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Saw some guys using tip ups yesterday. HUH?

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Ok so I am driving across Buffalo Lake and I saw some guys come out of thier shack waving thier arms at me, then I saw what the big deal was. They had tip ups out and I was about to run them over. Well I felt stupid, but then thought to myself. Why would someone have tipups out after the walleye and northen season has closed. It makes me dissappointed to see people breaking the rules like this.

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They could very well have been fishing for crappies. Hard to know without seeing what was on the end of their line.

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They might have been fishing channel cats???? I have had to tell a couple of my buddies that the season for pike and walleye was over on Sunday and they didn't believe me. Does anyone know why they don't just make it go the couple of extra days and have it over when the liscences expire?

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Not sure, but a coupel extra days wouldnt hurt anything. I thought it went till tomorrow, but I read the DNR web site and was informed differently.

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Very possible for crappies. I've done it many times up on Red. Fire up the grill and relax for awhile. Works great. But the tactics up there don't necessarily work around here... I wouldn't get worked up about it without knowing for sure.

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What kind of tip ups? The windlass works great for crappies or perch. their is a lot of perch on buffalo. I also have a finky'f fish factory i use for perch on millacs. Works great! I will include a couple of pics of it for people who do not know of it.

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I've used tip-ups for crappies before....you can use em for perch to....no law against using a tip up at anytime....now if that tip up has a sucker and a quick strike rig on the business end, there might be some 'Splain-in' to do!

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Im sorry, but who fishes for crappies with a tip-up. The reason i say that is becuase, there to finaki to be fishing them with tip-ups. Just my .02

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I have caught crappies on a windlass and in my fininky's fish factory. If you dought me, I will meet you out on Michell in big lake and show you (if i can find my windlass). If you get on aggresive crappies, they will take

down a walleye bobber, let a lone a light setted drag, power jigged tip up. The finickys fish factory is very sensitive. Its good for perch, but I have caught many crappies on it. In a bet I would put the factory before the windlass. But set correctly and weather cond. (windlass) are right. You can catch crappies on a tip up. smirk.gif


I will this week (god willing) some how get video of catching a crappie on a tip up (factory), or invite who ever would like to come down were I am fishing and watch.


Double P.S.

I have seen T.V. shows catch crappies on tip ups. Midwest outdoors. E-mail Dave Genz and ask him. CLICK BELOW

jig up fishingminnesota Tony Dean

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We also use them for perch, when fishing for eyes when it is open I have caught perch that were almost the same size as the minnow, you just have to set the flag light, works great for the kids to be outside running around watching for flags.

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Fishing tip-ups for crappies is just like dead-sticking. I've noticed crappies only wanting the dead stick, that any jig movement would spook them.

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Yup, not always, sometimes they are to finnicky and you have to work for em. But sometimes, they will come up, vaccume that little minnow in and be on the way.

I've never tried it for crappies in deep water, mostly the shallow stuff, 8-15 feet. Some will blow it out I'm sure, but some won't and then it's "Flags up!"

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I was fishing a small, secret lake in WI over President's Day weekend. I got a good number of Red Lake sized crappies on tip-ups baited with small shiners. On my regular rod, all I could get on wax worms or a spoon were the "small" 9 & 10 inch crappies. I got over 20 Red Lake sized crappies on the shiners before they ran out. It was the first time I used a tip-up for crappies but I may start doing it more.

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I might have to go and try this. From what i have read, and what i have learned about crappies and tip-up, it might work. I was thinking different when i first started reading this topic, but after its all done, im going to have to try this. Great information everyone.

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I am heading to my wife's uncle's lake they live on and they are having a fishing contest for the people who live on the lake and their families. 15-20 people, mostly just a reason to get together and drink..I might just have to try this. I think it might be interesting trying it at least. I will let you all know how I do after this weekend.

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Two years ago it was a few weeks past the closed season and a big group of guys were fishing tip ups in the 30' area and the dnr was watching them in their suburban behind my portable. A guy pulled up a big ol pike with a huge smile on his face and threw it on the ground and the dnr cruized over and busted all of the guys. So, you never know out there.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Hookmaster
      Talk about pucker factor!! Glad you made it back safely!!!
    • Mike89
      hope it's an easy fix!!!!
    • smurfy
      well that suxs!!!!!!!!!!🥴
    • Rivergroup
      We easily had 20 fish (kept a couple here and there) in the boat by 7am most days this past week. Evening bite was just as good.
    • Jetsky
      We ran out of minnows and couldn't find any at the bait shops.  So we fished with leeches last night and had great success.   Just about all of them we caught were 14 - 17 inches.  Shallower bays have warmed up and they are in their feeding at dusk.
    • redlabguy
      Shamrock did have rainbows and chubs but their tank broke down. They’re out of the minnow business. River group is right, though. A leech caught a 22” er this morning. RLG
    • smurfy
      It's getting there!
    • Kettle
      Well the motor left me stranded last night in 3 ft waves. Took me about 3 hrs to trolling motor back to the launch. I believe it's a high pressure fuel pump issue. If I can get it fixed by then, I'll let you know and get you out on the water
    • leech~~
      Yep, ordered a fancy sectional fence with gate coming in a few days. It's my wife's flower garden so she wanted some nice, instead of looking at her Tulips through chicken wire!  It's not my garden I don't care. Anything to stop the bunnies and crying! 😵‍💫
    • smurfy
      Leech.........i have rabbit issues to.........i put up a chicken wire fence around it!!!!!!!! works good. about mid July i take it down, after all the plants are up and not near as tender they seem to leave most of it alone!!!!!! 
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