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Night Bite Report


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Well, we decided to try the big fish spots once again and sustain from the smaller weed fish bite and got a dose of Walleye humility last night, but saw signs of another Fall- night Muskie invasion on the horizon. Bustumup, we were one of the few boats on IP and the reason they all left I assume, is because is was not happening. Water temps were 57.5 to 58 so we still have a little ways to go. We waited for the 8-9pm run and only mustered one hit and miss for our efforts, then after 10:30pm, I boated a Smallie. We were about to set sail for Rocky Reef, but decided to take one more run up the deeper side of the spine. Minutes in Craig cries out, I'm snagged up so I stop the boat....only to see line continue to peel off his reel. Then we both realize this isn't no rock. I throw the boat into reverse and cry "Ski" just as Craig is about to get spooled. We gain 50-75 feet and lose it all again, 3 times! By now we are 15 minutes into this fight and counting. Craig is spooled up with beefy fireline so we were afraid he was going to bend the hooks trying to turn this fish. Another failed attempt to turn it and now we figure it has to be upper 40's +. He is putting maximum pressure on this monster, while I'm slowly back trolling and we are gaining nothing! To make matters worse, we are heading towards a boat of guys bobber fishing, 100's of feet from where we started from. I made a captain's decision to try and get on the inside of this fish and "force it" away from the reef and this other boat, I had no choice at this point. It kept coming at us and simply swam under the boat. Craig tried again to turn it, notta, so he forces the issue, tightens down the drag and lifts with both hands on the rod...and then it was over! We never even got to see it! It was a big fish. I landed a 46 last Fall, in a fraction of the time we dealt with this brute.

Craig if you read this I am sorry man, I'm a Walleye guy for crying out loud! Next time you want to fish Ski's let me know AHEAD of time so I can bring the steel cable and winch. shocked.gif

We called it an early night, both of us still focused on that "Ski ride" and wondering how big it really was.

Once again, I saw baitfish well off the edge in 15+ feet of water. Marked a few big fish out there suspending deep but could not get any to go. The front really put the lockjaw on the big girls. Last report from Alphid was 3 small 'eyes off the North end weeds and one guy we talked with at the landing said they hooked a mid 40's Ski off Shermans Point.

[This message has been edited by Mykal (edited 10-03-2004).]

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Mykal, Those muskies can be a handful, last saturday I was up on the north end and tussled with a 13lb.northern and a 40"muskie. I of course thought I was into huge walleyes for a second. Just looked at my calendar and October full moon is Thursday the 28th(total eclipse). Don't know if that means anything. I usually fish from Garrison up around to Red Door and haven't really connected like a few years back when just about everytime out you got atleast a couple of big ones. I know they are still out there, it's just frustrating when they have so much food that all they have to do is swim around with their mouths open. Why they gonna chase anything we throw at them when they have everything they want right in front of them. I'm still gonna try and that's all a guy can do. Post if you make it up during the week, I wanna get back up there but I also need to start spending some time in a tree now that it's cooling down.

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Mykal, great story. I remember netting the beast musky you speak of and how a large husky jerk looked small lodged in that giants mouth.

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Great story Mykal....I took a friend up trolling in August...he had never trolled at night on the Big Pond before....after we had caught probably 10 eyes he ties into a large fish....it was 3:50 a.m. .....we were fishing in 6 ft of water...he asked me if I thought it was a walleye and I said it probably was it wasn't making any big runs and seemed to be just staying down and shaking her head...when she got near the boat we realized at about the same time that she did that she was a ski and that she should start acting like it...the battle was on and after about 15 minutes we landed the 42"+ fish..needless to say I've gained another guy who is always waiting for a chance to chase the eyes after dark and who knows....maybe even pick up a bonus ski along the way

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Mykal, awesome story!

Here is my report. We were out on the west side of the lake Saturday Night. We fished from 6:45pm until 1:30am--only boated a 6 lb northern. Fished south end of Garrison Bay, St. Albans Bay, Wigwam and the south end of Shermans Point. Worked inside the weeds in 6' to 7' outside the weeds in 11' to 12'--couldn't get a single walleye to look twice at our bait--this was one tough night for us. The surface temp was 58.1 to 58.6.

I was out last Tuesday night also. I caught one 17" eye and lost one that stayed down and shook its head about 3 or 4 times until the hook popped out--felt like a nice fish.

Mykal, awesome muskie story! I was the person you were talking with at Indian Point a week earlier. I have the blue and tan Lund tiller. We were the 2nd boat fishing with Crossin'Eyes.

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Muskie are a ruff fish right???? Just slam em in the boat rip the hooks out, bop em over the head with a club and send them floating away. J/K all you muskie guys. Luckly only one ski at night so far this fall. I am crossing my fingers, don't need another muskie fest like last year. Seriously after last fall, any night I don't catch a ski is a good night.

