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Open seats/fishing partners. By popular demand.

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you are a brave soul, it is going to be FREEZING out there. I went out for a bit yesterday, solid ice and not nearly as busy as saturday (I wonder why????). I only lasted an hour, small sunnies on red euro's.

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i was wondering if anyone would want to fish sunday evening bite or maybe friday anytime. Id like to try one of the following lakes with people who know them.... prior lake, peltier, centerville, white bear, minnetonka. Id like to hook some walleye its been years. email me at t.marquardt@yahoo dot com

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im free the 23rd through the 28th if anyone is interested in going to crystal or lac lavonto try to catch a few

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If I don't get out this week I'm pretty busy until the first of the year but would be up for hitting Crystal or Lac Lavon.

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I have an open seat and all the gear antime someone wants to go out. All you need to do is supply the ride since I no longer have my truck...although I'm not proud, we can always throw it in the back of my car;) I usually fish O'dowd, Spring and Prior but I'm open to moving if you have someplace else to try.

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Wakeguy whats a good time to fish prior for walleye? Do you know any good spots? I work in burnsville from 11 am to 9pm but id be willing to drive down very early in teh week to do a early bite if you know the spots. as long as im to work by 11 im good. Let me know what day works or whatnot. NEver fished any south lakes.

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Sorry guys I didn't log on to check this until it was too late. I'm open friday night if anyone wants to go out then.

Honda - I've spent most of my time fishing crappie on Upper Prior but would like to target some eyes on Lower this winter. I've got some ideas from studying the lakemaster chip but no gaurantees. It will be a little easier to scout once we can drive on the ice and move around abit. One of my buddies caught 12 walleyes on a local lake in only 6 feet of water today and between noon and three so that just goes to show ya that you never know where they might be.

Walleye - If you haven't left yet, I would be up for some fishing tonight still. Where do you plan on going?

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yeah I agree once the ice freezes to the point we can drive we should def hit it up. I hate that I work cruddy hours 11 to 9 mon thru thursday and 8 to 5 saturdays and i live in coon rapids!! grrr but early morning walleyes would be fun or even sat after work from 6 till whenever we wana fish works too.

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Sat I work 'till three and I'm a bit of a night owl anyway so I'm usually open to staying out late. I'll be in CO for a couple of weeks after Christmas but when I get back the lake should be good enough to drive on. I also want to hit up Spring since I had good luck fishing it this summer and found some rocks that aren't on any maps or chips.

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Probably goin up to Chisago on Saturday. I have a buddy that wants to go but i think he'll bail out. If he does i'll have an open seat. The only thing you gotta buy if you go is a couple tanks of propane for the buddy heater and lantern. And maybe a 12 pack of dew. Lemme know

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I'll be at the Centerville boat launch at about 12 noon tomorrow. Will be doing some fishing and moving the perm house a little. It sank a little on the ice last weekend.


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Oh my! I probably won't be getting out until after the first of the year :(, too much going on with the holidays/work. But again, if someone is looking for a fishing partner in the south metro, let me know smile.

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ron ... I think I would like to meet up and try centerville. Its been prolly 7 years since ive been out there and I was only out once. Call me at 10 and I will meet up with you if you dont mind maybe ill get a couple pointers on fishing that lake. I have everything but a auger if you dont mind punching a hole or 2 for me.

Fishing4Fun call me at 10 also if you wana meet up and go with I have room for 1 one more in my 2 man.

Fishing-Guro Call me as well...


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Rui, blast me an email. My wife has a sore back so not sure if I can make it or not, but I have a couple of guys going out and there's room for you. Let me know and I'll keep you in touch about heading out.

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ok so I met up with Ron and Coach today at centerville. Ron seems to know the lake and said its really slow and he was right. He pulled a couple decent panfish but I worked for mine. 3 keepers in 9 hours. Thats slow fishing.

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Anyone heading out tomorrow, Tuesday the 23rd..and would like a partner? I got lots of minnows that's not being used, and I don't want them to go to waste. My email is theworldofrui @ yahoo.com


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