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south central hunters beware


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Beware guys we have someone driving around taking things from trucks,tractors and farms.Lock your doors even if your close to the vehicle and dont leave anything in the back.

Last week i was parked on are land working the field and someone stopped while i was on the other end of the field a 1/4 mile away ran over to my truck and cleaned me out.Took my camera,cheque book,wallet,knife and my lunch bag.When i called it in they told me several other places had been hit around a 25 mile area what they knew of so far

Couple hunters the next day also had dog kennels and gun cases ripped off too

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That is a cheap trick, sounds like its time for a set up operation. Shouldn't even be a DNR problem, this should be a law enforcement problem. That said, I usually lock my truck when I'm out in the woods, Then I'll hide my keys somewhere so I don't have take them with me and run the risk of losing them. Another option is to just remove the door key and take that with you so you don't have numerous keys jingling in your pockets. Its still too bad that you can't really trust people anymore.

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Where did this happen at? I live and hunt in Blue Earth and Faribault County area. I always lock my vehicle up, but it wouldnt take much to break a window. I will make sure to hide as much as possible and pass the word on to my buddies. Thanks for the warning and sorry about your incident.

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What a Joke. The thought passes my mind every time I leave my truck to go into the woods and I do lock everything up but still, what the hell!!!

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Personally with the meth problem, identity theft and higher gas prices I wouldn't leave ANYTHING of value laying around in the open. Theres a bunch of real creeps/scumbags running all over the state right now..need more law enforcement/shut down the welfare state. Have knowledge of 2 people that I know that have had stuff stolen out of their cars and offices..the cars were not even 1/4 block from a local detectives house and they figure the office job was done by the new office cleaners that misterously disappeared afterwards. Word to the wise for everyone out there. Keep a sharp eye out there for suspicous activity.

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A Rochester city police officer had a car stolen by a bunch running a chopshop.

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This type of thing is happening all over the State. I just got off the phone with my parents in Brainerd. Last night they had a four wheeler with a plow on it and the trailer it was sitting on stolen out of the driveway.

I wish I could understand what goes through a person's mind when they decide to take something that is not their's.

I know most people are honest, but from now on I am skeptical of every one and everything.

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This happend between owatonna,weseca and new richland.

Well the sad thing is i was right there.only thing between me and my truck was picked corn.It was parked 75 yards on are field road from the road right out in the open with me going up and down the field.Now if i was some place else and did'nt lock it up then i can some what blame myself for being dumb but come on they had guts.

To the 3 hunters who had dog kennels stolen outa the truck well thats kinda hard to lock up with no topper and it also takes guts to take something like that when you know someone has a gun on hand.

Just got back from getting all my new lic (fishing/hunting etc. what a pain in the butt

Well now that i'm a day late for my hunting trip i'm outa here so good luck to everyone and be safe.

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