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Lake Vermilion Fishing Reports by Casey's Guide Service (Everything else too)

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I heard there were a few trucks up at the waster skips yesterday. I'm sure they are out there again today? Never been to the water skips so that's second hand info. I would think you would be ok with an ATV in most areas?

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Casey, that walleye has a huge head. Nice fish.

With the cold weather this weekend, all of the wet stuff on the lake froze up solid, so the shorelines should be fine for an ATV now. However, with no snow cover left, any sunshine will melt south facing shorelines quickly.

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Should be safe for AYV's for at least another week.


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South facing to me is saying the same thing as north, you just read that wrong. Thanks for the updates, I drove around the lake a bit today, looked pretty darn solid yet!

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  • 2 weeks later...


This is simply great ~~~~ now anyone can tune in to see Cartoons!

Beep, Beep.

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  • 3 weeks later...

You talking about the picture of sasquatch and the four dogs fishing or what? I don't get it.

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Thanks, Casey. This is the time when I stock up, too. What else are you going to do? I took notes on your hooks to use in my annual Cabelas order. I already have too many spinners rigged up too!

See you on the lake in a few weeks,


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Well, lots of stuff and nothing in particular. Fish if I can, work, keep the wife happy until she becomes a seasonal widow.. (Anniversary tomorrow so I know there are no seasons!).. etc. My head is still spinning from reading the hatchery thread sorry, you guys are too smart for me. ALMOST HERE!!!!!

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Thanks for the posts and congrats on being picked to guide the LT. Gov.!

ST. PAUL, Minn. (April 29, 2015) – A pair of accomplished anglers from the Lake Vermilion area will host Gov. Mark Dayton and Lt. Gov. Tina Smith for the 2015 Minnesota Governor’s Fishing Opener on Saturday, May 9. Tim “Buck” Lescarbeau will fish with Gov. Dayton, and Casey Sunsdahl will fish with Lt. Gov. Smith.

Casey Sunsdahl has been fishing on Lake Vermilion for as long as he can remember, and first served as a guide at the 2005 Governor’s Fishing Opener. Born and raised and still residing in Soudan, Casey is passionate about local stewardship and providing a safe and enjoyable experience out on the water.

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Casey - congratulations on being selected to guide the Lt. Gov. Hope you out-fish the Governor.

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Thank you, thank you!!! I've been busy doing honey doos with the nice weather, haven't checked in.. come fishing season, then duck season, then whatever excuse I can find to be outside season.. I wont have time for projects!! I have been hitting it hard! Don't tell the boss.. Ill touch base again with her come November. Always best from the source.


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I also extend my congrats for being chosen to host the Lt. Gov. I will be a "host boat" this week-end as well. Since I mostly fish the West end, I would appreciate any tips you can provide to me fishing the East end with my guests. Thanks for the reports.

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Come and introduce yourself Thursday I will share what I can.. I'll be out on the water the next couple days sniffing around! Mark B, are you a boat host by chance?

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I volunteered to be a host boat also. I'm looking forward to meeting everyone at the banquet and the other events.

Good luck on the opener everyone!


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No Casey, I am not a boat host. Just my wife and myself as usual.

Good Fishing,

MarkB smile

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You've got a good fishing partner for sure Mark. Hopefully the weather holds out should be decent fishing.

Look forward to meeting some of you guys!

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Was nice meeting many of you at the Gov. Fishing Opener. It was a great event, everyone had a phenomenal time! We had a great morning once they got the feel for things and we even got a few doubles just before heading in for shore lunch. The Lt. Gov. caught her first fish EVER and I showed her how to make it look like a hog for the cameras :whistle:. We had steady action and lots of swinging and missing  :cry: !! She took a early two fish lead and Gov. Dayton proclaimed that her limit would only be two for the day on our two-way radios! Sure enough he caught several and stole the show! They ended up fishing an extra hour they were having so much fun! The afternoon we caught twice the fish in just a couple hours. Boy did the fish cooperate! I fished with the Vikings yesterday and it was great as well! A bit windy but we survived.. One of the guys fished with you Dan, said he had a great time! Thanks so much to everyone for helping out, hopefully the start to a fun season!

Cheers! :D


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  • 3 weeks later...

Casey, I am a long time follower of the Vermilion board and have greatly appreciated the posts that you and all the other guides and residents of the lake continue to make!  Thank you.  I hope this is not out of line to ask a question as "newbie".  I will be happy to share my bass reports in the future!

My family has a cabin on Bear Island, about 1/2 hour away from Tower.  I have started to bass fish Vermilion and hope to get over there a lot more.

I believe you and Ace spend some time bass fishing and I saw that you had taken people bass fishing this week.  1st, are you willing to take a guy strictly bass fishing for the day and 2nd, can you comment on what was working these past couple of days?



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Yeah I would do a bass trip, that's what I did the other day.. wacky rigged senkos worked well fished slowly, some would follow a bit before they committed so it wasn't as good as it can be!.. we caught around 30 averaging 16".. Biggest was 18.5".



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I bow done to Casey as a fisherman, but I was up all last week and the best bass fishing I have ever had, we caught a ton of big fish my buddy got a 21.5 incher that he is having a replica made.  Similary Senkos worked well, rebel crawfish crank, and a carolina rigged craw was the best artifical bait, but a worm under a slip proved to be the best bait.  Canfields portage proved to be our best spot and produced huge fish 4 days in a row.  And I was wondering are others seeing a pickup in Northerns we caught a lot of Northerns for the week.

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