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Fishin report for Lake Iwanttobethere..

Bobby Bass

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Rain day, nothing wrong with rain days I guess. Baseball teams have rain days and they just kind of sit back and take a break. The game will get played somewhere down the road but just not that day. Yesterday was a rain day for me. Just sat back in one of the wood deck chairs just inside the shop's roll up door. Cool and windy out, did I mention windy. If there are any leaves left on trees today it is not that the wind did not try and take them off yesterday. The only trees with leaves at my place are the apple trees, still green and still hanging on. As I sat with the roll up door open I had a little fire going in the pot belly stove. More then enough little scrap pieces of wood laying around to feed the fire. With the little stove heating the shop and the wind coming from the other side of the open door it was comfortable inside out of the wind.

Bud Barney and Duncan all took turns coming out and sitting for a spell with me. But I was just kicked back sitting on the deck chair with my feet up resting on a bucket blowing the occasional smoke ring from a cigar and they soon got bored with me. They would made the dash from the cabin to the shop avoiding the rain except for Duncan. Duncan would make the trip to the shop like he was a kid coming home from school, everything was a distraction. Steady drip of rain coming of the eves to splatter on the ground and the sound of some branches scraping the roof. Will have to add tree trimming to the Honey Do List.

Edd and Eddie the squirrels look like they have some relatives moving in on them. With the leaves all but gone from the trees I noticed several new nests in the maples. I sat on the deck chair and watched the nests from time to time for some movement but I am guessing the squirrels are also having a rain day. I made the mistake of bring the lap top out to the shop and from time to time I would get up and add a few things to the do list. In the old days the do list was just something you kept in your head and pretty much forgot about till something broke that was suppose to be fixed on the do list. The list then went to paper and that worked a little better but sometimes the list could get misplaced and you were back to using the list in your head. Now we have the list on the lap top and the wife routinely prints it off to replace the paper ones that seem to get lost or coffee spilled on.

The do lists are good things and I bet on one of them do lists I had "greasing the spindles on the lawn tractor". Maybe if I had greased the spindle I would not be waiting on a part, I got up from the chair and added grease mower spindles to next fall master do list. Of course there are other lists on the lap top, hidden in a secret file marked, well I can't really tell you that as the wife does read my ramblings from time to time. But there is a list of lakes I want to fish and some new lures that I should buy. Directions to Wrong Lake is in there along with a map of the new grouse haunts that Duncan and I have been hunting. Nothing wrong with rain days as I spent the afternoon working on my do lists. I think the wife would like me to spend more time on the done lists though, from Lake Iwanttobethere {840,252}

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Another good day to hunker down in the cabin, I got a fire going and a sweater on. Wind is blowing strong and the wind chimes outside the door are banging away. Rain drops splatter on the glass and run down in vertical rivers. Today will not be mistaken for a warm summer morning with a light breeze and wind chimes tinkling away, I think we are done with those days for awhile. Yesterday afternoon I picked up three of the grand kids from school and took them over to Tess's shop so they could pick up their Halloween costumes. They climbed into the Tahoe and the ten year old girl announced that "Papa your truck smells" I replied with "Of course it smells, it has kids in it" My grandson from the back seat says "It smells like you"

I pulled away from school wondering to myself if that is a good thing or a bad thing. I could vaguely remember my grandfather, Lucky Strike cigarette smoke and Aqua Velva lotion and rubbed my nose at the thought. The other grandson spoke up saying that he likes the smell of the truck, it smells like cigars and Duncan. " So you think the truck smells bad?" I asked and they all at the same time said that no the truck smells good and they like the smell of cigars, and Duncan and the beach. "Beach, what smells like beach?" I asked. Number one grandson said " I can smell the lake back here." The conversation changed to what they were wearing for costumes and I dropped them off at Tess's where the other granddaughter and her mother were waiting.

I drove away sniffing the air of the truck and trying to place the smells. No cigar smoke, I had not been smoking around the kids and I had cleaned out the ash tray, I suppose it could be on the leather seats. Duncan was a given as his moving blanket covered the back of the Tahoe. I suppose there is some dried mud from his paws back there. The beach or lake part was the hard one that took a little while to figured out. When I launch the Puddle Humper I store the knee high boots behind my seat and they sit on a tray. I suppose after a summer of fishing there is sand and dried lake bottom on the tray and the carpet. I could also smell a few things the kids did not mention, A whiff of gunpowder from some shot twenty gage shells that were resting in the cup holder. A bag of salted worms that were half open and half gone wedged along the passengers front seat. The bag of Kit Kat candy bars hidden in the center console.

I drove sniffing the air in the truck and decided that I liked the way the truck smells. Now the wife's Jeep, that is a different story, scented tissue and perfume in there. I give her a hard time because she will stop off at the fast food burger place and leave her bag in the Jeep. The smell of catsup in the sun with left over French fries lingers for a long time if you ask me.

The new car smell has been long gone in the Tahoe and I don't smell the leather seats anymore. Most of the time the windows are rolled down and the truck is filled with the smell of Pine and not from some fake little tree hanging from a mirror. True there is some cigar smoke from the ones I burn on the way to a lake to go fishing but, well OK I guess that smell might linger in the truck. Then there is the smell of Coney's with extra onions wrapped in wax paper in a white paper bag that I forgot about. But I happen to like the smell of Coney's and melted Kit Kat candy bars. Maybe I should stop at the car wash and vacuum the Tahoe out but it did not happen yesterday.

So today I watch the wind move branches and looking out at the yard I wonder where all the leaves have gone. The lake is stirred up and waves are moving across the bay all heading away from me. I am guessing the shore over there has a lot of leaves and someone is standing at there cabin window looking in my direction and thinking kind thoughts about their new found wealth of leaves, from Lake Iwanttobethere {840,699}

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A Halloween Tale

The light from the burning split birch danced across the old face of Elmer as he sat in the Lodge in his favorite wicker chair. One of those evenings where old men feel their age and the warmth of the fire can never be close enough. Weathered hands and enlarged knuckles from years of hard work held the white mug in a relaxed but secure grip. On this night there was no alcohol just fresh apple cider with a lonely cinnamon stick that was used to stir the warm cider. Outside the falling rain was turning into small snowflakes, the temperature was dropping just like on that night.

Elmer did not sit alone, there were others with him. Doc Burriem was there dressed in black as he always is. His black felt derby hat rested on the arm of the chair that he too had pulled close to the fire. His ankles crossed his pants had pulled up a tad to show the shine on his well worn black wing tip shoes. The suit was old but well kept, no one really knows if he had but the one or twenty-one of them. His black medical bag sat close at hand on the floor next to him. Doc is pretty much retired and has been for awhile but people still call him and he still comes. Tonight he to was sitting with a mug in his hands but his did not just hold cider. Doc would add a little something from time to time to the mug from a silver flask that he kept in his vest.

With the sound of the crackling fire you had to listen hard for the creaking of the oak rocking chair. It rocked slowly and surprisingly quietly for the bulk that it was holding. Earl senior sat in the chair, his flannel shirt poking out between the spindles looking almost like they were trying to escape. A big, meaty hand cradled a beer mug half full or half empty depending on how you looked at it. With the rocking the beer foam moved from one side of the mug and then back to the other side. In his other hand it looked like a finger was smoking till you saw that it was a fat cigar that just looked like one of his fingers.

There used to be a forth who would come and sit at the fire with them on these nights but she has passed. The four of them would sit and remember and drink cider except for Earl senior who does not really care for cider preferring cold beer as his choice. Most if not all of the Lodge members know the story, some better then others. The four of them now three have been sitting around the fire for years and when they are ready or someone asked they will retell the story from their past. The Lodge is quiet on this night I am guessing the storm has kept people sitting at home in front of their own fire light. A bright flash of light streaks through the rain splattered windows and before I can finish blinking my eyes the clap of thunder rattles the glass and the over head lights flicker once and then we are plunged into darkness. {841,476}

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Chapter Two

There was a pause in the night as we all sat tight, no one moving waiting for the return of the light. A log in the fire crackle out loudly or so it seemed and someone moved in their chair, the leg scraping the wood floor of the Lodge needlessly. Standing behind the bar I turn my head towards the wall where the meter was for our back up power. The black metal box had four green lights and I knew that Windy the windmill was still working on this night. I took a few quiet steps and flipped just the one switch that lit up the back bar. The rope lighting that we had installed now glowed somewhat brightly and was reflected off the bottles and the mirror on the wall. The light splattered outward, diffused by green glass and amber liquids in clear bottles. It gave the room a glow I was later told.

No one moved at least that I could see as we waiting for our eyes to get adjust to the diminished visibility. Time moved as quickly as a second hand on a broken clock and just as quietly. With enough light to see by Vinnie the new bus boy made his way down the bar to me. He had on jeans with a white apron over a white tee shirt and a small gold chain with a cross dangling freely over his chest. His shift was over and he was waiting on his girl to pick him up, but she was late again, not one of her better traits but then you have not seen the rest of her. Vinnie reached for the light switches but I brushed his hand away and whispered "Let's just see what happens" Vinnie nodded his head and moved the wood toothpick from one side of his mouth to the other.