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SM River Rat, I remember. Better nights ahead for sure, but that was a thrill.

Anyone heading up before the weekend to give it a whirl?

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Mykal, I'm definitely looking forward to better nights!

I'm heading up tomorrow night. I'll report back on Thursday. I do have an empty seat in my boat if anyone is interested in joining me for a mid week run. I'll be leaving Elk River at 5:00pm and returning around 3:00am. If interested, email me at [email protected]

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SM River Rat, thanks for the invite but it is a bit too early for me to go to work on a couple hours of sleep. Soon though. Looking forward to your report.

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Made the run upto ML last night with high hopes only to humbled again.

Started fishing at 7:45PM and fished Center Bar, Grassy Island and out in front of Twin Bay. Caught one 19"er on a #7 fire tiger deep runner shad rap in 12' of water on Center Bar and lost another.

I did manage to snag an old fishing pole while we were out in front of Twin Bay. Looks like it had been there quite a while.

Never saw another fish caught the entire night. I think I may take a couple of weeks off and fish locally. This two hours of sleep stuff and going to work is killing me.

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Went up last night with SM River Rat and fished the NW side.Fished from just after dark till 3 AM and caught 5 fish.4 were 20-21.5 and one 24.#11 firetiger caught the most.Thanks Terry,had a great time and keep in touch we will have to try it again.Headed back up tonight for a couple of days and will post a report when I get back.

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Kab, too bad that pole didn't have a nice fat "eye on the other end.

SM, Nice report and nice dream. That could be a reality if we get all of the right conditions to fall into place. I'd fish with you guys anytime! Anyone who will do a late night/early morning run especially during the week and go to work is tops in my book.

Anybody heading up this weekend for some more punishment. Someone's going to hit the Walleye goldmine soon. It was October 10th (around the full moon) and temps at 55.3 when I had my first banner night last year. I'm going up for 8-3 run either Friday or Saturday night. I need to explore some new spots.

[This message has been edited by Mykal (edited 10-07-2004).]

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Mykal, I didn't think anyone would want to fish with me based on my last report-one walleye in the boat for 2 trips to the pond. frown.gif I was wrong, rmh2o emailed me accepting the challenge and I'm glad he did--we had a great evening--we didn't catch a lot of fish for this time of the year, but we had a lot of fun fishing.

We were only on the water about 5 minites when I hear "fish on." I net a nice fat 20" eye for rmh2o. At this point, we were both thinking this could be a really good night.

Well, almost 4 hours went by before I hear rmh2o cry out "fish on" for a 2nd time. At this point, it takes rmh2o a little longer to get the fish to the boat--the fish is a little bigger at 24". We make 2 more passes through this area--nothing. We decide to head back to the spot rmh2o caught the first fish.

It didn't take rmh2o too long to cry out "fish on." A short time later, I'm nettng a nice 21" eye. At this point, I'm thinking rmh2o 3 fish on 3 different crankbaits, SM River Rat "0" fish and I've tryed a dozen different crankbaits, do I change, na, I like the bait I have on--I have confidence in it. This proved to be a good decision because 10 minutes later, I feel something slam my bait, its my turn to cry out "fish on." After fighting this fish for what seemed like an eternity, rmh2o nets a fat 29"...oops, that was my dream after I fell asleep this morning. The real story is...rmh2o nets a nice 21" eye--I'm on the board. smile.gif

Ten minutes later, I feel a fish slam my bait again, "fish on." At this point its about 12:30-1:00am. We should have loaded the boat and headed home--a few more hours of sleep about right now--we didn't. We continued to fish until about 3:30.

The water temp was 56.4 to 58.1 depending upon location.

rmh2o, thank you for joining me last night. I truly enjoyed your company and the opportunity to net your fish! smile.gif

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Haven't been on Mille Lacs at all this year yet but plan a fall trip next weekend.

What is the slot limit for walleyes now.

Thanks, Al

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Mykal, I didn't have to get up for work Thursday morning--I'm hoping to change that in the near future--I'm currently in the process of searching for a job. I would enjoy hooking up with you for a nite run in the near future.

mrkvia1, currently you can keep 4 walleyes caught on Mille Lacs, releasing all walleyes between 22" and 28" and only keeping one over 28". It is always a good idea to check the DNR signs at the public access--the regs change periodically.

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"She Who Must Be Obeyed" put her foot down when I hinted that I might be interested in heading to Mille Lacs on Saturday night. Apparently I have a list of projects whose completions have been postponed one too many times this summer.

