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Horseshoe Chain

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Thought I would give a little fishing report for the Horseshoe Chain. There has been a constant bluegill bite going. However, it is hit & miss. Some days anglers are having great success catching good numbers of nice fish, other days, it is good numbers of small fish. Morning and evenings have been the best. Usually 5-10 ft of water. The crappies are still biting but you have to know where to find them. The are really schooled up near the deep drops. If you can find a school, you will have good fishing. Again, morning and evenings have been the best. Haven't heard reports of much else going on. I was out a couple of times this week and caught some real nice gills. However, I am looking forward to some real warm weather to melt the foot of slush that is on the lake. I would recommend 4 wheel drive right now, atleast until some of the slush turns to water.ScottS

[email protected]

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I've had about the same luck. You find a school and you'll do good. If I tell anyone that I was out there with my truck, they tell me I'm crazy for driving on it. I saw that the ice is marked by the bridge on 22. Are there any other spots that a person should avoid?

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The ice by the bridge is never safe, as is any bridge this time of year. But, as for the lake, I have been driving all over this week and getting around just fine. There is still a lot of ice out there. There is also a lot of water on the ice, especially by shore. Not that a person should not use caution, but seems pretty safe yet, just a lot of slush.ScottS

[email protected]

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Hey ScottS , I read these posts all the time and really enjoy them. I live about 30 miles from the chain in Clear Lake and your talk of cedar island lake got me curious. So I looked it up on the D.N.R website and was shocked at the crappie numbers!! The most I have ever seen. See I have 3 boys ages 5,8,and 10 so when we go out its all about action and I try to find lakes with good panfish numbers. Looking at the lake map it looks like theres only a few places to find good structure for spring fishing --I mean it looks like it gets deep real fast from shore not a lot of shallow area to go after the papermouths with a small jig or flu-flu.
With your experience I was wondering if you could give me a little help as to where to begin, its tough for me to go fish a new lake for the first time and listen to my boys talk about how bored they are getting as I troll around stareing at the electronics.Also whats the boat landing off of 71 like, can I Land a 19 foot fiberglass boat there without any trouble? Is the parking adequate? The D.N.R website said the lake is under heavy fishing pressure, is it really busy in the spring where if you dont want to be overwhelmed with the crowds you should fish it only during the week, like some I go to? The make-up of the lake makes it look like it would discourage a lot of rec. boating -skiing and jet ski's and such because of all the bays and not as much open
area, I bet its a great lake when a guy doesnt want to fight the wind all day. Again any help is appreciated and keep up the good work!! I think you do a good job of helping people enjoy more (more fish more fun) the limited time they have to get out and fish
Thanks, Pete

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Right now anyone can drive on the local lakes. All that soft snow has turned to ice and you can drive right over the top. You can also walk on from the lake access on Cedar Island Lake Road. The bluegill are there they just aren't sure if they want to bite or not. I was out last night to catch supper and I managed to do it, but it was not like they were jumping out of the hole. I would wait for some nicer weather, like 3 40+ days, that will get em active. I was site fishing and I can say they are there, it is just a matter of time.

As for the spring fishing on the Chain, it is excellent and the fishing pressure is heavy in the well know bays. I try to fish the areas not many people know about. Right now the Chain has an excellent population of crappies and the blugill are on the rebound. So, if the weather cooperates the fishing on the Chain should be good. Long lake, that is traditionaly excellent had a partial winter kill this winter, so it may take some time for the fish to find those fertile waters this spring, but the rest of the Chain should be very good. Just remember to put some back for other to enjoy. As for the 71 acess, it is just fine and you can put in any size boat you want there, it also has a dock, so that is nice. I will be posting on the spring fishing as soon as it starts.ScottS

[email protected]

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Right now anyone can drive on the local lakes. All that soft snow has turned to ice and you can drive right over the top. You can also walk on from the lake access on Cedar Island Lake Road. The bluegill are there they just aren't sure if they want to bite or not. I was out last night to catch supper and I managed to do it, but it was not like they were jumping out of the hole. I would wait for some nicer weather, like 3 40+ days, that will get em active. I was site fishing and I can say they are there, it is just a matter of time.

As for the spring fishing on the Chain, it is excellent and the fishing pressure is heavy in the well know bays. I try to fish the areas not many people know about. Right now the Chain has an excellent population of crappies and the blugill are on the rebound. So, if the weather cooperates the fishing on the Chain should be good. Long lake, that is traditionaly excellent had a partial winter kill this winter, so it may take some time for the fish to find those fertile waters this spring, but the rest of the Chain should be very good. Just remember to put some back for other to enjoy. As for the 71 acess, it is just fine and you can put in any size boat you want there, it also has a dock, so that is nice. I will be posting on the spring fishing as soon as it starts.ScottS

[email protected]

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Not much to report. The last time I fished the Chain was Friday evening with Gullguide and it was SLOW! Lots of small bluegill, but we could not talk the big boys into biting. I would imagine the accesses are getting very bad and I would not recommend driving on with a vehicle anymore. The big gills are around, they just aren't ready to bite, maybe the warmer weather this week will get things going.ScottS

[email protected]

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • MarkB
      Are minnows available at the Y store?  
    • BWpineisland
      The only thing they would bite on last night was minnows for us. Reef fishing in 30’. Plenty of action, nothing real big. 
    • Wanderer
      The Miss gets tough when the water is high and dirty.  Your entire range you’re considering can be good but I think right now you’re gonna need to fish tight to the bank in the eddys.  Or maybe the downstream ends of islands.  They probably won’t be in the main flow much.   I’ve been tempted to get out there myself but she looks like she needs to settle down a bit first.
    • Fishguy24
      Yes I know, I am wondering about spots from St. Cloud and north, along the Mississippi, I am from Duluth and just thought I’d mention it
    • Dash 1
      Sorry I do not river fish much. I know the Mississippi near Baxter\Brainerd is good as the Linders fish it.  Good luck.
    • fishingstar
      This is a St Cloud forum check out something up near Duluth 
    • Fishguy24
      Anyone here willing to recommend a good launch or town to find some smalie’s next week on the big river? Looking for somewhere preferably closer to Duluth, I’ve fished rivers around here this week and only have a couple 14” fish to show for it and a few skunks  . Only place I’ve found fish up here is right up on creek mouths, nothing else seems to work, really muddy water. Will be fishing out of a shallow hull 14’ boat with a 15 hp tiller, looking at anywhere from Grand Rapids to St. Cloud and trying to narrow it down, pretty inexperienced smallie and river angler but I have some time off next week and wouldn’t mind spending another day on the water, and hopefully end up with some decent fish to show for it (will be released). Thanks for any input 
    • Shulsebus
      Well we will be arriving for the week tomorrow. Fishing mostly east end.  We will be hitting all of our favorite bobber spots.  Going to bring some jumbo leeches. Figure we will be getting smallmouth and walleye.  Staying in Daisy bay.  Is the water temp about 65?  Is there really any point of getting minnows?  
    • Dash 1
      No unfortunately it was the other one in Richmond. I really like them, but this time I guess wasn’t their best.  I ordered the wire on Amazon today. Went to 5 places in St Cloud after work and no one had it. 
    • smurfy
      That wasn't In-tune marine by chance??🤔
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