Vinnie untied his apron and dropped it into the cardboard linen box behind the bar. He then poured himself a club soda from the cobra at the bar and made his way quiet like to a small table by the fire. The four guys playing cribbage picked up their cards and board and moved to a table closer to the light from the fire. Hammering Hank and Skinny had been carving pumpkins at a big table and I must admit they had been doing a little drinking at the same time. Gus came through the swinging door of the kitchen holding a candle in a black iron old fashion candle holder. I chuckled to myself some as for some reason the Lodge's cook looked like Ebenezer Scrooge in a white night shirt. Setting the candle holder on the bar he reached down and picked up the cardboard box of dirty linen and placed it on the bar. Where the box once was he now pulled out a box of candles and carried them over to Hank's table. Skinny put a match to some of the candles and placed them inside the already carved pumpkins. Hank moved the pumpkins around the room and once again we had light.

Another flash of lightning lit up the bar and caught the patrons frozen for just a sec. The old guys at the fire had not moved but Vinnie was caught making the signs of the cross. The most disturbing sight was Hammering Hank and Skinny standing covered in orange pumpkin slime holding knifes. Seeds and pulp on their arms they were back carving up two more for the yard. Eyes blinked and adjusted again and that is when we heard Elmer start to speak, solemnly....

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Chapter Three

Elmer pointing his partially dissolved cinnamon stick at Vinnie and said " I was just about your age when it all happen" and Earl senior and Doc Burriem nodded their heads together in agreement. It was a Halloween night and just like tonight it was a dark and stormy night. The year before everyone had been fooled by the aliens who were reported to have landed that night. Orson Wells was his name and he sure did play quite a trick with his story of War of the Worlds that people still tell. It was 1938 and I was scarred to hell but these others won't admit it because they never heard it because I had a radio and they didn't. Earl senior and Doc chuckled a little at the old memory. Elmer was forgetting the part about him trying to convince them about the Martians landing.

Vinnie leaned a little forward in his chair, he had seen the movie but never met anyone who had lived the tale. Vinnie waited for some more but the three old men had gone quiet again, they sat in their chairs and looked deep into the fire. Earl senior rocking slowly back and forth with a little creaking noise every now and then. Skinny was done with a pumpkin and he used his knife to slowly scrape the pulp from the pumpkin off his arms and hands. He walked towards the fire in his blue farmer's bibs and made not a noise in his soft leather boots. Moving the screen he stirred the fire and added some wood to make the flames grow higher. Dancing flames grew large as the bark on the wood caught resulting in more light to catch everyone looking into the fire.

Doc was the next to speak and he did it quietly. It was the Halloween after the big Halloween and yes it was a night like tonight, the five of us were out trick or treating. Now you must remember this was long ago, we didn't have a car we had to walk or we didn't get to go. Tricks were a big thing then as you can only eat so many apples and sugar dumplings. Cow tipping and moving outhouses were no big deal, just don't get caught as anything goes on a Halloween night. Ellie used to tell it right, after all it was her cousin that was lost that night.

Smiles all appeared on everyone at the mention of Ellie's name, she was the fourth who would sit at the fire. I am old enough to remember a young Ellie and Earl senior now spoke as he always had a thing for her. Earl turned slightly to capture Vinnie in his gaze and said "The five of us were walking into town that night, Doc and Elmer on my right and Ellie and her cousin Mary a few steps behind. Even bundled up in her heavy wool coat Mary was a sight to see. Even back then she was described as having a shape like an hour glass with a couple of extra minutes in just the right places." Earl paused and looked back into the fire like he was remembering Mary. Doc turned to Vinnie and said "Say son, isn't your girl's name Mary?" Vinnie holding his club soda replied "Yes, but my Mary has red hair" "Hmmm, what a coincidence, so did our Mary" Elmer muttered quietly to no one in particular.

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Chapter Four

" O, don't mind him" Doc said to Vinnie, "Lots of pretty girls have had red hair." And with that Doc stood and turned away from the fire. Using the shuffle step that old guys do he made his way to the bar where I added some cider to his mug and a couple of shots of brandy to his flask. As I turned to put the bottle away he pointed at his mug and I poured away. The four guys playing cards had left them on the cloth and in various positions they now sat around the table. Gus came back from the kitchen where he had shut everything down and walked through the swinging door and paused. He took his Scrooge candle holder and placed it on the bar and reached into the cooler for a Hamms and the pickled egg jar. Unscrewing the lid he grabbed two for himself and looked at me, I just shook my head.

Ellie told the story best and she and the boys would sit at the fire and only come Halloween would they spread the tale. Ellie past a few years back and now it was up to just the three of them to keep the story going. Elmer looked at Vinnie and told him just that. "Do you think you are up to it" he asked Vinnie. Vinnie fiddling with his gold cross and trying to look tuff said "Bring it on, it's just a story I have been told, that you old guys have been teasing me with since the day I started here." "OK" said Elmer but just so you know, that girl of yours sure does look a lot like Mary did.

So Elmer the sober one of the three of them starting telling the Tale. As he spoke guys moved closer as Elmer talked in a quiet, well thought out breath. Gus moved from the back of the bar to a chair closer to the fire. I moved down the bar and moved the linen box down to the waitress station. I sat on a stool and leaned on the bar I didn't want to miss any of this yarn. Elmer turn his chair a tad to face Vinnie better and began his tale. "So the five of us were walking down Elm road named after a big Elm that sat at a curve. If you rode a horse or buggy it was not much of a deal but the new cars of them days had a problem sometime and bits of bark were missing from behind hit with steel. The tree is gone now and the road is paved but I still can remember that road to this day.

Some light rain had been falling but as the dim light of day disappeared the rain turn to small snow flakes. If you turn to look at where you had just passed you could see your tracks. I was puffing on a rolled cigarette that I had found and Doc even back then was giving me grief about smoking. Hats were pulled down tight and the girls had scarfs covering their hair, it was almost dark when I heard the clopping of hooves and little horse whinny. From behind us there came an old wood wagon pile high with hay. No head lights in them days but a lantern hung from a pole so the horse could see the way. We all five moved to the side to make way. When the horse was abreast it was rein in and we heard a fellow say "Whoa" Then a voice directed at us asked if he could be a help in anyway.

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Ok I am having a problem with my laptop and that is where the rest of the tale is at. Rather then rewriting most of the tale I am just going to let it die here. But in short the tale is all about a prank that everyone in the Lodge is in on and it is played out at Vinnie the new bus boy's expense. His girlfriend is in on it and in the end her head is found by Vinnie in the linen box

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Getting to be that time of the year for sure. This morning I woke up and had to head into town to the General Store for some chain. Grand daughter's birthday and I am putting in a swing in her back yard. Was doing some tree trimming over there and I found the perfect limb that hangs out into the yard but I don't have enough chain for the seat that I bought. So I was up before the sun had a chance to melt the frost of the windshield. After letting the Tahoe heat up some Duncan hopped up in the truck and we headed out. Duncan for a change is on the good side of the wife. She was washing clothes in the basement and a tiny mouse ran out from under the dryer. Duncan I am told pounced on it and held it in his mouth. The wife told Duncan "To take that little rodent outside" and Duncan did. I happen to hear the yelling and when Duncan came up the stairs I open the deck door and out he went. He took a few steps and sat down, lower his head and let the mouse out. Kind of like Jonah and the whale, now the wife tells Duncan to go look for Jonah when they are down in the basement.

On the home front did not have a good day Monday. That time of year for things to break get fixed and then have something else break. New spindle came in for the lawn tractor so that was put on and the deck was mounted back on the tractor, but to late in the day to do any mowing. So I was in the kitchen and with the wife's help we took the wall mounted microwave over the stove down. Thing had fried and we had bought a countertop replacement. After the microwave was down I went to take the wall cabinet that it was hung from down to do some wall patching. That didn't work so well as the wife was trying to talk me into just painting the kitchen and was distracted when the last screw was undone.

The cabinet came off the wall with me holding onto the screw gun and the cabinet, her end got away from her and I was now trying to race the cabinet to the floor going down the ladder. I missed the last step dropped the cabinet and fell shoulder first into the countertop. Dropped the screw gun on the foot that I had just twisted and hit the floor just in time to watch the ladder do a slow-motion fall and hit the other counter where the laptop was resting, open and on the Honey Do List page. Lap top crashed to the floor, laptop is now with the son in law who at last report said that the laptop "Was having issues" Some things were not backed up and got lost including the Honey Do List, dang.

