess in Jan. out on Doe reef.



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Just got in from plowing some more roads. There is about twenty vehicles on the lake as of 9am this morning. A few fishermen have already scored some really nice fish.

Folks, its going to be a awesome day today and tommorrow weather wise. Come on up to Mille Lacs and catch some Jumbos!

Fish On!!!

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It took us all morning but we finally found the JUMBOS!!! 22ft to 26ft of water just off the Doe Island Reef. The JUMBOS are in deeper water as we caught smaller perch in the shallower water.

We just got done with our day of fishing ended our day with 60 perch (120 filets). That sounds like alot of fish but that was a full day of fishing and alot of holes!!!

It seemed that everyone was catching fish with the exeption of a few who didn't do as well.

The weather is just UNBELIEVEABLE!!! You better get up here and fish these JUMBOS! Its going to be a great month of fishing here on Mille Lacs!

Bring some sunscreen too. They are talking 50 degrees tommorrow and Monday.

We have around 5 miles of wide roads going from Cedar Creek along Doe Island Reef and In the Bay.

See ya up here at Mille Lacs Lake!!!



Fish On!!!

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We tried sunset bay out of appledorns. Fished most of the day, only caught five jumbos. Started at 7' then moved deeper to 16' moved between rocks and sand. Didn't catch one fish on a bobber, all jiggin tipped with waxies using the flasher.

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60 perch for how many guys, if you don't mind me asking? I appreciate the report, but if you fished all day with 8 guys and got 60, thats 7 or 8 apiece - Pretty boring.

What did you use for bait or what do you reccommend for bait?

Are the fish going to keep moving in closer and closer to Cedar Creek in that area?

Thanks, TJ

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Sunday night the 11th of March. Just got in from watching customers clean fish up at the shop. Some really nice perch being caught. John from Cocoran, Mn and Mark from Hastings,Mn had a really nice batch or perch. 17 really nice Jumbos!!! John seems to be claiming all the Jumbo's but Mark seems to think otherwise.

No limits of perch but plenty of action.

With spring break happening, I can't think about anything better than spending the a couple of days up here on Lake Mille Lacs catching Jumbo's!

Plenty of ICE and plenty of JUMBO'S. its just a matter of getting up here and moving around and fishing.

The fish are being caught in 24ft to 28ft of water still. Fish light and with minnows, larva, waxies, and fresh water shrimp. The shrimp are available at Malmo Market! Ask for Jerry or Linwood.

Folks, I cannot express how important it is to stay on the roads! There are many holes from the previous weeks that snow has blown over. These holes are getting bigger and bigger do to the amount of water that is on the ice in these areas. The water is not apparent as it is beneath the snow. Three trucks have dropped there front ends in this weekend already. Please stay on the roads.

My good friends Paul Waldowski and Deitz Dietrich are coming up in the morning. Come on up and join us!

Hope to see you up here on beautiful Lake Mille Lacs!!!

Fish On!

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That was for 6 guys and we threw many perch back in the hole.

See my previous post for live bait. Hali's were very good today from what I heard. Good Luck!

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going to give the perch a try tommarrow thinking about triing appledorns , never fished that area. is it ok to park my vehichle there and drive out by 4 wheelers any pointers would be appeciated. If u see a red Honda fourtracks and a Homemade trailer thats me feel free to say hi

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The roads are wide and there is pleny of room to park your vehicle and hit the lake.

Fish On!!!

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Hookmaster
      Talk about pucker factor!! Glad you made it back safely!!!
    • Mike89
      hope it's an easy fix!!!!
    • smurfy
      well that suxs!!!!!!!!!!🥴
    • Rivergroup
      We easily had 20 fish (kept a couple here and there) in the boat by 7am most days this past week. Evening bite was just as good.
    • Jetsky
      We ran out of minnows and couldn't find any at the bait shops.  So we fished with leeches last night and had great success.   Just about all of them we caught were 14 - 17 inches.  Shallower bays have warmed up and they are in their feeding at dusk.
    • redlabguy
      Shamrock did have rainbows and chubs but their tank broke down. They’re out of the minnow business. River group is right, though. A leech caught a 22” er this morning. RLG
    • smurfy
      It's getting there!
    • Kettle
      Well the motor left me stranded last night in 3 ft waves. Took me about 3 hrs to trolling motor back to the launch. I believe it's a high pressure fuel pump issue. If I can get it fixed by then, I'll let you know and get you out on the water
    • leech~~
      Yep, ordered a fancy sectional fence with gate coming in a few days. It's my wife's flower garden so she wanted some nice, instead of looking at her Tulips through chicken wire!  It's not my garden I don't care. Anything to stop the bunnies and crying! 😵‍💫
    • smurfy
      Leech.........i have rabbit issues to.........i put up a chicken wire fence around it!!!!!!!! works good. about mid July i take it down, after all the plants are up and not near as tender they seem to leave most of it alone!!!!!! 
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