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Does anyone know what the plans are for the Moccasin Point landing? I know they've already started working on it and the state will be closing it for a remodel next year. People like myself with island property really rely on all those docks they have. Will they still have all the docks out there after the remodel? Does anyone know what changes they will be making?


Does anyone know what the plans are for the Moccasin Point landing? I know they've already started working on it and the state will be closing it for a remodel next year. People like myself with island property really rely on all those docks they have. Will they still have all the docks out there after the remodel? Does anyone know what changes they will be making?

It sounds like the island folks use this public landing as their long term parking and access area. Is this right? Instead of paying for parking and access?


That made me laugh out loud!


Here's an article from the Timberjay. http://tinyurl.com/mcdo6fo

One can guess that the new landing will be very similar to the Blackduck Bay landing.


It sounds like the island folks use this public landing as their long term parking and access area. Is this right? Instead of paying for parking and access?

Del, I'm not sure what you mean by long term or where you are going with this. I can't speak for all the island folks, I can only speak for myself. Personally, I pay Moccasin Point Marine to store my boats(Craig & Brenly are awesome people by the way). When I come up to the cabin on a weekend, I will park my truck in the huge parking area at the Moccasin Point access. Do you know of any public access that does charge for landing a boat or parking? Are you suggesting they install parking meters?

Skibo - Thank you for the info. This is what I was looking for.


So you can leave truck and trailer for a week or so, while out at your cabin? I read about the plans and it sounded from the comments like folks in the area get to use it as their access for free, instead of making their own arrangements like folks in some other areas of the lake.

I've got friends with water access place on west end. It is costing them a fair amount to have a place to leave their car and trailer while on the island, and tie up their boat when they run to town.


So you can leave truck and trailer for a week or so, while out at your cabin? I read about the plans and it sounded from the comments like folks in the area get to use it as their access for free, instead of making their own arrangements like folks in some other areas of the lake.

I've got friends with water access place on west end. It is costing them a fair amount to have a place to leave their car and trailer while on the island, and tie up their boat when they run to town.

I take it for some reason this upsets you?

Again, speaking only for myself... I park only my truck there, not trailer. As I mentioned, I PAY for storage at Moccasin Point Marine, just like many, many others.

It's unfortunate that there isn't a good landing close to your friends place. This was definitely a consideration for me when I purchased my cabin 3 years ago, and I feel like it was reflected in the purchase price. Location, location, location.

I was just looking to see if anyone knew what the plans are.

Merry Christmas everyone.



I have a place on Big Lake on the Echo Trail that is water access only and I use the public landing when I am up there. I'm not sure why that isn't ok. Also I'm not up there every weekend in the summer but if I was should that matter? Not trying to start anything just asking some questions.


Been on many a trip where I have left my truck at public landing 3-4 days never a problem. IMHO if you have to pay a fee to park truck and trailer it is not public I should add that I have paid for parking at a marina or resort again not a public access just my opinion. Take it anyway you want public landings no fee if afee is required its not public its private


Been on many a trip where I have left my truck at public landing 3-4 days never a problem. IMHO if you have to pay a fee to park truck and trailer it is not public I should add that I have paid for parking at a marina or resort again not a public access just my opinion. Take it anyway you want public landings no fee if afee is required its not public its private

My sentiments also!



I've used the Moccasin Pt Ramp once and were were doing a shorelunch trip to Bystrom Bay and a little fishing with 3 kids (4,3,1) my friend and his pregnant wife and myself and my wife and we could barely find a place to park because of all the over night vehicles. We had to park up on the side of the road. Needless to say I wasn't real pleased with the situation so I don't use that access anymore.


I guess I don't understand the logic that people shouldn't use the PUBLIC ramps if they have a water access cabin and intend on leaving their vehicle at the ramp for more than a day. I don't see the distinction between these individuals and anyone else using those ramps. These are public ramps paid for by everyone paying taxes and are first come first serve and as long as they are being used for their intended purpose, launching boats, why should it matter how long they park there? If this bothers you what about guides that don't live on the lake and use the public ramps nearly every day of the open water season from before sunup to many times long after sundown? I have no problem with either since these are public ramps, but I am trying to understand where this line of thinking comes from.