Yesterday afternoon the sun came out and it looked warmer then what it was. I put on the insulated bibs and spent the afternoon riding the lawn tractor and mulching leaves. I took a break and came into the cabin where the wife declared that I smelled pretty earthy. Might have to do with all the powered leaf dust all over me. I was down by the water when Nytelyter came trolling by on his pontoon. I was surprised to see someone out fishing and I stopped mowing and we yelled at each other across the water for awhile. I think I only heard about half of what he was saying but he held up a four pound walleye for me to see and that kind of filled in what I had been missing. He was telling me I should be out fishing from Lake Iwanttobethere {845,079}

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Bobby has gone to deer camp.

Since the laptop is still at our son in laws being worked on he could not bring it with him to write so we are doing it war correspondence style.

Unknown to most but Chuck our neighbor besides rasing them chickens with the noisy rooster also has some carrier pigeons. Several were taken to deer camp and the plan I was told is to sent back highlights to me here to share. The reports although small are numbered so I can keep them in order. I have already checked the loft several times this morning and have found a few short lines to share.

Also I was talking with Chucks girlfriend who informed me that not all the pigeons that Bobby and Chuck took with are carrier pigeons and the pigeons are really her hobby. So it looks like not all the information from deer camp is going to make it back to you.

Before Bobby left he instructed me to write down and post exactly what he has written and not add anything. But since I am doing all the hard work I may add a comment or two, Bobby's Wife

First report from deer camp.......... We have all arrived, supper was good, a few more mice then usually, heavy frost this morning.

Second report?

Third report, did you get first and second reports? Second report bird when it took off went the wrong way, I think.

Now how am I supposed to answer him? From the cabin at Lake Iwanttobethere

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Deer camp, by Bobby's Wife

Spent time with Chuck's girlfriend most of last evening, I mean we have exchanged waves over the fence but with me going over and checking the loft for messages it seemed only right that I should bring over a bottle of wine.

Sammy dug out her chocolate fountain and we had a lovely time dipping fruit into it and chatting but I don't thing that Bobby's friends really want to hear what we were doing.

So here is what I have received.

Message number six: ]Chuck has informed me about the birds not really his, he thinks that some of the birds are from his gf's cousin that lives in Iowa. Might be what they head South on release.[/

Message number seven: Chuck dropped an 8 pointer at dusk! Note this bird smelled like it took a bath in Hamms

Message number eight: 8 pointer is in camp, had a fire last night. Was on the deer stand an hour early this morning, forgot about daylight savings.

Message number ten: need more birds, will try and climb big Pine to see if I can get cell coverage this afternoon

Bobby's wife, from the cabin at Lake Iwanttobethere

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You never miss a hot shower until you have not had one for a few days. Returned to the cabin last night after being at deer camp for the past few days. I am usually greeted by the wife at the door with a peck on the cheek but instead she handed me a bar of Irish Spring soap. I swear Bud and Barney just nodded at me and kept their distance. Duncan of course jumped up and tugged at my hand, at least someone was happy to see me. Chuck and I came into town as we had two fine bucks to drop off at Ma and Pa's walk-in cooler. We had called in as soon as we had gotten far enough away from deer camp to get cell phone reception on Chucks phone. There was no way I was going to get any reception on my phone as it was missing a few pieces after falling from the big pine back at the deer camp.

This morning after the second shower in twelve hours I feel and I have been told that I smell a lot better. Bud and Barney have even let me get close enough to rub them behind the ears this morning. I guess having a bottle of doe urine leak inside a pant's pocket can have an odor effect on a guy. With my laptop still not working there was no way I was going to be able to text stories from my phone back home to the wife for her to post. I hope you were able to follow some of the weekend's adventures. The homing pigeons we both thought were going to be a good idea except for a few things that Chuck forgot to mention. Like they were really his girlfriends Sammy's hobby and just because you occasionally feed them does not mean they are going to listen to you. It would have also helped to know that some of the birds were from Iowa where it appears they headed when they were released. We also found out that Eagles like homing pigeons and they use the little message sleeves as toothpicks.

So briefly the gang all showed up at deer camp or the Hotel as we like to call it on Friday evening. There was a mix up in scheduling and the group that was to arrive early actually arrived late so nothing was ready. An old squirrel nest was found in the stove pipe but not till after the fire was started. That worked out OK as the smoke helped coax a lot of mice out of the Hotel that we didn't have enough traps for anyway. The porcupine after dark in the outhouse was another matter and it was not until Sunday afternoon guys were comfortable going out there. The portable loft for the carrier pigeons caught the attention of an eagle which had taken up residence in the big pine. I didn't find that out till I was climbing the pine trying to get cell reception for my phone. Guess the eagle has a problem with what she considered a home invasion.

Between all of the excitement an eight point buck on Saturday and a ten pointer on Sunday were brought into camp. Wish we had some snow as both Chuck and I are getting too old to be dragging deer. I am hoping to pick up the repaired laptop today and will have some time at the Hotel to write a proper update on the happenings of opening weekend, Unless of course something else happens. Today it is raining and Stormy Clearweather is calling for it to change into snow, seems a little warm for that to me but as I write this I am starting to see a few flakes fall. A few of the carrier pigeons remand AWOL I have not told Chuck that when I was in the big pine tree I might have seen a few remains in the eagle nest, I am guessing they were from the pigeons as I found the little back packs they wear. From what I heard last night he is already in enough trouble with his girlfriend. Good thing there are still ten days of season left as Chuck may be looking for a place to sleep, Make sure you get out and vote and we will chat later, from Lake Iwanttobethere {850,203}

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No real rush getting back to deer camp today as it is damp out. When I was younger and my bones didn't talk as loudly as they do now a little dampness in the air was a good sign. Wet trees and leaves make smells linger that even I can smell. I envy the dogs and their noses as they get to smell all of the woods all the time. Let the dogs out this morning and did a quick survey, nothing changed since yesterday. Walked over to Elmers and checked his dock and his doors. He is still at deer camp and I imagine he will be there the rest of the week. He and Marv are looking for a decent size doe to share. The Hotel has but a few simple rules and one of them is in order to share meat you have to be at the Hotel when it is harvested.

A ten and eight point buck were harvested along with a small doe. Everybody at camp on opening weekend will get something to put in their freezer. Later this afternoon Chuck and I will make the drive in the Dodge and haul up some supplies and some plywood to make a new door for the outhouse. The guys don't want to share the building with porcupines, will also be bring up some more mouse traps. It would appear that it was a banner season for mice at the hotel this fall. I know I did not get up there but in my defense someone else was on the schedule to check on it and I just didn't grouse hunt up that way. After spending time out on the swamp stand Duncan and I will return after deer season and do a little bird hunting. I saw several birds and some of the other guys also reported seeing birds and spoke about them at the supper table.

No snow, thought we were going to get some but it warmed up just enough to keep the rain from turning from drops to flakes. No sunshine though, just lot of overcast sky which means dark mornings and even quicker sunsets. With everything being damp and not getting a chance to dry out it just feels a little colder in the stand. Opening morning we had a hard frost and when we filed out of the Hotel to head to our stands we left tracks. Leaves crunched under foot and hid branches that cracked like gunshots when stepped on. Of course everything is loud when you trying to be quiet. With no one up early at the hotel it took a day for the place to finally warm up. The air was warm after a few hours and once the smoke cleared from the plugged stack we were back inside unpacking. Checking the chimney pipe has now been highlighted on the do list but it still took a day to really warm up the walls and furniture.

A few members of the group could only stay the weekend they had to return to work. A few more guys will return next weekend and a few more guys will stay this week and maybe next week to. I will go back and forth spending a few days at the Hotel then coming back to the cabin for a hot shower and clean clothes. Nice thing about being retired now and being close to the Hotel, I can come and go as I please. I also don't like being away from Bud, Barney and of course Duncan for too long and if the wife is reading this of course her to.

Laptop is fixed and that will be coming up to camp with me, should be able to jot down a few thoughts and maybe there might even be a few stories to share. Carrier pigeons will not be going back to deer camp and Chucks girlfriend has informed him he can stay at camp as long as he wants. Foolishly he thanked her for being so understanding and left her a list of chores to do while he is gone. Will be interesting to see if his chickens and his girlfriend are still there when he returns, from Lake Iwanttobethere {851,381}

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Fifty-one degrees out, a month ago fishing in the Puddle Humper that might have been considered cold after a few hours. Today sitting on the small front porch of the deer shack, also known as the Hotel it was mighty nice. Spent a few hours out on the swamp stand in the morning, it was wet, quiet and lonely. By ten Chuck and I were working on replacing the outhouse door which became a bigger project after finding out the wood that held the old hinges was pretty much rotted away. We borrowed a few two by fours from a bed inside the Hotel that was not going to be needed till the weekend to make repairs. Replacing the outhouse door was more important then the unused bed, we just have to remember to bring some lumber back with us the next time we head into town.

