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Car insurance



I am just wondering what others do about car insurance. I have 3 vehicles, and now have 2 kids with drivers licenses. My son just got his DL, and my insurance practically doubled. All 3 of my vehicles are over 10 years old, my daughter is 19, and my son is 16. I pay more in a year for car insurance then I think all 3 of my vehicles are worth, not quite, but more then 2 of them are worth combined. None of us have had any tickets recently. My kids have never gotten one, and I dont think I have had a ticket in at least 5 years. I havent shopped around yet, but I am going to. I cant imagine what people do when they have 5 kids.

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I know if the kid's are on the honor roll, that helps with a nice discount. I remember when our son Clint got his license and our insurance hardly increased, least not that much. Thats about 20 years ago also.

Kid's are expensive to add to ones auto insurance. If I remember correctly, boy's cost quite a bit more than girls.

I switched to State Farm a few years back and could not believe the money I saved switching to them. Kept the same coverage and my policies for the auto's almost got cut in half.

I also switched all our other coverage to State Farm for the added discounts.

Ticket's, wife is clean for 44 years and I believe I had a speed about 10 years ago. NO accidents to go against us either.

I would call around Scott and get some other quotes. Just let them know that if they get a ticket, they will have to help out with the car insurance costs. Any tickets or accidents will really kill you with increases.

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I am just wondering what others do about car insurance.


I pay more in a year for car insurance then I think all 3 of my vehicles are worth, not quite, but more then 2 of them are worth combined.

Take Tom's advice and shop around. But, be sure you're shopping for the right coverage and doing apples to apples comparisons.

One thing to consider as well, especially in the case where your vehicles are older and worth less -- it's often not worth it to carry comprehensive coverage. Go with liability only and you can save a bunch of cash. Even if you have an expensive vehicle, upping the deductible to $1000 or so can often make sense financially versus the low 250 or 500 deductible.

Also, you might consider the "snapshot" type devices (that's what Progressive calls theirs), where they make you plug a unit into your ODB port for a month or so to get a feel for your driving habits, and then set the rate based on that. My friend saved a lot with progressive using this strategy.

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Kids have a lot of accidents and its not nesesarily what they are driving but what they can run into. Can pay to shop around and some give discounts for good grades. Either way its expensive for kids to drive.

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Basically your insurance will double w teens, is what it is- honor roll and drivers ed help for a little discount but we shopped everyone and all were about the same.

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About every three or four years I change. They get you in on the low rate and raise every year. We had our insurance double last year I called and it was because of the stuff out in New Jersey . It doesn't matter what company and we've had a ton of them but I'll guarantee our vehicles get older every year and the rate will go up. No tickets or accidents with me or the wife.

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I have not had my rates change since I went with State Farm, not once so that does not carry through with every company or situation Down2Earth.

Many things factor into the rates for car insurance. One's credit worthiness will also effect ones rates for any type insurance.

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The one thing you need to avoid are the pitches you see that claim you can set your own rates. You get what you pay for and low rates has to mean poorer coverage. Find a local independent agent or two and get your quotes from them. That way if something comes up you can call a real live person and get advice on what to do. Several times my agent as explained that a marginal claim is really going to end up raising my rates to the point where filing a claim would cost more over several years.

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I 2 boy 16 and 18 it cost 1800 a year for liability for two cars. That is good student with no tickets or claims.


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Local agent,I was 1 of his 1st customers when he went into business with his dad right out of highschool so when I walk into his office I always get great service.I drive a 99 Chrysler so no comp coverage but extra liability.When I dropped the comp & collision it cut my rate in half.Saves me $300 a year.I know it's tough to drop some coverage but with that many kids driving it might be worth it to you.

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I'm paying almost $3k/yr for full coverage on 3 vehicles. Supposedly there's 4 dingers (2 speeders and 2 claims) dropping off in a couple months and my insurance is supposed to drop almost $1,000/yr. This is with a 19 y.o. on the policy as well.

