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MN bear guide recomendations


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I am planing on taking my son on a archery bear hunt for the year 2014. We applied in zone 99 this year to gain a preference point in hopes that next year we would get drawn. The million dollar question is a guide recommendation. I have never bear hunted before and thought the guide idea would be the route to go for the first time. My son and I would base camp out of the Tower Mn area as we have a cabin in the vicinity. If you could recommend a guide based on your experience or even a guide that you would stay away from based on a previous experience in this area would be helpful as well. Please PM me if you are more comfortable that way with your response. Thank you.

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First step would be to check the MN DNR web page - Bear hunting - Guides- They have a complete list of current guides, address', etc...From there you can probably determine which ones would likely be ones guiding in the BMU you plan to hunt...Make up your prospective list, call them for rates and openings...

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Pm me what your looking fo in a hunt. I'm a guide myself. I know the good guys an the bad. Ill put you in touch with a good one

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I got a good buddy in Ely, Mn that is a bear guide. PM me and I'll give you his Info.

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So, if you're basing out of the Tower area, you could be applying in one of three areas...24 - 25, or 31.....On the DNR bear page there are only 3 bear guides listed that are realativley close to all three of these zones...they are all from Cook....so, you got three choices, unless some new guides pop up between now and next year...you can get the contact info right of the DNR site...make some calls, find out if they even guide in the zone you're hunting, Apparently no one on here has ever used a guide in the Tower - Cook Areas....

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I think you maybe correct on no one using a guide up here.

Thanks anyway.

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That DNR page isn't updated. In 3 months there will be a hundred guys in there.

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Yea, it usually goes up in numbers, but not until it gets closer to the actual season...alot of guides wait to purchase thier outfitter license until they know they'll have enough hunters to make it work for the current season...But, I would think that with all the new hub bub the guides gotta go through, tests, cpr certification, etc...they'd be showing up a little sooner this year, if they're gonna show up at all!! In the meantime if you're looking for a guide, you only have the choices on the DNR list for now...but you got a year and a half before you're hunt, if you get drawn then...So, lots of time to do research on guides in your area of choice...I've watched this guide list for the past 10 years or so and there are always "some" on the list in the spring...and for the most part they are the same guides from year to year...I would assume that these are guides who always know they will be guiding...probably do guiding for other game and probably fishing and other stuff as well...closer to fall when the rest of the outfitters start showing up on the list I've noticed many of the same ones from year to year, with most years, "a few missing"...then the next year the ones missing from the previous year show up again, and maybe someone else is missing...That says nothing of their experiance or reliability...it's just that they prefer to purchase their outfitter license closer to the season...just like many of us wait to purchase our fishing or certain hunting license until we're on the way!

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Frank House Bear Guide service. His home base is between Lake Kabetogama and Ray Minnesota off of hwy 53. I know him personally and have hunted and trapped with him. He has been guiding bears in the area for I think 20-30 years. Born and raised. He is also a fishing guide full time on Lake Kabetogama and Namakan. We use him a lot at our resort. If you choose to go with frank I could also work a lodging deal with you at our resort on Kab. Frank can be reached at 218-875-3051. I can be reached at 1-800-331-5694 or email the resort at [email protected]. My name is Casey

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I've hunted the Tower area zones 25 and 31 for 15 years now. With a guide, and mostly without. If you want to discuss it feel free to email me. I couldn't put it in a PM as it says your account is over the PM limit? Don't know what exactly that means...Our party all has a preference point, so are hoping to draw this season, if not we will likely be hunting in 2014. [email protected]

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  • Your Responses - Share & Have Fun :)

    • delcecchi
      TrueNorth, were there supposed to be videos on your post?
    • Hookmaster
      Dandy fish Brian. Has some shoulders!!   Awesome sunset pic, TrueNorth!!
    • TrueNorth
      We were on Crane Lake last week until this past Saturday.  The amount of water pouring in via the Vermilion River was staggering.     Video 1: Vermilion Falls Video 2: Vermilion Gorge  Pice 3: SunSet on Crane June 26th VermilionFalls.MOV VermilionGorge.MOV
    • Brianf.
      MarkB alluded to this in his earlier post, but 'the bite' seems to have experienced a big setback with all the recent rains and flooding. The mayfly hatch and a water temperature drop - 65 degrees this morning - probably didn't help either.  I got a few decent walleyes this weekend, though not many.  Only one 'over'.  The fish seemed to have made a huge move and largely vacated the shallows.  What little walleye success I had was in 15' to 20'.      The tough bite prompted me to switch species and I was fortunate to luck into two muskies (48" & 46").  Both fish ate at the boat right at dark.  The larger of the two ate the bait as it was dangling in the water at my rod tip while I leaned down to adjust the brightness on my graph.  Talk about a surprise!     Hoping things begin to normalize and the bite improves for all those coming up for the holiday weekend. 
    • smurfy
      yea its going to be interesting to see the changes when i get up there!!!!!
    • Kettle
      Highest I can recall seeing water. I know any lake that is river fed with a river downstream are intentionally holding water with their dams to prevent any additional run off into the Mississippi down state. Has made fishing interesting finding fish in new areas. Weeds are coming up and we've found walleye on inside weedlines in some very shallow and peculiar areas. Many docks underwater and see sections floating here and there
    • Hookmaster
      Bazinga Kettle!!
    • smurfy
      know a guy on Sand lake......he figures the water has come up 16-18 inches this spring. i wont be up again till july 8th........reckon i'm gonna need to pull the dock in some!!!!!
    • Kettle
      My boat is back in the shop due to ongoing issues. However my buddy took me out and we were hunting piggies 🐷 This one just barley eclipsed 29"
    • smurfy
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