Early afternoon now and Chuck was out on his stand, Elmer and Marv were inside taking naps. The two of them had spent time on stands in the morning and were going to go back out later in the afternoon. After bowls of chili they had both decided to kick back and get a nap in. I was sitting on the front porch in the old wood rocker in full sunshine. The door was cracked a little as it is quieter going in and out without having to use the latch. The two guys were sleeping like old guys do, well guys that are older then me do. Marv was sitting in the square backed flowered chair with a pillow tucked behind the small of his back. Elmer was sprawled on the couch, one leg hanging over the side with his wool stocking foot resting on the floor. Both were snoring but not together, the sound was like a big cross buck saw working a white pine. One was taking a breath in while the other was letting it out.

As for me I was sitting in the old wood rocker that was weathered but still serviceable. My 30-30 was leaning up against the rail because one should never be in hunting camp without a rifle close at hand. Take Big Earl for example, two years ago Big Earl was using the outhouse early in the morning, he had gotten a late start and everyone else had already headed out to their stands. He dropped his day pack and stood his rifle up against the wall of the Hotel when he felt the call of nature. He was only in the outhouse for a few minutes and when he open the door to leave he was face to face with a ten point buck. This year when he retold the story the buck was all of twelve points, but I suppose in two years it might have grown. Big Earl does not go to the outhouse without his rifle any more and he is the reason why there is a gun rack in there now.

So I was sitting in the rocker and enjoying the sunshine, the Hotel was blocking what little breeze there was and it was nice doing nothing. A little nap was in my future but mostly I was just having some good thoughts. You see before I came up to the Hotel my oldest daughter called me and told me I was going to have another grand kid. I have not shared it with the guys at deer camp just yet but I will maybe later. Sitting in the old rocker with the sun at my face the old guys sounded like babies sleeping. Not ready to go out hunting just yet, I am afraid the deer will hear the big smile on my face, from Lake Iwanttobethere {852.596}

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Forty-one degrees out, at least that is what I can see through the rain covered window of the Hotel. The big round thermometer hanging on the porch post with a deer jumping over a log is hard to read with the rain falling. No one on stands this morning and this afternoon looks like everyone will be staying close to camp. Last night no one saw anything as the deer were hiding somewhere where we were not looking. Wind was the problem last night as it was so windy that most of the guys stayed out of the tree top stands. Junior was the only one and he was complaining last night of motion sickness. DOC Burriem told him he would be fine it was just the tree swaying from side to side in the thirty mile winds that had him a little woozy.

This morning the sound of thunder woke everyone up. In various stages of sleeping apparel guys made the walk to a window, looked out saw blowing branches and rain splattering the glass. Not enough light to see far but they saw far enough. On auto pilot they made their way back to bunks and still warm sleeping bags. I stirred the fire in the stove and woke up the coals, added a few pieces of Maple and clanked the door closed. Breakfast was going to be delayed as I to returned to the bunk and my sleeping bag.

By nine I could sleep no more, usually Saturdays are my days to sleep in but here at the Hotel the snoring of the guys was too hard to block out with just the one pillow. So I got dressed and tossed another chunk of wood into the stove. Put on a raincoat over the flannel and tugged my hat down on my head and headed out to the old rocker on the porch. Everything was wet including the siding on the wall, the wind had driven the rain everywhere. I went back inside the hotel and found one of them orange fanny seats and brought it outside. With the seat on the rocker I sat down and dug into my pocket for a cigar and lighter. With flame to the gar I was soon blowing smoke and watching the wind grab it and take it away around the porch. Deer season was turning interesting as the weather was doing it's part. Only a few a few sunny days, lots of cloudy ones and wind never seemed to be too far away. Think we have received more rain in the past week then we have in the past few months.

I sat on the old rocker and smoked my cigar, had to keep my hand cupped around it to keep the occasional stray rain drop from hitting it. No longer raining hard but still dripping from the eves of the Hotel. Water coming off the pines from the wind hit the metal roof of the porch as big drops then echoing down to me. With the cigar half gone I could hear stirring in the Hotel. Scrapping of chairs and the clanking of the wood stove's door. Some muffling talking and a little laughter at someone expense I am sure. Big Earl came out holding an umbrella and his rifle, nodding at me he said "Morning" and took the short trail to the outhouse. Someone turned the AM radio on and Sunshine Ray's voice could be heard talking of wind and rain for the rest of the day. With barely enough cigar left to hold in my teeth I stood up, took off the rain coat and shook off the water. I entered the Hotel and hung the rain coat on a peg and tossed my stump of a cigar into the potbelly stove. "So who is ready for a little friendly card game?" I asked, from Lake Iwanttobethere {853,539}

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A little snow on the deck this morning and some small flakes are floating down in no hurry to reach the ground. The wind which has been a constant companion at the Hotel is quiet back here at the cabin. Came back home shortly after dark last night as the weekend was a bust hunting wise. A few does were seen by the group but none shot as they were all pretty small. Elmer and Marv are still at camp and I think they just like to be there rather then here. Gus from the Lodge will be going up for the last week and I will take over the apron for him this week. Things are quiet so it should be an easy week for me. Gus is taking Vinne up with him and it will be Vinnie's first experience at deer hunting and spending time with the old coots.

A few cold days in store for us and then it will warm up back into the low forties which is good, have things to do outside still. The Puddle Humper did get put away for the winter. Everything was taken out and it has been tarped. Some more firewood needs to be hauled down to the cabin and stacked in the rack. Hammering Hank will be hauling me a couple of loads of wood in next week. I am good for this year but we have to start on next year's pile and the wood split's better when it is cold out. Even though Chuck has a splitter I still like to swing an axe from time to time, I like the sound of a blade going through wood to bury itself into the old stump that I use as a chopping block. I have my splitting maul but that is getting a little heavy and if I need a maul then that means more work then I want to do. I won't even bring up wedges and the sledgehammer, those tools are for son's to work with.

The best wood for splitting in my opinion is ash, especial the chunks that are about six to eight inches in diameter. Set them up on the chopping block and they just about split themselves when you flash the blade at them. On a day like today where the temperature is in the mid twenties they split easy and fall off the block and almost stack themselves. The most enjoyable might be a nice chunk of Birch that you can walk around in a circle and just take off slivers to make kindling with. If you have done any kind of wood splitting you know what I mean, it can be very relaxing.

Making kindling with a little hatchet camping is fine but splitting wood with an axe is where it is at. The sound of an axe striking wood and the thunk it makes echoing back at you plays a part, you can tell by the thunk if it is ready to come apart. The sound of the axe hitting the chunk then driving through to the chopping block, the chuck splitting into pieces in protest that then fall off the block to hit other pieces already on the ground with that wooden clinking sound.

I like to keep the bigger pieces around for thanksgiving, while we wait for supper to go on the table I will mention in a round about way on how I must be getting older or the wood is just getting tougher. With a little coaxing I soon have the brother in laws putting on coats and heading outside to show me how to split the "Hardwood." I will nod and act impressed as they work up a sweat and sometimes I can even get them to stack it to. After all, what are brother in laws good for? From Lake Iwanttobethere {854,561}

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I sometimes forget how busy the day can get but having spent a week at deer camp and then returning home I am soon reminded. Lucky for me I get to go back to deer camp tomorrow as Gus is done, he shot a doe yesterday and hauled it into Ma and Pa's late last night. This morning when I arrived at the Lodge Gus already had the lights on and the grill warming up. We sat at the bar and ate bacon and eggs with a couple of ten inch pancakes dripping in butter and Lake Iwanttobethere Maple Syrup. Between sips of orange juice Gus told me of how he was just waking up from a nap in the swamp stand. He open one eye first and then the other and looked around just moving his eyes. A nice doe stood broadside to him not twenty yards away and Gus said he was already eyeing steaks and a nice roast. The hard part was the drag back as he didn't want to wake Elmer and Marv from their naps.

We discussed about what he was going to do and Gus said he would rather save some vacation days for ice fishing and I gave him his apron back. Friday will be a work day at the Hotel as some of the guys will come in early before the last weekend to do some chores. There is wood to be cut and split for next season and Big Earl is going to bring up a paint sprayer. We or Earl is going to stain the outhouse and the replacement door and maybe the Hotel porch. Stormy Clearweather is calling for rising temperatures and if the sun is out the stain might even dry. Chuck and I replaced the two by fours on the one bunk and now the guys are saying it is not fair that one bed got fixed and not the others. Rather then going and buying more two by fours Chuck cut some Pine on the wood mill he has and we will bring them to the Hotel. Until the wood dries out the bunks will have a little spring to them and the Hotel will have that new wood smell to it again.

On the home front the wife has wrote a new Honey Do List to replace the lost one. She wrote this one in a smaller font so as to make it look like it was the same size as the lost one. I returned it to the correct font and she had added at least half a page of chores to the list! Looking over the list I see she had forgotten several things but I was not going to say anything to her. What I have been doing is deleting one of her projects and replacing it with one of my projects that has already been completed. Yesterday I changed the oil on the Tahoe and replaced her "Beating Rugs" with it. I saw her looking over the list as I peeked from behind the Lake Iwanttobethere Times. She almost said something but I spoke first saying that today I was going to clean out the shop before I headed up to the Hotel tomorrow.

