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Wouldn't it be better to dangle them from a stringer rather than having them bust off a spinner rig and swallow that?

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Hi Ripper,
I'm not really sure what your trying to say but fish hanging on a stringer will
almost always die if released.

Swallowing a spinner rig isn't to good
either, but I have caught walleye and
pike that had hardware in their guts. smile.gif

Ace guide service.
Beautiful Lake Vermilion.
[email protected]
(218) 753-2612

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guideman, I also see muskies dead on the lake and shore after every muskie tournment. And it is not just one or two so who is the bad guy's? Muskie fishermen also kill a lot of fish. So if you want to knock spearing maybe you sould knock catch and release muskie tourniments.

[This message has been edited by clb (edited 12-21-2001).]

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I must agree that there are problems in tournaments that have transporting of fish. The days of those types of muskie
tournaments are numbered, most of the
events are going to a photo and release
validation on all fish.

I have an opinion on spearing, that is not a condemnation of all people that
spear. Unfortunately some fish die when
released, and that is just a fact of life. On the other hand, all fish die
when speared.

By the way, I also have issues with the way some muskie tournaments are run, so
you see, we do agree on some things! smile.gif

Ace guide service.
Beautiful Lake Vermilion.
[email protected]
(218) 753-2612

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I agree Guideman, those transport to the weigh station tourneys are a really bad idea, and have meant the loss of alot of good sized breeding stock fish to many lakes for many years. I sure hope they do away with them altogether, and the sooner the better. I fish for the simple pleasure of fishing, and to enjoy an occasional meal or two of selectively harvested fish. I have never speared or fished in a tourney, and have no "trophys" on my wall (there all in my photo albums). The thought of spearing, tourney fishing, and taxidermy does not appeal to me. Yes, these activities may be legal, but anything that puts out a negative image to the public, may be scrutinized, and restricted in the future. So all sportmen have a responsibility to the sport they are involved in to present themselves and the activity in a positive light to those outside the activity, most of this is very simple to do, but often forgotten.

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Birddog good luck spearing this season,hope you have a good kill.Don't let them guides from Vermillion upset,all they are worrying about is George Washington's Picture on a piece a paper for themselves.Ditto this!Ditto that ! Birddog all they are is a bunch of RUSH LIMBAUGH LOVERS.

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Wow Nortkiller

Come on now!

I well bet you have NEVER met Guideman, Clif, Dave, JKarsh, myself or most of the other guys or gals who work on the Big V!
If you did you would change your mind and find someone else rip!
Should really not make a statement like that about ALL of them GUIDES unless you know them all.
I simply gave my in-put to a post.
Never wanted to be a bad guy or start a big war!
Spear all the smaller snakes you want, better eat'en and lots of them.
Leave the BIG girls live.

While fishing you really can not choose to NAIL A PIG!
Sitting over a hole in the ice you CAN!
Your right to do so.
You choose.
No one will beat you down or hate you.
Just don't lump ALL THEM GUIDEs on the BIG V. as greedy SOB's who could care less about anything but the bank!

We are not to hard to find and as nice a bunch a people you could ever want to meet.

Good luck to all Spear fisherman this year, but leave the BIG girls live.



Meat me sometime then you can squak!

Other wise,

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I am sure they are, and you are! Although they act like were hitting on a species that is about to go extinct. It took me 24 years of spearing to get 2 big fish, it is not that easy to hunt these fish down,They do not school in your hole,I try lake after lake a lot of hard work, And have not taken many snakes only a few to pickle,Which I have not done in years.I believe and
leave those for seed. We do not have under water cameras,& fish locators to diminish the species,with all this modern equipment. If you people want to bash someone blame the equipment and the users of it, to hunt them down. I would think this would take a big toll on our lakes! Have a Merry Christmas Everybody And a Terrorist Free New Year!

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I would like to see the stats for Cass too.

I did find something on the Mn DNR site that might be of intrest to some.

Growing Big Northern Pike

Everyone likes to catch big northern pike. But why do most lakes carry an abundance of small fish and only the rare body of water hold fair numbers of truly large northern pike? What is needed to grow big northern pike? A lake must have adequate spawning areas to produce a self-sustaining northern pike population. There is little evidence, however, that a superabundance of northern pike fry has any effect on the size to which northern pike ultimately grow. Northern pike must have adequate forage - primarily minnows, perch, suckers, tullibee and other fish of appropriate size. They also must have cool, well-oxygenated water to grow well.