I do not understand their way of thinking either, I fish every weekend during the summer and use PUBLIC access also I work and pay taxes so I can use them and I rarely ever get a parking spot close I always have to walk a ways and I do not have a problem with it. I wonder how much more those island folk pay in property tax then me. If you don't like the busy access's then go to one that's not so busy.


Since we are giving opinions/complaints on public launches, I'll provide my complaint on the launch on Oak Narrows. Parking is available both on the street and in a quite large lot some distance from the launch. The parking areas also serve Timbucktu Marine and general store. The public launch serves many cabin owners on Oak Island and other boat only cabins. These cabin owners often take up the nearby parking spots on the street for days on end. This forces me to park in the remote lot, walk up to 1/4 mile (maybe in the rain) just to buy some milk or bait at the store. Why not designate the limited nearby street parking spots for 1 hour parking only and have the long term parking in the remote lot (where there is ample parking space)?


I am not coming down hard one way or another but think of it this way:

There is certainly a convenience factor for a water-access cabin owner to park in a public access. Now, if the busy public access lot is full there is significant inconvenience for those 'short-timers' who need to walk 'a quarter of a mile' back to the ramp. Moreover, the delay in clearing out a dock or mooring area caused by this situation affects a larger number of people.

A parking space at a busy public ramp may serve 2 - 3 parties a day. Over the course of a long weekend 6-8 people may have been directly inconvenienced and any number have been indirectly affected in order that one person has easy access.

In the grand scheme of things, if the cabin owner takes a prime location is it a big deal? No, of course not. But, on the other hand, neither is walking a little bit in order to make things a little better for someone else.


Since we are giving opinions/complaints on public launches, I'll provide my complaint on the launch on Oak Narrows. Parking is available both on the street and in a quite large lot some distance from the launch. The parking areas also serve Timbucktu Marine and general store. The public launch serves many cabin owners on Oak Island and other boat only cabins. These cabin owners often take up the nearby parking spots on the street for days on end. This forces me to park in the remote lot, walk up to 1/4 mile (maybe in the rain) just to buy some milk or bait at the store. Why not designate the limited nearby street parking spots for 1 hour parking only and have the long term parking in the remote lot (where there is ample parking space)?

Very good idea! That certainly would save a few hard feelings and make it more convenient for day trippers!



Makes sense to me. They could also post them no overnight parking of course someone would have to monitor the parking have seen postings like this at lower level parking lot at van vac landing on burntside which has many water access only cabins


Don't forget that Mocc. Point also serves as the closest landing to Trout Lake Portage, meaning that there are vehicles there belonging to campers staying 3+ days.

Overall, a bit of a unique situation and I can see both sides. Best solution is to conduct a summer long survey of vehicle days spent in the lot...might reveal how many cabin/homeowners are actually using the landing.

If the landing/parking lot is truly being used as super-long or super often parking for cabin owners (or anyone else for that matter, i.e. carpooling lot) it might be stretching the meaning of "public" and legislatively designated purpose of the landing and parking lot.

An examination of the actual funding for the landing could be interesting. It comes from boat registrations and fishing licenses? Boat registration is how much? I seriously cannot remember...$30? 30 bucks a year or a summer for long term parking is a crazy wild bargain. $30 a year for a few of fishing day trips or a week in Trout Lake? Frankly - still a bargain.

Cabin owners also pay property taxes, however. If the landing is being rebuilt as part of a state bonding bill, that could be a part of it. the property tax also pays part of the County's road maintenance to the landing. Although, the road is a State-Aid road, meaning state gas taxes are actually paying a huge cost for the road, too.

So...what good is a boat landing without a road to it? Another twist.

Bottom line...I believe if cabin owner & guest parking is actually dominating the parking lot and preventing others' use of it...then it is an issue. If not...who cares?


For those that haven't been there, the Moccasin Point public access parking are is huge. Its not paved with designated parking spots like most ramps. Its just a huge area where you park wherever you can find room. I've never had an issue finding a place to park. As gunflint said, its also the parking for the Trout Lake portage. I don't know what the DNRs plans are, but there is plenty of room for them to make ample parking for everyone.