So after leaving the Lodge I headed to Big Earl's to confirm he was bring the paint sprayer. Off to Amy's Bakery for some French bread and then to the Gas-N-Go to fill up and wash my windows. Got a little sidetracked by the Fellows as they were headed as a group to Dug's Garage, they had some new idea about installing car alarms in their trucks. I think something had already gone wrong with their plan as they were all walking. I made a mental note to find out more when I return from deer camp on Sunday, from Lake Iwanttobethere {856,833}

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Packing the Tahoe this morning getting ready to leave for deer camp when I received some bad news. Was checking my e-mail for the last time when I found out that Hostess, the makers of Twinkies and Ding Dongs are going out of business. I called Pa at Ma and Pa's Grocery Store to see if he had any in stock that I could pick up on my way to the Hotel and he told me for some strange reason he had a rush of hunters in this morning and his shelf's were cleaned out. I relayed the information about the closing and he cut me off, said he was going to call his wholesaler and see if he could get an order in. I dialed the Gulp-N-Go and the clerk answered before I could ask "That we have no Twinkies and we have no Ding Dongs" I hit the speed dial for the General Store and Barb answered. We exchanged Hiya's and I asked about Ding Dongs and she told me I was too late, Shelves were empty and Big Earl was already gone and headed to the hotel.

Bad news seems to always travel faster then good news and it was not even worth calling any other shops in town. The Twinkies and Ding Dongs are gone and just like that memories of the tasty snacks came back. Brown paper bag lunches were not complete without a peanut butter and jelly sandwich with a Twinkie in the bottom of the sack. Riding your old bike with playing cards clicking away on the spokes along the dirt road heading to the fishing hole. Stopping for a break, and dividing up a Ding Dong from a two bag pack with your fishing buddy. Sitting in a deer stand trying to be quiet opening the cold crackling cellophane wrapped around a frozen Twinkie and looking around to see if anyone could hear you. It was almost a given that in your day pack you have a Twinkie or two, sure nowadays there may be some granola bars and some bottled water but if you dig deep enough there would be a Twinkie in there somewhere. I can't count how many fishing or hunting trips where there was only enough time to snack on a Ding Dong or a Twinkie. They always came in twos so you got one and your partner or the dog got the other.

I mean Twinkies lasted forever! They even had them in bomb shelters. You could live on water and Twinkies and maybe pizza and some beer. OK maybe you might need some oranges to keep the scurvy away but you get my drift. I went to the kitchen and checked all the hidden spots that the wife likes to hide goodies. She sometimes rations my treats saying she is keeping them from the grand kids. The wife finding me standing on a chair checking the top of the cabinets asked me what I was doing. I tell her I am in search of Ding Dongs and she makes some quiet comment about me being a ding dong and then tells me the grand kids got the last ones from the box and she needs to buy some more. She does not know and I shake my head at her, I ask her to take a seat and I climb down from mine.

I sit at the table across from her and I pat her hand and I tell her I have some bad news for her. Remember how you like to go to the county fair and eat them deep fried Twinkies, "Yes" she says. I turn the laptop that was sitting on the table towards her so she could read the article of the Hostess company going out of business. I hear her saying quietly that is just not right. I pat her shoulder as I get up and grab my coat, telling her I will be back Sunday night, She gives me a small wave of her hand and continues to read. I close the door behind me knowing that if there is a Ding Dong or a Twinkie at Lake Iwanttobethere to be found, she will find them. From Lake Iwanttobethere {857,924}

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All in all a pretty good two weeks at deer camp. The last day was spent in the woods and that buck on the thermometer was jumping right around fifty-five degrees. Warm enough to go fishing if one had a boat that was not in storage. After a lunch of fried tatters and onions and some chunk's of venison mixed in guys loaded trucks and the headed out for a last sit on the stands. No one saw anything but we were ok with that, sometimes it is good just to be out in the woods and walk back down the trail knowing you are done. No one left the parking area until everyone had made it out of the woods, a few grouse were seen and I kept my ears open listening to the guys describe where they were seen. I might be able to come up the day before Thanksgiving and see if Duncan and Bud can add a few birds to the supper table.

The only thing left in the Hotel fridge was a can of Hamms and a couple of hard boiled eggs and I think Elmer ate the eggs and drank the beer. Even though some of us had spent days together at the Hotel we still lingered in the parking lot chatting. Still coming up with stories to tell or repeating good ones one last time. After awhile it went quiet and trucks that were started were almost to warm to sit in now. Someone got in their truck and the door slammed loudly in the darkness of the still woods. They did not leave but continued to talk with the window rolled down. For the third or maybe the fourth time someone said good-bye and finally a truck was put in gear and started to roll up the logging trail that we refer to as a driveway. Others followed and the headlights swept across the newly stained but now deserted front porch of the Hotel.

I was the last to go as I usually am, Chuck in his truck was at the edge of the clearing as I made one last check on the new outhouse door to make sure it was closed. I rattled the padlock on the Hotel door and made sure the piece of rubber inner tube covered the lock so it will keep the weather off. I walked over to the Tahoe and slipped in behind the wheel, lowered some of the windows to let some heat out and turned on the headlights. I reached for the half gone cigar in the ashtray and into my pocket for a book of seldom used matches. Just like in the old days I had the cigar in my mouth and drove with my left hand as I separated a paper match in the book from the others. I folded the match over to reach the striker strip and flicked it across with my thumb, flame on the first time. I put fire to my cigar and took a few good puffs to make sure it was lit.

With my coat covered left arm hanging out the open window and my orange hat on the dash I followed the taillights of Chuck's truck down the tote road. In and out of a few wet puddles and a few narrow spaces where trees have gotten close. A few minutes later and I was at the shoulder of the blacktop road that would take me home. Chuck's taillight's were already gone over the first hill and I was alone with just woods and stars. Nothing but blackness in my rearview mirror, the woods and the deer camp are quiet again, from Lake Iwanttobethere {860,116}


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Yesterday I felt like I was living in a call center as plans were being made and exchanged for the ladies shopping adventure on Black Friday. No longer will they be getting up and heading out at four to stand in line for the six o'clock early store openings. Matter of fact last year I think the stores were open at midnight and this year they are opening at eight PM the night before. If ya ask me they took someone's bright idea and rode it right into the ground. But it is an excuse for the wife and daughters and some aunts to go shopping together and it is like their deer opener. I never gave it much attention but there appears to be a great amount of detail and planning involved. Since I had to field a few of the calls I am now aware of some of the planning.

I fear men would not be good at the logistics of planning a foray into the shopping world at four in the morning. From what I understand not just one morning paper needs to be purchased but several as there may be valuable coupons inside. An attack route to the stores must be planned with trips for the morning paper and the best cup of coffee and Danish. Parking is addressed and like a precession paratrooper unit a glide route is made where the first wave of shoppers will exit the vehicle as close to the doors as possible. The driver will then park the car and secure the exit route to the next store almost like the wheel man in a bank robbery. The shoppers will enter the store with one of them immediately heading to the checkouts to secure a spot in line while the others shop. After making their selections they will exchange places with the one in line so she can do her shopping.

Communication is the key as phones are always at the ready and sometimes teenage daughters are brought along to use their texting skills. Lists are a thing of the past as the battled harden veterans have on their forearms the same kind of aid that quarterbacks use to call plays. Not only does the one gal in line hold their place but she can audible in sales to the others. Some of the ladies are quite serious about their shopping and soccer shin pads and hockey elbow pads are borrowed from grand kids. Some stores stagger their opening and the crowds move like a swarm of ants across blacktop to arrive in mass just as the manager is turning the key. Foolish to be in their way and I think that is why a smart man decided Black Friday would be for women.

I say that because I like many other men here at Lake Iwanttobethere will still be sleeping late after eating a tad to much turkey and stuffing and then having a bedtime snack of some more turkey. Apple pie will be in there but one can ever have to much apple pie. No school for kids and they will awake way too early for this grand pa. I will just tell them to have some turkey for breakfast, turn on the TV and try not to break anything. I will go back to sleep but not really sleep, doze perhaps. From time to time I will feel a sharp pain in my left hip, right where I usually keep my wallet. When you have been married as long as I have you know when the wife is spending money, from Lake Iwanttobethere. {862,120}

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This might be a first but I might actually have everything on my fall do list done before the first snow fall. With the past few days in the high forties I have been spending time outside getting things done and with a few more days maybe as warm as the mid fifties I can take a day and Duncan and Bud and I can get some bird hunting in. So this afternoon the boys and I will jump in the Tahoe and make the drive up to the Hotel for an afternoon of bird hunting. Some fog here this morning but that is supposed to burn off and sunshine is in the forecast for this afternoon. I might even pack a fishing rod and when I drive by Mystery Creek I might toss a few. Would be a pretty nice day if I could bag a few birds and catch a fish or two.

