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Catch and Release


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I do believe you have everything backwards. Deer are over populated and fish are being fished out. Global warming is not a religion, you cant decide to belief in it or not. Its either happening or it isn't.


You would make a good speaker for P.E.T.A.

I went fishing yesterday and only caught 1 fish. I give up, you were right, the lake must have been fished out, call the DNR for restocking!!!

Or maybe they was'nt biting, no I'm sure it could'nt be that. And as for the deer, I was trying to make a point, but that must have gone over your head. Try to convince me the DNR knows the exact number of the MN. deer heard. The same with fish. Its just a good guess at best, given the way the net count for fish, and fly over count for deer. And some of the tagging. Ya there is plenty of deer, thats why I buy the all-season tag. I can take, (this is gonna bother you) 5 DEER per year untill the DNR changes that.

Besides we were talking about fish. Lets make peace. You throw'em back and I'll catch and eat'em!!! wink.gifwink.gif

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I encourage you to take more than 5 deer per year. Perferably all does and if your lucky a wall mounter. I myself took 7 deer this year all does. I did not see a mature buck worth shooting. I am not saying that fish are going to run out tomorrow or even ever. All i am saying is that if we don't do something to help, like more people doing C&R. With the increase in people fishing, there will be a problem in the future. Buts thats my opinion. I am also not bad mouthing the dnrs limits , I just know there is people out there that keep over there limit and keep fish even though they don't need them(because they have plenty) and if i can convince more people to do C&R then that will leave more fish in the future.

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There was an article in the St.Cloud paper about seeing a decrease in youg kids fishing. I thought that was interesting. Minn. population will rise and yes will produce more fisher people, <----(for the feminist people)

I have freinds that don't go fishing that love deep fried fish, and some elderly freinds that can't get out to fish anymore. I give them a few meals of fish. Some might say that is wrong, because if I would'nt give them fish, there would be more fish.

I know for a fact that some bad eggs brake the law. I HAD 3 freinds that were fishing the same lake that me and another freind were fishing one March day. They took 2 limits of crappies off the lake. One limit per trip. After the 2nd, I called the C.O., and they were coming back for a 3rd limit. They were caught, the C.O. went to they're homes and found the other fish. The ex-freinds found out who turned them in, THUS, ex-freinds.

You can encourage people to C.R.,its a free country,(not politically). And I will continue fishing with-in the law.

Good luck in what you do, and we just disagree alittle bit!! tongue.gif

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some elderly freinds that can't get out to fish anymore. I give them a few meals of fish. Some might say that is wrong, because if I would'nt give them fish, there would be more fish.

Once again I feel that falls into a need verses greed deal. Those folks love fish but their health or because of other reason they cannot harvest those fish themselves I feel that is actaully a very good deal. You get to enjoy going fishing and a person that cannot harvest fish gets a meal out of the program. Now that I think should almost be encouraged.

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Last meal that I cooked for my mother was walleye. Fried it at home and hauled a$$ for the hospital. frown.gif

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Like some indian reservations I have been on they give out Elder Tags,; so someone can shoot a deer for an elder. C&R is a good idea, but there is more to it than just throwing a fish back. I would rather see a guy take fish home than stretch it out for a picure after wrestling on the boat floor for 10 min. Or jerk that panfish up from 25' down and wonder why the fish can't get back down the hole.

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this topic got me to thinking....What if a guy has a tip up out or a set line and a walleye takes it and swallows the hook and is bleeding. And say the walleye is in the protected slot. To throw that fish back just to die doesn't seem right, but if you get caught with it you will get tagged for a big fine. Just wondering because this has come close to happening to me and i'm sure it has happened to others before.

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brady d, unfortunately that does occasionally happen, but its a guys responsibility to watch that line as close as possible to prevent that if possible. And if you think about it the vast majority of the fish released ARE able to be caught over and over. I often heard people ask the same thing about Mille Lacs walleyes in the summer. They just thought it was terrible to release a deep hooked fish. I simply told them, "Set the hook earlier then..." Its not the rules fault.