Did the DNR buy the entire site when it went up for sale something like 20 acres? With the docks on the north shore? It's too bad that the restaurant got tore down. I enjoyed stopping in for a drink and gas up the sleds. I don't use the landing but I see a lot of vehicles parked there in the summer. I think most of the people that use the landing are campers going to Trout and cabin owners on Islands. I would think the DNR would develop the site so everyone can still use the landing as they have in the past.


Wait until next year when all the Moccasin Pt. users move to the Blackduck access, it will be more than full. Glad I only use it twice a year...

  • 11 years later...

Gonna revive an old topic after seeing an announcement from MN DNR about improvements/upgrades to Moccasin Point. Read 2+ million dollars invested but didn't see any detail plans. Anyone have the inside scoop?




Moccasin Point upgrade has longtime users concerned

DNR hopes to get major remake of key access underway later this year


Posted Thursday, March 20, 2025 10:36 am


Marshall Helmberger

LAKE VERMILION— With funding finally in place, the Department of Natural Resources is planning to move forward with an estimated $2-plus million renovation of the Moccasin Point landing, and users of the site say they’re concerned about the changes.
The landing has been heavily used for decades by anglers, Boundary Waters visitors, residents of nearby islands and other remote-access properties on Lake Vermilion and, perhaps most critically, by emergency responders for everything from fire to medical response. Moccasin Point has also been a protected harbor for private barges loading and unloading as they service the many water-access properties in the area.
Sarah Schmidt, who spends summers with her husband Jake at their cabin on nearby Pine Island, said there’s a lot at stake for people who depend on the landing. “A lot of people have designed their dream home around having access to that landing,” she said. “People need propane, they need lumber, and if they need to install a septic system, they need lots of gravel,” she said. For the many hundreds of island or other water-access property owners on the lake, all of that material comes by barge. Moccasin Point is particularly well suited for such use, since it is arguably the most protected harbor on Lake Vermilion, with islands and mainland protecting it from wind from just about any direction. It’s also centrally located on the sprawling lake and close to concentrations of island homes and cabins.
Scott Kelling, northeast regional manager for DNR Parks and Trails, said the plans for the reconstruction of the landing are still being finalized, but insisted they will take into account the unique mix of recreational and commercial use of the landing, including use by all three of the barging companies that service customers on the lake.
According to Kelling, the remake of the landing will include removal of the old pier and the reconstruction of a new one in nearly the same location. “The new pier will serve the same function,” said Kelling, and will include an additional ramp that will be dedicated for barge loading and off-loading. Kelling said an engineer’s inspection of the existing pier determined it was near the end of its useful life, although Schmidt said she thinks that opinion reflects the DNR’s desire to remove the structure rather than its actual condition.
Kelling acknowledges that it’s not the only reason for replacing the structure. “With our redesign it’s just not in the right location,” he said.
Adequate parking is another major concern of longtime users of Moccasin Point. Tim Logan, whose family has owned island property near the landing since the 1950s, said plans the DNR had shared a few years ago seemed to show less parking than is typically used at the site. Schmidt notes that during high-traffic weekends, the parking area is frequently full and overflow parking can extend for hundreds of feet along Moccasin Point Rd. She said she counted 163 vehicles parked at the landing at one point last Memorial Day weekend and said there are routinely 90-100 vehicles during the summer season.
Many of the regular users of the landing, particularly those on island properties, use the site for long-term parking of their vehicles for days, weeks, or months at a time. That’s unusual at public landings, which are typically limited to day use.
Kelling said the DNR is making an exception to that rule for Moccasin Point, given the many varied uses of the unique property. “Overnight parking will be allowed,” he said.
Kelling said the current plan will allow parking for a bit over 100 vehicles, which is more than some original plans for the site. “We’re doing everything we can to maximize the parking there, at some considerable expense,” he said.
Longstanding issues
Kelling said the DNR’s plan for reconstruction is motivated by a desire to “manage the site more responsibly on a number of fronts.” The DNR acquired the site in 2008 and had planned to undertake reconstruction of the landing back in 2013 but lacked the funds at the time to accomplish the work. The funding was approved in 2023 and the DNR has been working on design of the project ever since.
According to Kelling, the site has operated essentially as a “free-for-all” for years, with uses and resource impacts that aren’t typically permitted at DNR-managed access points. “There are currently a number of transgressions out there,” said Kelling, including long-term storage of personal property and building materials. He said the site, which slopes toward the lake, also contributes large amounts of sediment into Vermilion during heavy rainfall. “We need to better manage the stormwater,” said Kelling. “Currently, a lot of sediment and other things end up in the lake when it rains.”
Schmidt questions whether the change will be an improvement, since the DNR’s reconstruction of the site will convert the existing grassy hillside that currently serves as the site’s parking lot into a paved parking area.
Kelling said the parking area will be leveled before being paved and that stormwater will be directed into one of two planned stormwater ponds in order to contain sediment. Schmidt claims the ponds will become a mosquito breeding ground.
Kelling said he expects the final design will be completed soon and he is expecting to hold an open house in early summer so interested users can see what’s planned for the site. He expects actual construction to begin sometime in October if all goes as planned. That initial work will include blasting of some underlying bedrock in order to level the site.
But most of the work will take place in 2026, he said, and during that period, it may be difficult to maintain public use of the site, although he said use of the site by barges should still be possible, with potentially some minor delays. But he said other users of the site may want to explore other access options for that summer. Kelling said he hopes to have more information on that at the open house later this year. “A goal of the open house is to really share the timeline and alternatives for users,” he said. “They might need to park somewhere else in 2026.”

