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I agree with Shae except that I will get more specific and say that a matter of 10 or 20 yards can really change how many fish you catch. Maybe Wiggle was right over a spot where the fish wanted to be; a rock or different patch of weeds, something thats different.

Another thing is the type of lure. Maybe Wiggle used the right style or color to catch the larger fish.

Everyone should just enjoy themselves on the water and respect our fellow fishermen and fisherwomen. Enough of this bickering, please.

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All right fellas let's cool down.

When it comes down to it I don't care who is telling the truth. Let's no get down on people and hurt a GREAT forum. I think it is great because we are willing to share ideas and help eachother in a positive manner.

I think it is very possible that Wiggle caught those fish. I too heard similar reports. I also believe that all fish at all times will change.

As I say -- day late dollar short. You guys all know this is true. Remember when you are trolling and the guy next to you keeps catching more or better fish. How can that be? Well, a lot of reasons.

I don't want anyone to get upset. We have the BEST group of all of the Fishing mn.com groups. That is my opinion. let's keep it going.

Wiggle -- keep wigglin' and keep giving the great reports cool.gif

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BTW --

If you don't cool down, you will all end up in "jail."

I did not like jail -- I suggest you guys try not to end up there -- It is tricky to get out with 4# test, a dozen crappie minnows, 1/2 can of beer and a fish scaler.

But it can be done. wink.gif

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I agree with Hitman...Be nice or else you will pay the consequences if you aren't paying for it yet. Can't we all just get along????? confused.gif

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Code man --

Good call.

Vote for me for alternate moderator.

Kind of like vote for Pedro, but vote for Hitman. cool.gif

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I've been swamped at work the last few days and have missed this whole deal. Apparently someone called someone else a liar, or close to it. Users can post whatever information they like as long as it fits within forum policies. Whether you believe it or not is up to you, just keep it to yourself, and don't post about it. This forum is not for people bickering at eachother and so forth. Keep it clean, and share what info you like and leave it at that.

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Nice Post Fisherdog. It's just a post...Just like fishing stories they get better sooner or later grin.gif And if you don't want to believe something then don't believe it but I have also been on spots where I nailed the fish and people next to me didn't get a bite and sadly it's also gone the other way once too many times frown.gif. Oh ya I also got some Ocean front property in North Dakota...If your interested respond within grin.gif

Lets keep it clean and keep out of jail.


ps how do Moderators get chosen/picked?

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I wanna say that I appreciate your reports and would like another if you got one. I may be heading to Middle Corm. Saturday afternoon. I need to know where the craps are biting.

Thanks and keep up the good work

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I think we all should be moderators.

If not -- let's make it like my second year of bantam hockey -- we couldn't decide on captains, so we all had "A" on our sweaters.

Yep, we all looked like dorks.

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Yeah, can I have an "C" on my sweater, that way I can tell all the "A's" to get in line. How about those gophers, peaked too early this year. Now it's go Sioux and Badgers! WCHA hockey Rocks!

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Gophers really P!$$ me off.

Don't get me started mad.gif they way the Gophs were playing the past month, a bunch of us FM guys could have outskated them... Deacon, you are right when you said they peaked too early. Now the Sioux, who plyed crummy all season long, are skating around like they own the rink. What gives? confused.gif

The only benefit I saw to the Gophs losing, was the fact that I was out fishing Saturday night and didn't worry about having to watch the game on tape delay at midnight.

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I bought tix for the weekend tourney. Wife and I went to the Gophers game friday night, left ASAP with 8000 Sioux fans going nuts because we lost. Nobody used my tix for the 2nd game on Friday and gave them away for Sat. nights game. What a waste of $ to watch the performance the Gophers put on Friday night. To top it off I find out on Friday that you couldn't drink at the games all weekend. You can drink all year at UND and Gopher games.....until I buy tickets.

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hitman, the only problem I see with playing hockey is that it cuts into my ice fishing and fly tying time frown.gif

maybe a summer league is in order wink.gif

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I am in for a FM hockey league. I played for Moorhead, graduated in '03, and played for the NDSU club team til I got a concussion earlier this year.

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I am in for a FM hockey league.

as long as we could find a goalie.... no more shooter tutors tongue.gif or playing pipes...

I played for the lowly St. Paul Academy Spartans, '91-'95. the only plus to that was that I got to letter all four years crazy.gif

It would be pretty cool thought to skate around with the FM logo on our jerseys. Hitman, you could even have the "A" if you wanted... shocked.gif


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GF -- You are nuts.

Us old fat guys can't keep up. But I guess I coluld get a penalty or two to help even things up.

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Hitman, you could even have the "A" if you wanted...

Sweet. Um ... er ... Do I dare ask what the "A" would stand for? wink.gif

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Fishdog, now don't go stirring the pot. Unless you have a hot tip that the BIG fish are bitting on Middle "C" grin.gif

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F-Dog --

Easy with the hockey comments. Round these parts, a guy might find themselves "fish food" cool.gif

Now, I guess you are not a native and from a long way south of here, right?

I didn't know possum chasin' was a sport. grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

I am soooooooooooo Funny. I should get my own show.

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hitman, easy there.... Jersey boys know how to make real fish food... shocked.gif

nothing like a pair of cement shoes to help one go swimming with the fishes wink.gif

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Dead -- now that was some funny stuff. I just fell out of my chair.

I watched this movie ... about this guy ... he gets out of he mob ... gets a "normal" job ... Witness protection ... I think he was a Hitman.

Ah, nuts ... must be me.

Sorry F-Dog, thought it was you. cool.gif

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Yep, better be careful or I'll call my mob friends in Jersey. wink.gif I'm a baseball guy, hockey wasn't very big when I was growing up in Jersey. It was something the "non-athletes" played laugh.giftongue.gifsmile.gifcool.gifwink.gif.

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Yur all nuts!!! blush.gifblush.gif

If ya can't drive it, shoot it or fish it then screw it! tongue.gifwink.gifgrin.gifsmile.gif

Who after 12 years old wants to play with balls and pucks anywho? (leave it alone Hitman..LOL wink.gif)

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The only good ice is one where you can drill holes and fish. Joke Time

So Ole went ice fishing. He drills a hole starts fishing then soon hears a voice saying there is no fish down that hole and Ole looks around and didn't see anyone confused.gif so he moves acouple feet. He re drills a hole starts fishing and after acouple minutes the same voice goes There is no fish down that hole. He looks around and gets mad and moves for a third time. Just as Ole gets all comfy fishing he hears the voice tell him there is no fish down that hole. Finally Ole has enough and goes How do you know there is no fish down this hole? Are you God? The voice goes no I'm not God I'm the Ice Rink Attandant.

hahahaah sometimes I crack myself up!!!! grin.gifgrin.gifgrin.gif

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