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hey jon you must guide out on red no wonder you want everyone to throw back the fish. its what you make a living at.and the more fish in the lake the more money you make. dont preach to people about eating what they catch.alot of people drive all that way to bring home some fish.I beleive in catch and grease

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I do believe you have everything backwards. Deer are over populated and fish are being fished out. Global warming is not a religion, you cant decide to belief in it or not. Its either happening or it isn't. And if you don't think that everything we do has a consquence then i believe you need to go back to school. You can't tell me that the deer are over populated because we turned over half on Minnesota into farm land. Or that all the CO2 we are releasing into the atmosphere is only going to have positive results. Do you think that if the DNR didnt give buck tags out for a couple of years that might help the deer problem. They wont because they will lose a considerable amount of hunters buying licences, Which will hurt the deer even more. Soon the deer will be like the moose. gone.

Kind of rediculous statements don't you think? Fish are getting fished out? COME ON!! There are THOUSANDS of lakes in this state that never see a fisherman all winter and very few in the summer!

Deer are overpopulated for a variety of reasons- one of which is yes-DEVELOPING PERFECT WHITETAIL HABITATS through out the state. Do you honestly think there would be this many around if there wasn't farmland, new growth forest, mild winters, people feeding them, and urban areas where whitetail are thriving?? Sheesh, time for a reality check.

What kind of car do you drive? A gas guzzling diesel truck or SUV or a toyota car? Do you have a big boat? How about a trailer full of four-wheelers and snowmobiles? I do believe that we are heating up- but is it because of man or mother nature? I believe that it's both. How much CO2 and SO2 was released into the atmosphere when MT. St. Helens blew up in '81?? How much has been released from Mt. Kiluea that has been erupting non-stop since 1983? How much global warming is caused by nature itself?-Alot. I am not saying that man is helping matters, but there is alot more going on.

Finally, are kids these days even interested in outdoor sports much? The Play-station generation seems to be more interested in computer games, ipods, text messaging, etc. than fishing or hunting. I hardly ever see kids out fishing!! It would be real interesting if the DNR had statistics on youth fishing and hunting licenses sold in 2006 compared to '96 and '86 and so on.


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Thats what i was stating, that its our fault the deer are overpopulated. Do to us creating ideal whitetail habitat and the deers ability to adapt and thrive in what we have created. About kids hunting, was there a special reason why they made a youth season? Was it because kids arent hunting any more?

Nature has a way of recycling carbon emitted by nature. The carbon cycle is an amazing thing but when we put more carbon in than nature can recycle there is going to be negative affects.

And yes it was kind of a ridiculous statement that fish are being fished out. And diesels don't run on gas.

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If people are going to eat them, I'm going to keep them. I fish about 3-4 times per week and I used to bartend at an American Legion. You should see the look on those guys faces when you handed them a bag of freshly caught crappie or walleye fillets. I don't work there anymore, but I still bring them fish and I will continue to do so regardless of what I read about catch and release.

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My point is some people need to get their facts straight.

1. Fish are tasty and alot of people like to eat them.

2. The Deer population in Minnesota is higher than ever, and yes, habitat had something to do with that.

3. Industrialization and Automobiles emit CO2, but so does mother nature.


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J,I 'm not trying to upset you,I just wondered your points of veiw.I think in the long run c&r is a good thing unless your hungry.Mother nature will ALWAYS end up taking care of herself one way or another!c63

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Gut hooked fish, thats up to you and the "GODS". But when caught you will pay the toll. Got caught when I was 18 with hen that was crippled after I shot a rooster and she was collateral damage. My bad, but was not going to leave her lay. $150.00 fine never thought twice about the fine, to leave her lay like the C.O. said would have put on the wrong side of the "GODS". And that my friend is not where you want to be.

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Im sorry but how much is a hook worth $1-2... come on guys if a fish is gut hooked and is not in the slot just cut the line and retie!!!! That hook will disolve in a week!

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loupepsi - you don't have to worry about the number of anglers going up in Minnesota. License sales to 16-24 year olds has actually gone down 7% in past 5 years and sales to people older than that have been pretty stable. This info is from an article I read on Kare 11's website a couple months ago. The main reasons for the decline in young anglers are video games and an increase in popularity of competitive sports.

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I agree with you there Crappieslayer, I cut hooks as soon as possible I was thinking more in the lines of when you got a bleeder or when guys mess with them to long trying to operate on them or trebles in their throat. I have caught snakes that have a Kahle hook

in their throat. How long does it take for a hook to disolve roughly? Years ago one of my mentors use to say 4 days. Would like to find out if someone is pursuing a quick disolve hook or is one available?

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