I took time yesterday to do some shopping, the Do List had gotten to the point where I needed to pick up a few things in order to complete some projects. I was down at the General Store with a hand basket picking up some tarps and rope and went to what was the Garden Center to buy toilet paper. The Paper Palace was gone and in it's place was Santa Land, guess I missed the grand opening as I was at deer camp. I resisted the urge to wander around and shop and I had nearly made it past Santa Land when I saw the remote controlled helicopters with the built in cameras. If you will remember we did have one of these last year but it had an accident when it collided with the ceiling fan in the Lodge. I checked the price and made a mental note to watch it to see if it will go on sale or if Big Earl will wheel and deal on it.

I might have to get a little nap in before I head out hunting this afternoon, was up kind of late last night. The Lake Iwanttobethere volunteer fire department was called out last night around eleven. I received the call shortly after I had climbed into bed and I was on scene about ten minutes later. As I rode in with Chuck we came over the hill that Tiny had his cabin on. Fog had been getting thicker since dusk and we could see a flashing red glow in the darkness. We made our way around parked trucks and flashing lights just in time to see Gus in full equipment come marching down the driveway. A red glow was coming from alongside the garage and Gus was waving us off. Several of the Fellows were standing off to one side and acting like they were kids standing in the school yard after being caught doing something.

Gus with his face mask dangling and his jacket unbuckled was speaking into his radio. We heard the crackle of static and then Gus's voice calling an all clear and declaring a false alarm. To make a long story short it seems the Fellows had gotten together and came up to them what is a good idea. You know how in the big city you see them little blue lights that blink on and off when the car alarms are armed ? Well the fellows thought if they took their ten million candlelight boat flood lights and painted the lens red they would work all that much better. Tiny has his hooked up in his truck and in the fog a passing motorist thought the red glow in the sky was a fire and called it in. Since almost the entire department had shown up I declare it a monthly meeting and we can now scratch it off the calendar. Have a good Thanksgiving, from Lake Iwanttobethere {863,161}

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Thanksgiving, a time for family to share time and health together. To remember the past and be thankful. To continue family traditions and enjoy the bounty of the land. Step forward too now.

The first brother in law arrives ahead of his wife bearing chips and dip and a case of Hamms. There is football to be watched and we quickly retire to the theater to catch the game and get out of the way of the wives and the children that will follow. Being the theater is insulated for sound it serves two purposes, one to keep the sound of the surround sound in the room and another is to keep the sound from outside of the theater out of the theater. In this case it is the sound of screaming kids and barking dogs. A full house today as all the relatives are over, brother in laws, sister in laws, outlaws and people wearing name tags because I have no idea who they are. Nieces and nephews and boyfriends and girlfriends of said nieces and nephews. New born babies and toddlers and teenagers with ear buds and cell phones. Uncles and aunts and friends of the family, my three dogs and two others that can't be trusted to be left at home alone.

Women gather in the kitchen trading small talk and sipping on box wine. Men hide out in the theater and kids rule the common ground between dinning room and the living room. Teenage cousins gather out on the deck and the dogs travel freely looking to be petted. The three cats of the household are well hidden in their special spots far away from any prying eyes. The older members of the clan sit on couches and high back chairs in the living rooms. Hearing aids are turn down low or in some cases completely off. They smile and make small talk and comment about how big the kids are growing. They exchange old stories and compare drug prices and pet the dogs that press up against them. They offer to help but hope no one says yes, they are content to just sit and rest.

Truck doors slam and the distant relatives arrive, they were slowed because of traffic or maybe because they just got lost again. Uncle finds his way to the theater to check the score and the aunt heads to the kitchen because that is where the wine is poured. Their son stays back at the truck fiddling with the GPS, it was working just fine before they crossed the county line. Kids raid the relish trays and ask when supper is done, a dirty diaper is held up high and someone asks where do I put this little plum. Half time arrives and the men file out, off to the kitchen looking for something to munch on. A few go outside with their coats on, they light up a smoke and stand in the sun and maybe exchange a few little jokes.

The wife steps out on the deck and walks to the big black bell, She rings it twice meaning supper is done. Elmer on cue steps off the pine needle path carrying a wine flask from his secret stash. The women all file out from the kitchen each with a platter and soon chairs are all filled and forks are held at ready. Adults sit at the table and kids go last, they scatter around the rooms their food on plates resting in their laps. Dinner is served and the rooms go quiet, just the sound of good food and the munching of celery.

Dinner is done and kids scatter, tables are cleared and vintage bottles of Mogen David wine appear. Turkey and ham is left out on the kitchen counter as it always seems sandwich fixings should be at the ready. Belts are loosen and a few belches are heard, kid's laff at uncle Will's wild stories of uncle Bill. Men take over the deck and cigars are lit, the teenagers retreat to stand by the garden by the small hill. The ladies regroup in the kitchen to cut pie, they cover it in whipped cream and take a big sigh. A moment of peace and some wine to sip, in a few hours shopping will be the next thing on their to do list, from Lake Iwanttobethere {864,418}

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White Friday here at Lake Iwanttobethere. Over night about four inches of white sticky stuff fell covering everything here at the lake. The wife has already returned from her shopping adventure and bags have been emptied and items hidden away. Cabin is creaking away as some brisk winds are blowing and if the snow was not of the heavy sticky variety we would have had some nice snow drifts to contend with. The wife told me I was so lucky that I got the oil changed on the Jeep yesterday morning and the outside water turned off. I just winked at her over the top of my glass of orange juice and replied it was just all in the plan.

The storm that came in during the night has left just as quickly. Clear sky and bright sunshine is already melting the snow on the roof and water is dripping off the eves, even if the Bass thermometer is only reading twenty-six degrees. Dogs and grand kids have already been outside and there is not a square foot of deck or ground that does not have a footprint in it. I might have been a tad lucky as far as getting everything under cover and picked up but I will take credit that it was done, as like I said it was all in the plan. I even have the snow blower inside the shop facing the roll up doors, if the snow was really deep I would be ready, just as soon as I buy some gas for it.

With laptop problems and the extended stay at deer camp this year I missed an anniversary. No not a wedding anniversary but I missed the anniversary of the start of the Lake Iwanttobethere fishing reports. November 11th 2005 was when the first report was made and there have been several of them since then. Since I am writing this within two weeks of the original date all is good as in Lake Iwanttobethere we do allow some lee way in celebrating birthdays and anniversaries. I was going to write some good ink about the Lake but right now I got nothing. The wife has gone to bed so I have been left in charge of watching the three oldest grand kids who are not in school today. I gave them the task of shoveling the snow off the deck and with the three dogs they are of course no where near the deck. I can hear them screaming as they are shoveling snow in the middle of the yard trying to get enough together to make forts.

I do want to thank everyone who has found their way here and choose to spend some of your day reading my ramblings. The stories about Lake Iwanttobethere have grown over the years and the place has kind of taken on it's own personality. The town has grown into a hobby for me and writing the reports gives me something to do and also keeps me out of the wife's hair. There are several people who have been here since the beginning following the town and the watching it grow from a one marking meter to two with a working street light. As the seasons change here at the lake so do the stories, from Deer Camp to the Ice House Fling to covering all the weekend summer events. Trying to keep up with Duncan the pudding pup and Bud and Barney my hunting and fishing partners, not to mention the best two neighbors a guy could have Chuck and Elmer. The Fellows are always seeming to get in trouble and Doc Burriem is always around to give cheap medical wisdom, which I seem to need a lot of.

With any luck we are on schedule to hit over one million reads just around the next fishing opener. A million hits, not something I thought I would see and you would think Lake Iwanttobethere would have a better fishing pier with that many visitors. For those of you who have kept up from the beginning it might not have happen if my friend Foot had not replied to my first comment about Lake Iwanttobethere. For awhile there we shared some ideas and the town was born. Foot past but at Lake Iwanttobethere he will always be remembered, thanks for reading, from Lake Iwanttobethere {865,589}

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A few more inches of snow fell overnight on top of the four inches we received Friday. Thinking the grand kids had cleared up steps and the walkway I didn't bother to check till it was too late. The cotton candy snow has frozen nicely leaving a shovel pretty much a useless tool in it's removal. I found this out today when I went to remove the newly fallen snow. Lucky for me I have a bag of ice melt from last year and it was quickly spread to do it's work while I watched from the comfort of the cabin. The time was not wasted as I worked on laying out the 2013 calendar for the Lodge. Tomorrow being Cyber Monday I will take advantage of the low prices and order up the calendars and they will be used as Christmas gifts.

