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2011-2012 Gophers

Scott M

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HAHAHAHA What a joke! I could go on a huge rant right now, but everything has probably been said in other posts from similar games... Rodney seems scared to be a playmaker at end of games.

Left side of the floor totally cleared out for Williams twice in the final few minutes, and he just passes it back out to the top... And how many times did we just weave around until 8 seconds to shoot?... And if we ever did get it in on the post, Ralphie found a way to roll it around on the floor... Sheesh.

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Left side of the floor totally cleared out for Williams twice in the final few minutes, and he just passes it back out to the top... And how many times did we just weave around until 8 seconds to shoot?... And if we ever did get it in on the post, Ralphie found a way to roll it around on the floor... Sheesh.

Exactly! They get him completed isolated with just him and his defender with 8 seconds left on the shotclock, and what does he do? Tries to get rid of the ball like it's a hot potato. They were in the bonus, a hard drive to the bucket likely would've brought a fairly uncontested layup, or a couple free throws.

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I think the blue bow ties were for black prostate cancer awareness if I caught what they said correctly. I too don't know why I continue to torture myself watching these games especially when I know how they're gonna turn out no matter how large the lead is against any team with half a chance. I've been watching Gopher's games since the late 60's when we had a black and white TV and I just don't get it. There is no fire, no killer instinct and certainly no idea about how to close out a game. Putting up that 3 pt. air ball when the shot clock was off with that much time left on it took everyone by surprise. Absolutely assinine. I may watch the Nebraska game but anything else, they have zero chance to win so it is a waste of time. Screw it.

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It all starts and ends with the coach. I can't figure out how anybody can defend Tubby; his players dont develop, he has 0 tourney wins, he rarely makes the tourney, his is not bringing in top tier talent (both '12 recruits are 3 star recruits), he blames his players, his teams have no clue toward the end of the game....that boys, is coaching. Sure a team can blow it here or there at the end of the game, but if it is a habit, that is coaching. His offense is awful....how many times did they have NO CLUE in that game? Oh man, I am just disgusted. I have refrained from even reading this thread for awhile, but I just had to chime in. I cannot believe I am considering not watching them. Like Dotch, I have been watching them for a long time (although not the 60's, I aint as old as that ol' dinosaur Dotch!). I totally agree Tubby keeps running off good players. Does it happen once in awhile? Sure, but guess what, not as much as it happens to us. Please name all the guys who have transferred in under Tubby? I cant think of one. And dont forget, they ran him out of Kentucky for the same basic stuff. Fire him!

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We (the u), needs better players and better coaching. If Trevor comes back strong next year, he will be one of the few players that could help them get to the dance. If nothing else Tubby needs to reshape/shuffle his staff. Bring in a proven assistant coach who can relate to and motivate his players if he or no one else on his staff can. I was thrilled when Tubby was hired, but the thrill is gone. I think the new AD should give him one more year and if there is no major improvement, send him packing and bring in an energetic younger coach who can recruit better players and help them improve their game, they are out there.

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Couldn't have put it better Huskie. I'm all for giving people 2nd chances and dealing with the bureaucratic political mess that has become the U is no picnic. However, there comes a time and I agree, next year should be it. Careful codydog or I will whack you with my spiked tail! grin

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" And how many times did we just weave around until 8 seconds to shoot?..."

THATS TUBBYS OFFENSE!! Alot of passing around the top of the key wasting time, alot of confusion and then someone jacking up a mickey mouse shot... Its been that way since the day he arrived, and thats a fact! Should be called the dry heave offense, cuz its enough to make me gag, thats for sure.

Tubbys best year so far was with Monsons players! It was the same in Kentucky when he won a title with the previous coaches players. If he doesnt show some sign of SOMETHING next year he can get lost for all i care. And whoever was talking about him needing new assistant coaches- I couldnt agree more. For some reason, son SOL just really doesnt do anything for me....

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Wowie! Looking at the highlights (I know, what highlights?) apparently the effort was a lot like the afterbirth I've been fishing out of the lambing pens this weekend: Ugly, sloppy, cold and without a pulse! grin

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Sorry, I'm at the point of apathy. Ralphie went 1-11, Rodney took 2 shots. No reason for me to turn them on anymore. I think 2013 might be interesting, but these guys aren't even trying to show heart, tenacity, or grit or trying to get better. That doesn't bode well for next year. In the beatings that Indiana took for three years, they were gritty and guys showed improvement. I'm not seeing the same thing here, so a rise from the ashes scenario isn't' very likely.

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And then Tubby has the audacity to rip his players to the media. Now granted, they deserve criticism, but that is surely the pot calling the kettle black. I dont believe a head coach should make a habit (see Hoffarber last year) of publically criticizing his players. And not once has he taken any of the blame himself. his team was not ready to play, period, and that is the coaches job. 6-21 in his last 27 Big Ten games. wow. I was glad to hear there were some boos.

Now on Sampson and Rodney....they just aren't great college players. Both would be fine as the 5th best player you put on the court or the first off the bench. But you cant ask a plow horse to win a race with thoroughbreds. and if you cant recruit thoroughbreds and you cant turn them into thoroughbreds, then you shouldnt be coaching.

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No 20 Wins for Tubby 2 years in a row! Ugh, DVR'd the game and saw the final score on ESPN. I just deleted it. Here comes another L when we go to WI.

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Tubby rips his players, yet hes the one that recruited them.... So in essence, hes ripping himself. Maybe try coaching them up instead of ripping them, since your the one that wanted them there in the first place Tubby, just an idea.