I'm currently with Progressive and did the snapshot thing. What a pain in the arse. Constantly had to be reset or replaced because they malfunctioned. The last straw was when the car my son was driving lost all power, mechanical and electrical, while driving 65 mph down the highway. Not sure how or why but the snapshot was taken out and never had a problem with the car again. Progressive tried telling us they needed more information and requested us to keep the modules in the car longer (it was supposed to be a 6 month period). We ended up doing almost a year with their monitoring before I told them enough was enough. Stick to the terms they initially requested or we take our business somewhere else.

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I think it is wise to shop around every few years and when you do this let your current insurance agent know that you are shopping.

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If you use an independent insurance agent they can get you quotes from several different companies as they are not committed to any one provider. This can save you a lot of time. They will also know which companies are going to be more competitive with young driver rates.

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An independent agent will make shopping around a little easier. He'll do all the leg work of comparisons, or at least he should.

When I worked for an insurance company we sold only through independent agents and I found it pretty common that agents weren't comparing rates as widely as they claimed. They all had their favorite insurance companies to work with either because they paid the highest commission or because they were fast and easy to quote and allowed them to service more customers with less work on their end (that's why progressive gets so much business). It was pretty common to find agents only quoting the 2 or maybe 3 companies that paid them the highest commission, the companies paying lower may have a much better rate for you but you'd never know.

Now I say this knowing that not all agents are like this. A good percentage will quote honestly and based on what's best for the customer. But its worth keeping in mind that not everyone does. Just make sure to ask questions about who they quoted and why. Also ask to see if there are maybe other insurers that they could have quoted.

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I second echo trails advise, go with a broker. I have five cars insured. And not as high as yours. They will probably like to see you combine house and other things in your policy to save you over all more money. I have AAA right now with progressive on my baot and camper. So check out the independent agent.

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I have AAA and couldn't be happier. I love the roadside assistant perk. Cost me $50 a year but saves me $75 every 6 months on my vehicle insurance.

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Your right, the roadside is awesome. So far had to have two cars jumped, keys locked in car 100 miles away from other set of keys and battery replace. Well worth the extra money per car.

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Give service a big consideration...you can always find a cheaper insurance but what kind of service are you going to get when you need your insurance most? All insurance companies premiums will have ebbs and flows with their rates...Find someone you can trust that is with a good company and review your coverage every few years to make sure everything is insured properly. Kids are expensive to insure and statistics show they will have an accident and cost the insurance company money.

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oh and roadside assistance is a cheap coverage....my company it runs $1 a month per vehicle!!! Can't beat that for the coverage!!!

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I have not had my rates change since I went with State Farm, not once so that does not carry through with every company or situation Down2Earth.

Many things factor into the rates for car insurance. One's credit worthiness will also effect ones rates for any type insurance.

Well if your rates haven't changed then you are getting raked over the coals still. Unless you are driving vehicles that are so old they really can't lose any more value or you are really driving old vehicles and they are becoming collectors and gaining in value. We have had State Farm and that was back in.....lets see I think it was your rates have increased because of Hurricane Katrina, blah blah blah. Black out the names and dollar amounts on your current policy. Mail it out to five or so other agencies so you can compare apples to apples and I guarantee you will get a cheaper rate somewhere else with the same coverage after being with the same company for 5 years 95% of the time.

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If an insurance company decreased your premium for a vehicle with comp/collision coverage as it got older the upfront premium for that vehicle when new would be crazy expensive!!! That is why your premium can remain the same for years if the base premium doesn't increase or decrease for a company.

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I guarentee you that 100% of the time you could reshop your insurance and find a cheaper insurance company!!! Why because they are always changing their rates and discounts and there are 1000's of companies that are licensed to sell a policy in the state so by the time you find the cheapest and sign up I am willing to bet you could redo it and find something cheaper. But you get what you pay for with insurance in more than one way!!!