Northern pike are a "cool-water" species, and research indicates that they stop feeding and may even lose weight in the warm water and occasional low-oxygen conditions prevalent in midsummer. So, if a lake is to grow big northern pike, it must have a cool-water refuge, such as deep, well-oxygenated water, with a suitable cool-water forage fish, such as tullibee.

Finally, big northern pike must have protection from anglers. No northern pike ever grew large in a Pyrex baking dish. Large northern pike simply are too few to endure heavy fishing pressure. Big fish must be protected by remoteness, as they are in the Canadian wilds and the remoter waters of northern Minnesota, or by some form of catch-and-release regulations so that most big fish are returned to the water to grow even larger. Restricted harvest is the management approach we must take if we want to grow really large northern pike in the presence of heavy angling pressure.

Recently, anglers and fish managers have begun discussing the use of special regulations to create good fishing for large northern pike. These regulations may take several forms.

A pure no-kill restriction would most closely replicate the conditions that exist on remote lakes that are fabled for their large northern pike.

In some lakes, the DNR has increased the possession limit and imposed size restrictions to encourage anglers to take more small fish. The hope is that through decreased competition, the remaining fish will grow larger. In other lakes, the DNR has banned spearing to protect the large northern pike that otherwise might fall prey to that method of fishing.

Some biologists believe a slot of length limit or maximum-size limit will protect large fish and create a trophy fishery. Meanwhile, anglers could keep some small fish, which are common in most lakes anyway.

What is necessary for Minnesota to steer toward a "big-northern-pike" policy on select waters where northern pike can grow large? Anglers will have to stand up for such a policy. They will have to convince other anglers that catching and recatching big northern pike is worth more than killing and eating big northern pike.

[This message has been edited by jkrash (edited 12-23-2001).]

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I'm not sure what the DNR says about Cass, but I have a hard time believing what they say.Cass Lake is open to spearing.When Cass was closed to non native,s ,maybe 10 fish houses disapeared from Cass. TRUTH BE TOLD.

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Does anyone have the stats on the northern population and size for Cass Lake before spearing was outlawed and the latest survey?
After over 10 years of no spearing I can only assume the population is up some and no doubt the the lake is teaming with large northern's in the 20 to 35 lb range.

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The DNR has also been finding large piles of Pike dumped in the woods around Cass from the natives. By discarding the Pike they don't have to stop netting until they hit there Walleye quota.

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firstchoiceguide, Since you first said on this post that you were "glad I'm on Cass", its starting to smell a little fishy.

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Nortuskiller, isn't it ironic that us so called "Rush Limbaugh Lovers" are the ones who are trying to conserve a resource. Gives a whole new meaning to conservatives, HHMMMM?

You must new to this board, or you would have seen that ALL of the guides on Vermilion who post here are giving out FREE tips, advice, and information.

Jkrash, where did you find that information? I have also been looking for the lake survey info on Vermilion from the DNR.

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Birddog I think we should sell all of our fishing equipment and all other anglers too,and go buy ourselves all jetskies and pay a visit to Vermillion all summer long how does that sound buddy,but bring your own gas from your home town.

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Go away. If you can't argue somewhat eloquently or at the very least in a civil manner, just don't bother.

Hey, everyone has an opinion (including no opinion) on just about everything. That's good; that's freedom. Opinions usually lead to decisions or policies (for the better or worse). Name calling and threats, usually lead to jail time.

C'mon, play nice will you.

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Jkrash was quoting a paragraph from this page;

on the MnDNR website.

The MnDNR website is located here:


You can find any Mn. lake & info compiled by the MnDNR on this page of that site:


Just type in the name of the lake & the county it's located in.

Good Luck!

Good Luck & Watch your bobber!
Proud to be a member in good standing, of the
"Church of the Divine Wilderness"!

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There's a problem with a thread like we have here, after some people run out of intelligent things to say, they start to attack those that they don't agree with.
My business is just fine thanks, I will survive without your indorsement.

My views on issues concerning the Lake Vermilion, and state wide fisherys for that matter, started long before I was
guiding for a living. If you think that
guides make big money you are mistaken.

You may have felt you were being bashed
but that wasn't the case. I re-read the
entire thread, and found the only bad mouthing was done by the spearing crowd
and you may have replied out of anger at someone's opinion, that wasn't the same as yours.