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    • SkunkedAgain
      https://www.timberjay.com/stories/moccasin-point-upgrade-has-longtime-users-concerned,22802   Moccasin Point upgrade has longtime users concerned DNR hopes to get major remake of key access underway later this year Posted Thursday, March 20, 2025 10:36 am   Marshall Helmberger LAKE VERMILION— With funding finally in place, the Department of Natural Resources is planning to move forward with an estimated $2-plus million renovation of the Moccasin Point landing, and users of the site say they’re concerned about the changes. The landing has been heavily used for decades by anglers, Boundary Waters visitors, residents of nearby islands and other remote-access properties on Lake Vermilion and, perhaps most critically, by emergency responders for everything from fire to medical response. Moccasin Point has also been a protected harbor for private barges loading and unloading as they service the many water-access properties in the area. Sarah Schmidt, who spends summers with her husband Jake at their cabin on nearby Pine Island, said there’s a lot at stake for people who depend on the landing. “A lot of people have designed their dream home around having access to that landing,” she said. “People need propane, they need lumber, and if they need to install a septic system, they need lots of gravel,” she said. For the many hundreds of island or other water-access property owners on the lake, all of that material comes by barge. Moccasin Point is particularly well suited for such use, since it is arguably the most protected harbor on Lake Vermilion, with islands and mainland protecting it from wind from just about any direction. It’s also centrally located on the sprawling lake and close to concentrations of island homes and cabins. Scott Kelling, northeast regional manager for DNR Parks and Trails, said the plans for the reconstruction of the landing are still being finalized, but insisted they will take into account the unique mix of recreational and commercial use of the landing, including use by all three of the barging companies that service customers on the lake. According to Kelling, the remake of the landing will include removal of the old pier and the reconstruction of a new one in nearly the same location. “The new pier will serve the same function,” said Kelling, and will include an additional ramp that will be dedicated for barge loading and off-loading. Kelling said an engineer’s inspection of the existing pier determined it was near the end of its useful life, although Schmidt said she thinks that opinion reflects the DNR’s desire to remove the structure rather than its actual condition. Kelling acknowledges that it’s not the only reason for replacing the structure. “With our redesign it’s just not in the right location,” he said. Adequate parking is another major concern of longtime users of Moccasin Point. Tim Logan, whose family has owned island property near the landing since the 1950s, said plans the DNR had shared a few years ago seemed to show less parking than is typically used at the site. Schmidt notes that during high-traffic weekends, the parking area is frequently full and overflow parking can extend for hundreds of feet along Moccasin Point Rd. She said she counted 163 vehicles parked at the landing at one point last Memorial Day weekend and said there are routinely 90-100 vehicles during the summer season. Many of the regular users of the landing, particularly those on island properties, use the site for long-term parking of their vehicles for days, weeks, or months at a time. That’s unusual at public landings, which are typically limited to day use. Kelling said the DNR is making an exception to that rule for Moccasin Point, given the many varied uses of the unique property. “Overnight parking will be allowed,” he said. Kelling said the current plan will allow parking for a bit over 100 vehicles, which is more than some original plans for the site. “We’re doing everything we can to maximize the parking there, at some considerable expense,” he said. Longstanding issues Kelling said the DNR’s plan for reconstruction is motivated by a desire to “manage the site more responsibly on a number of fronts.” The DNR acquired the site in 2008 and had planned to undertake