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Yet another chance slips away, I guess I'm a glutton for punishment for even watching. Could have run away with it in the first half, instead they stumbled into a rare halftime lead. Of course Taylor gets going in the 2nd half. It was like watching the same game against Wisconsin from earlier in the year where they were terrible in the first half and Minnesota couldn't capitialize.

5-12 in the Big Ten, I expect a win against Nebraska this weekend to get to 6.

From December 3rd:

So you're looking at a team that should be 12-1 entering conference play, but it's going to be ugly in the conference. I expect between 5 and 7 wins. They are going to have to win ugly, slow it down, mix it up games with little offense.

They aren't going to win a BTT game, so they are probably done for the year after next week.

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Stop punishing yourself da chise! It aint worth it! At this point im actually hoping tubby takes a job somewhere else (who would want him?) cuz they wont fire him. Hes way overpaid for what hes giving in return. It may be a pipe dream, but I hope they hire Flip if tubby leaves. At least his offense would resemble his players actually having a clue what their supposed to do. And Flip will probably be smart enough to recruit players who can actually shoot the basketball!(WHAT A CONCEPT!) What does tubby have against shooters????

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Gophers beat the Huskers as expected, little else to report. They get to play Northwestern on Thursday at 4:30 in the play in first day of the Big Ten tournament.

If they had taken care of one of the Iowa games and another of any of the handfull of games they blew down the stretch, they would be a tournament team. Just like last year, close doesn't cut it.

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Living to see another day. Actually, quite entertaining, with "I'm Not That" Sampson riding the bench. Dre was fun to watch. Wish we could have seen that zone penetration a lot more this winter.

Almost feeling sorry for Northwestern, especially after turning in such a horrible OT. (Reminded me of some other team...) They'll probably will be watching everyone else dancin'... again.

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yep you gotta feel bad for NW... they are a bunch of nice guys and always the underdog. I was frankly quite glad to see MN win though, much rather face you guys than NW again

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Dont really blame you there GoBlu... Mn is pretty much incapable of playing two good games in a row. Only chance the gophs have is if Michigan looks past them and doesnt show up.

It was nice to see Dre Hollins play like that though.... Makes me think the gophs actually have a chance to be decent next year if Mbakwe is allowed to play

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well...... it was a valiant effort. One could only guess they would find a way to lose. The way dre hollins is playing is very encouraging for next year. I would think that was enough for the gophs to lock up a spot in the NIT baby! (nobodys interested tourney)

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I agree. A few things about this and future seasons:

1. Ed Hightower needs to go away. This overrated official is well past his prime and should retire. The call on Austin Hollins fouling him out was simply embarassing as were his no-calls at other times. And, after seeing some of the junk that went on in the Gopher hockey game last night, I coulda swore Eddie had laced up some skates and officiated that too! wink

2. The amount of time being spent on replays is getting ridiculous. It disrupts the flow of the games and stretches them out to the point where it's almost like keeping them on life-support indefinitely. Old guys like me need to go to the bathroom frequently but not that frequently. That and I tend to snack more as a result. I'll make market weight by Final 4 time if this keeps up. frown

3. If Tubby doesn't put a better product on the floor next season, he needs to go. Will be waiting with bated breath to see who decides to transfer after this latest fiasco. The good news : Ralph Sampson can't come back! grin

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chise, I like the enthusiasm. It flies in the face of all of the jabber about "Not In Tournament," "Not the Interesting Tournament, "You can't spell Minnesota without N-I-T"... smile

In 2002 (wow, ten years ago), a buddy and I made the 3 hour+ drive down and back to join around 8,000 others in the Barn to see the Gophs trounce New Mexico in an NIT First Round game. Sure, it didn't have that same Barnyard atmosphere, but we had our pick of seats just a few rows behind the bench, enjoyed hearing plays being called out, had our fill of cheerleader action out on the raised floor, and belted out the Rouser with gusto. Got a lot of puzzled looks when we talked about doing it, but glad we did.

Go Gophers!

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NIT Sweet 16 baby! tired

Justin Cobbs' 1 point in 25 minutes knocks out the Golden Bears. Devoe Joseph's 25 last night means Oregon also advances in the NIT.

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Sucks that it took this long and a ralph sampson injury for these guys to start looking like a real basketball team. I cant believe im saying this, but i am actually starting to look forward to next year, especially if Mbakwe is with them! Eliason, Mbakwe, Williams and the Hollins brothers is starting to look like a pretty good starting lineup! With coleman and welsch coming off the bench and hopefully a couple good recruits the gophs could have a chance to finish in the top 5 of the big ten next year if all goes well. The only thing is how will Rodney be if he is forced to move back to small forward?? Hes just starting to show signs of improvement and figuring out how to use all his athleticism!

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Sucks that it took this long and a ralph sampson injury for these guys to start looking like a real basketball team. I cant believe im saying this, but i am actually starting to look forward to next year, especially if Mbakwe is with them! Eliason, Mbakwe, Williams and the Hollins brothers is starting to look like a pretty good starting lineup! With coleman and welsch coming off the bench and hopefully a couple good recruits the gophs could have a chance to finish in the top 5 of the big ten next year if all goes well. The only thing is how will Rodney be if he is forced to move back to small forward?? Hes just starting to show signs of improvement and figuring out how to use all his athleticism!

Isn't this what we all said last year!!!!! Although I find myself agreeing with it again.

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Tough to watch Royce White be the best player on the court against Kentucky last night. Tubby could have had a sweet 16 team with him two years ago. If only somebody would have bought him a pair of jeans and a laptop.

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