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Theif River Falls October

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Looking for any kind of general info. on fishing and hunting in the Theif River Falls area. I am planining a trip with the girlfriend for the 1st weekend in Oct. We are going to take in the goose festival. Canada hunting trips are getting too far and expensive and I am looking for a trip in my own state. I would like to do a little grouse hunting and do some scouting for next year to duck and goose hunt. I live on the Mississippi and don't get much opportunitty to hunt in fields. If anyone can give me their opinions if I am on the right track let me know. One thing that I found info on last year but had to cancel was walleye fishing on the Red Lake river for walleyes. I was told that fishing from shore was possible and that it was quite succesful in Oct. It is near a Dam that has a campground near it. Any help on that topic would be greatly appreciated.

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There is a campground somewhat near the dam. It's right near the Dairy Queen and Armory on the edge of town. Some good fishing withint walking distance from there, and the dam is a short drive from the campground. You can access pieces of the river along the entire highway out toward St. Hilaire from there. It's clean and decent.

As for hunting, good luck getting anyone's grouse spots out of them. There's plenty of public land, WMA's, etc.. to be had. Just pick up a PRIM map from the DNR and go to town. When you get north of town be prepared to drive a bit, and walk a ton for some good bird-hunting. Well worth it if you step into the right pocket though!

Feel free to ask more specific questions, I'm sure you'll get answers here...

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Great choice for a vacation/hunting/fishing spot, Brad. If I'm available while you're in town I could offer some help with the river and hunting opportunities.

Just let me know what you wanna do. I'm more than happy to help you out.

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Thanks for your help. I didn't mean to sound like I was looking for specific spots to hunt. I'm really excited about doing some shore fishing. I haven't done it in years. It's going to be nice to not pull the boat all the way up for once. looking for a relaxing vacation for once. going through a stage where I'am trying to simplify things. Is must of the waterfowl hunting on private land or public. Not planning to hunt that weekend more or less lucking to do some scouting for next year. Canopy Sam i'll get in touch with you when our plans are finalized.


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Brad. Happy to help.

Just an FYI. You may catch a few walleyes, cats, and smallies from shore, but I'd be more prepared to either do a little wading in the river, or do a little canoeing. If you can bring up a bucket of frogs you'll up your odds of filleting a few fish immensely.

The fish are scattered out in our river, semi-concentrated in some areas, just like in any river. You often have to get to them to have measureable success.

Sure can relate to the simplifying of things. Been doing it for years myself. Still have the passion for hunting and fishing hard-core. Just don't have the time, energy or resources to go at it like I did when I was 20! Har har har... sleep

There's tons of land to hunt grouse up north, and all around this area. Miles of gravel roads, and logging roads winding thru prime habitat. You won't need specific locations to enjoy a nice walk, and perhaps bag a few birds. Sharptail populations are doing very well too!

I look forward to meeting you.

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Duck and goose hunting is great on private land, as well as public land. You've got Agassiz and Thief Lake just north of town. Both hold good numbers of birds, and there are hunting opportunities near/in both places.

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Matt. Did your bear come back? She's raining cats and dogs out here this morning, and someone just told me it's gonna keep coming till tomorrow morning. Gonna get sloppy out there!

The farmers will hate me for saying this, but I hope we've got good standing water when the ducks start coming down!

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Bears have been coming back in for awhile now. Gotta get them back on pattern and get back up there. May not be until grouse opener, when I'm up at the cabin for 3 days. Tough to miss the evening push for sharpies headed to roost though... so many decisions... wink

I hope harvest starts early myself. Ducks don't do much for me, so I'd like to see the beans taken out so the sharps and huns can't hide as easily!

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