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Jerkbait fails to cash in!!!!


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Grazed the spine? That'll send a shock wave thru em'! I've spined a number of deer and dropped em' dead in their tracks when I thought they'd have run.

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My frst bear was with a bow an the arrow was a little high an a little far back, nothing was touched. Liver, lungs, heart, ect. all internal organs were fine as a frogs hair, couldnt figure out what killed this bear as it died 30 yrds behind my stand, turns out after talking an reasearch that I hit the main arterie under the spine, an it bled out in almost seconds, the scene of almost a blood bath where he died was testamony to that. Boar

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Well, I have a new bear coming in on another site. Not as large as the other one, but it is a fat bugger. Hopefully I can get redemption this weekend. full-18080-1167-bear6.jpg





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Alrighty then, good luck JB, I'd shoot it, good bear. The nice thing about bear hunting is the bear is there for a reason, not like a deer in the woods where most times it just keeps walking, give the bear time to settle in an start to feed, this gives you time to relax an ease your heart rate an think about the shot. Good luck on your redemtion bud. Is this site close to home too? Boar

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Not as close, 7-8 miles from home. It is a spot along Cty Rd 8 on the way to Zipple. This is not the cedars that we talked about in earlier posts. I did put one in those cedars, but no hits. A friend here at work has had bear in those cedars though in the past. It is amazing how much a person learns about areas as you start talking to different people. Thanks to you and Lichen also for nudging me to hunt upnorth closer to home instead of heading down into the forest. Much less compitition up here.

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Boy wish I had one that close, my closest is about 15-20, when the kids are outa school here the wife an I planning on moveing up there, I know I could hunt bear on mark an rebeca bailey land if i wanted to, I have a trailer in their lot, but just a tad to far, some day I'll have land there. anywho good luck Boar

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Boar. That is what got me into bear hunting, living up here got me thinking about it a little more. We moved up here in 2006 from Becker. All my sites were within a 7-8 mile radius and I am just getting warmed up. As more days go by I see other areas I would like to try in the future.

As for the bear, baited last night and swapped the card. the bear was a no show Wednesday. I had baited Monday and then again on Wednesday. The wife thinks I screwed up because I didn't bait on Teusday. I geuss we'll see, plan to bait again tonight and maybe hunt tomorrow evening. I would think it will come back. Coons cleaned it out Wednesday night.

How goes your hunting for #2?

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He'll be back, that seems to be a common occurance when a bear first encounters a site, after the first time it might be aday or two or three before he figures out "hey there was some food at this one place" an then it's more regular, my experience anyway. #2 has been slow, my river bottom, I've been just checking every two to three days an freshinning up the site, I'm not worried, in all the times I've hunted that site, having taken a bear of it or not, it's always been toren up before the season ends.I have one site 40 miles away that is dry too, tthe others i've shut down. It cant be to much longer an they'll start moving more, if ya dont get this one, try an keep going into the later season, if ya do take that lastest bear, keep your cameras up an see what wanders thru, you might be in for a real beast. Also a bud of mine form work gave three of his bear quarters, cause he's butchering a cow an hog so he dont need that much meat, pluse deer hunting, so a added bonus for me. Good luck, cant wait for ice, these cold temps are starting to turn my attention. Boar

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Stay focused bud!!! Ice will be hear soon enough. Well good news, the bear I missed last Friday showed back up in the bait last night, or should I say early morning today. He was there from 1:51 am until 3:37 am. Cleaned out the bait. Any words of advice. I know getting him to show in daylight will be the trick now.

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JB there was a bear spotted near Rochester and I swear that was the bear you missed, thinking he was headed for the next county after that night. HA HA Take your time dont pressure him too much. Still plenty season left. Good luck

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Ok then thats great, I'd let things just play out for a few days to see what he dose. If he stays on a nocturnal feed some guys like to pull the bait, I myself would do a bacon burn, go to dougs an get some cheap bacon several pounds, the best stuff is the red box of bacon trimmings for a bout five bucks or so, go home a cook it all up an save the grease. Get a metel coffe can, an a soup can. Poke holes just under the rim of the big coffee can so you can run wire hange pieces criss crossing to hold up the soup can, get a sterno. I like to make a slot on the the botom of the big can to slide the sterno in, not nessecary. Place sterno in bottom of big can, put your hanger pices thru, an set your soup can with bacon grease on top. well light your sterno first. You can set anything on the big can to hold up the soupcan, a grate of sorts even a small pot filled with bacon grease will work, my first bear was a night feeder, hunted him till the end of Sept. did a burn an he came in on a string at about 7:00 Good luck Boar.