I did spend some time at the Lodge yesterday as I was in town supporting the local small business around town. Was kind of slow at the Lodge and when I came in I found Vinnie at a round table behind a mound of shelled peanuts. He was not eating them but was shelling the peanuts and then placing them in small bowls. I nodded as I went by and went into the kitchen looking for Gus. I found Gus with his feet up reading through the Lake Iwanttobethere Times. I mentioned Vinnie and the shelled peanuts and Gus looked around the paper to say "Really, I told that boy just to fill the bowls with nuts."

I just shrugged my shoulders and went back out the swinging doors of the kitchen. As I went past Vinnie I scooped up a handful of the shelled peanuts and told him he was doing a fine job. I was not going to be the one to tell them we serve the peanuts in the shell. I got behind the wheel of the Tahoe and drove down to Main Street, there was parking outside of the Middle of the Block Cafe so I parked there and decided to head inside for a free cup of coffee. Every store has a cute catch phrase or some kind of special offer to get customers to come in, the Middle of the Block Cafe has the free cup of coffee but you have to pay for the refills. When Larry open the Cafe he could not call it the corner cafe so he just called it what it was, in the middle of the block. He also gives away free potato chip, but only the first one.

Still a few of the orange hunting hats perched on top of heads as guys like to wear them till it is cold enough to get the fur bomber hats out. I think with the snow on the ground now and no sunshine we have seen the last of any bare legs till spring. Flip flops are tucked away and not even the General Store has them on display this time of the year. Speaking of the General Store Big Earl with broom in hand is greeting customers at the front door. Wearing his red apron and a Santa hat the side walk is bare of snow and if a flake should fall Big Earl quickly sweeps it away. Katrina the town artist has been busy as just about all the shop windows have Christmas scenes painting on them. Elves and reindeer and snow covered pines urging you come on in and shop.

Small snow banks line the streets, mostly from snow shoveled from the sidewalks. The banks are still clean and I must admit the town looks good. Already a few Christmas lights have been turned on and they chase each other around the display windows of shops. The bell over Ma and Pa's grocery store entrance door just blends right in with the sounds of early Christmas shopping. The town will be quiet for a few weeks as we wait for ice to form on the lake and then we will have the Ice House Fling, from Lake Iwanttobethere {868,640}

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Another Silent Sunday has come and gone here at Lake Iwanttobethere. I watched some football till I could watch no more and I am about all turkey out. Roast turkey followed by a couple of days of leftover turkey. Turkey sandwiches, open face covered in gravy sandwiches and yesterday it was turkey soup. Don't get me wrong, I like turkey but I think it is time for a steak. So with the game all but decided by half I open the fridge and reach far in back for a six pack of Hamms I had hid it there the day before thanksgiving. I popped one can out of the plastic ring which then gave me a convenient way to carry the other five cans and headed to Chuck's.

Chuck is a convert of Silent Sunday as soon as he found out it was a way to not talk to his girlfriend. I made the short walk between our properties to find him attaching a cable to his old pontoon boat. With the six inches of snow over the frozen ground he was going to drag his pontoon into the barn to work on it. I know this from past conversations this summer when we were fishing. The plan is to take the old pontoon and convert it into an ice house. Actually a lot of thought has gone into the project and Chuck has even volunteered to replace Dan T. as the rescue house in the upcoming Ice House Fling. As you may or may not know on the hill along side the main Ice House Fling a second bungee is set up with what is referred to as Alert One. In case of an accident or an unforeseen event in the launching of a Fling house Alert One is shot down the hill to the rescue. We are proud to say this is a rare event and usually it is just a free ride for the Alert House at the end of the day.

Chuck and I both greeted each other with the secret Lake Iwanttobethere wave. Using a special sign language that Chuck and I have developed we made quick work of hooking the cable to the pontoon and then to the tractor. We dragged the pontoon up the bank through the yard till we got almost to the bard doors. We then unhooked the tractor drove it around the barn and reattached the cable through the window for the rest of the pull. Once the pontoon was inside the barn we closed the doors and added wood to the double fifty-five gallon barrel wood stove. I went back outside and retrieved the beer from a snow bank and gave the universal beer drinking sign which is my arm up even with my mouth, elbow bent and thumb pointing at my mouth then turning the hand at the wrist in a sipping motion. Chuck nodded and I tossed him a Hamms and we sat down on some hay bales and watched the snow melt off the pontoon.

Chuck made some motions with his hands and I laughed at his joke as I sipped on my beer. I thought for a moment that if someone saw us they would not have a clue as to what we were laughing about. Chuck was in the Air Force and he was a plane marshaller, when he got out he did some work with cranes add to that watching to many swat shows on TV and he has a hand signal for just about everything. I seem to understand most of the important ones, including ten different ways to call for a beer break. Nothing more we could do but watch the snow melt so we sat and drank beer and told jokes, from Lake Iwanttobethere {869,823}

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A few snow flakes falling here at Lake Iwanttobethere today and more in the forecast. It has actually warmed up a tad overnight and if there was some sunshine it would be nice out. Enough snow has fallen over the past week that everything has a nice blanket of white. Glad I actually got everything picked up and put away as there is enough snow that I would not be finding anything on the ground if I was looking. Work on the new Alert One ice house is currently at a stand still, a few minor problems there. Yesterday we did manage to lift the old ice house using a pulley secured to a beam in the barn and the tractor to hoist the old shack on top of the pontoon. Our problem lies in the fact that when we tried to secure the shack to the decking of the pontoon there was nothing for the lag screws to bite into. The decking was kind of rotten but hidden under the green indoor/outdoor carpeting.

We are looking at other ways of securing the shack without having to lift the shack back off and redeck the pontoon. Chuck did put a call into his cousin that works down at the 3N plant in the big cities. He is a special project manager and faces fastening problems all the time. He was saying that we could problem use some of that special Velcro that they use to hold the space shuttle on to the plane when they fly it cross country. It might work but I don't know if he can get it to us in time, something about getting it past security and it is kind of expensive. But he might have a few yards of samples lying around. Chuck asked if it came in any colors, he would like to match the paint scheme of the shack.

So the S.S. Mistake is getting yet another face lift, known in these parts as the pontoon that refuses to die. The S.S. is named after Chucks two nephews, Steve and Sam who came up with the bright idea to mount an old swing set on the deck and anchor in deep water. The thought was that they could swing away and when they were high enough they would just let lose and sail out into the water. It might have worked if they had taken the side rails off. I should point out that the nephews were not kids when they attempted this but young men of drinking age and they were drinking. First they had to master swinging in opposite directions as when they both swung together they were rasing one of the pontoons out of the water. After that skill was mastered they made their first and last attempt of launching themselves from the swings. As Sam went east and released his feet caught the rails making him come downward face first into the pontoon. Sam laughing so hard released late and landed butt first on the west railing before crumbling over the side into the water.

Lucky for them Elmer was on his dock and he tossed them a couple of boat bumpers and they managed to make it to shore. The swing set was removed and in its place a couple of lawn chairs were added to the deck but the new name stuck, the S.S. Mistake. I suppose I should wander over to Chuck's I can hear some hammering going on and that is never a good sign when working on a boat, from Lake Iwanttobethere {870,695}

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The S.S. Mistake is turning into a real project, those days when we spent time fishing in the Puddle Humper with fair skies and light breezes in tee shirt weather might have made us a little bit off in the calculation of time needed to complete this project. After having heat on for most of the day in the barn yesterday we noticed that one of the pontoons was still leaking water. All the snow had melted off and the carpet was dry to the touch so that could only mean one thing, we had a leak. The next several hours were spent jacking the pontoon up off the floor just using a couple of bottle jacks and some timbers. One side was definitely heavier than the other and this made finding a balance point somewhat interesting.

We got the S.S. Mistake up off the floor and the water stopped dripping but we could hear it inside the pontoon moving around like a slushy. The leak was not in the bottom but some where further up the float. Chuck started drilling some exploratory holes looking for the compartment with the water, he found it when he was drenched with ice cold water that came from a hole he drilled. It might not have been so bad but I had the air compressor pumping air into a previously drilled hole on top. We called it a day and just let the water drain out, I went home in search of some wine corks to plug the holes.

The launch committee will be having a meeting at the Lodge tonight to talk over things and to set a date for launch. We are making ice but it has been slow going and Sunshine Ray is calling for it to warm up above freezing this weekend. Sign up sheet has half of the ten spots already filled and Hammering Hank as the head of the prize committee will be making a report. Come to think of it I think Skinny said he was going to get the test log out of the garage today and clean it up some. I don't think we have enough ice for a test launch but it is good to have it ready. I was in town looking for wine corks as I guess I used up the ones I thought I had. For awhile there I was making wine but was not very good at it. I did however come up with some stuff that is real good at cleaning furniture and removing dirty water lines on boats.

