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Spearfishing - Where are you now?


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Just got finished up with all the clean up details after the rain from Joeys grad party. I smoked/slow cooked three fresh hams for pulled pork,13 hrs I baby sat those hams but it was worth every second mmmmm they were good.

I have a pre-op physical today for a surgery a week from today. Not at all ready for this surgery but it will hopefully take the pain away from my shoulder and let me do a few more things.

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13hrs of smoked ham.... Sounds fantastic!

Good luck with the surgery, hope everything goes well.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

good luck with the surgery gordie !

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Hopefully they are found and someone wasn't low enough to steal from a charity event

Made a point to stop over and check the support our troops event and auction. Wish I hadn't. frown no decoys frown

They now feel that they were indeed pocketed mad it is what it is. But like I said before, it's going to make me much more selective about what I donate items to. Which is very sad, cause I usually don't hesitate to toss items in for charity.

I will get over it, but it stings a bit.

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Well look at the bright side. Whoever took them is going to get an automatic pass to hell.

At least you tried.

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Went to the Hennipen county fair today, because I saw that Rick Whittier was going to be there. He had a tent set up showing how he carves and paints his decoys. Chatted with him and his wife for a few minutes, and they seem like great people. We were the only ones at his tent at first so I got to take my time test swimming and picking out a few new decoys.


These are the new additions to my collection. Oh and if anyone is interested I believe they are going to be there tomorrow as well. I hope everyone is having a great summer.


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Been an expensive weekend... Wrote the check yesterday for a new to me boat since river fishing in the small Jon is going to be difficult this year. It's 17.5' crest liner big, wide, deep. Now I need to get a bow mount and some new batteries. Anyways, it's going to be nice to get back out on big water and chase big pike/ski's again.

With all the rain today the motorcycle ride I promised goose will have to wait, so I been helping her finish up her D.o.t.M. "Perch". She's on her way to NC to see her uncle tomorrow so wants to finish it up today so it is done in June.

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We just shot for total numbers of fish since the lake we were on didnt have really big fish to be able to compete in the big 6 category. We ended up with I think 48 fish total, I think first had like 52 or 53 fish.

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Who came in first?? Sucks I haven't been able to mAKe it to a state shoot in couple years

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Sitting here at my desk in the dark.....

The emergency flood light in the corner should stay on for another 20min or so...

8hr planned full building shut down to rearrange some electrical boxed and add in a new emergency generator for some equipment...

It's going to be a long night...

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That doesn't sound like much fun NG. I'm headed to WI to go to the national Mpls. Moline convention. Old tractors and cold beer. Doesn't get much better then that for me.

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Very nice I gotta get a longer pair like that instead of my short ones, give my back a break

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Nice score!!! Love my tall tongs. Post tentative dates for get to gator I am interested. Sick of catching green fish with modern methods ie: hooks.


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Neighbor Guy and Dorkfish showed up at my place today with these. I can't wait to see that little one get smacked.

Thanks again Matt.

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  • 'we have more fun' FishingMN Builders

Those look like winners !! Awesome work guys!

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My find at a flea market today. And I'm glad I found these first because I seen 3 others and these were the best wife started to say see what I see and I was saying yep.. he had marked at 45 I said take 20 he jumped on it.. now it needs a new rivet how do you guys go about doing it..

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No picture showed up hillbilly.

f your talking of the rivet in a set of tongs? Use a ballpeen hammer in a vise then lay the flat side on it then hit with another hammer on the other side and that should tighten it up. If you want to replace it FF may carry blank rivets and you will need to fit it then you can use a same /similar method as I just described on the install, and a torch for heating it up may help too.

I am still recuperating from surgery and just got stiches removed on Friday. hope to be up and about soon.

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Dang phone yea I found a big pair of tong over knee high and the rivet is shear flat on both sides I'll up load pictures when I get home

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  • The title was changed to Spearfishing - Where are you now?

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