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Selling Nightcrawlers


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Everytime it rains, there are piles of nightcrawlers in my backyard. Last time, my roommates and I went out for about half an hour and picked 8-10 dozen.

My question is, if I were to pick like 20-30 dozen and sell them, would I have to get a special permit? Or can I just put a sign in my yard advertising nightcrawlers for sale?

Thanks in advance for any info.

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You would need a permit from the Tobacco Firearm and Nitecrawler Authority and since the nitecrawler industry is Mafia controlled you are putting yourself at risk. Seriously you may run into an over zealous beauracrat who will object to you having a business in a residential zone. I happens to little kids with Lemonade stands so it could happen to you.

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I cant remember the law and cant find it on the DNR website,but I do believe that if you are going to sell crawlers to baitshops you will need a permit from the DNR.

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I don't see any problem with you selling crawlers from home. I never heard of needing a permit to sell wholesale to retailers of course it was 20 years ago when I had a business selling crawlers. 20 to 30 doz it not really a lot and you will go through them quite quickly, trouble is if you have a little yard stand and only have them in the beginning of fishing season and then none when people are looking for them later. Try and find a few neighborhood fishermen and arrange to supply them. You will come out better in the long run if you are just looking for some pocket change.

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Forget the sign and have a few cards printed up and hand them out. Keep the bureaucrats out of it if possible. grin.gif

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I just talked with a gentleman at the DNR and he stated there is no permit for selling crawlers and they have no rules in regards to them.Sell away.

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Selling from the confines of your home may be considered a "home occupation" or "home business", depending on your local city or county ordinances. In most cases the local government will allow it as long as it doesn't attract additional traffic, cause a safety concern, etc. But proceed with caution before you invest any of money into it. Your best bet is to check over your local ordinances.

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Agreed. I'd check city hall before proceeding, just to be on the safe side. A simple call and you should have your answer. That would be a good way to pick up a few extra bucks though. Years ago there was a guy in town that had a fridge in a shed, opened his shed up early in the morning and had a drop-box for people to put their money in. He sold them on the honor system like that, and I remember each time we left an extra buck just to help the fella out. I know many of the stores in my area are selling them from $2.25 - $2.50 a dozen. Go say $1.50/doz, put a little ad in the paper and you could get some good results.

Good luck!

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Most city/ county ordinances are lenient on home business. However, watch out for home associations and covenants. My wife got grief for starting a home daycare! Lame!

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I'd buy 5 dozen off ya for opener if your interested.....I work in fargo so I could pick them up from ya anytime.

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Great thread, I picked up well over 1000 (4-6 inchers and as thick as a pencil), tonight in 2 hours walking my property. Ill take them to the local bait shop and see what he will give for them, heck might gas up my truck and boat with nightcrawler $$$,


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I made quite a bit of money selling crawlers in high school. We picked over 200 dozen one very rainy night on a golf course in the metro. Cha-ching, had all sold on opening day. Had stand on northbound hwy 65.

Make sure when collecting crawlers you dry them off on newspaper before putting them in bedding. Just lay a few sheets out and dump them in a pile in the middle. Good ones crawl away, dead ones dont, weed these out.

Make sure you use worm bedding not dirt. Crawlers do not live in dirt. I use 15x15x3" wood boxes with vent holes in sides to hold the critters, each will hold about 10-15 dozen. The newspaper based bedding is best(Buss Bedding). empty bag into 5 gal pail and fill with water till all is soaked. Let sit overnight to remove inks from paper. Then pour bucket onto a old screen and squeeze out excess water. Then simply crumble up into pea sized bits and fill your boxes.

Keep in fridge(with vented cover, those buggers can crawl) and keep at around 45-50 F. After about a week you will have to feed them. I usually used a commerical worm food, Magic brand I think it was.

Use a spray bottle to keep the bedding moist. You'll have to change bedding if there in there for a few months but mine were never in there long enough for that. smile.gif

For picking I use a regular bulb headlamp with a bit of white trash bag plastic over the lens for a defuser as the spots are too bright and will spook the crawlers.

I also rigged up a picking bucket that hung on my belt made from an old bleach jug. Put belt through handle and cut hole to put crawlers in. I also attached a plastic bag to the out side that contained sawdust. Spot a crawler, dip your wet fingers in sawdust and strike. This makes grabbing them much easier, no slippage. You typically didnt need this when they were flooded from their holes and laying all over. But it was invaluable when you had to pick them.

Another trick when picking is if you get one that latches onto its tunnel, dont pull hard, it will break it. Simply cup you hand over the exposed crawler and it will think its safe and let go allowing you to pull it free of its tunnel.

Happy pickin


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Holy hannah! I never knew there were professional crawler pickers! Great Tips! grin.gif

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The going rate for nightcrawlers is $55.00 a flat[500 count]not bad if you have the time to do it.

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A little FYI I learned today. Nightcrawlers that are picked up off a road, sand, clay, concrete, whatever, wont last as lond as ones pulled right out of the dirt. Apparantly they lose too much of their slime and they dont last as long without it.

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If I were you I would go ahead and sell those crawlers. The hell with whoever and whatever. The chances of any government official or agency messing with you is more remote than someone on this site catching a limit of six 32 inch walleyes on opening day. Good luck and may your good efforts lead to bigger and better things.

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Crawlers are selling for $35-$40 a flat in the Duluth/Superior area. Many people sell crawlers around here and I have never heard of anyone getting in any trouble for doing so.

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