So I pull into the Gulp-N-Go to fill the gas can for the snow blower and I have to wait in line at the counter. A rare thing having a line at the Gulp but everyone ahead of me was buying lotto tickets. Over 500 million I over heard a few ladies talking, they were discussing how they would spend the money if and when they won. When my turn came I bought a Kit Kat and paid for the gas, when asked if I wanted a lotto ticket I shook my head no, the clerk said I was the first one he had not sold a ticket to. I walked out the door with my Kit Kat, figured it was free as I paid for it with the dollar that I didn't spend on a lotto ticket.

I arrived back at the cabin to find a couple of drawing of the vision of what the S.S. Mistake will look like when it is done. Chuck had left them on the table the wife said when he came over looking for me. Here are the pictures, keep in mind we are no artists, from Lake Iwanttobethere {871,795}


The hay bales will be placed between the pontoons on the ice to keep the weather out, we hope.

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OK so I am spoiled, the wife tells me that all the time but I think the other day I found out for myself. The daughter who lives in the big city went out and bought herself a new washing machine and dryer. Well actually she bought her husband a new washer and dryer but that is a topic for another day. Why she didn't just buy it from Big Earl I don't know but sometimes kids just want to do things on their own. She got a decent deal on the package as it was a Black Friday sale and paid way to much for the dryer power cord and washer hoses which no longer come free with the units. Big Earl throws them in for free and that is the start of being spoiled. The store wanted seventy dollars to delivery the washer and dryer and the daughter put her foot down there, you see her dad, me has a pickup.

She had to wait a few days for the washer and dryer to get to the warehouse which is cross town from where the store is located. I drove into the big city with the Dodge to make the pick up but not two hundred yards from the entrance I get a flat tire. Guess who forgot to put the spare back in the bed of the pickup after cleaning out the snow... To make a long story short I got the flat off the Dodge and there was a puncture in the side wall, not repairable. Had to go to one of the big name stores to buy a new tire and then had to wait two hours to get it mounted. Here is where the spoiled part comes in. Back at Lake Iwanttobethere Big Earl would have delivered the washer and dryer for free, he would have tossed in the plug and hoses and took the cardboard shipping boxes. I could have gotten a new tire at Dug's and been out the door in the time it takes to mount it. He would not have made me wait till the oil stopped dripping from a car on the lift. The daughter saved seventy dollars and it cost me a hundred and five, just part of being a parent and having a happy daughter.

So after replacing the tire and driving the last two hundred yards to the warehouse I arrive to find them locking up, do you think they would push out the two boxes sitting by the door so I could take them? Nope I had to go back yesterday. On my way back I stopped at Big Earls and bought dryer ducting and some hose clamps, while I was there I also bought a dryer plug and hoses. When I got to the warehouse I had them credit the daughter for the hoses and plug and saved her another twenty bucks. I felt a little better when I drove away, paying twenty-three dollars for a seven dollar plug was a little out of line.

Washer and dryer after that was a non event, no problem getting them into the basement or hooking them up. They both worked, and even putting the dryer vent went together without to much cursing. Granddaughter took the boxes and put them in the corner of the basement and told me they were her new house, a bedroom and a playroom. I had to cut a door and window for her and she was already talking about doing some remodeling, but that is what little girls do when their grandfathers are close. I told her that her dad will be happy to help her out and sent her off to get paper and a pencil to start drawing up her plans. I got a kiss on the cheek from the daughter and a hug thanks, like I said, I am spoiled from Lake Iwanttobethere {874,597}

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It's raining out, no big deal except this is Lake Iwanttobethere and it is the first day of December. The good news is I am not hearing the furnace running as it is warm outside and the bad news is this is the First day of December and this is all going to freeze. Yesterday I replaced the door leading to the basement at the cabin, twenty years old and it was time. That and the cat door was getting too small for the two Tom cats Buff and Smokey to get through without making themselves small. So I installed a new door, and a bigger cat door and it all went together in an afternoon. Half the time was spent finding tools and the other half putting them all back where they should have been in the first place.

Smokey the big tom was the first one through the new cat door. He strolled up to the new door and smacked it with his paw and seeing that the door was actually latched hit it again to make sure. He then moved over to the new larger cat door and went through it like a thirsty cowboy at a western saloon. Quick and bold and not worrying about what was on the other side which in this case was his brother Buff who was trying to come through the other way. I could hear a brief cat discussion between the two brothers and then saw Buff come through with a cat smug look on his face. I am waiting for Duncan to get his head stuck in the door as he has to check everything new out.

If this weather keeps up as it is forecasted to we are looking at a delay in the Ice House Fling. I checked ice on my way to the Lodge this afternoon and the rain is not helping anything. The test log has been rolled back into the garage and Skinny was saying he is not even going to try a test fling to late next week now. Chuck is OK with that as he is now waiting for a buddy that is a welder to do some patch jobs on the S.S. Mistake, as we said it is taking more time then planned to work on her. I am down at the Lodge catching up on things and also checking out the new waitress that we hired for the extra business we get in the winter. We went through a few applications and as soon as I saw her name I knew she would fit right in here at the Lodge. I had Gus call her for an interview and she is a lunch lady at the local middle school so she can sub for us in the kitchen. Might even bring us a few new menu items and I think Vinnie is in love with her, says she smells wonderful.

This afternoon I have been watching as she fills chili bowls without spilling a drop and pours a pretty good tap. Not too hard on the eyes and the fellows have been ordering a few extra pitchers of beer, I think just to see her walk away. As Elmer would say she has a nice set of stems on her and since she does not have to dress like a lunch lady she is not. Of course on the application we can't really ask to much about her but she came in the other night and over a few Hamms Gus got to know her. As soon as Gus introduced her to me I hired her on the spot, with a name like Honey Sauce I knew she was perfect for the Lodge, from Lake Iwanttobethere. {876,534}

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • leech~~
      My hockey stick in high school, today's hockey sticks!  But hey, don't worry mom and dad, you can make payments! 🤣   $359.99 CCM JETSPEED FT7 PRO GRIP COMPOSITE or monthly payments as low as 31.65. ccm-jetspeed-ft7-pro-grip-composite-hockey-stick-senior.webp
    • smurfy
      gonna try chasing them too!!!!!!!👍 i gotta list of lakes i wanna hit next week.......just not sure what order yet!!!!!!!!!!🙄 decisions.......decisions!!!!!!!🥴
    • Kettle
      The water Temps on most lakes are low 60s. Crappies in the shallows on just about every lake. Best time of year
    • smurfy
      what lake!!!!!🤪🤗 i'm headed up tomorrow afternoon till sometime memorial weekend....... mabe head back home sat or sunday to avoid traffic!!!1 
    • leech~~
    • SkunkedAgain
    • Wanderer
      Might not have to wear ear plugs when I mow!      That’s a spendy one.  It wasn’t hard to find one of those for $6k.  Comparatively and Ariens of the same size is $4,200.  A home owner grade JD for $3,900.  You could get into a commercial grade Z700 for maybe $8k.   I think the work I did today with mine would’ve killed that one there.    
    • monstermoose78
      Muskies? Lol
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   This year's MN Fishing Opener weekend was not only great weather wise, the walleyes and saugers were caught in good numbers.  A main fish gut hauler working with a number of resorts commented it was one of the most productive opening weekends he has seen based on the amount of fish guts collected after the weekend. The goto presentation was a jig and frozen emerald shiner.  Emerald shiners are a staple in LOW and walleyes love them.  Other minnows worked also, but emerald shiners are a favorite of anglers for good reason.   Four Mile Bay held good walleyes in 12 - 18'.  Not a surprise as the walleye bite on the river during the spring season was good and as of late, sturgeon anglers have been reporting catching walleyes on sturgeon rigs.   The Lighthouse Gap area, Morris Point Gap and just in front of Pine Island held nice fish in 12 - 15'.  Across the south shore, 18 - 22' was holding good numbers as well.  As you can see, there are lots of fish around.     A quarter ounce jig in gold, glow white, pink, orange, chartreuse, or a combo of these colors tipped with a minnow worked well.   As a reminder, the limit of walleyes and saugers is a combined limit of six fish, up to four of the six can be walleyes.  All walleyes between 19.5 - 28.0 inches must be released.  One fish over 28.0 inches can be kept.  The possession limit in MN is one daily limit of fish. On the Rainy River...  Some nice walleyes were caught on the river this weekend, although most anglers hit the lake.  10 - 15' of water was the norm.     Sturgeon fishing on the Rainy River has been excellent.  The catch and release season continues through May 15th and then closes until the keep season starts up again July 1st. Up at the NW Angle...  Some nice walleyes were caught in 18 - 25 feet of water, a little deeper than anticipated.  Points were good as were areas with structure.  The morning and evening bite was best.       As water continues to warm, go to spots for walleyes will be neck down areas, shoreline breaks, points and bays.     The goto presentation was a jig and minnow.   
    • SkunkedAgain
      I found this dock wheel floating in Black Bay. If it's yours or you know whom it belongs to, go and grab it.    
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