In my next life, I am marrying a blonde bombshell who hunts, fishes in a bikini, puts on her own leech, fillets fish, can run a GPS, makes great beef jerky and comes into the relationship with a new Lund Tyee. Until then, I guess I'll just stay home this weekend and put up new towel bars, finish painting the kids' bedroom, clean the garage, clean the grill and any other d&*n thing she can come up with.

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LOL Kab!!!

Hey...anyone here know off hand how deep a SSR #9 runs with about 100' of line out?? I run 10/4 Fireline with a mono snell.

It's the only blank spot I have on my dive chart.

I'm guessing 8 or 9 feet??

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SM River Rat sounds like a plan for sure. If you are thinking of Saturday night give me a call on my cell phone at 612 819 0860. I went through the new job thing not long ago. I took a new job a month and a half too early!

Kab, your a funny man! I'd comment on that but I have "eyes" on this board that may use it against me.

zelek, according to the troller's bible your looking at a tad over 9 with 10/4 fireline, add the mono snell and sounds about right to me.

[This message has been edited by Mykal (edited 10-09-2004).]

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Mykal, what was the report. I got my dad our for one last run on the water. Had a crappie bonanza. Well over a 100 plus crappie caught. Most under the 9" mark, however still blast and the fall colors were simply amazing. I fished exclusively with tubes and the berkley 2" micro minnow. Bam, Bam...Fish on !!!

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Thursday night I fished for a while on the east side in front of Liberty Beach and then headed over to Garrison area for a few hours and never got a bite.It was pitch black out on the lake.Friday night I fished doe Island and picked up a 24 then the wind came up and blew me across the reef a couple of times and managed to shine up the prop and skeg so I called it quits.Everyone else I talked to that fished the east side said it was slow.Looks like some cooler weather coming so lets hope the fishing picks up.Ill be heading back up later in the week.

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Mr Pike 1, I gave it a rest and headed to the ol' panfish hole. To nice of weather. Pulled about the same as you except mostly gils. Brought home a few for the pan. The Crappie are staging over deep holes now so they must "sense" that a change is coming.

I plan on heading up this weeknd for sure. Start thinking about what days you can take off in the next 2-3 weeks and let me know.

SM River Rat you heading up this weekend?

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Mykal, good to hear. Yes it was a gorgeous day to be on the water and enjoy the fall colors and some panfish action....

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SM River Rat, call my cell again, I accidently deleted your message and I'm not sure I have your correct phone number. I am game for this Friday night.

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Mykal, did you get out Friday. I has to attend my wifes grandfathers funeral. Looks a bit ugly as far as the weather today but give me a report if you made it out.

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went out on the west side on Thursday night, kept 4 nice males, 16-21", pretty slow though, had the whole lake to ourselves! The big pigs haven't come up shallow yet, water temp was 53 degrees, should get better with the cool down this week. Hope to make it out next weekend and if I talk real sweet to the wife, once more for the full moon!

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Got out on Saturday with SM River Rat. Very cold and stiff breeze out of the NW left us fishing weeds on the West side with realitively little boat traffic. We are still not marking the big fish, but I'm sure that will change very soon.

SM started off the action very early in the evening. There's a long story behind this very special fish, but I will have to elaborate another time. SM got his personal best 'eye at a very plump 28 inches. It was my pleasure to bear witness along with net and pic duty. I had a flurry of fish almost an hour later picked up the next 4 at 24, 23, 21, and 20.5. with a mid 20's that came off at boatside. SM rebounded with a 26 that was so fat you couldn't get 2 hands around it! I finished up the end of the trip with a 22 and one more that came unbuttoned. SM was the quality guy and I was the quantity guy this trip. Once again, the fish went nuts for about 2 hours then it died for several hours until my final fish around midnight.

Thanks SM for doing the captain duties and putting us on some fish. I think things will really start popping as we get out of the dark moon phase and closer to full moon period. The water temps were 51.9 when we left. Anyone get out on the rocks this weekend?

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Anybody willing to give a rookie the basics for night trolling on the big pond? I hope to try it Thursday night and during the full moon next week. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!

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As far as tips go for night trolling... first choose between weed lines and rocks. There are rocks all over the place... just look at a map. Then start working different depths but after dark depths between 4-10' usually work the best. A gps is very helpful to determine your trolling speed. The difference between a couple tenths of a mile an hour can make the difference between a big night and a slow one. This time of year, I personally usually start around 1.8 mph and adjust down to as slow as 1.4 or as high as 2.2. For baits, everyone has their favorites but I like yozuri suspending lures and husky jerks. Good colors include fire tiger, orange (tough to find now), clown, and sometimes natural colors. Suspending baits are great in the fall because you can work in pauses (stop the boat for as long as a minute at a time), or constant rod sweeps to keep the lure pausing and speeding up. Have fun!

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