reconstruction of the landing back in 2013 but lacked the funds at the time to accomplish the work. The funding was approved in 2023 and the DNR has been working on design of the project ever since. According to Kelling, the site has operated essentially as a “free-for-all” for years, with uses and resource impacts that aren’t typically permitted at DNR-managed access points. “There are currently a number of transgressions out there,” said Kelling, including long-term storage of personal property and building materials. He said the site, which slopes toward the lake, also contributes large amounts of sediment into Vermilion during heavy rainfall. “We need to better manage the stormwater,” said Kelling. “Currently, a lot of sediment and other things end up in the lake when it rains.” Schmidt questions whether the change will be an improvement, since the DNR’s reconstruction of the site will convert the existing grassy hillside that currently serves as the site’s parking lot into a paved parking area. Kelling said the parking area will be leveled before being paved and that stormwater will be directed into one of two planned stormwater ponds in order to contain sediment. Schmidt claims the ponds will become a mosquito breeding ground. Kelling said he expects the final design will be completed soon and he is expecting to hold an open house in early summer so interested users can see what’s planned for the site. He expects actual construction to begin sometime in October if all goes as planned. That initial work will include blasting of some underlying bedrock in order to level the site. But most of the work will take place in 2026, he said, and during that period, it may be difficult to maintain public use of the site, although he said use of the site by barges should still be possible, with potentially some minor delays. But he said other users of the site may want to explore other access options for that summer. Kelling said he hopes to have more information on that at the open house later this year. “A goal of the open house is to really share the timeline and alternatives for users,” he said. “They might need to park somewhere else in 2026.”
    • smurfy
      i wanna change mine to the 29th of april...........i've been seeing ice reports to much up that way. 🙄
    • leech~~
      Agreed, but I had a bit of a technicality and had to change.   You!  🤣
    • CigarGuy
      I think once you guess your date, that should be it. If you can change right up to their date, that kind of takes the fun out of it.....in my humble opinion! Let vote on it!😀
    • leech~~
      OK April 25TH  
    • JerkinLips
      As long as we haven't reached the date you originally chose, you can change your guess to any open date.  At least those are the rules for my "big dollar" raffle board.   Always fun to keep guessing the ice-out date on Vermilion as the melting season progresses.  This is our first year living on a lake (150 acre shallow lake between Duluth and Ely) so I am enjoying watching the melting process on our lake.   Board is updated below.  Dates are slowly disappearing but many middle dates are still available.  
    • mbeyer
      Gonna revive an old topic after seeing an announcement from MN DNR about improvements/upgrades to Moccasin Point. Read 2+ million dollars invested but didn't see any detail plans. Anyone have the inside scoop?
    • leech~~
      I hear yea, I've got way to much shot shells laying around. I've been known to shoot some old lead duck loads at grouse!  🤭   To bad there's no good old Sportsman swaps like Twig use to have. Great place to unload sporting goods "overstock" 🤗
    • Wanderer
      I took about 1.5 cases and came back with about 1 case.  I wanted to burn up some cheap shells I bought for a North Dakota trip several years ago.  After the first day of ripping through as many of those as I could, I switched over to my good stuff, shot less, and got more birds.   So I still have 6-7 boxes of shells I don’t even want to have around anymore.  I don’t think I even got through a second box of good shells.   The cheap shells are Estate BB; the good ones for me are Black Cloud 2’s for geese.  BC 4s for ducks.
    • leech~~
      How many shells did you bring? How many did you come home with?  
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