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    • leech~~
      When it said. "The foolish man, builds his house upon the sand"? 🫣   Just got back from 10days on the golf of America.  By Panama city Florida.   
    • smurfy
      Venny backstrap and the fixins!
    • SkunkedAgain
      Running on empty at dark on a sled is definitely stress-inducing. Been there, done that. Glad that you made it out.
    • SkunkedAgain
      Eagle swoops are always a hoot to watch.   The snow is mostly gone on the lake. Ice melt made things pretty wet but the ice is obviously still very thick. 
    • LakeofthewoodsMN
      On the South Shore...  The big question:  "How is the ice up at Lake of the Woods?"  That is for each individual resort or outfitter who operates an ice road or trail to answer, but overall, ice conditions are still very good and ice fishing is going strong!  As always, stay on the marked ice  roads and trails for safety.     Being up on the Canadian border, the colder temps Lake of the Woods enjoys vs much of the region combined with three feet of ice makes a big difference.  Fish houses are allowed unattended overnight through March 31st and it sounds like a good number of resorts will be fishing through the month, but ultimately, Mother Nature will determine that.     Regarding the fishing, overall, very good reports for walleyes, saugers and perch.  There is a strong population of smaller walleyes and saugers in the lake which bodes well for the future, but in the meantime, anglers are sorting through them to catch their keepers.   The one-two punch of jigging and deadsticking remains the most effective technique. Jigging spoons with rattles tipped with a minnow head or a lipless crankbait on the jigging line is the ticket.  On the deadstick, a live minnow a foot off the bottom on a plain red hook or medium sized ice fishing jig is catching a lot of fish.   Using electronics is super helpful.  Many nice walleyes are swimming through suspended, keep an eye out.   Anglers tip-up fishing for pike have had a great week and it should continue to get even better.  Suckers, frozen alewife and smelt are working well. Putting baits 1 foot under the ice or right off bottom seems to be effective this week.  Most common depths, 9 - 15 feet. On the Rainy River...  The Rain River is still frozen with no signs of open water yet.  Every year can be different, but on average, the Rainy River will start opening up around the third week of March.  The first boat ramp suitable for larger boats is Nelson Park in Birchdale.  We will keep you posted.    As of March 1st, walleyes and saugers are catch and release only on Four Mile Bay and the Rainy River.     Make plans now for sturgeon season.  Once the open water appears, the fish are super active.  Here are the seasons...   -Catch and Release Season: May 8th – May 15th and October 1 – April 23rd. -Harvest Season: April 24th – May 7th and July 1 – September 30. -Closed Season: May 16th – June 30th.  Up at the Northwest Angle...  Fishing remains very good up at the Angle and the ice is in good shape as well.  As on the south end, resorts monitor ice roads and trails daily and there are still some great ice fishing opportunities available.     Walleyes, saugers, perch, and pike are showing up in good numbers.  Those targeting crappies are reporting good numbers of fish.  Work through a NW Angle resort for ice fishing opportunities on this part of the lake. The walleye and sauger season is open through April 14th. Pike fishing never closes, and perch and crappie remain open year-round as well. Whether booking a day house rental, sleeper fish house, or resort stay, there is still plenty of time to plan a late-season ice fishing adventure. 
    • Wanderer
      Looks like a shallow lake with some potential.  Keepable crappies, decent bluegills and some nice perch according to the last survey (2015). Susan Lake   With a max depth of 10 feet, I’d want to know a little more about it before I’d start drilling holes.  Could be a nice little adventure though.  
    • Brianf.
      Jeff and I fished Saturday and half day Sunday, targeting whitefish, ciscos, crappies, and perch.  The bite was tough for us.  We ecked out a few, but nothing special.  Highlight of the weekend was the sled ride into Wolf Lake and having an eagle swoop in and eat a rock bass we had on the ice.  All in all, not a bad way to waste time.    
    • monstermoose78
    • smurfy
      Smoked polish sausage with some beans!
    • smurfy
      just below the ice???? i was pulling crappies from 30 ft over 43 ft and 23 inches of ice this past weekend.   nice going!!!!!! 👍
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