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How much bait ya giving him, ya say he cleaned it out right. Before any tricks or feed alteration, I would see what he dose over the next few days. Anyone else's thoughts. Boar

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He is getting half of a 5 gal. pail of bait. I put a couple inches of oats and corn in, then some frier grease to saok in to that, then I have been putting in a coffee can full of cookie dough and a coffee can full of granula mix. I top that off with a bag of some kind chips. Yes he was and did clean out the bait. Last night the wifey and I baked up some brownies (bonus buys from Doug's). I am going to add those in to the mix. I was also thinking of waiting to try and hunt him again, feed him for awhile and get him comfy, hopefully. I am thinking maybe mid week next week or wait until Friday. Good or bad?

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Here is some thing to think about, see if you can find some po op from that lesser bear on the other site, collect it a zip bag. when you bait the origional site, put that po op at the crib area an lesson the amount of feed to about a third, this might pis s off the bigger bear an come earlier to defend his food source. Something to think about for now. But for now, what id do is watch the camera, every day now feed him, if he shows at daylight by mid week for sure hunt him. If he continues to go by night, or early A.M I think I would put out half the bait your using on Thursday, an hunt as early as you can on Friday with a bacon burn to draw him in. Did he show last night? Keep an I on him an see what pattern developes.

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Say boar, do you think its easier to get the bear to come in earlier say 7 pm or later like early morning. I was thinking depending on the time you bait. If you skip baiting that night then bait early next morning. Maybe you could condtion him to come in the morning after the site it baited, then do two in and one out. I almost had to try that but never got that far. Anyones thoughts on that.

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My opinion on that would be not to change a routine, bears can be very touchy on change, even a bait change in variety. I actually tried what explained, two years ago, I had a early mourning feeder 4-5 AM, I baited at 430 PM. so I tried to bait in the mournning before work, bumped him of the pile, picture showed him at 620 an the next picture was me at 625. Never saw him again. Some bear are just nocturnal an theres nothing you can do about it, they pretty much die of old age. Some can be turned, some guys like to pull the bait when they hunt, when they are done hunting they take the bait with them, this can condition the bear to come in early to get the goodies, can, not always. Burns are very effective, but the more you burn them the less effective they are in my opinion, I like to save a burn for like JB case, a bear that was a daytime bear but now is a gun shy, no pun intended, once he gets comfertable around the site again chances are a burn can draw him in, especially if he's hungry hence cutting back on the food some. As long as there is food he aint going anywhere. Who knows maybe JB's bear will just adjust back, stranger things have happend. These are just my opinions based on my expereience, an i'm no expert. Hope I dont come off that way. Boar

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As I read my last post before yours it sounds like I'm contradicting myself, keep bating the same. But hunting early or evening is'nt changing a routine. Boar

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Boar, the bear was back around 9:00pm Friday night and spent alot of time there, until like 3:00am something, kind like he did before. When I baited yesterday(sunday) the bear was a no show on Saturday. I am afraid with all the bird hunters up here this weekend he may have skidaddled. I will have to wait and see if the quieter days during the week allow him to return. If it does I will try a burn on Friday, or maybe a nice afternoon after work, try and beat the weekend crowd. The local Grouse hunters that I know pretty much stick to the snowmobile trail on their wheelers or golf carts. Just have to wait and see if he comes back I guess.

PS. The lesser bear at the other site has not been back yet either, no [PoorWordUsage] that I can see.

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Yea, that tough when the Orange army start to invade. I thinks thats a good plan to try during quiet times with a burn, good luck Boar

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Thanks, Now it's a wait and see game. I was way to under the weather yesterday(no work for me) to go bait, so I will see tonight.

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Weird I was sick from work yeaterday to. keep me posted, I'm living vicariously thru you hunt since I cant seem to get much to happen here, but 27 days to go, one day at a time. Boar

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Gonna hang my beaver rug today, hopefully the rain stopes, been suc ky, I grease up an it rains, i grease up an it rains, frustrating. So today I'm gona grease up with my beaver an see what happens. Good luck boar

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I greased up with my beaver last night, and the rain didn't bother us a bit!

I'm sorry, that wasn't very appropriate. Just laughing with ya' buddy. Not at ya'. laugh

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We've had nine hit total, out of 12...Had five hit yesterday when we checked...pulled one...will pull the other two that haven't been hit on Saturday, (if they are not hit)....So, then we'll be down to nine...Hopefully get on a bait or two to hunt this weekend...it's really picked up for us this last week...the bears are on the move again...heading closer to den area's and looking for the last food sources to be had!! Here we go!

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Fox, I was just thinking about you and how your baiting was going. It was looking good for me until this last weekend, seems like with all the birds hunters around the bears moved out. I was hoping with the less active week days that they would move back in, but not yet. If you have extra bears I would be willing to help ya wink.

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