There are many reasons for people to be
on different sides of an argument, and we will always have disagreements but name calling and character assasination only make YOU look stupid, and makes my own opinion, the valid one.

Ace guide service.
Beautiful Lake Vermilion.
[email protected]
(218) 753-2612

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Great directions MnSportsman

There is alot of info on that site.

The lake info seems to work better if you just type in the name of the lake and leave the county field empty.

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To the spearers that have posted here (well not all of you, just the overly excited ones):

You've actually swayed my opinion on spearing, and I rarely alter my opinion without cold hard facts. Your arguments have really hit me hard by use of gripping and riveting verbage. Yes, you've changed my opinion...BAN SPEARING.

Name calling and character degradation won't win you any supporters or friends. Maybe you guys should just "take your ball" and go home.

[This message has been edited by Bornofice (edited 12-27-2001).]

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I deleted several posts from someone in this thread. Personal attacks are uncalled for in this forum. I will delete an future personal attacks no matter who it is made against.

David Swenson

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I am not about ready to say BAN SPEARING, its a great way to kill a few snakes for dinner or pickling, if its done in moderation like all angling.

But with many of the comments that the Spearchuckers have made on this website...I hope the spearing days are numbered.

The guides on this forum are more than helpful. I havent seen one of them tell you to stay off the Big V. But, I sure wouldnt want your moronic attitudes and comments on my lake.

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It sounds to me that I hit a nerve with you guys. Perch Jerker was right I and the legal sport of spearing wear getting bashed by you guys pretty heavily, I sat back & let It go. Then I give my opinion, and now I am the bad guy. It seems to me that you guys can dish It out, but can not take it!The tradition of Spearing will live on for ever, So be it, if I and our fellow spearers have to sign as many anti. spearing documents that come our way like we have done in the past & won hands done . their is alot of us out their, More than you think! don't step on our toes & we will not step on your save the eggs approach...Lets be freinds!

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I am aware that all spear fisherman are not 'Lilly White', but take the log out of fisherman's eyes before you complain of the sliver in ours.
We have but a few short weeks to spear, and most of us can only get out on the weekends. Also, we need daylight to spear. We cannot head out with our gear packed and catch the evening bite on the lake which most others can.
Lastly, there are far fewer spearers than there used to be. Were not pounding the lakes after almost every species out there. We go after one species and head home empty handed most of the time either because we didn't see anything we could spear or we chose not to spear what we were allowed to.

If I want northerns, I can head out with two friends, a half dozen tip-ups, and a bucket of shiner minnows and catch all the northerns I want while sitting in my car and listen to the Vikings loose. If I were 'meat' hunting, I'd be fishing - plain and simple.

Perch Jerker

ps. Guideman, I have respect for everyone here - especially the guys that make their living at guideing/resort owning. However, I must correct you when you stated-
"You may have felt you were being bashed
but that wasn't the case. I re-read the
entire thread, and found the only bad mouthing was done by the spearing crowd
and you may have replied out of anger at someone's opinion, that wasn't the same as yours."
Earlier in the thread TRZ wrote-
"I find it a stretch to call a spearfisherman a sportsman, he makes me sick. i released a 40 inch pike out of mille lacs last fall. i am going to LOW over christmas and would never keep any over 30 inches. hope birddog goes somewhere else. we don't need guys like him around."

That sounds like a personal attack to me, but I have been wrong before.
Spearfisherman as a whole are usually on the 'short end of the stick' right off the bat so we are on the defensive from the word go. Just a fact.

Good luck to ALL fishermen this hard-water season.

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Birdog; Good luck at your catch of # 30 plus! do not let them get to you. I know a little bit about fisheries and spawning and the #30 plus pound northerns are not good spawners, and are not long for this world any way Good luck .
ps. I think you held your own very well, with out getting to mad, for being bashed the way you were from the vermillion boys!

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The author of that post is unknown to me and the other guides on the board.
Your aware I'm sure that the attacks on me and my colleages, was unfounded, we all simply stated our opinions.

I'm sure we all say things that are not
intended to piss people off, but they
often do. As I said earlier, I have no
ill will towards spearfishermen, or for that matter any fisherman.

