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It looks like once this snow storm goes through that we'll start getting some colder weather. Figure I'd start a post where we can keep an update of early ice conditions in our area. I'm thinking maybe the weekend of Dec. 10 & 11 we might be able to get out in some of the early ice locations.

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Clear Lake south of Forest Lake appears to be froze over. I'm sure it's not fishable but that's still a good sign. And with the high temps forcasted in the upper teens and low 20s for the next week we should have some good ice relatively soon.

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Forest Lake is iced over. I will check willow point area this weekend if time permits.

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FLSniper, I'm looking at the channel between 1&2. When the lake froze over the channel still had ice on it. Looking for pike or eyes? I target the early eyes with a pig crappie or two thrown in. Lets get out, I have a permanent shack that needs a few inches but the early ice is what is really fun!


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There is a hair under 3" straight off the landing on Lake 1 of Forest. I only went out a hundred yards or so. Yesterday there was ~1.5 inches.

Clear had about an inch yesterday, today the 1/5 of the lake nearest the landing had broken up, so I didn't bother checking.


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Not saying it is safe but there were people fishing on most lakes in the chisago area Saturday. Chanel between chisago and lindstrom, pancake island area on south center and the north bays on north center. And so the season has started grin.gif

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I did not make it out fishing this weekend...wasn't quite safe enough for me....so I tried to stay warm in the bow stand and did round up my ice fishing gear so I'm all set. I did drive by a few lakes, one being forest lake...and it seemed like there was 1 or 2 guys venturing out on each lake...mostly within 50 - 60 yards of shore. Forest lake had a couple cracks (the usually ones) running through the willow point area but I'd imagine they are getting pretty well froze up now. I would think most lakes in our area will have some areas of safe ice by this weekend. I may try to get out some night midweek...most likely chisago/south lindstrom. I'll post ice conditions and results if/when I do. This weeekend for sure!

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Went out on the Chisago/Lindstrom channel Sunday. About 2" on ice Even thinner as you move closer to the lake's. And only 3 small crappies frown.gif

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I didn't get out this weekend but I will be out Weds evening on Forest. I will either fish the channel between 1&2 or I will be out fronyt of town by the beach. Sniper, I have a dark blue portable with orange trim. If you get out in those areas look for me. I like the shallow weed bite early and then progress deeper as the year goes on. I tend to shy away from Willow due to traffic and fish shallow as long as the bite holds. Good luck & stay safe!


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I had a free couple hours on sunday. Went straight off the landing on lake 1, out to 15 feet of water. Caught a 15" walleye in that time. I may be out tonight or wednesday - black 1 man flip-over.

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I went out on Forest on Monday, on the west side of the channel between first and second for northerns - used on tip-up and jigged also. Caught one fish, very slow, but probably due to the temp. By the way Tunrevir, I think that we may know each other. Have you ever tried to night fish on Mille Lacs with a sick guy in the back of the boat and no tape measure for the fish? Note - I was not the sick guy. The Prodigy

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Prodigy, YEP!, YEP!, YEP! By the way, I had a tape when I went out in November. We taped many fish in the 27-28 1/2" range! 23 fish, pictures of all and we even got 4 for the pan. Sorry about the tape that night as you could have had 2 for the fry pan but rather safe then sorry!. I'm heading out to the area you mentioned or 1-2 other spots tomorrow night. You free? I'd like to try a couple spots that I have in mind if you are up for it. Give me a holler, I'll be painting at work.


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On Forest Lake, how do you guys access the area between 1st and 2nd lake this time of year? I've always just gone off of willow point and fished those few areas around there. Thanks.

Maybe I will stop out and see what's going on tonight.

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I use the access over by Skoglund estates. There is a small access thee but not many places to park. Went out last night and fished the channel beteen 1&2 and there were 1/2 doz other shacks out there. Had one flag early 4ish but that was it. Pretty slow last night but it might pick up this weekend with the weather warming up.

Tunrevir~ cool.gif

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I went out just east of willow point for just an hour after work last night....had the tip ups in from 5 - 6pm....no flags however. I was in about 10 fow using fatheads on big glow demons. The ice was about 3.5 - 4" thick.

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Fished South Lindstrom this weekend. Getting to be close to 6 inches of ice in the dinner bell bay area. Was also out on Forest 3rd lake on Saturday afternoon...was about 5" there.

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Clear Lake had between 3 and 6.5" of ice on Friday. Stay off the "deep" snow if you can.

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Hey FLSniper....I thought I smelled some burning canvas on South Lindstrom on friday morning? That wasn't you by chance was it?

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Guilty as charged.

But I have it patched up now...gives it some character.

"Walt...what are you doing??" "Making it look mean!"

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"Making it look mean!"

Old time hockey, coach.

Make it look mean...use duct tape.

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