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Did I over react?

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I live on a small lake. I was out fishing last weekend. I see a boat going really close to my shoreline. I then see one guy jump off the boat and run onto shore. I make my way over there and the guy was taking a dump on my shoreline. I was mad and went off the guy. Keep in mind this is a rural lake with only 2 or 3 houses on the whole lake. In my opinion he didn't need to go right by my house. The guy says that's what people do when they are hunting and fishing and that I should get over it. I was a little upset!


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That's nasty, I would have been upset too. Just like a dog, make him clean it up.

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The fact is he is trespassing just by being on your shoreline without permission, besides what he did when he was there. You did not over react. I would have done the same. Get the boat registration # for a TIP call, or a call to the sheriff, if it happens again. Seems like there are too many slobs out there.

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That's disgusting. How could you not over react. Suprised he didn't ask you to bring him some TP and the paper. lol

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If you let him leave without the pile he created then I'd you say you under reacted.

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If you let him leave without the pile he created then I'd you say you under reacted.

What he said.

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This is too funny. I've seen people hang over the gunwall and let a floater go. Not sure which is worse.

If you don't want to deal with the authorities keep a paintball gun handy. Give him a few welts on his behind as he is running towards his boat with his pants around his ankles. I bet that'll teach him.

To answer your question I would say you under reacted.

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I would've ended up in jail over that one...unreal how disrespectful some people are. I don't condone violence, but not sure I could have stopped myself from pounding on his melon if he didn't apologize and clean it up.

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Eh. if it was right in front of your place like in your yard then yeah go off on the fella. In the woods, or down the shorline a ways, I would have had a good chuckle and just told them to stay off my land from now on.

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Ziesmer, I think you deserve some votes towards sainthood. I go off when the guy leaving the access or pulling his kids behind the boat runs my line over when we try to fish from the dock (I'm not proud of it). We have a place on the lake and a lot of times I yell at the offenders saying "We are trying to enjoy the lake too". How hard is it to see someone fishing on a dock and give them a little room? It doesn't occur to them that anyone else is also trying to enjoy the lake. Some serious SARS syndrome folks out there. They really get an ear full if my kids are swimming and they drive right next to the dock. There should be a class that everyone takes called 'don't be a selfish A-hole'. Sorry last weekend got me a bit cranky with the inconsiderate boaters.

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Minnesota Statutes: One who defecates on private land without permission of the owner is guilty of Terd Trespassing and subject to a suitable fine. Dumping without permission on private land is considered a Foul Felony. Squatting on anothers land is deemed illegal squatting and the squattor is subject to appropriate punishment. Shoreline squatting is grounds for spud gun blasting.

Note however: anyone who has consumed too many prunes; has eaten a bad greasy pizza or who has drank too many warm German beers is deemed to have an Elimination Emergency and is qualified to go where and when neccessary.

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Some of the posts here suggest that anything short of the image below would be "under-reacting"


In seriousness... is the land posted? is it obviously private property there? You mentioned the lake is small/remoteish and has only a handful of homes on it... could this be a simple case of confusion?

If I were you I would have made a joke about it with the offender, and made sure he picked up after himself, and of course asked them kindly to find another place to do their biz.

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Minnesota Statutes: One who defecates on private land without permission of the owner is guilty of Terd Trespassing and subject to a suitable fine. Dumping without permission on private land is considered a Foul Felony. Squatting on anothers land is deemed illegal squatting and the squattor is subject to appropriate punishment. Shoreline squatting is grounds for spud gun blasting.

Note however: anyone who has consumed too many prunes; has eaten a bad greasy pizza or who has drank too many warm German beers is deemed to have an Elimination Emergency and is qualified to go where and when neccessary.

heh. Good old nanny fanny state and its laws.

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Should have grabbed a shovel, got in your boat and chased him down. Tossed it in his boat and said "Here, you forgot something."

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Guess I would have got the numbers off the boat then found out his address and returned to him what he left behind wink

Seriously I would have called the Sherriff for trespass violations and also would have phoned the DNR.

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Holly dump!!

You are a far better man than me! I would of rubbed his nose it!

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If that had been me he probably would have gotten reacquainted with that pile when he got back to the landing and found it had migrated across the lake and right onto the hood of his truck.

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If you ever get the number tracked down, don't worry about hauling it over there. Haul your own over and return the favor, if you know what I mean.


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The right thing to do would be to call the Sheriff, but I might not have handled it like that...

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Good lord you guys get worked up...... I would have laughed my a$$ off and gave the guy a shovel to clean it up with

Dispatch: What is your emergency?

Owner: Somebody just dropped a greaser off on my rip rap!

Dispatch: Okay sir, please remain calm. Are you in a safe location?

Owner: I think so, but it smells really bad! Please send the sheriff and paramedics!

Dispatch: Okay sir, EMS is on the way with 2 tablets of Imodium for the "alleged duece dropper" and a beer for you to chill the eff out.....We have other things to worry about...... he $hit on your land Sir, he didn't steal your boat......... gringrin

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You would have a good laugh if someone took a dump on your land? OK?... Personally not funny to me. Very selfish and disrespectful not to mention illegal. If the guy was having an emergency and couldn't hold it fine, but at least find somewhere out in the trees and not right under this guys poor nose next to his house!!

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