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When=As soon as the water temp hits 49 -/+ 3.

Where=From White Rock Dam SD, to Lake Winnepeg in Canada. Snag's and hole's, dam's and Jam's.

Backwater Eddy.........><,,>

[This message has been edited by Backwater Eddy (edited 04-12-2001).]

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I know you're fond of paste baits early in the year- what type of paste bait do you think works best? I've tried a couple of them and only succeeded in making a mess of my boat and making my hands smell like !*%!. I'm a bit suprised by by 49 degrees- that's earlier than I would have expected it. That's right in the heart of the 'eye run, isn't it. It would seem to me that that would be a great time to fish below the dams and other spawning areas for walleye and in the snags, etc. for cats.
Man, I can't wait to put the boat in the Red and get busy. How ugly is the Red down in your neck of the woods? Not looking good here. It seems our lovely lady is showing her ugly side these days! I've been throwing lots of sandbags here in Fargo- fun, fun!
Take care,

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Cats will feed as soon as they can wiggle. They will be out of the current as much as possable to conserve energy. Sucker cuts slightly soured are good bets for bait early on.

They will not roam fast water tell it is up in the 50's.

Yup, it is a hard time to target any fish with the Red running all over the country, need to wait tell it falls back in it's banks.

If a little smelly plastic gets ya, man do I have some funky goo that will make your day!



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We're not going to have as much success if the water is as high as expected. The crest will hit the Man/Min border April 22-23 and then approximately 1.5-2 weeks after that at lockport. Don't forget it's at Lockport that the floodway cuts back into the Red --- which is going to make opening day (May 12) interesting to say the least. In the past cats have been on the chew when the water was high but they're not as concentrated behind the locks (It's also harder to fish--- a tad dangerous). Cats also seem to be blown a bit further back in some of the better/deeper holes. I agree with BWE's analysis of temp (I'd even say sometimes cooler --maybe a change in current/and the winter's deadfall (underwater carrion) gets 'em going). I also concur with sucker as prime bait. Well we better hunker down for the wave she's a comin'. Good luck guys!

Dan Kiazyk
Cat Eye Outfitter
[email protected]

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