It's leagal, so go fishing, I just am not a supporter of spearing, I won't be
changing my mind. So I hope you can all
just accept that we don't always have to agree, to get along. smile.gif

Ace guide service.
Beautiful Lake Vermilion.
[email protected]
(218) 753-2612

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Hello Pete; You definetly have a way of getting the point across. Thank You!Hopefully everyone will quit arguing!and we can talk about fishing? I have to get up to up to Vermillion fri.

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Thank you Birdog. Now I have a question for you - which particular decoy are you counting on to pull in that mossy-backed old monster? You know the one I mean - your "go to" decoy - the one that draws 'em in when all else fails. Or are you one of those evil, neanderthal, meat-hunting, muskie-killing, slobs who uses live bait?

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Glad to see some of the negetive posts removed!!

I have been keeping up with this thread with some interest since the beginning. And at points it has been senseless. But I have not responded because I have no experience with spearing.

So now I would like to keep an open mind and try to learn something new. I would like some experience so that I can form my own opinions about this. What I would like is for someone who spears to take me along some time. Show me how its done, show me the ropes, show me how to tell the difference between pike and muskie when looking down the hole, ect. I'll even buy lunch and the beverage!!!

Guideman was good enough to take me out show me the ropes on "V", and his wife even me us lunch (mmmmm). So now I would like the chance to learn about spearing, any lake would do. So Bird, Nort, Cld, perch, or anyone, who is willing to take a rookie spear chucker out for his first time?

Help me form some opinions about this.

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • Rivergroup
      We used Chubbs and rainbows during the beginning of the week and the bite seemed to transition to leeches later in the week. 
    • Dougo
      22 has killed more game than anything, including deer!
    • knoppers
      not too bad at my place, but they are starting to come out. about the only time they get abundant is when I pull my skeeter out of the garage.😁
    • smurfy
      i reckon the skeeters are starting to get a bit over abundant about now????????🥴
    • VermilionGold
      Shamrock Landing and Grubens marina have both sold minnows/bait in past years, not sure about current season 
    • SkunkedAgain
      I am not aware of anywhere in the west basin to get minnows. Hopefully I am wrong.
    • chucker1101
      The only place on the East end (unless i'm mistaken and don't know of some semi-secret place) that sells minnows on the lake is the Casino bait shop on Everett Bay. Whether they have rainbows is hit and miss. I'm not including Timbuktu as East side   Getting off-lake, the best value for rainbow for me over the last 10 years has been Lucky 7 in Virginia.
    • knoppers
      was up at the lake all week, water temps 65-66 today, and the crappies are now spawning. did not try for walleyes this week, but got my eye on a couple of lakes.
    • smurfy
      well.........i'll be back up june 10th to the 16th. the 10-11-12th i'll be there by myself!!!!!🤗   i'd even be OK with meeting at a neutral place and go to the lake blindfolded!!!!!!!! 😊🤣   leech...he is over there.........just forgets about us FM  rejects!!!!!!!🤪
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the south end...   Good fishing this week with nice numbers of walleyes and saugers.   A jig and frozen emerald shiner again this week is the go to presentation for walleyes.  Rainbows and fatheads are also working and it is nice to see what the fish want each day.   Various areas across the south shore are holding fish.  Most walleyes and saugers are being caught in 17 - 24' of water.  Anglers are anchoring up and vertical jigging. A quarter ounce jig in gold, glow white, pink, orange, chartreuse, or a combo of these colors tipped with a minnow worked well again.  Pound the bottom, jig it up in the strike zone, hold.  Trying shaking the jig and lifting it off of the bottom.  Any kind of weight will be a fish hanging.  Set the hook! A mixed bag while fishing walleyes include pike, jumbo perch and a few crappies.  On the Rainy River...  Some nice walleyes caught  this week on the river in 10 - 15' of water.  Typical spots such as holes, current breaks, weed edges and rocky areas all can hold fish.  There are 42 miles of navigable waters from the mouth of the river all the way to Birchdale.    Sturgeon fishing on the Rainy River is closed until the keep season starts up again July 1st.   The river holds good numbers of smallmouth bass for those interested in bronzebacks.  A lot of bass are caught by unsuspecting walleye anglers. Up at the NW Angle...  A great week of fishing.  As typical with guests staying at the Angle, some fish MN waters, some slide over into Ontario waters.  Both areas are producing.     Points, neck down areas and bays with warming water have been holding walleyes.  With warming waters, fish are in transition and there are lots of fish.   The goto presentation is a jig and minnow.  Gold, glow white, pink and orange are good colors.  
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